Thursday, 2017-04-13

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openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/senlin master: Pike-1 release notes
openstackgerritShan Guo proposed openstack/senlin master: Update DOC for the cluster update API
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openstackgerritShan Guo proposed openstack/senlin master: Update DOC for the cluster update API
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-senlinclient master: delete bash_completion in subcommand
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-senlinclient master: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-senlinclient master: Fixed warnings when building docs
openstackgerrityangyide proposed openstack/senlin master: Improve check_object for health_policy_poll recover
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin master: handle node which status is WARNING
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin master: revise engine cluster obj to update runtime data
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin master: Update DOC for the cluster update API
openstackgerritShu Muto proposed openstack/senlin-dashboard master: Refresh test environments
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openstackgerritRUIJIE YUAN proposed openstack/senlin master: add health_check() to engine.cluster
openstackgerritRUIJIE YUAN proposed openstack/senlin master: add health_check() to engine.cluster
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openstackgerritXueFeng Liu proposed openstack/senlin master: Revise the status_reason in node_check
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin-dashboard master: Imported Translations from Zanata
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin-dashboard master: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin-dashboard master: Refresh test environments
openstackgerrityangyide proposed openstack/senlin master: Improve do_check for health_policy_poll recover
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openstackgerrityangyide proposed openstack/senlin master: Improve do_check for health_policy_poll recover
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openstackgerritXueFeng Liu proposed openstack/senlin master: Revise the status_reason in node_check
openstackgerritXueFeng Liu proposed openstack/senlin master: Revise the status_reason in node_check
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openstackgerritRUIJIE YUAN proposed openstack/senlin master: add health check to deletion policy
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xuhaiweihi XueFeng06:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin master: Revise the status_reason in node_check
Qiminghi, ruijie, there?07:07
ruijieyes Qiming07:08
Qimingdon't understand why we hack deletion policy to do node health check?07:09
ruijieem, if we have deletion policy bind to cluster07:09
ruijiewe will choose the candidates in pre_op()07:10
ruijieso, as we discussed before, we should do health check before scaling07:10
ruijiethen we can filter the bad nodes based on the health check07:10
Qimingright, but they are two different problems07:10
QimingI'm seeing that we are mixing two things together again07:11
Qimingone of the design principle we had in senlin is to make policies orthogonal to each other07:11
Qimingif we are fixing the scaling behavior, we should actually consider the case when there is and there isn't a deletion policy07:12
ruijieem .. right Qiming, that is true.07:12
Qimingif we are tackling things this way, we are introducing a strong dependency from the scaling policy to the deletion policy07:12
ruijieso the plan now is add logic to deletion policy if exist, and add logic to do_xyz() too.07:12
Qimingwait ...07:13
Qimingif we are adding this to the deletion policy07:13
Qimingdo you want to expose it as a policy option as well?07:14
ruijiesee, the situations are: 1. scaling policy, no deletion policy, 2. no scaling policy, deletion policy, 3. have both, 4. both are not exist ..07:14
Qimingif we are adding 'check_health_first' into scaling policy, for example, there will be conflicts ?07:15
ruijiescaling policy is high priority07:15
ruijiethe health_check parameter will be added to scaling policy.07:15
Qimingokay, let's put the deletion policy thing aside07:15
Qimingfocus on scaling policy now07:16
ruijiein scaling policy logic, will dump this parameter to
ruijiecause, the scaling policy actually only count the count ..07:16
Qiminglet's take a step back from modifying the policy07:16
ruijieQiming, you mean put all the policies aside?07:17
Qimingthe thing is ... if we don't have a clear vision where we are heading, it is too easy to get things messed up07:17
QimingI mean we focus on scaling policy for now, we can discuss the deletion policy later07:17
ruijieokay, Qiming, just like I said, the only thing we can do is dump the 'health_check' parameter to action.data07:18
Qimingduring the discussion, I am also trying to gain a better understanding whether it makes sense to add this to a policy spec at all07:18
Qimingokay, for the scaling scenario07:19
Qimingdo we have a plan to make the scaling operations consistent with and without a scaling policy?07:19
ruijieif we have one, we dump it to, if we don't we try to get it from the request object07:20
Qimingactually, you may have more than one policy, right?07:20
ruijieyes Qiming07:20
Qiminghere is a scenario07:20
QimingI have a cluster that needs to be scaled down quickly if there are some events happened, it should be scaled a little bit slowly when another thing happened07:21
Qimingwe actually allow many instances of scaling policies attached to the same cluster07:22
Qimingwould it be a problem for the health checking behavior?07:23
ruijieonly one scaling policy could be enabled at the same time ?07:24
Qimingno, more than one, we actually allow many scaling policies to be attached and enabled07:25
Qimingand ... expose scaling operation apis for "manual" scaling07:25
ruijieem .. let me have a quick check ..07:25
Qimingand cluster_resize ...07:25
Qimingthis line:
ruijieokay.. then that will be a problem.07:27
Qimingit may and may not be a problem07:27
QimingI'm not sure07:27
Qimingjust wanted to point out some possibilities07:28
ruijiefor the current situation, I'd suggest we add the parameter to deletion policy.07:28
Qimingback to the scaling behavior where we want to do a health check07:28
ruijiesince that is not very necessary to do health check for a scale out procedure07:28
Qimingwe have two options07:28
Qiming1) do this operation in action handler, 2) do this in policy implementation07:29
ruijieem.. but the deletion policy will chose the candidates to delete07:29
Qimingalright, forget deletion policy for the moment07:30
Qimingwe can revisit that later07:30
Qimingthe key requirement for this whole bp is to make sure when we are removing nodes from a cluster, we can do a smart job07:31
ruijiewithout the deletion policy, we could create number of node actions to do it07:31
Qimingwhich means we will remove the bad ones first07:31
openstackgerrityangyide proposed openstack/senlin master: Improve check_object for health_policy_poll recover
Qimingthis requirement remains true no matter users attached any policy to a cluster or not, right?07:32
ruijieyes Qiming07:32
Qimingokay, so if I were you07:32
QimingI will do this in a different order07:32
QimingI'll make sure node health check can be invoked from relevant node actions, when specified07:33
Qimingif needed, we may want to add some parameters to the API requests07:33
Qimingthen next thing I will check is for user's convenience07:34
openstackgerrityangyide proposed openstack/senlin master: Improve check_object for health_policy_poll recover
Qimingif they are lazy, they want this behavior to be configurable rather than provided as parameters each and every time07:34
Qimingthis can be done by improving the relevant policies07:35
Qiminga policy can help decide whether node health check should be done, instead of performing the health check operation directly07:35
Qimingin other words, a policy impacts the behavior of actions, but they are better not doing such operations07:36
Qimingthey write their decisions into action.data07:36
Qimingthe only exception for this is the LB policy, which was doing more than just policy decisions, they create resources and manage them07:38
ruijieokay, QIming, you mean, we do it from API07:40
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Qimingem, as a general rule07:40
ruijiethen if needed we may revisit the policy07:40
Qimingdon't start from hacking policies07:41
ruijieso, without any policies now, we add a parameter 'health_check' to req obj07:41
ruijiein cluster_action layer, we get it from action.inputs to make decions07:42
ruijieand create node_check actions, or invoke the cluster.health_check()07:42
Qimingonce these logic are good and stable07:42
Qimingwe can pump them into policies07:43
openstackgerrityangyide proposed openstack/senlin master: Improve check_object for health_policy_poll recover
ruijieokay Qiming, that makes good sense07:44
Qimingwe have done something similar for node-recover and cluster-recover07:45
ruijieyes Qiming, noticed that change.07:53
ruijiewill think about the logic07:53
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin master: Pike-1 release notes
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openstackgerrityangyide proposed openstack/senlin master: Improve check_object for health_policy_poll recover
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openstackgerritXueFeng Liu proposed openstack/senlin master: Use 'nosetests -v' replace './ -N'
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is being restarted to address hung remote replication tasks.19:53
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