Friday, 2018-04-06

sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created software-factory/cauth master: github: do not request for org read when not needed
pabelangertristanC: ^thanks!02:10
tristanCpabelanger: your welcome, thanks for noticing it in the first place02:21
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sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created software-factory/cauth master: logout: fix cookie removal
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sfbenderFabien Boucher created software-factory/sf-config master: WIP: Add DLRN zuul jobs
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sfbenderMerged software-factory/cauth master: logout: fix cookie removal
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sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-config master: gerrit: add support for version 2.14
dmsimardmax-cores, max-ram14:18
nhicherI will check, thanks dmsimard14:19
dmsimardnhicher: btw I just asked in #zuul and it turns out that the default behavior of nodepool v3 (without max-servers/cores/ram config) is to maximize the openstack quotas14:45
apevecmhu, when do we have first "roadmap" call?15:27
* apevec just read in LT topics that SF is summoned to LT15:28
mhuapevec, Friday 13th, next week - it's recurring, every second friday of the month15:30
apevecnice date to start :)15:30
mhuyeah bring a machete :)15:31
apevecok, since LT didn't send me and Maria invite yet, I'll make sure we have this "vision" call first15:31
* mhu just saw the email15:35
apevecmhu, ok, looks like it will be in May earliest15:42
apevecmaybe I could twist it and call LT to join SF "Vision" in May :)15:43
dmsimardapevec: this is the public channel btw :p15:44
dmsimard(it's also logged on eavesdrop)15:44
apevecwhatever LT may mean :)15:45
dmsimardjust saying, both channels carry the same name so ..15:46
nhicherdmsimard: I will validate on this afternoon if quota are correctly managed by nodepool, thanks =)16:13
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