Wednesday, 2023-10-11

@gcalixto:matrix.orgHi all,12:32
We found an issue when installing our DX lab with STX master to validate STX-O f/antelope to run sanity this week:
[#2038968 - DX installation failed to pull images ](> <> Please keep us updated with your results if possible, as Douglas said, we haven't tried applying STX-Openstack in a subcloud for a while13:38
I've tried to install stx-openstack, the application-upload stage is OK, but the application-stage fails, it seems that it can't find some images on the local subcloud and on the central cloud, I'm making a pastebin
@maloute:matrix.orgsubcloud seems okay except that one major alarm related to the failure of stx-openstack 13:42
@jreed:matrix.orgIn a DC setup, ahead of time, before installing any app, the image have to be accounted for.  One can have images added at install time or can manually add them.  14:45
@jreed:matrix.orgI'm not 100% sure because I'm still learning, but I think there is some ability to fall back on public registry to download an image.  So the subcloud will follow this pattern:14:46
1. Try pull from registry.local
2. If not found, try pull from registry.central
3. [Not sure about this] If not found, try public registry; eg
@jreed:matrix.orgWhen I have this problem, I take the guess work out and manually confirm the images are present on registry.central first.  14:47
@maloute:matrix.orgNot sure about 3 because my subcloud has internet connectivity so in theory it should download if there is a fallback to internet. I'm not sure how to test downloading images from registry central but will try in a couple if hours 15:02
@brunomuniz:matrix.orgI don't know about 3 either, but I do have some info that hopefully is helpful. There's a way to configure `service-parameter`s, which include the URL for the docker registries that StarlingX uses.15:17
@brunomuniz:matrix.orgThis is, for example, the output of `source /etc/platform/openrc; system service-parameter-list`15:18
@brunomuniz:matrix.orgWe leverage that in this guide that we merged a few couple months ago:
@brunomuniz:matrix.orgThere's a script there on step 5 that you can easily customize so it pulls image from the official registries and then push into your `registry.central:5000` (this is the part you'd have to modify, I think).15:21
@brunomuniz:matrix.orgYou provide a list to the script, a list of images that you want to make sure are available on the target registry, and if they are already there, the script will do nothing, so in a way it can help you check if any image is already there.15:22
@brunomuniz:matrix.orgMy local registry that I use to speed-up my installations, for example, contain one of the images I saw in your pastebin:15:27
>> cat niles.txt
>> ./ niles.txt
--- Skipping...
@maloute:matrix.orgThank you brunomuniz and jreed I'll try this script. 15:32
@jreed:matrix.orgA lot of the inner workings of StarlingX are not obvious/documented so that's why I tend to do things myself, like manually adding images and making sure they're in place.15:34

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