Thursday, 2014-10-30

krotscheckzaro: Then don’t - it’s there as a convenience tool.00:00
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zarokrotscheck: so i still don't know how to make tests use my personal remote mysql db.  is there a way to do that?00:06
krotscheckzaro: I’m afraid not. It uses the defaults from openstack_citest which assumes
krotschecki.e. it’s hardcoded.00:07
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jedimikemaybe I'm being dumb, but I can't see how the api supports pagination. You can supply a limit, but no offset to start at. If I want a page size of 10, and to get back the 100th page, I'd have to get back 1000 results and only render the last 10...?12:37
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yolandayes, i saw that as well14:01
yolandai didn't see any pagination samples in our code14:01
jedimikethere's a pagination story for the api, it's marked as done, but i can't see how it could be done, the api can't paginate14:01
jedimikeso wondering if I'm missing something14:01
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jedimikeyolanda, i watched about 6 hours of angular talks yesterday to get up to speed with controllers, services, directives, etc. :)14:02
yolandanice! you know more than me then, i just read some tutorials and started coding things14:02
yolandai got one change merged yesterday, i'm happy about it14:03
yolandaand i need to correct another one, just a simple reverse of order pending, but i've been super busy this week14:03
jedimikei'm pretty confident with it now, I have the front end able to change page, but I can't see how the backend supports it14:03
yolandai really like how storyboard encapsulates the jquery stuff, for lots of my code i should have dealt with the DOM, jquery show/hide... and in angular it looks so clean14:04
jedimikeyeah it's pretty nice once you understand how the injection and directives work14:04
jedimike`scope: true` doesn't quite work how I expected though, but there aren't too many examples of using that out there. People seem to prefer explicitly defining the scope14:05
jedimikeyolanda, so at the moment I have an input where you type in the page number, just to get the directive working :) but has a load of directives for rendering all kinds of ui stuff, including pagers :D14:07
jedimikeso I'm not too worried about the presentation right now, more about getting the api calls working14:08
jedimikeso I'll probably refactor the pagination code anyway, put it into a decorator so that we're not repeating the same paginate_query call over and over in the codebase14:18
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NikitaKonovalovjedimike: the pagination is now supported through marker and limit parameters16:02
jedimikeNikitaKonovalov, ah! What is "marker"? Is that the same as offset?16:03
NikitaKonovalovmarker is an id of the last record that should be skipped from the begining of the list16:03
jedimikethanks :)16:03
jedimikethat makes the ui slightly more complex...16:04
NikitaKonovalovthe records are returned ordered by id which is an incrementing automatically16:04
NikitaKonovalovuntill you set another order field and direction16:04
jedimikeah! that makes more sense :)16:04
jedimikeso, just like LIMIT ... OFFSET would work16:04
NikitaKonovalovif the records are never removed, then marker and the offset have the same sense16:06
NikitaKonovalovbut we do delete objects, so if you repeat a query with the same marker it still returns the result even if some objects with lower id have been deleted16:07
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NikitaKonovalovthe absolute offset in this case will return a different result16:08
jedimikeNikitaKonovalov, so is it just like ROWNUM in oracle, or OFFSET in postgres?16:08
NikitaKonovalovjedimike: unfortunately i've never worked with either oracle or postgres16:11
jedimikeNikitaKonovalov, I tried to get this url: /v1/stories?limit=10&marker=5&sort_dir=asc&sort_field=id&status=active but the marker parameter has no effect16:12
NikitaKonovalovjedimike: are you runnig StoryBoard locally, or you're sending requests to storyboard.o.o?16:13
jedimikeNikitaKonovalov, sorry, ignore that, it was cached :)16:13
jedimikethank you :)16:13
jedimikeyolanda, it's marker, not offset :)16:13
jedimikemust be an SqlAlchemy term16:14
krotscheckIt’s an oslo thing16:14
jedimikesorry, i'm trying this out and it's not making sense to me16:18
jedimikeif I specify maker=10, will that start at the tenth result?16:19
jedimikemarker=10, even16:20
* jedimike switches on query logging to see what's going on :)16:26
krotscheckjedimike: If your first page result comes back with [{id:1},{id:5},{id:7}], and you then set marker=5, then you will get back [{id:7}]16:43
krotscheckjedimike: It’s supposed to go off of record ID, not off of page number.16:43
krotscheck(Mind you, it might not work? But I do have test coverage on it)16:43
jedimikekrotscheck, so it's the primary key of the record?16:43
krotscheckjedimike: yep16:44
jedimikedoesn't that make for some hideous sql, because you can't just say where (OFFSET|ROWNUM) > n16:46
jedimikeas soon as you order by anything but id, you have to do horrible things, don't you?16:47
krotscheckjedimike: Depends on the database. You’d have to dig into oslo.db to determine the details.16:47
jedimikei'm unclear why we're using the id as a marker and not using the built in offset capabilities of the database16:48
krotscheckI’m not really concerned at this time about supporting that, given how many abstraction layers are between us and raw SQL.16:48
krotscheckjedimike: Ok, assume that you’re paging through a rapidly changing data set, and you’re on page 500, and somewhere in pages 1-500 a bunch of records are deleted.16:49
krotscheckSo you refresh the page to see your changes and the entire data set changes.16:49
krotscheckbecause you used offset16:50
krotscheckBut if instead you think of paging as “Ok, I want all records after this one” then the location in the pages doesn’t really matter.16:50
jedimikeyes, and you have the same problems navigating pages going backwards because on each page, you have to retrieve the previous page as well to get the marker16:50
krotscheckAnd changes to the UI are restricted to the ones that directly impact the records you’re working on.16:50
jedimikeand that can change16:50
jedimikeso going forward through pages, that's fine, going backwards is more work and more queries and still volatile16:51
jedimikeand if you refresh the page, the only record guaranteed to be the same is the first one on the page16:52
krotscheckjedimike: I don’t really feel this is the right venue for this discussion, want to bounce over to #openstack-oslo?16:52
jedimikeyeah :)16:52
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krotscheckNikitaKonovalov: Bug in production, with test coverage:
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