Tuesday, 2015-08-11

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Zaraohhhhh, so the subscriptions object (predicably) contains just the subscriptions, not a list of things with a 'subscribed or not' field. I got confused because I accidentally subscribed to everything in the list while hacking around, then wondered how it could find whether you were subscribed to a resource or not if all items were in the subscriptions list but there was nothing about subscription status within that list.10:40
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ZaraI have no idea if that makes any sense but tl;dr: I am a bad role-model. :D10:42
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Zaraoh hey, ng-repeat is a 'for...in' that you can do straight on the html templtae... cool12:30
Zaraerm, *template.  still, cool.12:31
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* SotK finally gets round to setting up a public instance of his work on worklists/boards so far14:48
SotKgo to for excitement!14:49
SotKYou'll need to log in though, since the worklist API can only be used by authenticated users14:49
SotKhttp://!/dashboard/worklists will display any worklists created by you14:49
SotK(the locations of everything in this UI are just for testing)14:50
Zaraah, it works14:51
Zarawell, kinda, anyway14:51
SotKheh, its very "kinda" at the moment14:52
Zarawhich is waaaaaaaay ahead of me! :D14:52
Zarayeah, some of the button-oddness looks familiar from when I was shifting project groups around14:52
Zara(ie: where it updates the worklist but the form doesn't disappear and it seems like it hasn't worked)14:54
SotKyeah, I forgot it did that then remembered as soon as I posted the link...14:54
Zara:D you might be able to find a fix in the edit form code, since it looks like it's similar14:55
Zarabut idk14:55
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* SotK improves the modal misbehaviour15:16
Zarafrom the project_list template (and so on), I want to go 'get subscriptions object. for each project, if project_id matches a target_id in the subscriptions object, display a filled star. else, display an empty one'.15:22
Zaraso far I've managed to get a couple of filled stars floating nicely above the list, next to their project IDs, so it's progress. :D15:24
Zarabut I'm still not sure how to get everything accessible from a place where I can compare it, before sending the results back to the project_list template.15:25
SotKI guess you need to have that subscriptions object as something like `$scope.subscriptions` in ProjectListController15:29
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SotKthen a function that takes a project id and looks for it in that object, say `$scope.findSubscription(project_id)` in ProjectListController15:30
SotKthen you can use ng-if="findSubscription(project.id)" or ng-show="findSubscription(project.id)" on something inside the ng-repeat in the list template to conditionally show a filled or empty star15:32
Zaraahh, I'd started by putting my $scope.subscriptions (well, $scope.subby) in the subscribe directive, then was accessing it via a <subscribe></subscribe> in the project list....15:34
Zarahaving it in the ProjectListController sounds more sensible, though that means repeating it for stories and other things15:35
Zarabut that'd still be preferable to the current soa imo15:35
ZaraI'm guessing there's probably a nice way of splitting it off, but I'd need to learn more about angular scope, so I'd like to at least get an ugly solution to start with.15:37
SotKyeah, I'm not sure how sharing the subscriptions object between each instance of the subscribe directive would work if it was created in the subscribe directive's scope15:38
Zaraif I've understood right, it's different depending on where you accessed it from. currently the templates pass resource-type and so on to the things in the directive, so you'd say <subscribe resource="project"></subscribe> in project_list.html, and then that GETs an object that's a list of all the subscribed projects.15:44
ZaraI might have completely misunderstood the question, though15:44
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