Saturday, 2014-03-29

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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: [WIP] Tag input control
cody-somervillekrotscheck: Hey. If I click on a story title or description then click off, the text changes to 'undefined'.03:20
persiaFor my testing, I'm using a different API server than web server (so not  Is there an easy way to have grunt pull the value from a config file?  My current workflow involves cherry-picking my Gruntfile.js changes for server:cluster onto each patchset I review.03:23
persiacody-somerville: Are you using firefox?  If so, may help03:23
cody-somervilleah, thanks.03:24
persiakrotscheck: What is the tag UI supposed to do?  It only shows tags on my master project list, and while I can add/remove, they don't seem to do anything else.03:30
persia(which makes sense, given the code)03:30
persiaBut what doesn't make sense is why I would want tags there at all, rather than for individual projects or stories.03:30
persiaOh, nevermind.  Missed the WIP tag.03:31
krotscheckcody-somerville: THat’s a firefox bug that the conteneditable fix is for04:42
krotscheckpersia: The tagging is for multiple different things- statuses, project assignments, search filters, role assignment, etc.04:43
persiaRight.  The part that didn't make sense was where I saw changes, and what they did.  Once I noticed WIP, I realised you'd probably focused on making something work, and were planning to make it appear useful later before updating the change.04:44
krotscheckpersia: Grunt can take both commandline parameters and ENV parameters. I’m not certain adding those kinds of overrides into the gruntfile are super useful though - at least, not unless _everything_ can be overridden from the commandline.04:45
krotscheckpersia: In which case we end up in the situation of ‘It’s too pluggable to be useful'04:45
persiaHow about supporting server:env, and having that pull the server address from the environment?04:45
persiaOr server:foo, and try to resolve that as a name (so for production)?04:47
persiaHrm.  No, the latter isn't easier, because then we have to specify ports and SSL.04:48
persiaAnyway, I'm mostly just looking for a way to not rebase, not reconfigure for every pull, and not add cruft to the master repo.04:52
persiaFor the API server, ./etc/storyboard.conf isn't git-tracked: I have to manually merge changes from storyboard.conf.sample if they happen, but mostly just fetch and test if I want to play.04:52
persiaI'm more than happy to implement something, but guidance on what sort of thing seems sensible would be appreciated.04:53
krotscheckI don’t expect the configuration to change that often. I’ve got mine copied to global /etc/storyboard.conf, so it doesn’t get overwritten. Most everything else should have sane defaults, no?04:54
persiaAm I missing something key then?  I have the impression that I need to configure the webclient UI to know where to find the API server if I'm using the grunt-driven proxy.04:55
persiaBut I don't know how to do that configuration somewhere that isn't being git-tracked.04:56
krotscheckpersia: Urm - well the dev biuld makes the assumption that you’re running storyboard-api from the dev tox environment.04:56
persiaI am running it from *a* dev tox environment, just not the same one :)04:56
krotscheckRight, and the host listens on
persiaSo I suppose I'd like to fix that assumption, but wanted some guidance on a way to do it that wasn't insane.04:57
persiaThe API host listens on  The grunt-driven UI server only listens on  I tunnel my browser requests from my desktop to that server with ssh.04:57
krotscheckOh. Hrm.04:59
krotscheckI’d say, update the grunt connect plugin to 0.7.0 or greater.04:59
krotscheckAnd then get rid of the explicit IP binding05:00
krotscheckWiat, no05:00
krotscheckThat won’t work05:00
persiaYeah, that's solving the browser<->grunt part :)05:00
krotscheckWhy exaclty do you have it set up in such a complex fashion anyway?05:00
persiaSeparation of concerns.  Three parts (DB, API, UI), means I have three servers.05:00
persiaThat way I have more confidence that various magic bits (grunt, tox, pip, etc.) can't change things other than the one under test.05:01
persiaI suppose I could just set up a webserver, and only use grunt to build dist/, and serve that and have a constant rewrite to handle the API proxy.05:02
krotscheckYeah, sorry, that’s needlessly complex. The webclient is designed to be served off of the same host as the API - we haven’t implemented CORS support after all.05:02
persiaThen I suppose I'll just install the webserver.05:04
persiaTo confirm, I would then use grunt build to update dist/ for new branches?05:05
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make build slightly less chatty
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fixed #37, project UI shows edit buttons when not superuser.
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Remove unimplemented features in list view.
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