Tuesday, 2024-09-17

@ldeataid:matrix.org> <@mbilalayyoob:matrix.org> Hello everyone.00:23
> I have installed AIO-Simplex on my machine. After successfully installing and configuring the kubernetes and openstack, I was upto configuring openstack access by following this guide "https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy_install_guides/release/openstack/access.html#configure-https-certificate". In this process I was at step of "Configure HTTPS Certificate".
> I have retrieved the certificate and key files.
> I tried to install the root CA certificate to the host obtained from letsencrypt:
> "curl -o isrgrootx1.pem https://letsencrypt.org/certs/isrgrootx1.pem"
> To install ran: "system ca-certificate-install" but got the following error: "Certificate openstack-ca-cert.pem not installed: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)".
> I have also tried to install the root CA certificate through "system os-certificate-install -m ca isrgrootx1.pem" but got the following error: "WARNING: Some certificates were not installed.
> [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/platform/config/24.09/openstack/ca-cert.pem' "
> Actually to install an openstack certificate, the domain has to be added to the service-parameter openstack as prerequisite. So I had added the parameters: "system service-parameter-add openstack Helm endpoint_domain=my-domain.com". After applying stx-openstack application I was expecting the OpenStack Horizon to listen on "horizon.my-stx-domain.mycompany.com:80 (instead of the initial oam‐floating‐ip:31000)"
> But it didn't. What could specifically go wrong? Did I miss something?
> I have installed kuberetes on AIO-Simplex and the openstack on top of that. I have used the latest starlingx ISO.
> I have been following the below given documents to configure and install AIO-simplex kubernetes, Openstack and accessing openstack.
> 1. https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy_install_guides/release/bare_metal/aio_simplex_install_kubernetes.html ==> To install Kubernetes Platform on All-in-one Simplex
> 2. https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy_install_guides/release/openstack/access.html ==> To configure the starlingx openstack access
> 3. https://docs.starlingx.io/security/openstack/install-rest-api-and-horizon-certificate.html#install-rest-api-and-horizon-certificate ==> To coofigure th starlingx openstack certificate
> Thank you.
Hello there,
For the "system ca-certificate-install" command, was the file name correct? Because I noticed that the curl is saving the file as "isrgrootx1.pem", and the logs that you posted mention "openstack-ca-cert.pem".
The order of the commands described in the [Install REST API and Horizon Certificate page](https://docs.starlingx.io/security/openstack/install-rest-api-and-horizon-certificate.html#install-rest-api-and-horizon-certificate) **is important**, please make sure it is followed strictly.
About the DNS not working after the service-parameter was configured: Based on your previous errors, that looks correct. You either need to make sure your machine has a local DNS server pointing to your domain, or the SSL certificates are configured properly. (as an awful workaround, you can add the entries describe [here](https://docs.starlingx.io/security/openstack/update-the-domain-name.html) in your /etc/hosts and add a "nameserver <machine-oam-ip>" to /etc/resolv.conf)
@ldeataid:matrix.orgmbilalayyoob: can you share what STX and STX-O versions are you using? Were did you download the tarball from?12:53
@mbilalayyoob:matrix.org> <@ldeataid:matrix.org> Hello there,13:04
> For the "system ca-certificate-install" command, was the file name correct? Because I noticed that the curl is saving the file as "isrgrootx1.pem", and the logs that you posted mention "openstack-ca-cert.pem".
> The order of the commands described in the [Install REST API and Horizon Certificate page](https://docs.starlingx.io/security/openstack/install-rest-api-and-horizon-certificate.html#install-rest-api-and-horizon-certificate) **is important**, please make sure it is followed strictly.
> About the DNS not working after the service-parameter was configured: Based on your previous errors, that looks correct. You either need to make sure your machine has a local DNS server pointing to your domain, or the SSL certificates are configured properly. (as an awful workaround, you can add the entries describe [here](https://docs.starlingx.io/security/openstack/update-the-domain-name.html) in your /etc/hosts and add a "nameserver <machine-oam-ip>" to /etc/resolv.conf)
Ahh, the file name is correct for the root CA certificate. I am still not able to understand why horizon isn't listening to "horizon.my-stx-domain.mycompany.com:80".
@mbilalayyoob:matrix.org> <@ldeataid:matrix.org> mbilalayyoob: can you share what STX and STX-O versions are you using? Were did you download the tarball from?13:06
STX ISO: https://mirror.starlingx.cengn.ca/mirror/starlingx/master/debian/monolithic/20240818T060000Z/outputs/iso/starlingx-intel-x86-64-cd.iso
Openstack: https://mirror.starlingx.cengn.ca/mirror/starlingx/master/debian/openstack/20240912T160000Z/outputs/helm-charts/stx-openstack-24.03-0-debian-stable-latest.tgz
@mbilalayyoob:matrix.org * Hello everyone.14:57
Brief Description:
I have installed AIO-Simplex on my machine. After successfully installing and configuring the kubernetes and openstack, I was upto configuring openstack access by following this guide "https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy\_install\_guides/release/openstack/access.html#configure-https-certificate". In this process I was at step of "Configure HTTPS Certificate".
Actual Behavior:
I have retrieved the certificate and key files.
I tried to install the root CA certificate to the host obtained from letsencrypt:
"curl -o isrgrootx1.pem https://letsencrypt.org/certs/isrgrootx1.pem"
To install ran: "system ca-certificate-install" but got the following error: "Certificate openstack-ca-cert.pem not installed: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)".
I have also tried to install the root CA certificate through "system os-certificate-install -m ca isrgrootx1.pem" but got the following error: "WARNING: Some certificates were not installed.
\[Errno 2\] No such file or directory: '/opt/platform/config/24.09/openstack/ca-cert.pem' "
Actually to install an openstack certificate, the domain has to be added to the service-parameter openstack as prerequisite. So I had added the parameters: "system service-parameter-add openstack Helm endpoint\_domain=my-domain.com".
Expected Behavior:
After applying stx-openstack application I was expecting the OpenStack Horizon to listen on "horizon.my-stx-domain.mycompany.com:80 (instead of the initial oam‐floating‐ip:31000)"
But it didn't. What could specifically go wrong? Did I miss something?
I have installed kuberetes on AIO-Simplex and the openstack on top of that. I have used the latest starlingx ISO.
I have been following the below given documents to configure and install AIO-simplex kubernetes, Openstack and accessing openstack.
1. https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy\_install\_guides/release/bare\_metal/aio\_simplex\_install\_kubernetes.html ==> To install Kubernetes Platform on All-in-one Simplex
2. https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy\_install\_guides/release/openstack/access.html ==> To configure the starlingx openstack access
3. https://docs.starlingx.io/security/openstack/install-rest-api-and-horizon-certificate.html#install-rest-api-and-horizon-certificate ==> To coofigure th starlingx openstack certificate
Thank you.
@mbilalayyoob:matrix.org * Hello everyone.15:13
**Brief Description:**
I have installed AIO-Simplex on my machine. After successfully installing and configuring the kubernetes and openstack, I was upto configuring openstack access by following this guide "https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy\_install\_guides/release/openstack/access.html#configure-https-certificate". In this process I was at step of "Configure HTTPS Certificate".
**Actual Behavior:**
I have retrieved the certificate and key files.
I tried to install the root CA certificate to the host obtained from letsencrypt:
"curl -o isrgrootx1.pem https://letsencrypt.org/certs/isrgrootx1.pem"
To install ran: "system ca-certificate-install" but got the following error: "Certificate openstack-ca-cert.pem not installed: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)".
I have also tried to install the root CA certificate through "system os-certificate-install -m ca isrgrootx1.pem" but got the following error: "WARNING: Some certificates were not installed.
\[Errno 2\] No such file or directory: '/opt/platform/config/24.09/openstack/ca-cert.pem' "
Actually to install an openstack certificate, the domain has to be added to the service-parameter openstack as prerequisite. So I had added the parameters: "system service-parameter-add openstack Helm endpoint\_domain=my-domain.com".
**Expected Behavior:**
After applying stx-openstack application I was expecting the OpenStack Horizon to listen on "horizon.my-stx-domain.mycompany.com:80 (instead of the initial oam‐floating‐ip:31000)"
But it didn't. What could specifically go wrong? Did I miss something?
**To reproduce:**
I have installed kuberetes on AIO-Simplex and the openstack on top of that. I have used the latest starlingx ISO.
I have been following the below given documents to configure and install AIO-simplex kubernetes, Openstack and accessing openstack.
1. https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy\_install\_guides/release/bare\_metal/aio\_simplex\_install\_kubernetes.html ==> To install Kubernetes Platform on All-in-one Simplex
2. https://docs.starlingx.io/deploy\_install\_guides/release/openstack/access.html ==> To configure the starlingx openstack access
3. https://docs.starlingx.io/security/openstack/install-rest-api-and-horizon-certificate.html#install-rest-api-and-horizon-certificate ==> To coofigure th starlingx openstack certificate
Thank you.

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