Tuesday, 2020-05-12

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sgwMorning all13:18
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stampederGood morning all.13:55
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sgwstampeder: how goes your duplex install?13:57
stampederIt failed again last night. Same error that it could not save the system configuration. I am currently redoing the install in order to capture the log file.13:59
stampedersgw: Here is the error I am getting at the end of the ansible bootstrap: fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to provision initial system configuration."}. I'm sending a pm with the ansible.log file.15:22
stampedersgw: Sent the ansibile.log file to the email address.15:29
sgwstampeder: is this a 3.0 failure or the 4/15 ISO?  As I mentioned before, master is unstable (especially right now) and the 4/15 failed sanity.15:31
stampederThis is definitely 3.0 iso dated 12/19/2019.....###### StarlingX###     Release 19.12###OS="centos"SW_VERSION="19.12"BUILD_TARGET="Host Installer"BUILD_TYPE="Formal"BUILD_ID="r/stx.3.0"JOB="STX_BUILD_3.0"BUILD_BY="starlingx.build@cengn.ca"BUILD_NUMBER="21"BUILD_HOST="starlingx_mirror"BUILD_DATE="2019-12-13 02:30:00 +0000"controller-0:~$ Cheers.15:33
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sgwIt looks like the actual issue is this error15:35
sgw"cgtsclient.exc.HTTPInternalServerError: Remote error: AddressNotFoundByName Address could not be found for controller-oam",15:35
sgwAre you naming sometime controller-oem ?15:38
bwensleyDoes your localhost.yml have these: external_oam_node_0_address: <OAM-CONTROLLER-0-IP-ADDRESS>15:44
bwensleyexternal_oam_node_1_address: <OAM-CONTROLLER-1-IP-ADDRESS>15:44
sgwDyslex'ed the oam vs oem!15:46
stampedersgw: no.15:48
stampederMy duplex localhost.yml15:50
stampedersystem_mode: duplexdns_servers:system_mode: duplex  -  - adminadmin_password: G833ranch%ansible_become_pass: G833ranch%#15:50
stampederAdd these lines to configure Docker to use a proxy server# docker_http_proxy: http://my.proxy.com:1080# docker_https_proxy: https://my.proxy.com:1443# docker_no_proxy:#   -
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stampedersgw: Any thoughts on why this is failing?17:51
sgwstampeder: sorry, no I was hoping bwensley might chime in, your contents seems correct17:53
stampedersgw: That is why I don't understand what is happening. It's the 3.0 build iso that is posted for download. Hopefully bwensley will have some valuable information.17:58
sgwI know that I have deploy 3.0 as duplex multiple times and not seen any issue like this.18:03
bwensleyI think I see it - you used the same address for external_oam_floating_address and external_oam_node_0_address.18:03
bwensleyThose need to be different. We should probably detect that and give a proper error.18:03
sgwSee that's why we need bart!18:03
sgwI completely missed that.18:03
bwensleyYou can raise an LP for that if you like.18:03
stampederSee, leave it up to a good Western boy to catch that. So Bart, when I did the simplex I made my eno1 both my data port and my oam port. I am assuming that in this case I could make the external_oam_floating_address and leave the external_oam_node_0_address as
bwensleyThat should be OK.18:19
sgwYes, I think that should work, I use / and
stampederOK, great. I'm off to give this a try. Us network guys tend to overthink things sometimes.18:21
stampedersgw: Once I have the duplex up, how will I deploy the Cloud?18:50
sgwstampeder: meaning controller-1 , workers and/or storage nodes?18:51
sgwonce you have the c0 provisioned and unlocked, then you put c1 on both the OAM and MGMT networks and it should PXEboot from c0 via the mgmt lan18:52
sgwthen you would set the personality, this should be in the docs for bare metal "standard" configuration18:52
stampederWhere does the deployment manager come in?18:53
sgwstampeder: dedicated vs controller storage?  Will you have storage nodes or just use the contollers for storage?18:53
stampederI'll just use the controllers for now. I want to keep it as simple as possible at first.18:54
sgwI am not following your question, are you planning to do distributed cloud?  Remote clouds?18:54
sgwso your following this doc: https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy_install_guides/r3_release/bare_metal/controller_storage.html18:54
stampederI want to do what I refer to as a single area (area 0). This will contain controller-0, 1 and a couple of workers. Like a bank with Headquarter hub and a couple of branch locations (spokes).18:59
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sgwOk let's try that again pidgin hung on me19:07
sgwstampeder: so your spokes would be an AIO or small cloud (duplex with a couple of workers), this is what we call Distributed Cloud: https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy_install_guides/r3_release/distributed_cloud/index.html19:08
bwensleySaul - no distributed cloud needed.19:09
bwensleyWe support an AIO-DX config with worker nodes added.19:09
sgwNo I think he is talked about a HQ / Branch setup, won't that be distcloud?19:11
stampederbwensley: How much work would it take to create small "demo" package with AIO simplex that could support 3 or 4 worker nodes?19:11
stampedersgw: Not sure how you classify distcloud. We call it a Hub and Spoke architecture. A Distributed cloud would be more like Verizon's VCP with many geographic areas and High Availability to my mind.19:13
sgwstampeder: I have to defer to someone more knowledgeable about distcloud and deployments.  I know my limits and primarily an OS guy!19:24
stampederTASK [bootstrap/bringup-essential-services : Mark the bootstrap as completed] ***changed: [localhost]PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************localhost                  : ok=253  changed=149  unreachable=0    failed=019:30
stampederColour me a happy camper!!19:30
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