Monday, 2016-02-15

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openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/senlin: Revise authorization doc
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin: Revise authorization doc
Yanyanhuhi, Qiming, around?01:47
Yanyanhuabout these two patches which remove unnecessary event log from cluster and node module,
Yanyanhuby 'the information are already dumped duing action execution',  you mean the log message in cluster_action and node_action module?01:49
QimingYanyanhu, yes01:50
Yanyanhusince I didn't find event log in action modules01:50
Qimingwhen debugging things, I noticed those event calls are also creating log entries01:50
Qimingbut the data is not useful at all01:51
Qimingthis one is almost capturing all necessary info:
Qimingalso, we are already capturing the result of action executions here:
Yanyanhugot it01:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin: Remove some EVENT calls from node module
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin: Remove some EVENT call from cluster module
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elynnSeems just you and me are working today?02:28
elynnHi Qiming , do you have  time to review this one ?02:29
Qimingelynn, I think Yanyanhu is online too02:31
elynnOh, just saw him :)02:32
Qimingelynn, it needs a rebase02:32
xuhaiweiI am also here, elynn02:33
elynnQiming, If the codes looks good, I will rebase it soon.02:34
Qimingelynn, code looks fine02:39
elynnThanks, I will do the rebase.02:40
Yanyanhuhi, elynn, I think the db issue caused by dead engine checking is still there...02:44
elynnYanyanhu,  yes...02:45
Yanyanhuabout 50% chance to meet it when starting engine02:45
elynnYanyanhu, you mean the warning  in engine log?02:45
Yanyanhusome complains like this: ObjectDeletedError: Instance '<Service at 0x315ca50>' has been deleted, or its row is otherwise not present.02:45
openstackLaunchpad bug 1538382 in senlin "SAwarning when restart senlin-engine" [Undecided,New]02:46
elynnI open a bug but haven't got time to look into it. After I finished heat resources support I will investigate it...02:46
Yanyanhuthanks :)02:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-senlinclient: Apply list_formatter on two properties
Yanyanhuit's not that critical02:47
openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed openstack/senlin: Remove 'force' kwarg from node_delete api/rpc
elynnIs there anyone working on kolla support for senlin? I notice that there is a BP for it, just curious that if this release will make it.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin-dashboard: Add receivers panel
Qiminglooks cool03:08
QimingI'm looking forward to something else, the other direction, I mean03:14
Qimingcreating kolla clusters using Senlin03:14
Qimingenable OpenStack HA in that way03:14
YanyanhuQiming, this is great.03:15
xuhaiweikolla cluster?03:15
xuhaiweigo for lunch now, talk to you later, that seems interesting03:16
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elynnQiming, That's cool, would like to know about it after lunch :)03:17
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/senlin: Rework unit tests for profile service support
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/senlin: Rework unit tests for policy service support
openstackgerritShu Muto proposed openstack/senlin-dashboard: Update URLs to Django 1.8 style
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin: Remove 'force' kwarg from node_delete api/rpc
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openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed openstack/senlin: Add functional test for cluster node add/del
elynnHi Yanyanhu05:58
elynnCan you do cluster_node_add/del in latest codes?05:58
Yanyanhuelynn, yes, I think so05:59
Yanyanhuoh, I didn't test using nova server profile type05:59
elynnThat's strange, it's always failed for me..05:59
Yanyanhujust test it using fake driver05:59
elynnI'm using heat profile type.05:59
Yanyanhuok, let me have a try05:59
Yanyanhuelynn, it failed as well in my env06:03
elynnIf I create a node with a cluster id,  then it works. But it won't work if I use cluster-node-add/del.06:03
Yanyanhuthe following log msg was given: node_join_2e4bd28e [dc33c3eb] NODE_JOIN - FAILED: Node failed in joining cluster.06:03
YanyanhuI guess there is some problems in heat profile or driver06:04
elynnYanyanhu, yes, I got that error either, not much useful log.06:04
Yanyanhulet me check it06:04
elynnIs that because we haven't implement it yet?
Qimingelynn, those functions should return a boolean06:09
Qimingit was some garbage left from previous modifications06:09
Yanyanhuyes, that's is the reason06:11
elynnOh, simply return true works.06:12
Qimingelynn, it was a hook left open to profile developers06:13
Qimingthey may want to do something when joing a node into a cluster06:13
Qimingif there is nothing to do, these methods must return a True06:14
Qimingthat is leading me to a different thought06:14
Qimingmaybe we should return a True in the base class06:15
Qimingit doesn't sound a nice design if we are forcing a developer to override the do_join, do_leave, do_get_details methods06:16
elynnyes, and also be careful with do_check and do_recover, maybe developers won't cover them either?06:17
Qimingthose are some more important features I think06:18
Qimingif a profile doesn't support check/recover, the developer needs to explicitly say so ...06:19
Yanyanhuhmm... not sure which way is better06:20
Yanyanhuactually myself prefer the current logic :)06:20
Yanyanhuif a profile doesn't override do_join/leave routines, it doesn't support node join/leave06:21
Qimingif a profile doesn't override them06:21
Qimingit means the profile doesn't need to take special actions during node join/leave06:22
QimingI mean the base class can return a True by default06:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin: Rework unit tests for policy service support
YanyanhuI'm also ok with this logic. Just no sure which way is more common06:24
Yanyanhufor this kind of design :)06:25
Yanyanhutwo different design logics06:25
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/senlin: Rework unit tests for profile operations
Yanyanhuinteresting issue :)06:26
Yanyanhuso maybe for those cluster/node actions need to manipulate physical resource at backend (e.g. do_check, do_recover), profiles have to override related methods to support them06:29
Qimingyes, health checking is a very important requirement06:30
Yanyanhufor actions like node_join/leave which only manipulate senlin elements, we return true in routines in base class06:31
Qimingyep, that's my understanding06:31
openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed openstack/senlin: Check nova server status after rebuilding it
Yanyanhuhi, elynn, around?07:32
Yanyanhuare you working on the bug that happened when adding/removing heat stack node from cluster?07:33
elynnYanyanhu, no07:33
elynnI'm working on node resource in heat.07:34
Yanyanhuok, I can work on it if you don't have a plan :)07:34
elynnThank you so much if you can take it :)07:34
Yanyanhumy pleasure07:34
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/senlin: Refactor controllers in API layer
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin: Check nova server status after rebuilding it
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/senlin: Remove some dead options in engine config
openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed openstack/senlin: Make do_join/leave in profile base return True
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/senlin: Add node_count_by_cluster DB API
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin: Improve param checking for event-list
elynnHi Qiming , do we support 'actor' as a parameter to create receiver?08:46
elynnSince I see it in API doc but not support by senlinclient.08:47
elynnDo we need to expose it to heat resource?08:47
QimingI don't see a use case there08:47
elynnok, maybe don't expose it sounds good for now...08:48
elynnget it.08:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin: Make do_join/leave in profile base return True
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/senlin: Enforce 'max_clusters_per_project' quota
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/senlin: Refactor controllers in API layer
Yanyanhuhi, Qiming, about removing unused engine config options
YanyanhuI think maybe we should make 'region_name_for_services' take effect09:19
Yanyanhucurrently, if there are services from multiple regions registered to a single keytone, the location that physical resources created will be uncertain09:21
Yanyanhuunless user defines region name in context peoperty explictly in profile spec09:22
Yanyanhuso maybe a default region name is useful for this case09:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin: Add node_count_by_cluster DB API
Yanyanhuoh, let me check whether sdk will fill in this value by default09:25
Yanyanhuseems it doesn't do this job09:27
Qimingwe are not using it anyway09:28
Qimingwe can add such support if it is used somewhere09:28
Yanyanhubut I think we should enable it09:28
Yanyanhusince senlin should be workable in multi-region env09:28
Qimingyes it should09:29
Yanyanhuok, will try to make it take effect09:30
QimingNOTE: openstacksdk is undertaking quite some disruptive changes lately09:36
Qimingplease don't clone the latest master for testing09:37
Qimingit will break everything we have09:37
Yanyanhuthat patch landed?09:37
YanyanhuI see09:38
Yanyanhuso large amount of change is needed for senlin driver09:38
QimingWe will wait for the 0.8.0 release or 1.0 release of openstacksdk09:39
Qimingbefore that, please stick to 0.7.409:39
Yanyanhuwill try to work on it and add the dependency09:39
QimingYanyanhu, which one?09:46
Yanyanhuthe driver rework09:46
Qimingokay, let's hold on09:47
Qimingbefore 0.8.0 is released, we should not do anything09:47
Qimingit would be a huge change09:47
Yanyanhuwill try to figure out how many change we need09:47
QimingI just sent an email to the sdk cores09:47
Qimingneed to figure out their plan09:47
Qimingeither they have to get this done by next week09:48
Qimingor they should cap the global requirements to 0.7.409:48
YanyanhuI see09:48
Yanyanhuthis is a disruptive change09:48
Qimingyep, it breaks almost all calls to sdk09:49
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/senlin: Refactor controllers in API layer
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openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed openstack/senlin: Remove some dead options in engine config
openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed openstack/senlin: Enable region_name_for_services option
Yanyanhuhi, Qiming, I download this patch and rebase mine on it, then it will be resubmitted as well when I submit my patch?10:13
Qimingseems so10:14
Yanyanhuany other way to rebase a patch on other guys' in-progress one?10:15
QimingI don't know10:16
QimingI always hate rebase ... and always get messed up10:16
Yanyanhuok, seems gerrit can't handle this situation10:16
Qimingso I prefer merge before working on dependent patches10:17
Yanyanhuyes, rebase is always headache10:17
Qiming'git rebase -i' sometimes doesn't work either10:17
Qimingyou got to specify the exact change commit-id10:17
Qimingand do a `git rebase -i` twice ...10:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin: Refactor controllers in API layer
Qimingdoing a rebase10:22
Qimingworkflow +110:22
Qimingsee if it can get merged10:22
Qimingwalking home10:25
Qiminghope I can forget that I'm so hungry along the way10:25
Yanyanhusee U10:26
Yanyanhuwill leave after finish those two patches10:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin: Remove some dead options in engine config
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openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed openstack/senlin: Enable default_region_name config option
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin: Remove useless encrypt/decrypt methods
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin: Enable default_region_name config option
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openstackgerritzhangguoqing proposed openstack/senlin: tools/setup-service: Add email info when user-create
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin: tools/setup-service: Add email info when user-create

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