Monday, 2019-01-21

dtroyerFWIW, merged and now the only Gerrit messages we will see are new patchsets and merges to release and milestone branches, which are infrequent enough00:29
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sgwslittle1: Morning & ping15:13
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serverascodesgw morning :)16:44
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ijolliffehello serverascode sgw  o/ hope your trips back home were good18:31
ijolliffeHi TSC - on spec  - we now have a majority - this will merge on Wednesday FYI18:34
serverascodeyup all good on the way home, nice that the flight is shorter on the way back :)18:34
sgwijolliffe: yup trip home was good and now down in GDC Office, even warmer weather ;-)19:04
ijolliffesgw nice!19:27
sgwslittle1: ping19:43
sgwdpenney or bwensley: Ping19:58
bwensleyI'm here.19:59
sgwbwensley: I am working with memo on the fm containerization, and was looking at the nova-api-proxy chart yamls, but was trying to figure out where the nova-api-proxy Dockerfile is?  Does it get automagically created or is in on some other branch or directory?20:01
dpenneythe nova-api-proxy image gets built using loci... See stx-nfv/nova-api-proxy/centos/stx-nova-api-proxy.master_docker_image20:02
dpenneyso the nova-apiproxy module gets built and packaged into a wheel, which is added to the wheels tarball via stx-nfv/ ... This wheel gets installed by loci when it builds the image (using docker)20:03
sgwDoh, missed the "loci" BUILDER setting20:05
dpenneySo for FM, there's already a that includes the wheels for the various FM modules. There'd need to be a created to include the necessary modules20:05
sgwAlong with the helm charts, ok thanks, I missed the loci parts, will go back and read the scripts again.20:06
dpenneynp... ping me or email if you have any other questions20:06
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ijolliffeildikov do you know if anyone has submitted a STX talk for ONS - deadline is today20:32
ildikovI'm not aware of any20:33
ijolliffeok - maybe i will propose an overview - with a networking slant20:33
ildikovijolliffe: we can create an etherpad to track submissions if you think it would be useful20:33
ildikovI think that would be great!20:34
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