Wednesday, 2025-03-05

rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed rdoinfo master: Bump rdoinfo epoxy-uc tags to latest upper-constraints or latest Puppetfile
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed openstack/ironic-distgit rpm-master: openstack-ironic: failed to build 0bf0c9e8d
*** ykarel_ is now known as ykarel10:44
karolinku[m]Hey tkajinam , recently we have issue in packstack-scenario001: related to last change in Glance: IIUC, it is related to image format10:57
karolinku[m]declared in Can it be changed to qcow2?10:57
tkajinamkarolinku[m], hmm we intentionally use raw in that test because usage of raw image is something highly recommended in deployments using ceph.11:43
karolinku[m]other option is to change --disk-format to raw11:45
karolinku[m](this scenario is blocking master promotion)11:45
tkajinamoh wait11:45
tkajinamis that packstack job, right ?11:46
tkajinamso the problem is not at all related to the file in p-o-i11:48
tkajinamand I guess I found the problem11:48
tkajinamkarolinku[m], do you know where that puppet-glance-image... is created ?11:49
karolinku[m]I only found
tkajinamok so that a temp file created by glance_image resource11:52
tkajinamand the actual content is downloaded from, according to CONFIG_MANILA_SERVICE_IMAGE_LOCATION11:52
karolinku[m]I understand, but this is exactly the problem11:54
karolinku[m]"Image disk_format qcow2 does not match stream data raw"11:54
tkajinamIs it really a valid link ? I downloaded the file in and the file is actually is detected as raw but I don't really think this is a valid content11:55
karolinku[m]maybe this is something outdated, packstack has minimal maintenance...11:56
tkajinammaybe this is something we should try ?11:58
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed x/packstack master: Fix pretty outdated manila service image location
karolinku[m]code untouched for 11 years12:01
tkajinamI've asked thoughts in #openstack-manila but probably we can try this12:01
tkajinamI know how well it has been maintained :-P12:01
karolinku[m]what and idea to have it on ...dropbox? xD12:01
rdogerritKarolina Kula proposed openstack/ironic-distgit rpm-master: Add vnc-container image build
*** gthiemon1e is now known as gthiemonge15:59

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