Tuesday, 2023-09-05

arnemeJust started looking into StarlingX, and from what I have seen so far it looks very interesting. I will now try to install StarlingX to see it "in real life". Looking at the installation part for a all in one virtual setup there are two things that I am wondering about. The first thing is related to the section with heading "Physical host requirements and setup", and the question is: Do I really need a physical host (i.e. can it not be a 09:00
arnemea relatively large server that I use to instanciate virtual machines on, but it is running the latest version of Debian. The second part (and I must admit that it worries me a bit), is that in the same section it is stated that the physical machine needs to run Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Is this really true? This release of Ubuntu was ages ago.... (well, to be presise, it was released in 2016, but in our world that is a very long time ago :-) )09:01

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