Friday, 2017-03-24

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openstackgerritgecong proposed openstack/refstack-client master: Fix a typo in template.rst
openstackgerritgecong proposed openstack/refstack master: fix a typo in template.rst
openstackgerritMerged openstack/refstack master: Add openid fix migration script
openstackgerritMerged openstack/refstack master: Adding Python 3.5 to setup metadata
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comphi all15:20
compcould someone explain what validation tests do?15:22
compI can connect to the instance with ip netns exec qrouter-9d6226b1-955e-4925-9971-bb641a7e45d4 ssh cirros@ip15:31
compbut tempest fails with authentication error (or timeout)15:32
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compwhat credentials it uses? connection from where to where?15:50
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comphi anne16:02
compConnected (version 2.0, client dropbear_2012.55)16:47
comp2017-03-24 16:46:45.867 20057 INFO paramiko.transport [-] Authentication (publickey) failed.16:47
comp2017-03-24 16:46:46.139 20057 INFO paramiko.transport [-] Authentication (password) failed.16:47
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annegentlecomp hm, my best guess is to look at the configured user name and key pair? If that's what you see when the tests are running.19:01
annegentlecomp as in, try to SSH to a cloud server after launching it, using the user name and key pair you have configured in the tempest settings.19:02
annegentlecomp one time I found out we couldn't SSH into any server launched from one particular image file, and that image file was what was configured in my tests19:02
comphow to use ssh key in tempest? I uncomment keypair_name = mykey in [orchestration] but it is not work19:26
annegentlecomp oh yeah, you're right... I have auth_method = keypair but then yeah the tempest tests are making keypairs during the tests19:41
annegentlecomp so maybe user name? for image_ssh_user =19:42
compI remember sometimes I got this test passed when playing with namespaces and also created new network for tests19:49
annegentlecomp yeah I'm creating a new network just for tests.. not sure how to change namespaces though19:51
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