Thursday, 2024-02-15

rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed rdoinfo master: Bump rdoinfo antelope tags to latest upper-constraints or latest Puppetfile
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for caracal-9s-testing
tkajinamso the broken mariadb seems to be triggered by the provider_lz4.cnf file added in the new package coming from 10.11 module. This file is installed by the package, not generated by puppet00:47
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for antelope-9s-testing
tkajinamI wonder if anyone has EVER done ANY QA activity of that package00:47
* tkajinam shrugs00:47
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for zed-9s-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for yoga-9s-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for yoga-8s-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for wallaby-8s-testing
tkajinamjcapitao[m], amoralej[m] I've opened . feel free to close it in case you already opened one01:20
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for yoga-8s-testing
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed rdo-infra/weirdo master: Disable mariadb:10.11 module
jcapitao[m]tkajinam: thank you for the report, we planned to open it this morning (we found out the issue before leaving yesterday)08:11
tkajinamjcapitao[m], ok. then let's see how they respond.08:17
tkajinamin that bug report08:17
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed rdo-infra/weirdo master: Revert "Exclude libvirt-9.10.0-1 from appstream repo"
tkajinam(I assume RHEL now prefer jira to bugzilla but lmk in case I still have to use bugzilla for bug report about c9s08:18
jcapitao[m]JIRA should be fine08:19
matbuo/ morning folks, amoralej[m] jcapitao[m] I left a comment here
matbuit looks like the error message is due to the dnf config, I'm not sure if I did something wrong08:22
rdogerritMarihan Girgis proposed config master: update the name of the repo
jcapitao[m]hello matbu o/ lemme check08:26
jcapitao[m]the error message is confusing, but basically it means that RDO is missing golang-github-spf13-cobra golang-gopkg-ini and golang-gopkg-yaml packages 08:29
jcapitao[m]the fact that we have "from epel-low-priority is filtered out by exclude filtering" is because we have to enables EPEL repo just for Ceph packages provided by the Storage SIG08:30
jcapitao[m]there is more information why we did that in
jcapitao[m]so, the solution here is to add those dependencies in RDO08:33
jcapitao[m]following this doc
jcapitao[m]I'm gonna leave a comment in the patch with the information above08:37
rdogerritMarihan Girgis proposed config master: Add infrawatch/functional-test to zuul
matbujcapitao[m]: ack thanks, the packages (golang-*) are in Epel08:42
matbujcapitao[m]: so that mean I should add those packages as requirements so they can be pulled (out of epel) ?08:43
jcapitao[m]matbu: exactly, you need to add those package in RDO as requirements/dependencies08:46
jcapitao[m]we don't pull packages from EPEL (except for Ceph as we depend on Storage SIG)08:47
jcapitao[m]karolinku apevec : could you review  please ? to unblock releases on CS9 09:05
karolinku[m]lgtm, but I can only give +109:08
apevecmatbu:  I wonder why is os-diff RPM added to RDO, wouldn't that be just used in a TCIB container so could be built s2i there?09:11
apevecis there any stand-alone use case?09:11
rdogerritmathieu bultel proposed rdoinfo master: Add golang dependencies for osdiff go package
matbuoops :)09:13
rdogerritmathieu bultel proposed rdoinfo master: Add golang dependencies for osdiff go package
jcapitao[m]thanks karolinku  I'm going to merge it09:22
jcapitao[m]there is also
rdogerritMerged rdo-infra/weirdo master: Disable mariadb:10.11 module
rdogerritMerged rdo-infra/weirdo master: Revert "Exclude libvirt-9.10.0-1 from appstream repo"
rdogerritLewis Denny proposed config master: Set trunk interface to never-default=true
rdogerritMarios Andreou proposed rdo-jobs master: Adding new data-plane-adoption-osp17-multinode-to-extracted-crc
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for caracal-9s-testing
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for yoga-9s-testing
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for zed-9s-testing
jcapitao[m]matbu apevec  : re - I've done a serie of scratch build to get the os-diff dependency arborescence 11:37
jcapitao[m]so there are at least 8 packages to add and possibly more11:38
jcapitao[m]as golist is missing and make the macro %generate_buildrequires (which add automatically build-time dep) fail11:38
jcapitao[m]I opened a story to track this effort
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed config master: Let rdo zuul know about openstack-k8s-operators/architecture repo
rdogerritMerged config master: Let rdo zuul know about openstack-k8s-operators/architecture repo
rdogerritEmma Foley proposed config master: Add infrawatch/functional-test to zuul

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