Wednesday, 2022-11-16

rdogerritrdo-trunk proposed rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for xena-8s-release
rdogerritrdo-trunk created rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for wallaby-8s-release
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*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep05:41
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*** amoralej|off is now known as amoralej07:00
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for wallaby-8s-release
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for xena-8s-release
*** akahat|ruck is now known as akahat|rover|lunch07:35
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rdogerritUser karolinku proposed deps/python-pytz-deprecation-shim c9s-antelope-rdo: Update to 0.1.0.post0
*** akahat|rover|lunch is now known as akahat|rover08:28
rdogerritMerged nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-openvswitch2.17-testing
rdogerritMerged nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-openvswitch2.13-testing
rdogerritUser karolinku proposed deps/python-pytz-deprecation-shim c9s-antelope-rdo: Update to 0.1.0.post0
*** jpena|off is now known as jpena08:40
*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|afk08:47
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Allow to deploy infra from git refspecs, e.g. specific gerrit changes
rdogerritUser karolinku proposed deps/python-pytz-deprecation-shim c9s-antelope-rdo: Update to 0.1.0.post0
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare staging environment
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|lunch08:52
rdogerritMerged nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-openvswitch2.15-testing
rdogerritJakob Meng created rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare a second staging environment for
rdogerritUser karolinku proposed deps/python-tabulate c9s-antelope-rdo: Update to 0.9.0
*** ysandeep|lunch is now known as ysandeep10:04
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare support for multiple OpenStack projects
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Added support for multiple OpenStack projects
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Allow to deploy infra from git refspecs, e.g. specific gerrit changes
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare staging environment
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare a second staging environment for
*** soniya29|rover is now known as soniya29|rover|afk10:16
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare staging environment
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare a second staging environment for
*** pojadhav|afk is now known as pojadhav10:23
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare a second staging environment for
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:55
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare support for multiple OpenStack projects
*** dviroel|afk is now known as dviroel11:20
rdogerritRonelle Landy proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Add alternative criteria for fs039 and fs064
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Added support for multiple OpenStack projects
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Allow to deploy infra from git refspecs, e.g. specific gerrit changes
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare staging environment
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare a second staging environment for
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off11:47
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rdogerritChandan Kumar created rdo-jobs master: Added master/zed periodic version of external compute jobs
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Allow to deploy infra from git refspecs, e.g. specific gerrit changes
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rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare staging environment
rdogerritUser marios created rdo-jobs master: Rework mixed rhel integration jobs run 8 and 9 ci-testing together
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare a second staging environment for
rdogerritUser karolinku created rdoinfo master: Crosstag python-jaraco-classes
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk12:47
rdogerritUser karolinku proposed rdoinfo master: Crosstag python-jaraco-classes
spotzMeeting in 40 minutes add yor items -
rdogerritUser karolinku proposed rdoinfo master: Crosstag python-jaraco-classes
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Allow to deploy infra from git refspecs, e.g. specific gerrit changes
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare staging environment
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep13:26
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare a second staging environment for
rdogerritUser karolinku proposed rdoinfo master: Crosstag python-jaraco-classes
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*** Guest1634 is now known as dasm13:48
*** akahat|rover is now known as akahat|ruck|afk14:03
spotzamoralej karolinku[m] meeting?14:06
spotz#startmeeting RDO meeting - 2022-11-1614:07
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Nov 16 14:07:10 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is spotz. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:07
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2022_11_16'14:07
spotz#topic Roll Call14:07
spotz#chair amoralej14:07
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: amoralej spotz14:07
spotzLooks like this might be a quick meeting14:08
spotz#topic Zed Release14:08
spotzJust wanted to thank amoralej for his hard work tracking down the Vitrage error we were seeing and getting that resolved so that we could release14:09
spotzAnd thank you to all 57 contributors to the release!14:09
amoralejone more!14:09
spotzamoralej: anything you want to mention on this?14:10
amoralejoh, should i have prepared a speech? ;)14:10
amoraleji think that's it14:10
amoralejnow, let's get ready for Antelope!14:10
amoraleji need to double check that we have all the automation ready for zed updates, btw14:11
amoralej#action amoralej to check the automation is ready for zed release14:11
amoralejother than that, i think zed is done14:12
spotz#info Zed was released on November 1414:12
spotz#topic Switch RDO packages to pyproject macros14:12
spotzI think I typed that right:)14:12
amoralejyes, you did :)14:12
amoralejso i think this will be one of our big initiatives for antelope14:13
amoralej#info Some releases ago, Fedora switch to the new pyproject macros as the recommended way to build python packages14:14
amoraleji think this is good timing for us to move to them too14:14
spotzAre there any reasons we need or assistance?14:15
amoralejwe have been using pyproject macros for CS9 for dependencies14:15
amoralejyou mean reasons for the change ?14:15
amoraleji've tried to explain the rationale in the etherpad
amoralejbut the main reasons is to be ready in case upstream projects start adopting PEP517 and pyproject.toml file14:16
spotzack not reasons! Resources!14:16
amoralejah, resources14:16
amoralejwell, my idea is to automate as much as possible14:16
amoralejas we did in the past to move from python2 to python314:17
amoralejactually, this should be much simpler that the py3 transition14:17
spotzI haven't had coffee yet:)14:17
amoralejso, i hope we can handle it14:17
spotzYeah the transition to py3 was put off as long as possible which only made it harder for everyone14:17
amoralejyeah, that was hard14:18
amoralejin this case the resulting packages should be exactly the same we have today14:18
amoralejjust changing build tooling14:18
amoralejand we may be able to simplify the spec files, we'll see14:19
karolinku[m]yeah, but handling deps is challenging14:19
amoralejyeah, that's the big question14:19
amoralejif we prefer to stay with manual BRs14:20
amoralejor switch to automatic ones14:20
amoraleji'd like to take a couple or three different packages and use them to do a PoC about how to do it14:20
spotzAutomatic is always prefered but that might be a longer goal to achieve14:20
spotzGood plan14:21
amoralejyeah, the problem with automatic builddeps is how to manage exceptions14:21
amoralejthat i'm sure there will be14:21
amoralejbut ... we'll see14:21
amoralejonce we agree in what we want to do, we'll prepare some kind of script to automate the switch to the new macros as much as possible14:22
amoraleji mean, automate sending the review14:22
spotzEven if we only eventually get to being partially automatic I think that could help on the time of the team14:22
spotzAny thing else on this?14:24
amoraleji'll do some more work on the etherpad the next couple of days but feel free to review and provide feedback on it14:24
amoralejprobably, next meeting we can review next steps14:25
spotzWIll do14:25
amoraleji think that's it about this topic14:25
spotzOk moving on14:25
spotz#topic Next Chair14:26
spotzUnless we want to surprise karolinku[m] it's one of us:)14:26
rdogerritDariusz proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare support for multiple OpenStack projects
rdogerritDariusz proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Added support for multiple OpenStack projects
karolinku[m]I can take it14:27
spotz#chair karolinku[m]14:28
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: amoralej karolinku[m] spotz14:28
spotzI think we're almost done though:)14:28
spotzAnyone have anything else to bring up?14:29
spotzI have reached out to the SCOS folks about the Cloud SiG report but haven't heard back, they might be out sick14:29
rdogerritDariusz proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Added support for multiple OpenStack projects
rdogerritDariusz proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Allow to deploy infra from git refspecs, e.g. specific gerrit changes
spotzOk if there's nothing else we can have 30 minutes back to our days!14:31
amoralejok, good!14:31
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Nov 16 14:32:03 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:32
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
spotzThanks for coming!14:32
rdogerritDariusz proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Allow to deploy infra from git refspecs, e.g. specific gerrit changes
rdogerritDariusz proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare staging environment
rdogerritDariusz proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare a second staging environment for
spotzOh wow we have updated the meetings since 9/7:(14:38
rdogerritAmy Marrich (spotz) created rdo-website master: Update community meetings since Spetember
rdogerritUser karolinku proposed rdoinfo master: Crosstag python-jaraco-classes
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|retro14:58
*** akahat|ruck|afk is now known as akahat|ruck15:00
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare a second staging environment for
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare support for multiple OpenStack projects
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Added support for multiple OpenStack projects
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Allow to deploy infra from git refspecs, e.g. specific gerrit changes
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare staging environment
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare a second staging environment for
*** ysandeep|retro is now known as ysandeep16:02
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*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|lunch16:32
*** marios is now known as marios|out17:01
*** dviroel|lunch is now known as dviroel17:27
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off17:46
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare support for multiple OpenStack projects
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Added support for multiple OpenStack projects
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Allow to deploy infra from git refspecs, e.g. specific gerrit changes
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare staging environment
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare a second staging environment for
rdogerritMerged rdo-jobs master: Add new nodesets for new IBM node
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off18:01
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare staging environment
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare a second staging environment for
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Allow to deploy infra from git refspecs, e.g. specific gerrit changes
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare staging environment
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare a second staging environment for
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Allow to deploy infra from git refspecs, e.g. specific gerrit changes
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare staging environment
rdogerritJakob Meng proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Prepare a second staging environment for
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|afk19:34
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off23:11
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out23:25

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