Tuesday, 2019-05-14

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dirkmarj: ah, okay, that's actually true, defining a base distribution is an admin operation. I wonder if we need that or if we could just import all of it for now05:39
dirkI can ping my favorite admin though05:39
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sgwMorning all14:28
dpenney_good morning, Saul!14:28
sgwdirk: I know you setup your copy of the fault stuff to use Clould:OpenStack:Rocky, but I am not finding the magic place to do that14:29
sgwdirk: is it via a osc meta command or directly editing the _buildconfig-SLE_12_SP4 file?14:29
sgwdirk: I figured out how to add the Rocky packages to my SLE_12_SP4 Repo, but the build is still excluded, I added and changed the spec files yesterday and commited them to my home:saulwold/stx-fault project, suggestions welcome  The local builds from command line seem to work correctly.14:51
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marosaleshi team, I don't know if dirk or someone with OBS knowledge is here16:11
marosalesI'm packaging an stx projects that depends on another stx project, I have the first dependency already on OBS here https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:marcelarosalesj/fm-common16:11
marosalesnow I need this project https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:marcelarosalesj/fm-mgr to see those packages16:12
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sgwmarosales: I worked this out for the local builds, using the osc build -p /tmp/<dir that contains fm-common-devel.rpm> SLE_12_SP4 fm-mgr.spec16:25
sgwmarosales: I have not worked it out for OBS server compile16:25
sgwmarosales: if you look at my home:saulwold/stx-fault you will see a better example16:26
marosalesdid you use upstream fm-mgr.spec?16:28
sgwmarosales: see the fm-mgr.spec that I changed in the above OBS project.16:29
sgwAlso I figured out how to add the Cloud:OpenStack:Rocky Repo for some additional packages (I know it's not Stein, that will come later)16:31
sgwmarosales: start in your home page on OBS, select Repositiories, then edit the SLE_12_SP4 repo, from there "add additional path to this repoository" then enter Cloud:OpenStack:Rocky in the Project text box.16:33
marosalesoh, thanks! and that way one can add additional repositories16:35
marosalesI'm building right now the fm-mgr using your specfile16:36
sgwmarosales: locally or on OBS16:40
marosalesif I have two repository path, it will look on both, right? I've these two SUSE:SLE-12-SP4:GA/standard and Cloud:OpenStack:Rocky/SLE_12_SP416:40
sgwYes, I think so, if you are getting issues still maybe try to re-order and put OpenStack first, there's a button in the edit repo page16:43
dirkmarosales: I'm here now, whats the question?16:53
dirksgw: it is "excluded" because by default it looks for a file inside the package that matches the package name16:54
dirksgw: e.g. in your case it looks for stx-fault.spec inside the stx-fault package16:54
dirksgw: this file does not exist, hence it says "meh, nothing to build" and sets the state to excluded16:55
dirksgw: what you can do is create either a) a _multibuild file that lists the spec files explicitely that you want to have built or b) do a symbolic link package to the names that you want16:55
sgwdirk: so the tarballs need to match the specfile names, I thought there was a way to have 1 tarball with many specs16:55
dirke.g. osc linkpac home:saulwold/stx-fault home:saulwold/fm-common16:56
sgwcrossed typing!!16:56
dirkthen the new package fm-common would inherit the sources from stx-fault and that other "package" would start to build fm-common.spec16:56
sgwI think _multibuild is better16:56
dirksgw: see https://openbuildservice.org/help/manuals/obs-reference-guide/cha.obs.multibuild.html for details16:56
marosaleshi dirk! my question was how to setup OBS so a package fm-mgr in my repository home:marcelarosalesj can see a package fm-common in the same repository? and if it's possible to setup a different repo somewhere else16:57
dirkmarosales: so by default all packages in the same project/repository can see each other16:58
dirkmarosales: you can also inherit other project/repositories (there are multiple ways to do that=16:58
dirkmarosales: you can also inherit other project/repositories (there are multiple ways to do that)16:58
dirkthe part that is less easy to do is to import an *externally* (buidl service externally) hosted repository import.16:58
dirkmarosales: which error specifically are you currently trying to fix? this one? https://build.opensuse.org/package/live_build_log/home:marcelarosalesj/fm-mgr/SLE_12_SP4/x86_6416:59
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sgwdirk: how do I create/psuh the _multibuild file?  I tried osc ci after editing the file and it complained about it being in an inconsistent state17:12
marosalesyes, that one, let's solve one problem at a time.17:13
marosalesI have two errors now, one is with suse, the log says it didn't find g++. The other one is with debian, that one says that it cannot find fmcommon https://build.opensuse.org/package/live_build_log/home:marcelarosalesj/fm-mgr/Debian_9.0/x86_6417:15
sgwmarosales: drop debian for now please17:15
sgwfor g++ see my fm_common.spec, your missing the buildrequires17:16
marosalesokay, let's focus on suse17:16
sgwmarosales: right, let's just remove the debian and ubuntu repos from your project for now17:18
sgwdirk: got the multibuild figured out, building!17:24
dirksgw: great news. sorry was afk17:26
sgwdirk, now I have some unresolved oslo, probably package name difference17:28
dirksgw: yes, packages are called python-oslo.foo rather than python-oslo-foo in SLE17:29
sgwdirk also the fm-api failure has "an unversioned self-provide"17:29
dirksgw: yep, delete line 21 in your spec file17:30
dirkyou're providing the same name liek the package name is itself, which doesn't make sense as it is without versioning17:30
dirkif you do "Provide: x = 1.2.3" then you're providing x in version 1.2.317:31
sgwGot it.17:31
dirkunversioned provides are very dangerous as they're hard to get rid of17:31
dirkno version is higher than anything with a version17:32
sgwRight, I understand it.17:33
sgwdirk: where did out stash the setting of the tis_patch_ver?17:46
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dirksgw: I played some tricks by injection the macro definition via osc meta prjconf $projectname18:21
dirkYou can list that in my branch and then copy &paste it into yours by using -e for edit18:21
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sgwdpenney_: and/or others: who is a puppet person?  I seem to have run into a problem with puppet and the sysadmin/sys_protected change18:42
sgwrror: 2019-05-14 15:00:28 +0000 Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a '->' expression, The expression <::platform::params> is not a valid type specification. at /usr/share/puppet/modules/platform/manifests/users.pp:42:3 on node localhost.localdomain18:42
sgwmarosales: check out what I have now in the OBS stx-fault package, need to get fm-doc and fm-rest-api completed fixed up now18:44
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* sgw WOOT It builds in OBS: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:saulwold/stx-fault19:07
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sgwijolliffe: baby steps!20:41
sgwdtroyer: If I change a .zuul.yaml, does it get run when the review is pushed?21:20
dpenney_zuul uses the .zuul.yaml from the commit being reviewed, yes - if that's what you're asking21:22
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dtroyersgw: yes, that is how it is all self-testing21:31
sgwdpenney_: thanks for the confirmation, I am going to send an update for the stx-fault packaging sanity check to see what happens21:31
sgwIt's my first zuul change and wanted to try and test it even before the review, but I guess that's the only way to do it, expect breakage!21:32
dtroyersgw: that is the fun part, that is the only way to test job definitions21:34
dtroyerIt is even more fun for those in the common job repos that can't test themselves...21:35
* sgw let the fun begin!21:35
sgwdtroyer: so where do I find the logs when zuul just fails, I am looking on zuul.opendev.org, on the openstack status page21:39
dtroyerIt will always report _something_ to the review.  If it is a syntax/config file problem it will be a Zuul comment in the review, otherwise in the job list.  Job failures that cause it ti die before the logs get copied will of course not have any logs there21:41
dtroyerFor those you can sometimes recheck it and watch the job logs in real-time via the status page to try and sort it out.  I have had some luck with that.  Otherwise asking for help in #-infra is your best bet.21:42
sgwdtroyer: Ok and I kick it with a recheck comment?21:43
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dtroyerwhat is the review?21:44
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sgwSorry dealing zuul, puppet, tox, specfiles my head is exploding21:45
dtroyerso line 14 of .zuul.yaml needs a trailing colon21:45
dtroyerBesides syntactic whitespace this is one of the things I wish the most was different in yaml21:46
dtroyersgw: also, once the job definition settles down we should put it with the other common stx jobs, that is currently in integ21:48
sgwSure, need to get past learning new syntax and deail with the failures21:49
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sgwspelling mistake in packaging fixed21:56
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sgwand it's running!!21:57
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sgwSo, it fails because of no rpm or rpmspec, I will look at what openstack-rpm-packaging is using22:14
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* sgw specfile checking works ! 22:36
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