Monday, 2020-12-07

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spateldtruong: are you around?20:15
dtruongspatel Yes, I'm here21:42
dtruongHi.  What's up?21:43
spatelBuild is keep failing and i believe we need to make some more adjustment to Test definition21:44
spatelI meant here  /home/spatel/opendev/senlin/senlin/tests/unit/profiles/21:45
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spatelIf you see i have added this key-value here but look like its looking for more references -
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spatelIf you give me clue then i can fix it21:48
dtruongIt looks like the majority of failures in test_nova_server_validate.  See the test result output:
dtruongIf you click the fail link to open up the error message for 'test_validation_with_project_scope(validate:net-n:port-n:fixed_ip-n:sgroups-n)', it says 'testtools.matchers._impl.MismatchError: {'port': 'PORT_ID'} != {'port': 'PORT_ID', 'vnic_type': None}'21:51
spatelYes i can see that21:52
dtruongYour change added the vnic_type to the return of validate_network, so you have to change the expected value in the test file here:
dtruongThat line needs to add 'vnic_type': None in the result.21:53
dtruongIt should be like this:21:53
dtruongresult={'port': 'PORT_ID', 'vnic_type': None},21:53
spatelthat is the only change?21:54
spatelor i need to go through each error and make that change in every block21:54
dtruongYou have to fix each failure in the test results page.  You can search in for the test scenario that failed. The test scenario name is in the parenthesis after the test function in the test result file.21:55
spatelFor example at this location
spatelI will add {'network': 'NET_ID', 'security_groups': ['SG_ID'], 'vnic_type': None}21:59
spatelsomething like that21:59
spatelShould i remove my earlier change from file
dtruongThe change you mentioned in test_nova_server_validate on line 698 is needed.22:08
spateli used "normal" instead of None that is ok right?22:08
dtruongYou should probably remove the change in test_nova_server_update.  That test case should pass even without specifying the vnic_type.22:08
spatelOkay! will remove that from test_nova_server_update22:09
dtruongI just left a comment in your code.  I think you need to add the default value in one of the lines to make that test pass.22:10
spatelWill do that22:11
spatelotherwise everything looks good in my lab, i am able to spin up sriov based instances.22:11
spatelfirst two fail one from different file22:33
openstackgerritSatish Patel proposed openstack/senlin master: Add support of vnic_type to Profile
openstackgerritSatish Patel proposed openstack/senlin master: Add support of vnic_type to Profile
spatelGotta go, lets see if it fail then we will make changes to those file22:40
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dtruongI added another comment22:40
dtruongthe vnic_type should only be added to result if it was not None22:40
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