Wednesday, 2023-08-23

noonedeadpunkhey folks! We're seing an upgrade error after migration to alembic08:40
noonedeadpunkSo alembic basically tries to apply all migrations from the beggining and obviously fails08:41
noonedeadpunkeandersson: since you're the one who made a patch andhopefully most aware of the topic, will ping you explicitly :)08:43
noonedeadpunkI kinda see `is_migration_needed` among legacy_utils, that likely should have been used to cover that, but I don't think it's ever used? 09:09
noonedeadpunkah, ok I see it's used in migrations...09:09
noonedeadpunkWell, metadata is completely empty here:
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/senlin master: Do not use deperecated MetaData.bind
noonedeadpunkthis should fix it ^09:53
* noonedeadpunk testing if this will fix our upgrade jobs in as well09:55
eanderssonThanks. I'll try to take a look later today/10:54
eanderssonnoonedeadpunk: Thanks. We are fixing it for Designate as well (as I copied the code from there lol)14:37
noonedeadpunkeandersson: to have that said - it also failed with 1.4 for me14:40
noonedeadpunkand that's pip freeze
noonedeadpunkbut given it also allows to get rid of using deprecated approach - it's win-win:)14:51
noonedeadpunkwhat is even more interesting, is that we don't catch same error with same pip freeze for designate14:53
noonedeadpunkso likely root cause is somewhere else...14:55
eandersson100% win-win! 15:11
eanderssonAnd 200% win-win as this is now fixed in both Designate and Senlin :D15:11
eanderssonWe were able to reproduce it there as well15:11
noonedeadpunkah, ok then15:18
noonedeadpunkthat is sweet indeed then15:18
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit is going to be restarted to pick up a small config update. You will notice a short outage of the service.15:34
opendevreviewMerged openstack/senlin master: Do not use deperecated MetaData.bind

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