Thursday, 2019-02-21

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openstackgerritMartin Kopec proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Enable manila plugin in devstack
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openstackgerritMartin Kopec proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Enable manila plugin in devstack
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kopecmartintosky, hi, can be task 22143  here!/story/2002574 considered done by this
toskykopecmartin: it looks like it's the case13:40
kopecmartintosky, cool, I'm cleaning the storyboard a little13:40
toskyoh, good :)13:41
kopecmartintosky, just quick question, do you remember why we hardcoded this?
toskykopecmartin: I think that a value for that key is needed, but I can't be sure 100%14:11
kopecmartintosky, i think so too, the problem is, that on devstack the role is not created during deployment and then if it's set in tempest.conf some tests are failing because they can't find the role14:14
kopecmartinand now I'm not sure how to fix that, 1. option is to check if the role exists and if not don't write it to tempest.conf14:14
kopecmartin2. option is to check if exists and if don't  then create it14:14
toskyuse member14:15
kopecmartinhmm, ok, that could work , I'm gonna try14:15
toskyit's the standard at least from rocky, but then I'm not sure whether it works on devstack/queens and devstack/pike14:15
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kopecmartintosky, manila is working \o/ , can we merge this?
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kopecmartinactually we don't have to rush, because it depends on another review14:53
toskykopecmartin: oh, at least there was a real bug14:53
kopecmartintosky, yeah14:53
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kopecmartintosky, regarding the cinder review15:58
toskykopecmartin: yes?15:58
kopecmartintosky, is there a chance, that there will be older versions of the service deployed except the newest one?15:59
kopecmartinfor example volume, volumev2 but no volumev3?15:59
toskykopecmartin: uh, I really don't know; would that be a problem?16:00
kopecmartini'm afraid yes :/16:00
toskyvolumev3 is pretty "old" at this point16:01
toskywhich are the problematic combinations?16:01
kopecmartintosky, this loop
kopecmartinif there is v2, the service will be true , however if there is no v3, it will be set back to false16:02
kopecmartinoh, but it can be solved by changing the order16:02
kopecmartinnever mind16:03
kopecmartinit's a dict16:03
toskydict are without order, at least until python 3.6; unless you switch to OrderedDict16:03
toskyI think it's rare, but what if volumev3 is enabled but volumev2 is not?16:03
kopecmartinno idea , if one of them is enabled the whole service is, isn't it?16:04
toskykopecmartin: uhm, I think that the patch is incorrect16:05
toskydon't we just need to override get_service_names?16:05
kopecmartintosky, yeah :/ .. i don't know, i need to rethink it16:06
toskykopecmartin: or better, get_service_names already return the correct information16:06
toskythat's how it should work16:06
kopecmartinthe method was implemented for that purpose .. it seems we didn't finish its usage16:08
toskydid I already mention that the migration to a pluggable configuration is not finished? :)16:08
toskythere should be a story for it iirc16:09
kopecmartini don't see any story16:09
tosky2002787 I think16:10
toskybut, uhm, it's finished16:11
kopecmartincan you pass me the link? i really can't see it16:13
toskybut why we still have that list of services in I may have overlooked it16:13
toskywe shouldn't need to use SERVICE_NAMES anymore - but that's unrelated with the current issue16:13
kopecmartinoh, i was looking for an active story16:14
kopecmartintosky, i thought so too, but then i noticed, that the SERVICE_NAMES because of the translation to codename of the service16:15
kopecmartin*that we have16:15
toskyI think it was postponed because arxcruz had other duties16:16
toskythe entire code of set_service_availability should be rewritten, removing the service-specific cases16:17
kopecmartinyes , that sounds familiar :D16:18
arxcruzi don't remember16:19
arxcruzi think i left because of some compatibility16:20
arxcruzsorry guys, i'm not in my best today...16:20
kopecmartinarxcruz, don't worry, I hope you'll feel better tomorrow :)16:21
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toskykopecmartin: would you mind adding another task to that story?16:26
kopecmartintosky, sure, I'll add one16:27
toskyregardless of that, cinderv2/v3 should be discovered even now16:28
kopecmartinits' not, because "volumev2/v3" doesn't match with "volume" in the dict16:28
toskyok, so the migration should be brought forward \o/16:31
kopecmartinor let's call it refactoring :D that's even more hated word :D16:31
kopecmartinanyway, i need to run, see you tomorrow , bye16:32
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