Tuesday, 2021-03-02

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spateldtruong morning14:53
spatelIf i set only type: SOURCE_IP in policy file then COOKIE_NAME getting set to none and that causing issue, its successfully building pool but session showing none (that means it doesn't work)14:57
spatelfor experiment i hack code and removed COOKIE_NAME completely from code lb_policy.py and then build pool and it works with SOURCE_IP14:58
spatelIn short when we passing SOURCE_IP then we should set COOKIE_NAME otherwise it won't work.14:58
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dtruongspatel morning16:35
dtruongok, then we should add a check before calling pool create at https://github.com/openstack/senlin/blob/master/senlin/drivers/os/lbaas.py#L160 and only set cookie_name if it is not None.  Same way we do here: https://github.com/openstack/senlin/blob/master/senlin/drivers/os/octavia_v2.py#L4716:47
spatelhey! sorry i was in meeting, now i am here17:36
spateldtruong ^17:36
spatelLet me try and play with that condition logic. but don't you think it would be great if we have that logic here, i am not expert in python schema but it would be easy if it allow - https://opendev.org/openstack/senlin/src/branch/master/senlin/policies/lb_policy.py#L18317:38
spatelIf type: not APP_COOKIE then ignore COOKIE_NAME something like that.17:39
spatelLet me play with octavia_v2.py also to see if that is easy or not17:40
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spateldtruong how do i extract type value from  this session_persistence': {'type': 'SOURCE_IP', 'cookie_name': None}20:22
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dtruongit's a dictionary so you should be able to do session_presistence['type']21:03

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