Friday, 2017-02-17

openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin master: Validating adjustment properties for scaling policy
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XueFenghi, all01:39
yanyanhuhi, morning01:46
yuanbinhi, morining01:51
ruijiemorning :)01:53
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/senlin master: More release notes for the Ocata RC
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin master: More release notes for the Ocata RC
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/senlin master: Fix node get bug in docker profile
chohoorSenlin have a feature: Support to Suspend/Resume Operations. When suspend a cluster, which operation will be refused? Only auto-scale or all operations?03:29
Qimingchohoor, not yet decided03:30
Qimingthe general idea is to suspend a cluster so no operation actions will be accepted03:31
Qimingit is still an open question03:31
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/senlin master: Add tags to newly created heat stacks
chohooralright,my company have a similar feature, when suspend a cluster, cluster can't be auto-scale but could dmanual-scale...03:35
XueFengQiming, when I edit senlin wiki.I get a error "Incorrect or missing CAPTCHA."03:43
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wllabs我发现你们现在目前这个r 版很不稳定,有bug04:06
wllabs) = (04:06
wllabs    'start', 'end', 'error',04:06
wllabsEVENT.debug(self, 'check', reason)04:07
wllabs不然这个里面加上 check 就会报错04:07
openstackgerritAaron Ding proposed openstack/senlin master: Revise cluster get with admin user
yanyanhuhi, wllabs, you're welcome to claim bugs reported by anyone, including yourself04:15
yanyanhuactually, people are encourage to claim the bug after they reported it04:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin master: Fix node get bug in docker profile
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ruijiehi wllabs05:21
ruijiecheck this out05:21
QimingXueFeng, you will need a proxy to edit senlin wiki05:25
Qimingthat have been many spams reported05:25
Qimingso after your edit, you will be prompted for a captcha05:26
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/senlin master: Enable heat stack event listener
Qimingthe problem for Chinese developer is that the capcha website is blocked by the damn firewall05:26
Qimingwllabs, 'check' is not supposed to be one of the phases05:27
wllabs但是代码里有  EVENT.debug(self, 'check', reason)  发送 check 啊05:28
wllabs代码里有 EVENT.debug(self, 'check', reason)  然后就报错了05:28
Qimingalright, that is a bug05:38
Qimingit was introduced in fa78792e758fcc2ca56bb0b6ba16e3ceafe3d8ce05:40
Qiminglet me try a quick fix05:40
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/senlin master: Fixed inappropriate event generation in action base
Qimingwllabs, ^05:46
Qimingoh, it is done05:47
Qimingpls try something else05:47
wllabs真是quick fix,05:48
Qimingwe are releasing senlin ocata RC2 today, so I didn't leave that to others05:48
Qimingthat means ... senlin is pretty stable, right?05:49
Qimingstability is always a relative assessment05:50
Qimingis linux kernel stable enough?05:50
wllabsQiming 你们还招人吗?05:50
Qimingseveral hundreds of bugs are still found and fixed during each cycle05:50
Qimingteam is recruiting experts in deep learning05:51
Qimingyanyanhu, I believe we are pretty there to cut a release today05:52
Qimingif we can get in, we don't have any high priority bugs in the queue05:53
Qimingem ... openstack is just a tool05:54
Qimingas far as I know (I'm not a manager), we don't hire openstack developers05:54
Qimingwe have desire to hire cloud researchers instead05:55
Qimingyou may want to build a shining profile by producing some great things first05:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin master: Add tags to newly created heat stacks
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yanyanhuQiming, hi, sorry just noticed your message, I will make a cut based on this patch
yanyanhuor we include this as well?
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ruijiehi yanyanhu06:37
yanyanhuhi, ruijie06:37
ruijieis that better to proposal new patches after today or next week?06:38
ruijieI saw today is the deadline for rc306:38
ruijiefinal rc06:38
yanyanhuruijie, you can keep proposing patch after rc2, but that will not be included in final release unless that is a critical fi06:38
yanyanhusince that required release team's help to backport it to final release06:39
yanyanhuso you may need to convince them06:39
yanyanhuso if that is an important, better finish it today :)06:39
ruijiesure,  that will be fine :)06:40
ruijiethanks yanyanhu06:40
yanyanhumy pleasure, should I wait for your patch since I'm now writing the release patch06:40
ruijieno, I just want to make sure that, still thinking about the logic :) its not a bug06:41
ruijieWill try to propose it after final rc06:42
yanyanhuok :)06:42
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yanyanhuhi, XueFeng06:55
wllabsIs there any job opportunity here?06:58
openstackgerritxurong00037997 proposed openstack/senlin master: Remove unused pylintrc
Qimingyanyanhu, I believe all current patches should be merged before release07:48
ruijieHi Qiming07:53
ruijieI m investigating event notifications these days07:53
ruijiehave some questions about it07:54
ruijielet me find the code07:54
ruijieThe fisrt event is dumped here07:55
Qimingthat is where the event starts07:55
ruijiesorry the network is unstable ..07:56
ruijiethen we do policy_check07:57
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yanyanhuQiming, you mean all opened patch?07:57
Qimingno, the health manager patch07:58
Qimingthe event patch07:58
Qimingone is about closing the heat listener bug07:58
Qimingthe other is obviously a critical bug for event generation07:58
yanyanhuwill wait for those patches07:58
Qimingruijie, yes07:59
ruijiethen we will dump Event.error in policy_check() logic if the result is false07:59
Qimingwhat's your question, ruijie07:59
ruijieagain in the execute() another Event.error will be dumped07:59
ruijieso there will be 3 events dumped here?07:59
Qimingwhere is the "another Event.error" ?08:00
Qiming952 dumps the error and then RETURN08:02
ruijieline 949, inside policy_check() there's one08:02
Qiming961 dump another error then RETURN08:02
Qimingokay, I see08:03
Qimingthe one dumped inside policy_check can be removed08:04
Qiminglooks like a duplication08:04
ruijieAnd another question is about the cluster obj we dumped08:04
ruijiewe used action.entity to get the cluster object08:05
Qimingit is a cache08:05
Qiminghave you found any inconsistency?08:06
ruijiethe problem is after finish executing the action08:06
ruijiethe status and status reason will be updated08:06
wllabsthis fix has a problem08:06
ruijiehowever the entity is still the cached object08:06
Qimingem, yes08:07
Qimingif you really care about the most recent status, you may have to refresh it08:07
ruijieso, actually, the message we dumped to mq contains an old cluster object08:07
Qimingno so old08:08
wllabsthis commit don't pass the test08:08
ruijieYes, I can do another API call to check the cluster obj08:08
Qimingit is retrieved from database at the begining of that particular action08:08
Qimingit is not very old, but I agree it may not reflect each and every field you have changed during the action execution08:09
ruijieyes Qiming, this is not a big problem08:09
Qimingsurely you can patch the logic so that the cluster object is retrieved from database when generating events08:10
wllabsavailability_zone attribute don't exists in the server08:10
wllabsQiming 是不是08:11
ruijiejust thought, okay, we are using MQ to uncouple the service and senlin08:11
wllabs我又发现你们这个bug, 这下可以我来修了吧08:12
ruijieso we hope to make it as simple as possible :)08:12
ruijiewllabs, you are welcome to draft bug and propose patch :) we will review it and check it :)08:12
wllabsthank you08:13
Qiminga possible workaround is to retrieve the cluster or node object in before calling cls._notify_xyz there08:15
QimingI'm not sure about the overhead of an additional db transaction08:15
Qimingwllabs, what to you mean availability_zone attribute doesn't exist?08:17
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wllabs获取到的 server 会被 _update_zone_info 这个函数做为参数08:19
wllabs但是现在直接是 if server.availability_zone:08:19
wllabszone = getattr(server, 'OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone', None)08:19
Qimingit is set here:
Qimingwho cares about how heat does things?08:20
Qimingfeel free to file a bug, with the trace log attached08:21
ruijiea query may not be that heavy I guess?08:22
Qimingit won't be, ruijie, in such a case08:22
ruijieokay, Qiming. Last question :)08:22
Qimingbut ... I'm more inclined to save db queries whenever possible08:22
Qimingconsider managing a cluster of 1000 vms08:23
Qimingeverything trivial may become a huge problem08:23
ruijiemaybe we can update action.entity directly?08:23
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/senlin/engine/actions/", line 478, in ActionProc08:24
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base     result, reason = action.execute()08:24
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/senlin/engine/actions/", line 256, in execute08:24
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base     res, reason = self._execute()08:24
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/senlin/engine/actions/", line 222, in _execute08:24
Qimingit is a hack08:24
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base     return method()08:24
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/osprofiler/", line 117, in wrapper08:24
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base     return f(*args, **kwargs)08:24
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/senlin/engine/actions/", line 67, in do_create08:24
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base     res = self.entity.do_create(self.context)08:24
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/senlin/engine/", line 218, in do_create08:24
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base     physical_id = pb.Profile.create_object(context, self)08:24
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/osprofiler/", line 117, in wrapper08:24
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base     return f(*args, **kwargs)08:24
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/senlin/profiles/", line 223, in create_object08:24
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base     return profile.do_create(obj)08:24
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/senlin/profiles/os/nova/", line 610, in do_create08:24
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base     self._update_zone_info(obj, server)08:24
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/senlin/profiles/os/nova/", line 518, in _update_zone_info08:25
Qimingwllabs, please avoid pasting traces in the IRC channel08:25
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base     if server.availability_zone:08:25
wllabs2017-02-15 18:04:22.697 17522 ERROR senlin.engine.actions.base AttributeError: 'Server' object has no attribute 'availability_zone'08:25
ruijieactually, wllabs, you can paste it here next time08:25
Qimingit is like painting on a public wall, very annoying, wllabs08:25
openstackgerrithuangtianhua proposed openstack/senlin master: Correct a config option name
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wllabsi know08:26
Qimingyou can paste it elsewhere, you can paste it into your bug report08:26
Qimingthen tell use the link08:26
ruijieQiming, the last question is about the "reason" field.08:27
ruijieI didn't find the code that we used the "reason" field to generate the event08:28
Qimingwllabs, looks very strange, the 'availability_zone' is defined as a property of Server resource:
openstackgerrithuangtianhua proposed openstack/senlin master: Correct a const name
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin master: Fixed inappropriate event generation in action base
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin master: Enable heat stack event listener
ruijieyes Qiming, I see08:31
ruijiebut in this method, we only use "phase" from kwargs08:32
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/senlin master: backport candidate
Qimingyes.ruijie, do you have a suggestion where should we put it?08:34
ruijiesorry Qiming, It is done in ActionProc(..)08:34
ruijiebut again, there are 2 dumplicated events08:37
wllabsQiming 那个问题我又复现了,要不你教我怎么修,我来修了。或者按我的方式修了08:39
ruijieI think we can remove all other event dumping and just keep these 2 in ActionProc(...)08:39
Qimingruijie, it is possible08:39
QimingI don't like the way to read code in the review history ...08:40
Qiminghard to find a thing08:40
Qimingthis link is a lot better I think,
ruijieokay Qiming :)08:42
ruijieI mean we can just keep line 471 and line 49208:42
ruijiethen we get all the events we want08:42
Qimingyes, the question then become to which fine granularity we want to dump "useful" events08:43
QimingI'm okay with this simplification though08:43
ruijiegreat. thanks Qiming08:45
ruijiethanks for your time :)08:45
wllabsQiming 看他这根本就没有实现08:58
wllabs那个Body返回的也只是个key,不是 value08:58
Qimingplease don't make such conclusions until you are sure you know all the details09:06
Qimingthis script works perfectly for me09:06
Qimingand it shows me the availability_zone value as 'nova'09:06
elynnwllabs, you could try to update openstacksdk and try again :)09:09
Qimingavailability_zone property has been there for centuries09:10
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Qimingyanyanhu, I think we are in good shape to cut a release based on this:
yanyanhuyes, will wait for this patch to propose a new release cut09:31
Qimingit has been a little scurry during the last hours, but, eventually, I believe we are there09:31
yanyanhujust I found there are three patches in post gate queue...09:31
yanyanhunot sure how long it will take to finish...09:31
yanyanhuthat's why the last release cut failed in verification...09:31
Qimingnoticed that09:32
QimingI think you can use the commit id from the git log09:32
yanyanhuwill cut release on 435300 and recheck the release patch if needed09:32
Qimingyou will use the commit with Merge in commit message09:33
Qimingi.e. patch commited by Jenkins09:33
Qimingjust something worth trying, not 100% sure though09:33
yanyanhuI see09:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin master: Correct a const name
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openstackgerritHongbin Li proposed openstack/senlin master: Remove param that never be used
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openstackgerritAaron Ding proposed openstack/senlin master: Revise cluster get request
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openstackgerritHongbin Li proposed openstack/senlin master: Remove param that never be used
wllabs一个cluster怎么可以只有一个 profile11:14
wllabscluster下面有 db, 有web, 有services, 有mq 配置肯定不一样11:15
XueFengIf we have db, web , services. we can define 3 clusters11:46
wllabsi just think so11:48
wllabsthank you11:48
XueFengBut if you want you can define one cluster .It can contins these three function type nodes, because there are all the nova server type.And the profile to the cluster will be the default profile for one function type node11:50
XueFengWhich city are you in?11:50
XueFeng19:53 < wllabs> 你是中兴的?11:56
XueFeng19:53 < wllabs> 你还会åšandroid?11:56
XueFengCan you write in English11:57
XueFengI can't see11:57
wllabsAre you working for ZTE ?11:58
wllabsdo you master android ?11:59
XueFengWhy ask about android?12:00
XueFengI have been involved in writing a book of android12:03
XueFengI will leave for  a moment12:04
wllabsyou are great12:05
wllabsTake me to learn technology12:06
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yanyanhuhi, Qiming, I'm at home now. Thanks a lot for helping backport those patches! So every patches after rc1(marked as stable/ocata) will be part of pike release by default?14:59
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yanyanhuhi, Qiming, looks all backport have been done, will try to update the release patch with commit id "3278a7fc8777a6153a11987a76b1ba498ecf20e3"15:49
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Restarting gerrit due to performance problems19:05
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