Wednesday, 2015-09-16

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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/senlin: Rework context initialization in action module
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openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed stackforge/python-senlinclient: Add test case for shell(part2)
openstackgerritlawrancejing proposed stackforge/senlin: Remove extra comma
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/senlin: Fix trust parameter error
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/senlin: Remove extra comma
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openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed stackforge/senlin: [WIP]Add functional test for webhook
openstackgerritShu Muto proposed stackforge/senlin-dashboard: Add row delete action in profiles table And add "Delete Profiles" action to table.
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openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed stackforge/senlin: Add functional test for webhook
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/senlin-dashboard: Add row delete action in profiles table And add "Delete Profiles" action to table.
openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed stackforge/senlin: Add functional test for webhook
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Qimingwhat happened?07:26
Qimingall of a sudden, everyone disappeared, then in a second, everyone is now showing up07:27
Yanyanhunetwork connection broke?07:27
QimingI am seeing myself connected07:27
Qimingbut you all disappeared07:27
Yanyanhuor the freenode's problem?07:28
Qimingcould be07:28
QimingI'm still talking to myself?07:29
Qimingor maybe just you and me, Yanyanhu ?07:30
QimingI think zhenguo and I are using the same server, so I only saw him online, :)07:31
elynnI'm online too07:32
QimingI was seeing a lot of messages like this "cmyster left (*.net *.split)"07:33
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Qiminglooks like I was hit by some network split problem07:33
Yanyanhume too07:34
Yanyanhubunch of disconnection just happened07:34
Qimingit looked like I am the only man in the world at that moment07:35
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xuhaiwei_hi Qiming08:14
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xuhaiweiI am dropping again and again08:20
xuhaiweidont know whether you are around08:20
xuhaiweiI think the -C option of webhook-create is not working properly08:20
xuhaiweiAs I tested, it works but only works when 'project_id' is contained in the -C option, user and password seems not necessary08:23
Yanyanhuhi, xuhaiwei, it works in my env when I set both username/password/user_domain_name08:31
xuhaiweiwithout project_id?08:31
xuhaiweiI mean can you trigger it?08:32
Yanyanhulike this:08:32
Yanyanhusenlin --debug webhook-create -c c-01 -a CLUSTER_SCALE_OUT -C 'username=test-user;password=123456;user_domain_name=Default' webhook-0108:32
Yanyanhuit works08:32
Yanyanhuthe test-user is in demo project08:32
openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed stackforge/senlin: Clean node lb info after detaching lb_policy
Yanyanhuit only has __member__ role08:33
Yanyanhuwhat error happened in your env?08:33
xuhaiweiI got 403 when triggering the url08:33
Yanyanhuah, I guess this is because you use different user's credential from the one who created the webhook?08:34
xuhaiweino, I think08:34
Yanyanhue.g. user1 created webhook with user2's credential provided in -C option08:34
Yanyanhuso the same user?08:35
Yanyanhuhmm, weird08:35
Yanyanhuor your policy file is old in /etc/senlin?08:35
Yanyanhu"admin_or_owner":  "is_admin:True or project:%(project)s"08:36
xuhaiweijust refreshed it a few days ago08:36
xuhaiweinow it is project08:36
Yanyanhuthat's correct08:36
xuhaiweibut I am not using user_domain_name08:36
xuhaiweithat is the problem?08:36
xuhaiweiI think it is 'Default' by default if I dont give a value08:37
Yanyanhuhmm, maybe, since I think this parameter is needed to build trust at the first time user access senlin service08:37
Yanyanhuoh, sorry, I was wrong08:37
Yanyanhulet me check the code08:37
xuhaiweiwhen I use user_domain_name, I got an InternalError08:39
Yanyanhuok, where it happened?08:40
xuhaiweiwhen get_token08:40
Yanyanhuso you provided both project_id and user_domain_name?08:40
xuhaiweino, just user_domain_name08:41
xuhaiweionly it seems only project_id is needed08:41
Yanyanhucan't remeber this exactly08:42
xuhaiweii provided project_id as 'demo' without username and password, the default user should be 'senlin', but senlin is not in the demo project i think08:42
Yanyanhuno, senlin is not08:43
xuhaiweibut it works08:43
Yanyanhuso the project id and username mismatched08:43
xuhaiweiseems so08:44
Yanyanhuyes, since if you don't provide username and password, senlin user will be used08:44
Yanyanhuthis is weird, since if only 'demo' project_id is provided, it should conflict with senlin user08:47
Yanyanhuthe token_get should fail08:47
Yanyanhuor it didn't take effect actually08:48
xuhaiweiin your environment, it works?08:48
Yanyanhuonly senlin service's username/password/user_domain_name took effect08:48
Yanyanhuit works08:48
xuhaiwei{'scope': {'project': {'id': u'9e743ff659b24887976f1d586977a4ae'}}, 'identity': {'password': {'user': {'domain': {'name': 'Default'}, 'password': u'openstack', 'name': 'senlin'}}, 'methods': ['password']}})08:49
xuhaiweithis the body of request sent from SDK to get a token08:49
Yanyanhu9exxx is the id of demo project?08:49
Yanyanhumaybe you can try to query a token manually using this param?08:51
Yanyanhuto see whether it works08:51
Yanyanhulet me see how to do this08:51
xuhaiweiseems possible08:52
Yanyanhuhmm, seems the examples.authenticate of sdk doesn't work08:52
xuhaiweiI have to go Yanyanhu08:54
xuhaiweiwill go on to it, tomorrow08:54
Yanyanhuok, we can discuss this issue later08:54
xuhaiweimaybe it's just an environment problem08:55
Yanyanhunp :)08:55
Yanyanhuhi, xuhaiwei, just made a test and found I can get token correctly using the following incorrect credential:09:18
Yanyanhucurl -i -X 'POST' ''  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  -H 'Accept: application/json'  -H 'User-Agent: python-openstacksdk/0.6.2 python-requests/2.7.0 CPython/2.7.5 Linux/3.10.0-229.1.2.el7.x86_64' --data '{"auth": {"scope": {"project": {"id": "fffcb88f30b34f7380f1781956edbbdc"}}, "identity": {"password": {"user": {"domain": {"name": "Default"}, "password": "123456", "name": "senlin"}}, "methods":09:18
Yanyanhu'fffcbxxx' is actually the id of demo project, but senlin is in service project09:19
Yanyanhuand the result is the same after I remove "scope" field09:19
Yanyanhuso I guess if user "domain" field is provided in request body, project id will be ignored by keystone API09:20
Yanyanhuand also if I replaced user 'name' by 'id' and removed user 'domain' field, it also worked although the project id in scope field is incorrect09:24
Yanyanhujust leave these message here09:24
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/python-senlinclient: Add test case for shell(part2)
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/senlin: Clean node lb info after detaching lb_policy
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/senlin: Clean node lb info after detaching lb_policy
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openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed stackforge/senlin: Update TODO list
Yanyanhuhi, Qiming, just made some updates on TODO.rst. Hope it can reflect the status correctly, could you please help to check it. Thanks.10:04
Qimingdo you have cinder service in your devstack env?10:11
Yanyanhuhi, Qiming, yes I have. But I never used it10:17
Yanyanhulet me check it out10:17
Qimingthat's the point10:18
QimingI'm reinstalling my devstack env10:18
Qimingneed to know the name of cinder service to be excluded10:18
Qimingcan you help?10:18
Yanyanhulet me have a look10:18
Yanyanhu6e8e08f606fe49f49474e9b88fe3b47c |   cinder   |     volume     |    Cinder Volume Service     |10:19
Yanyanhuba920a4cae2f4680a9684f97b2b0f535 |  cinderv2  |    volumev2    |   Cinder Volume Service V210:19
Yanyanhuthere are two cinder related services10:19
QimingI mean devstack10:20
Qimingscreen sessions10:20
Yanyanhulet me check10:20
QimingI want to exclude them from installation10:21
Yanyanhuc-api, c-sch and c-vol I think10:21
Yanyanhuso just add them to disable list?10:22
QimingI'm trying that10:22
* Qiming heading home10:28
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openstackgerritShu Muto proposed stackforge/senlin-dashboard: Add create action in profiles panel
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openstackgerritShu Muto proposed stackforge/senlin-dashboard: Add create action in profiles panel
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/senlin: Update TODO list
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openstackgerritlawrancejing proposed stackforge/senlin-dashboard: Add senlin dashboard test framwork
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openstackgerritlawrancejing proposed stackforge/senlin-dashboard: Add senlin dashboard test framwork
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openstackgerritlawrancejing proposed stackforge/senlin-dashboard: Add senlin dashboard test framwork
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