Wednesday, 2015-08-26

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admin__morning, Qiming01:10
Qimingadmin__, free to have a quick call?01:11
admin__call me by 1381067844101:11
admin__or let me know your number01:11
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openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed stackforge/senlin-dashboard: Add cluster dashboard
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xuhaiweiYanyanhu, morning02:03
Yanyanhuhi, morning02:04
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/senlin-dashboard: Add cluster dashboard
xuhaiweiJust saw this patch,
xuhaiweiline42, when ignore_missing=True, should only return 200 i think02:05
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Qimingxuhaiwei, agree02:17
Yanyanhuhi, xuhaiwei, sorry just left for a while02:18
Yanyanhuhi, xuhaiwei, the status_code list defines all status that will be accepted by api client02:27
Yanyanhutherefore when ignore_missing is defined as True, both 200 and 404 will be acceptable for api client02:28
Yanyanhuotherwise, when api client accpet and 404 status code, it will raise an exception02:28
xuhaiweiI think when ignore_missing is True, exception will not be raised02:29
xuhaiweijust return None to the client02:30
Yanyanhunope, since the status code check and filtering is done in client side02:31
Yanyanhunot provided by backend service02:31
Yanyanhuapi client just get the real resp status code and decide whether to raise exception02:31
YanyanhuI should add some parameter descriptions for api_request function to explain the logic :)02:32
xuhaiweidon't understand well what you said02:35
Yanyanhuhmm, you can image the api client we implemented in senlin functional test is just openstacksdk02:35
Yanyanhuusually we use sdk to talk with other services'02:35
Yanyanhuif we define ignore_missing as true when performing get_xxx operation, sdk will not raise exception when 404 code is return by backend service, right?02:36
Yanyanhuthat's because sdk accepts both 200 and 404 as legal resp status code02:37
Yanyanhutherefore, it won't treat NotFound as an exception and raise it to user02:38
Yanyanhuour api client will behave like this as well :)02:38
Yanyanhuif you defined ignore_missing as True, both 200 and 404 will be treated as expected resp status code02:39
xuhaiweiI think I got you02:39
xuhaiweiif ignore_missing is False, we should check whether exception is happened?02:40
openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed stackforge/senlin: Define _build_connection_params in policy base module
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed stackforge/senlin: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed stackforge/senlin: Define _build_connection_params in policy base module
openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed stackforge/senlin: Define _build_connection_params in policy base module
Yanyanhuhi, Qiming, I'm now working on using senlin generic driver to manage keystone_v3 driver. One question I'm wondering is whether we should invoke interfaces provided by keystone driver through generic driver interface in all cases06:17
Yanyanhujust like what we discussed about runing heat without keystone06:18
Yanyanhualthough senlin is an openstack service, but I think it can also be run without keystone service although some extra work is needed to make this possible06:19
Yanyanhuso besides profile and policy modules, shoud we also invoke identity related interfaces using senlin generic driver in some other modules like trust middleware or webhook06:22
Qimingthat is a great idea06:41
Qimingthe only concern is about time06:42
Qimingwe won't make it before L-306:42
Yanyanhuyes. I think we can do it step by step06:42
Qimingthere are more important work than that06:42
Yanyanhuso we just provide basic support for managing keystone client using senlin generic driver06:42
Yanyanhuin current stage06:43
Yanyanhuthen we can try to think about this issue and find possible solution in future06:43
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openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed stackforge/senlin: Fix webhook triggering logic
openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed stackforge/senlin: Catch all the driver exceptions on node engine layer
openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed stackforge/senlin: Define _build_connection_params in policy base module
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Qimingxuhaiwei, 216139 looks good, pls fix the pep8 error08:32
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/senlin: Define _build_connection_params in policy base module
openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed stackforge/senlin: Fail webhook creation if url is not correctly created
openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed stackforge/senlin: Catch all the driver exceptions on node engine layer
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed stackforge/senlin: Minor tweaks to the drivers base
openstackgerritxu-haiwei proposed stackforge/senlin: Catch all the driver exceptions on node engine layer
openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed stackforge/senlin: Use senlin generic driver to manege keystone driver
QimingYanyanhu, please help check 217036 above?09:09
Yanyanhusure, have looked at it and I think it's ok09:10
Yanyanhujust wait for gate's verification09:10
Yanyanhuwill rebase 217045 on it and 21675109:10
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/senlin: Fix webhook triggering logic
openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed stackforge/senlin: Use senlin generic driver to manege keystone driver
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed stackforge/senlin: Removal of debugging code
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/senlin: Minor tweaks to the drivers base
openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed stackforge/senlin: Use senlin generic driver to manege keystone driver
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/senlin: Removal of debugging code
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/senlin: Use senlin generic driver to manege keystone driver
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/senlin: Catch all the driver exceptions on node engine layer
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Qimingheading home10:21
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/senlin: Check wait_for_lb_ready method's return value
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openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed stackforge/senlin-dashboard: Add senlinclient exceptions to horizon types
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed stackforge/python-senlinclient: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed stackforge/senlin: Updated from global requirements
lawrance_zhengguo,  should we add "senlin-dashboard" into openstack/requirements-project.txt?14:27
lawrance_or later14:28
zhenguolawrance: yes, the patches are in review progress, hope to be merged soon.14:47
zhenguolawrance: see
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/senlin-dashboard: Add senlinclient exceptions to horizon types
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/python-senlinclient: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/senlin: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed stackforge/senlin-dashboard: Wrap senlin client object
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