Wednesday, 2020-12-02

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spateldtruong: i am trying now02:25
spateldtruong: didn't work   port_attr['binding_vnic_type'] = 'direct'02:29
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spatelhow do i verify this value getting through or not02:30
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spateldtruong: morning,14:41
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spateldtruong: you might be busy but i figured it out how we can add vnic_type support, I am going to submit patch20:48
eanderssonspatel maybe just add a log line there20:52
spateleandersson: Hey, i didn't get you20:53
eanderssonsorry was replying to > how do i verify this value getting through or not20:53
spateli put validation around code to make sure value is valid also some logs but again i am not super expert in python so i am sure someone will review and make cosmetic changes20:54
spatellets me first my patch get it out so you can see what i did (may be you have better way to handle it )20:55
eanderssonSounds good20:55
spatelgive me 10 min.. just preparing my git review20:56
openstackgerritSatish Patel proposed openstack/senlin master: Add support of vnic_type to Profile
spateldtruong: eandersson
spatelPlease review it and let me know if anything we can improve.23:22
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