Thursday, 2019-03-28

openstackgerritDuc Truong proposed openstack/senlin master: Explicitly close connection session
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sapd1I'm trying to setup autoscale senlin with ceilometer/aodh01:38
sapd1But I don't know how aodh evaluate a cluster ? When it triggers.01:38
sapd1I think if I use cpu_util, So It's average cpu_util of all instances in the cluster.01:39
dtruongsapd1 There are hints on how to do this here:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1801755 in senlin "Autoscaling with Aodh: create alarm missing paramenter: resource_id,..." [Undecided,New]02:49
sapd1dtruong, I mean, I don't know when aodh will trigger this alarm.05:00
sapd1aodh will calculate average cpu used of all instances in cluster, right?05:00
sapd1assume We have 3 instance with 80%, 70%, 90% used of cpu. so avg(cpu_used) = 80%, right?05:01
sapd1If we set threshold is 75%, then aodh will trigger this alarm.05:02
dtruongsapd1 Yes, that's what aodh should be doing05:27
openstackgerritDuc Truong proposed openstack/senlin-tempest-plugin master: add tests for new lb_policy version 1.2
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openstackgerritDuc Truong proposed openstack/senlin-tempest-plugin master: add tests for new lb_policy version 1.2
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