Friday, 2013-12-13

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openstackgerritMinkyung Maisy Kim proposed a change to openstack/savanna-dashboard: Adding the ability to modify cluster template
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openstackgerritMinkyung Maisy Kim proposed a change to openstack/savanna-dashboard: Adding the ability to modify cluster template
openstackgerritMinkyung Maisy Kim proposed a change to openstack/python-savannaclient: Adding the ability to modify cluster templates
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack/savanna: Launch integration tests with testr
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openstackgerritMina Park proposed a change to openstack/savanna-dashboard: Adding the ability to modify node group template
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openstackgerritAlexander Ignatov proposed a change to openstack/savanna-image-elements: Firstboot script modifications
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack/savanna: Launch integration tests with testr
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack/savanna: Launch integration tests with testr
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack/savanna: Launch integration tests with testr
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack/savanna: Launch integration tests with testr
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/savanna: Provisioning via Heat
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/savanna: DO NOT MERGE
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tmckaycrobertsrh, ping14:24
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tmckayHey there.  How hard is it to change the set up job types in the UI to Hive, Pig, MapReduce?  I'm wondering if we should make an incremental commit just to change the name before I start adding stuff14:25
tmckay"set of job types"14:25
crobertsrhNot that hard.14:26
tmckayor, for that matter, add Java too which will just be not implemented14:26
crobertsrhDo you just mean change the screen name of it, or do you mean change the name of the value passed around?14:26
crobertsrhThat would require a tweak to the get_job_configs (or something like that) as well.14:27
tmckayThe value.  The enum will be Hive, Pig, and MapReduce in the savanna-api, and ultimately include Java14:27
tmckayThe UI makes calls through the Rest API, correct?14:27
tmckayMy other thought, for compatibility, is to automagically change "JAR" to MapReduce in the REST api so that the UI doesn't break and can be changed independently14:28
tmckayand for anyone who has REST scripts currently14:28
tmckayThat might be the way to go14:28
tmckaybackwards compatibility is always nice14:29
crobertsrhMaybe.  I'm not sure about the official stance on supporting backwards compat in the api14:29
crobertsrhYeah, definitely a plus14:29
tmckayaignatov, ^^ what do you think?  Should I make the savanna REST api still accept "JAR" in addition to MapReduce?14:30
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tmckaywe can mark it deprecated in the API docs14:30
tmckayI like that it makes the commits independent14:31
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tmckaycrobertsrh, okay, the more I think, the more I like it.  That's what I'll do, and people can complain in the review if they don't like it :)14:32
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mattfaignatov, no need to reinvent our own bicycle -- i like it14:40
aignatovtmckay: good approach I think, you can drop JAR definitions from REST calls completely:)14:43
tmckayaignatov, okay, thanks14:43
aignatovbecause there are no users who use EDP right now I think14:43
tmckay:)  Maybe test guys14:44
aignatovah, you mean integration tests, right?14:44
tmckayWho know what crazy scripts somebody has written.  But, yes, I think it doesn't need to be mentioned directly, as long as nothing breaks14:44
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tmckayYes, I've fixed up the test source under savanna, but somebody might have there own stuff14:44
aignatovtmckay, we'll see how savanna-ci will react on tour patch with this replacement ;)14:47
aignatovtour -> your14:47
tmckayI think it should be okay.  I'm testing right now in create_job to just change "Jar" to "MapReduce", voila!  The only other place may be in job_manager, just in case someone has a Jar job in a savanna database and wants to keep it14:49
tmckayand upgrades savanna, but keeps the database14:49
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/puppet-savanna: This is the initial commit of the savanna puppet module.
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tmckayaignatov, so when I run a mapred job and specify output as swift://tmckay.savanna/output, it creates swift://tmckay/output.  Even though the path is correct in workflow.xml.  Have you seen this?17:03
aignatovtmckay, that's correct behaviour, "savanna" word is like a delimiter. It allows to run single hadoop cluster over multiple swift storages17:06
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aignatovyou can observe this in the hadoop patch for swift17:06
aignatovin savanna-extra repo17:07
tmckayah, I see17:07
tmckayso it works the same on input?17:07
tmckaythat is, I should put my stuff in swift://tmckay and then specify swift://tmckay.savanna in the submission?17:08
aignatovyes, it should work over all paths in swift :)17:08
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aignatovhm, but not sure about root catalog17:09
aignatovin swift17:09
aignatovneed to check, I don't know exactly17:09
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/savanna: Change "Jar" job type to "MapReduce"
tmckaycrobertsrh, okay, I tested this with the UI from master and it looks like things will still run without breakage ^^18:56
crobertsrhI'll take a peek18:57
tmckaycrobertsrh, you should be able to change "Jar" to "MapReduce" at your liesure18:57
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crobertsrhOk, I'll add that to my list18:57
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/savanna: Launch integration tests with testr
openstackgerritJonathan Maron proposed a change to openstack/savanna: Enable data locality for HDP plugin
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openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed a change to openstack/savanna: Added 'gcc' to requirements.
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openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed a change to openstack/savanna: Added 'gcc' to requirements in dev instructions.
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openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed a change to openstack/savanna: Added 'gcc' to requirements in dev instructions
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openstackgerritJonathan Maron proposed a change to openstack/savanna: Enable data locality for HDP plugin
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