Friday, 2017-02-03

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athinkingmeathi, i have an issue running tempest with refclient, one test fails if i have shared external network, - testtools.matchers._impl.MismatchError: ['id', 'mac_address'] != [u'id', u'mac_address', u'network:tenant_id']11:37
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catherineDathinkingmeat: I feel like having a shared external network is not the reason for the failure. Do you have more than one external networks? Pls check the setting for the fixed_network_name and validation.connect_method in your tempest.conf.19:23
annegentledoes refstack itself change much, or is it mostly tempest tests that change? I rebuilt a container that installs the refstack-client, and got different errors than before, and I'm not sure where to start troubleshooting, the client or the tests?20:08
annegentleoh, and I guess also, I'm running
annegentletrying to peel apart the layers20:11
catherineDannegentle: RefStack is mostly Tempest tests.... However, the default version of Tempest installed with RefStack is quite old and we are in the process to update the default Tempest version to the latest one (after we validate the new Tempest version against the 2017.01.json)21:26
annegentlecatherineD ok, thanks, that's helpful. Yeah, I see "deprecated" errors in the logs sometimes.21:26
catherineDmeanwhile, you can run your test with the latest  tempest if so wish21:27
annegentlecatherineD how do I substitute?21:27
catherineDwith the refresh instrallation of refstack ...21:27
catherineDyou can go to refstack-client/.tempest21:27
catherineDgit log  ( to note the last patch ) it should be something in July ...21:28
catherineDgit checkout -b  july-default-tempest21:29
catherineDgit branch21:29
catherineDare you with me?21:29
annegentlehm, mine is jun 17, sound right?21:30
catherineDso git branch should show that you are at at the july-default-tempest21:30
annegentle* (HEAD detached at 4d63b16)21:30
annegentleis what I have21:30
annegentlegit log -n 1 --pretty=oneline21:31
annegentlegives Merge "Add IPv6 rule creation to validation resources"21:31
annegentleam I even close? :)21:31
catherineDwhich date is that?21:31
annegentleHere's the log21:32
annegentleso I built refstack-client21:33
annegentlenot refstack, I believe.21:33
catherineDyep so that is the default tempest21:33
catherineDsorry it is refstack-client21:33
annegentleoh, right, I'm in .tempest now21:33
catherineDnow save that version by doing21:33
annegentleso the git log is tempest's git log21:33
catherineDgit checkout -b july-default-version21:33
catherineDyes git log is the tempest git log because you are in .tempest21:34
annegentleok, got it21:34
annegentlegit branch says that's the one I got - july-default-version21:34
annegentledo I need a fetch?21:34
annegentleor is that a tagged branch?21:34
catherineDnow just do21:34
catherineDgit checkout master21:34
catherineDthe git log ( and see what is the date)21:35
catherineDrefstack-client just pull from the master the date you down load21:35
annegentlecatherineD ok, great, now I have Fri Feb 3 16:39:00 2017 +000021:35
catherineDok so ...21:35
catherineDto be safe I think do21:36
annegentlecatherineD and since I cloned refstack-client today, what should that be at?21:36
catherineDpip[ install -U .21:36
annegentleoh sure, yeah.21:36
catherineDpip install -U .21:36
annegentlegoing going21:36
annegentlebuilding building21:36
annegentlefun fun :)21:36
catherineDafter that you should be at the latest tempest ...21:37
catherineDlet me know when it is done21:37
annegentleall done21:37
catherineDno error?21:37
annegentlenope, built fine21:38
catherineDgreat ..21:38
annegentlepip freeze | grep refstack21:38
annegentlenow, re-run tests?21:38
catherineDso now you should be at the latest tempest but I do not think that was the problem with the test-ports testcase21:38
catherineDfirst I see that you get the must pass list from 2016.01 ...21:39
catherineDso that is 2 versions older ...21:39
annegentleyeah, we're testing a liberty-based cloud21:39
catherineDin that version I believe the test-ports tests are advisory21:39
catherineDlet me double check21:39
annegentlewhat happens is it says it can't schedule building a server/instance21:39
annegentlebut I can build instances from the CLI, etc. so I must have something wrong in the test setup21:40
catherineDso in 2016.01 not work test are not required ... they are just advisory21:41
annegentleeven for server launch?21:42
catherineDback to testing ..21:42
catherineDdo you want to show me the tempest.conf .... but first of all mask out all the password before showing21:43
annegentlecatherineD sure, thanks for taking a look21:43
catherineDyou can ping me in private ...21:43
catherineDbut still mask out the password21:43
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