Friday, 2023-06-23

rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed rdoinfo master: Bump rdoinfo bobcat-uc tags to latest upper-constraints
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed deps/python-greenlet c9s-bobcat-rdo: Update to 2.0.2
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed rdo-jobs master: Added Retry getting k8s resource
rdogerritRabi Mishra proposed config master: Add infra-operator to github projects
rdogerritMerged config master: Add infra-operator to github projects
*** amoralej|off is now known as amoralej06:13
rdogerritJoan Francesc Gilabert proposed rdo-jobs master: [WIP] [DNM] Early attempt to create new adoption job
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/edpm-image-builder-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritMarios Andreou proposed rdo-jobs master: Added Retry getting k8s resource
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/ironic-staging-drivers-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/edpm-image-builder-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/rally-openstack-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/ironic-staging-drivers-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/edpm-image-builder-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/reno-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/rally-openstack-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/ironic-staging-drivers-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/reno-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/edpm-image-builder-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed rdo-jobs master: Added Retry getting k8s resource
jcapitao[m]amoralej: I left a comment in
jcapitao[m]I reused your piece of code in reno07:30
amoralejthanks jcapitao[m], if that works i'm preparing a patch to the releng script07:31
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/rally-openstack-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
amoralejjcapitao[m], you hit the same issue or just for consistency?07:32
jcapitao[m]yes, missing doc/requirements.txt07:32
amoralejjcapitao[m], onother that i found is
amoralejsome packages use UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE instead of TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE07:33
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/rally-openstack-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/reno-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
jcapitao[m]ack for CONSTRAINTS_FILE07:46
jcapitao[m]I didn't hit that issue so far07:46
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/edpm-image-builder-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed rdo-jobs master: Added Retry getting k8s resource
rdogerritJoan Francesc Gilabert proposed rdo-jobs master: [WIP] [DNM] Early attempt to create new adoption job
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/rally-openstack-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/reno-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
jcapitao[m]I hit a special case where sphinx extras are set up08:00
jcapitao[m]but looks like only reno project sets it up like this08:00
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/rally-openstack-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
amoralejjcapitao[m], that's installing its sphinx extra requirements08:09
amoralejdefined in
amoralejautomatic BR doesn't know how to handle that?08:09
amoralejthat will force us to add sphinx BR manually i guess08:10
jcapitao[m]yeah I guess08:10
jcapitao[m]ValueError: Requirement '.[sphinx]' from tox --print-deps-only: py39 is invalid.08:10
amoralejyeap, it worked ...08:11
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed rdo-jobs master: Added Retry getting k8s resource
amoralejjcapitao[m], karolinku[m] wrt excluded runtime, we need to exclude watcherclient in rally, i.e. but we will need more, i've done this08:16
amoraleji was wondering if we should add macros by default in the spec as we do with exclued_brs although it's empty08:17
amoralejor maybe just add something like this only when needed08:17
amoralejwdyt ?08:17
amoralejor just one sed per req... dunno08:19
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/rally-openstack-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
amoralej^ now with a macro for the list of reqs to ban08:20
karolinku[m]I thought of creating list of exclusions to script, but...08:21
karolinku[m]we will discover them as we process packages, to it is not much faster08:21
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/reno-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/stevedore-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
jcapitao[m]IMHO I prefer the use of excluded_reqs08:24
jcapitao[m]it'd ease automation in the future08:24
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/requestsexceptions-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/rsd-lib-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/sphinx-feature-classification-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/stackviz-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
karolinku[m]will there be any future for such transformation?:)08:34
jcapitao[m]good question :)08:36
jcapitao[m]it's difficult to foresee08:36
karolinku[m]will we use it for deps...?08:37
karolinku[m]btw, im not against developing the script, just asking:)08:38
jcapitao[m]for the deps yes maybe08:38
jcapitao[m]or cyclic reqs08:38
jcapitao[m]amoralej: btw wrt cyclic reqs, if we already project on bootstrapping CS10, should we handle now ?08:40
karolinku[m]if we will add exclusions automatically, there is a chance that we will exlude sth what is needed (not it case of missing package ofc)08:41
amoralejyes, for new OSs08:41
amoralejlemme send my idea08:41
amoralejjcapitao[m], wrt cyclic, yes we will still need it to bootstran new versions of centos or of python08:41
amoralejand in some weird cases we may have issues with specific versions requirements08:42
amoralejso we may still need repo_bootstrap08:42
amoralejwe need to be able to boostrap from scratch08:42
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed rdo-infra/releng master: Some improvements to the
amoralejkarolinku[m], jcapitao[m] ^08:46
amoralejso, when needed (only), we may run --add-exclude-reqs after --all08:46
amoralejwith that, at least we have an homogeneous way to implement although only applied when needed08:47
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/stevedore-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed rdo-jobs master: Added Retry getting k8s resource
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/cliff-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
jcapitao[m]amoralej: I meant if we should already handle the bootstrapping case now ?08:53
jcapitao[m]for example in reno08:53
amoralejimo yes08:54
jcapitao[m]about your comments on stevedore and cliff08:54
amoralejbetter now than when we need to bootstrap it08:54
amoralejor we will be able to find the boostrap order when we need to08:54
jcapitao[m]yeah but it's hard to spot all the cyclic req08:54
amoralejwell, at least the ones that we find08:55
amoraleji don't expect many tbh08:55
amoralejmost of them are already included with repo_bootstrap08:56
amoralejthe reno case is special08:56
amoralejbecause i'm afraid it will be automatically added as a new BR to many packages08:56
amoraleji've seen that in DLRN-rpmbuild-centos9-compare-builddeps jobs in some of the tests08:56
jcapitao[m]did I choose the only special case out there for my first package ? xD08:56
amoralejyes you did :)08:57
amoralejunless we ban it from BRs08:57
amoralejwhich actually i though about08:57
amoralejjcapitao[m], i.e.
rdogerritMerged rdo-infra/releng master: Some improvements to the
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/stevedore-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
jcapitao[m]amoralej: ^ let's see if it installs reno09:03
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed rdo-jobs master: Added Retry getting k8s resource
rdogerritJoan Francesc Gilabert proposed rdo-jobs master: [WIP] [DNM] Early attempt to create new adoption job
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/stevedore-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/cliff-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed rdo-jobs master: Added Retry getting k8s resource
rdogerritKarolina Kula proposed openstack/hacking-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
karolinku[m]amoralej, jcapitao[m]: do you think is it worth to add possiblity of parsing list of packages to process? I mean autmated pull, modify and push changes for this list?11:16
amoraleji think we must manually before review11:18
amoralejsorry, i mean, we must manually review it before sending it11:18
amoralejall the packages i have sent so far have required some manual tweak11:19
rdogerritKarolina Kula proposed openstack/hardware-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritEnrique Vallespi Gil proposed config master: Add testing kerberos roles for promote-hash role and tripleo-upstream ci-scripts.
amoralejkarolinku[m], said that, i've created a 5 lines script to do all what you said but sending it :)11:24
karolinku[m]and you didn't share! LD11:27
rdogerritEnrique Vallespi Gil proposed config master: Add testing kerberos roles for promote-hash role and tripleo-upstream ci-scripts.
rdogerritDouglas Viroel proposed rdo-jobs master: Adds FIPS nodesets for IBM BM3 cloud
amoralejkarolinku[m], it's just 5 lines! :)11:29
rdogerritEnrique Vallespi Gil proposed config master: Add testing kerberos roles for promote-hash role and tripleo-upstream ci-scripts.
rdogerritEnrique Vallespi Gil proposed config master: Add testing kerberos roles for promote-hash role and tripleo-upstream ci-scripts.
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/cliff-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritKarolina Kula proposed openstack/heat-translator-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed rdo-jobs master: Added Retry getting k8s resource
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/stevedore-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/cliff-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
amoralejkarolinku[m], we should make sure there is always a blank space between last BR and next section11:46
karolinku[m]just another sed needed11:47
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/rally-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/stackviz-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/rsd-lib-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
jcapitao[m]amoralej karolinku : I'm hitting issue with rpmlint "obsolete-not-provided"11:58
jcapitao[m]I don't think this warning is relevant for us11:58
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/rally-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
jcapitao[m]I meant for RDO11:58
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch11:58
jcapitao[m]wdyt ?11:59
rdogerritKarolina Kula proposed openstack/hacking-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritKarolina Kula proposed openstack/ironic-lib-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritKarolina Kula proposed openstack/keystoneauth1-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed rdoinfo master: Retire stackviz project
rdogerritMerged rdo-jobs master: Adds FIPS nodesets for IBM BM3 cloud
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed rdo-jobs master: Add rpmlint filters for rsd-lib
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/rsd-lib-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritMerged openstack/hardware-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
*** amoralej|lunch is now known as amoralej12:36
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed rdo-jobs master: Added Retry getting k8s resource
rdogerritKarolina Kula proposed openstack/keystonemiddleware-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
amoralejjcapitao[m], where are those obsolete coming from?12:38
amoralejthat may be some obsolete that we don't need anymore?12:38
jcapitao[m]it's the other way around12:39
jcapitao[m]rpmlint want us to provides obsoletes12:39
jcapitao[m]we're hitting the issue for sphinx-feature-classification12:40
jcapitao[m]and rsd-lib12:40
jcapitao[m]and probably more coming12:40
amoralejbtw, there seems to be some issue with compare-files in some cases
jcapitao[m]I'll check out why12:43
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed rdo-jobs master: Add rpmlint filters for sphinx-feature-classification
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/sphinx-feature-classification-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritJoan Francesc Gilabert proposed rdo-jobs master: [WIP] [DNM] Early attempt to create new adoption job
amoralejjcapitao[m], see rpm -q --obsoletes -p
amoralejit obsoletes python39-sphinx-feature-classification12:46
amoraleji think that's the issue12:47
amoralejwhat creates that?12:47
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/rally-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritMarios Andreou proposed rdo-jobs master: Configure OVN database IP address for database backup
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/automaton-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
jcapitao[m]and from trunk12:52
jcapitao[m]rpm -q --obsoletes -p
jcapitao[m]python-sphinx-feature-classification < 1.1.0-0.20210921151659.d3d6887.el912:52
jcapitao[m]amoralej: what I understand is that rpmlint wants an explicit obsoleted in SPEC file ?12:54
amoralejusually, when you obsolete something you also provides it12:54
amoralejit's part of upgrade path usual implementation12:55
amoraleji thing obsolete-not-provided means, it's obsoleting a package but it does not have a provides for it12:55
amoralejit can be a problem or not, depending on the case12:56
jcapitao[m]ok we doesn't provide python39-sphinx-feature-classification12:57
jcapitao[m]but python3.9-*12:57
jcapitao[m]as it's handles automatically, I don't think this "obsolete-not-provided " condition is necessary12:58
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/automaton-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed rdo-jobs master: Do not filter on reponame
jcapitao[m]amoralej: ^ to fix the issue of the compare-files job13:13
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed rdo-jobs master: Add rpmlint filters for requestsexceptions
amoralejjcapitao[m], wrt obsolete issue, so the automation provides python3.9- and obsoletes python39- right?13:15
amoralejbut we have the same issue before the patch13:15
amoralejpm -q --obsoletes -p
amoralejrpm -q --provides -p
jcapitao[m]dunno why we didn't hit the issue before13:16
jcapitao[m]that's the same behavior for cliff13:17
amoralejnote that rpmlint is just comparing rpmlint13:17
amoralejfrom old and new13:17
amoraleji see last build from sphinx-feature-classification in trunk is 2021092115165913:18
amoralejso probably the macros have changed13:18
amoralejsince then13:18
jcapitao[m]yeah but I mean in previous build13:18
jcapitao[m]it must have compared with previous one13:19
amoraleji'm not sure why it obsoletes python39... but yes, seems good to ignore13:19
jcapitao[m]it was relevant when the job was done manually13:19
jcapitao[m]but now ..13:20
jcapitao[m]it's my 3rd patch to ignore them13:20
amoralejwrt some packages may not be noarch ...13:21
amoralejmmm there may be some way to not split the output in two lines ?13:22
jcapitao[m]yeah that was my interrogation13:22
amoralejwell, tbh, probably all of them are noarch. We have some arched but only in deps, iirc13:22
jcapitao[m]I tried but haven't found a way13:22
amoralejwhat about using repoquery instead13:23
amoralejyou have some dnf command example with a logs repo?13:24
jcapitao[m]dnf -q --releasever 9 --installroot=/tmp/root --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='DLRN-rpmbuild-centos9' --repofrompath=DLRN-rpmbuild-centos9,$PARENT_JOB_REPO list available13:24
amoralejdnf repoquery --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='DLRN-rpmbuild-centos9' --repofrompath=DLRN-rpmbuild-centos9,$REPOPATH -q13:27
amoralejjcapitao[m], ^ 13:27
amoralejis that what you need ?13:27
amoralejmmm we need to remove the epoch i guess13:28
jcapitao[m]repoquery -q --releasever 9 --installroot=/tmp/root --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='DLRN-rpmbuild-centos9' --repofrompath=DLRN-rpmbuild-centos9,$PARENT_JOB_REPO  | grep -v -e "src$" | rev | cut -d- -f3- | re13:28
amoralejyou want the package name only, right?13:28
amoralejbetter to use --qf13:28
amoralejbut we need to remove the src ...13:29
jcapitao[m]yeah ..13:29
amoralejdnf repoquery --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='DLRN-rpmbuild-centos9' --repofrompath=DLRN-rpmbuild-centos9,$REPOPATH --arch noarch --qf %{name}13:29
amoralejdnf repoquery --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='DLRN-rpmbuild-centos9' --repofrompath=DLRN-rpmbuild-centos9,$REPOPATH --arch noarch --arch x86_64 --qf %{name}13:30
amoralejjust in case we have some arched one13:30
jcapitao[m]missing -q13:30
amoralejand if we want nvr (without epoch) in some case --nvr instead of --qf ...13:31
amoralejremember you need to install the dnf-plugins-core for repoquery13:31
jcapitao[m]we need the name only in order to pull from trunk after13:32
jcapitao[m]ah right13:32
jcapitao[m]thanks for the reminder13:32
jcapitao[m]amoralej: on my CS8 container, dnf repoquery works out-of-the-box13:35
jcapitao[m]I don't have dnf-plugins-core installed13:35
jcapitao[m]but repoquery is provided by yum-utils13:36
jcapitao[m]let's go with "dnf repoquery"13:36
rdogerritKarolina Kula proposed openstack/heat-translator-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed rdo-jobs master: List packages with dnf repoquery
amoralejdoesn't yum-utills pulls the plugins core ?13:38
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/requestsexceptions-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
amoralejah right! repoquery is not in that plugins package13:39
amoralejactually it's part of dnf itself13:40
rdogerritMerged rdo-jobs master: Add rpmlint filters for rsd-lib
rdogerritMerged rdo-jobs master: Add rpmlint filters for sphinx-feature-classification
rdogerritMerged rdo-jobs master: Add rpmlint filters for requestsexceptions
amoralejjcapitao[m], i left a comment in
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/castellan-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/ceilometermiddleware-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed rdo-jobs master: List packages with dnf repoquery
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/cinderlib-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
jcapitao[m]amoralej: right, I was too fast14:03
jcapitao[m]last PS should be good14:03
amoralejlet's test it with a depends-on14:03
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed rdo-jobs master: List packages with dnf repoquery
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/rsd-lib-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/castellan-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
jcapitao[m]testing with ^14:04
jcapitao[m]amoralej: karolinku : do you think we can ignore -test subpkg  in script easily ?14:07
amoralejyou mean to not remove the requires for -tests subpackages?14:07
amoraleji couldn't figure out a clean way14:08
amoralejthe only way would be to find line numbers for the starting and end of the -tests block and ignore that range from the sed for Requires14:08
jcapitao[m]yep somehting like this14:09
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/collectd-gnocchi-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
jcapitao[m]amoralej: karolinku: note that testrepository and os-testr were replaced by stestr long time ago14:12
jcapitao[m]so the removal of this BRs spotted by the job are ok14:12
amoralejyep, actually, that shows some differences in buildreqs job14:13
jcapitao[m]I hitted this for some EPEL9 build14:13
amoralejjcapitao[m], so you think that we should also update requires for -tests to reflect it?14:13
amoraleji'm just leaving them as-is, tbh i didn't check what is there at all14:14
jcapitao[m]if we move them to extra we won't have to14:14
jcapitao[m]yes let's handle them after14:15
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/castellan-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
amoralejthat was my thought14:15
jcapitao[m]there is also mock spotted as missing14:18
jcapitao[m]most of the projects have moved to unittest.mock14:18
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/castellan-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/reno-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/collectd-gnocchi-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/rsd-lib-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/castellan-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/reno-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
jcapitao[m]I think we are good for reno no ?14:42
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/ceilometermiddleware-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/sphinx-feature-classification-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
amoralejjcapitao[m], did you try with with_docs 1 ?14:45
jcapitao[m]yes it's failing14:45
jcapitao[m]amoralej: tested with
jcapitao[m]the failure is
jcapitao[m]dulwich can't find a git repo14:47
jcapitao[m]dulwich aims to load a git repo in python object14:48
amoralejok, good to keep disabled14:48
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/collectd-gnocchi-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
amoralejjcapitao[m], karolinku[m] i think it has been a good first day of spec updates :)15:00
amoraleji'll start reviewing the ones passing ci on monday15:00
jcapitao[m]yeah :)15:01
jcapitao[m]we were optimistic in our time estimation x)15:02
amoralejyep :)15:03
amoralejanyway, i also think we will be faster as go progress15:03
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/ironic-staging-drivers-distgit rpm-master: Switch to pyproject-rpm-macros
rdogerritMerged rdo-jobs master: List packages with dnf repoquery
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off17:15

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