Friday, 2019-04-12

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mariocarrillodoes anyone have experience with helm toolkit?15:17
mariocarrilloI have a question, the roles for the service account should be configured/assigned by the kuberentes_pod_rbac_serviceaccount right?15:19
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angiewanghi mariocarrillo, the roles for the service account are created by kuberentes_pod_rbac_serviceaccount. If you take a look the serviceacount template, it calls function kubernetes_pod_rbac_roles at the end to creat roles.15:33
mariocarrillohi angiewang, thanks, you're right, I am checking this, but it seems that my current issue is related to other thing15:38
angiewangmariocarrillo, the traceback you provided doesn't have much useful information. Have you figured it out already?15:59
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mariocarrilloangiewang: no yet, I am taking a look to the source code to check what step is failing exactly16:23
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mariocarrilloangiewang: I deployed everything in a clean enviroment again and it seems that the service account was not created19:10
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angiewangmariocarrillo, I take a look your fm chart. Looks like there has enough information to create serviceaccount... Let me try out your chart.20:02
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cfriesennot sure who's in chart of it, but the "StarlingX Developer Guide" link at appears to be an invalid URL20:12
dtroyerthat probably happened when the docs site got reorganized in the last couple of weeks.. yay wiki grooming!20:30
mariocarrilloangiewang: thanks, I added the enough data to values.yaml file which is described as a requirement in the usage section by the helmtoolkit file, I am checking how other services handle it21:32
angiewangmariocarrillo, np. I was trying to use your chart, but I was stucked in something else broken.21:35
mariocarrilloangiewang: thanks for your help21:39
angiewangmariocarrillo it's missing the static dependencies for "fm" (ie.. depends on keystone service)22:01
angiewangAfter I add the dependencies and endpoints section for keystone identity. I am able to create the fm-rest-api serviceaccount.22:01
mariocarrilloangiewang: Thanks, I will send a new version with that missing information22:22

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