Monday, 2019-09-30

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mlozahello,  I'm getting this error in mistral. It seems to a senlin action
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dtruongmloza Have you tried a senlin command using the CLI (e.g. create profile) without using mistral?15:51
mlozadtruong: I tested just now and it works15:58
dtruongSo it sounds like a mistral problem then.15:59
dtruongAre you the one who submitted this bug:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1843178 in Mistral "Mistral don't work with senlin client" [Medium,Fix released] - Assigned to Bo Tran (ministry.nd)16:01
mlozaThats not me16:03
mlozaactually I was facing that bug and I applied that fix to mistral containers16:04
mlozathe mistral containers are version 8.0.016:05
mlozasince the fix doesnt have backports to older version, I manual patch16:08
mlozaI did*16:08
dtruongI think the problem you are having right now still sounds like something is wrong with mistral.16:08
dtruongMaybe check with the mistral team or submit a bug report for them.16:09
mlozawill move this issue to the mistral channel16:11
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