Thursday, 2021-10-21

rdogerritrdo-trunk created nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-2.11-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk created nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-2.13-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk created nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-2.15-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk created nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-2021-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk created rdoinfo master: Bump rdoinfo yoga-uc tags to latest upper-constraints
*** rlandy|ruck|bbl is now known as rlandy|ruck00:56
*** carloss_ is now known as carloss01:09
rdogerritMerged rdo-website master: RDO Meeting minutes for 2021-10-20
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Bump rdoinfo yoga-uc tags to latest upper-constraints
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*** ykarel|away is now known as ykarel05:15
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*** jpena|off is now known as jpena06:53
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rdogerritMerged openstack/ironicclient-distgit wallaby-rdo: Replace genisoimage with xorriso
rdogerritMerged openstack/ironicclient-distgit xena-rdo: Replace genisoimage with xorriso
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode jobs for validation component
rdogerritUser bshewale created rdo-jobs master: [WIP] Add standalone-full-tempest-scenario job for centos9
*** bhagyashris_ is now known as bhagyashris07:46
ykarelamoralej, jcapitao xena-release rpm now available in centos and infra mirrors07:53
ykareland all required jobs are green
jcapitaoykarel: is it still WIP ?08:01
ykareljcapitao, jobs are fine there, and to get it tested added those jobs in master template to avoid addition in config repo08:02
ykarelso i am thinking, since now we already have results in rdoinfo patch, update rdo-jobs patch to create a new template(and Drop Depends-On on quickstart patches), add that template in config project, get both merged08:03
ykareland then rdoinfo patch08:04
ykareland quickstart patches can be merged seperately and not block these patches08:04
ykareland get ready with announcement and rdo-website patches08:04
ykarelwdyt ?08:05
ykarelif fine then i will update accordingly or you prefer to wait?08:05
jcapitaook got it now08:08
jcapitaoI think it's better as we handle those projects08:09
rdogerritMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder-distgit wallaby-rdo: Drop requirements.txt as deps are handled manually
ykareljcapitao, ok will update rdo-jobs patch08:11
ykareljcapitao, on side node wrt cico-workspace PR08:11
ykarelfrom #centos-ci i see new image is pushed08:11
ykarelso we shouldn't be needing the PR for cico-workspace-rdo, just rebuilt should be fine08:12
jcapitaoykarel: I see in jenkins configuration that we're using as docker image08:20
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: DNM alternative
jcapitaoand not the amoralej's one08:21
amoralejjcapitao, mmmm really?08:21
jcapitaoI was not reading cico-workspace-rdo pod template, but cico-workspace one08:22
amoralejyes, we created a different template08:23
jcapitaoshould we use tag version ?08:24
jcapitaoinstead of latest08:24
jcapitaoI mean we can keep tagging last image with latest, in addition with a version tag, wdyt ?08:25
amoralejjcapitao, yes, let's just rebuild the image to pull latest base image08:27
amoralejand tag it as latest08:27
amoralejthat'd be enough, right?08:27
amoralejykarel, wrt oooq patches and rdo-jobs, i think that maintaining the config for xena in rdo-jobs or config should be fine08:29
jcapitaoamoralej: yes, but I was saying to also us a version number, to ease promotion of docker image and fallback to previous one if trouble08:29
amoralejso tag current one as 1.0 or something like that?08:30
amoralejand new one as 2.0?08:30
jcapitaoyes something like that08:30
amoralejok, wfm08:31
rdogerritYatin Karel proposed rdo-jobs master: Add TripleO jobs to validate xena-release updates
ykareljcapitao, ack +1 for tagging08:32
rdogerritYatin Karel created config master: Add xena-release template to rdoinfo
ykarelamoralej, so i meant merge ^ both and then rdoinfo patch as we already have results08:35
ykareloooq patches can be merged seperately without blocking these08:36
ykareli am seeing some random issues in oooq patches so they may take time to land08:36
amoralejbut, those two patches don't require the upstream ones?08:37
amoralejah, you mean to keep the depends-on in the rdoinfo one?08:37
amoralejno, i'm lost08:38
amoralejif is not merged, where are we getting the config from?08:38
ykarelamoralej, yes both patches are needed one for all the jobs and other tqe patch for undercloud-containers job08:39
ykareli meant as we have results from depends-on we can unblock rdoinfo patch08:40
ykareland in mean while we can get tq patches merged08:40
ykarelother option was just wait for those to merge first and then land rdo-jobs and rdoinfo patches08:40
amoraleji'm super lost now :)08:43
amoralejlast PS doesn't have depends-on on tripleo-quickstart08:43
amoralejbut we have oooq jobs passing08:43
amoralejin experimental08:43
ykarelamoralej, results are from previous PS which has depends-on08:44
ykarelso i proposed new PS just to unblock these patches08:45
rdogerritUser bshewale proposed rdo-jobs master: [WIP] Add standalone-full-tempest-scenario job for centos9
ykareli know this is not an ideal case and just going shortcut as we have results with Depends-On08:46
ykarelbut if you want to wait for upstream patches then fine by me can wait08:47
amoralejyeah, let's put some deadline for merging08:47
amoralejlet's say next monday or tuesday, i.e.08:48
ykarelatleast if get's merged then also we are much good08:48
amoralejif we can get upstream patches merged before, let's rerun jobs08:48
ykarelokk then we just need to be aware and not merge other bot proposed patch08:49
ykarelas bot will propose patch to xena-release08:49
amoralejjpena, jcapitao ^08:49
amoralejdon't merge bumps to xena-release08:49
amoralejactually, if we get the first one merged and get all jobs passing except undercloud, i think it'd be fine08:50
ykarelyes +108:51
ykarelwill add depends-on on that one patch only and try to get that merged08:51
jpenaamoralej: ack08:51
amoralejykarel, btw, i tested building images with your cleaned command and went fine08:51
amoraleji'm updating the rdo-website patch08:51
ykarelamoralej, okk cool08:51
rdogerritYatin Karel proposed rdo-jobs master: Add TripleO jobs to validate xena-release updates
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: DNM alternative
*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|lunch08:53
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rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode periodic validation job for security component
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode periodic validation job for octavia component
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed rdo-website master: Add notes about TripleO in Xena
amoralejykarel|lunch, jcapitao ^09:04
amoralejthat includes your suggestions09:04
amoralejykarel|lunch, let me know if you think the references to the tripleo docs are the right ones09:04
rdogerritJoel Capitao created config master: Handle openvswitch-2.16 separately in buildsys promotion
apevec[m]amoralej: thanks for writing that doc, it will help prevent FAQ!09:24
amoralejyeah, that's the goal09:24
amoralejand to say "i told you so" :)09:25
apevec[m]well let's not say just that :)09:25
apevec[m]just facts09:26
jcapitaoamoralej, ykarel|lunch: FYI latest cico-workspace-rdo image is now pointing to tag 2.0 which includes cicoclient latest release09:30
jcapitaoa few podes have started with it, it looks good09:30
jcapitaoI tagged the previous one as 1.009:31
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rdogerritUser marios created config master: Remove python3-virtualenv from centos/rhel9 packages and use venv
amoralejjcapitao, nice, i still don't see the build in
amoralejmust need some time to reflect it there09:43
jcapitaoI built locally09:45
jcapitaoamoralej: did you use Quay WebUI (i.e "Start New Build") last time ?09:46
amoralejbetter to build there09:46
jcapitaook, I'm more familiar with podman CLI09:47
jcapitaobut indeed, for history tracking I'll use WebUI next time09:47
jcapitaoin fact, the Quay UX/UI is pretty cool, we can revert tag action09:49
jcapitaoyou can also check the manifest layers of your image09:50
jcapitao^ the last one I built locally (it integrates the layers of the parent image)09:51
rdogerritAmol Kahat created openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin-distgit ussuri-rdo: Drop *-static BR for golang binary
rdogerritMerged config master: Remove python3-virtualenv from centos/rhel9 packages and use venv
amoralejjcapitao, yes, it's pretty nice, the good part of building there is that it's an external system, that people can trust on10:00
amoralejthere are logs, etc...10:00
jcapitaoindeed, but security scan is also done on image built locally10:02
jcapitaoI think the real upside is that we can trigger build automatically from git push10:04
jcapitaowe don't update every day though10:05
rdogerritMerged openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin-distgit victoria-rdo: Drop *-static BR for golang binary
amoralejyes, that's also an advantadge10:10
chandankumaramoralej: \o for this review cbs validate is failing
chandankumarDo I need to bump the version or do a new release of tripleo-common?10:14
amoralejchandankumar, ideally a new release including those binaries and squash that with the bump10:16
chandankumaramoralej: ok, preparing a new release10:17
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ykareljcapitao, ack10:22
ykarelamoralej, ack will check10:24
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rdogerritMerged config master: Handle openvswitch-2.16 separately in buildsys promotion
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: DNM alternative
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rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: DNM alternative
jcapitaoamoralej, ykarel:
*** jcapitao is now known as jcapitao_lunch11:17
ykareljcapitao_lunch, ack11:21
*** jpena is now known as jpena|lunch11:29
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo created rdoinfo master: Pin tripleo packages in Xena to tested tags
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch12:14
*** jpena|lunch is now known as jpena12:22
*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|ruck12:33
*** jcapitao_lunch is now known as jcapitao12:38
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode validation component jobs for compute and ooo
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode validation component jobs for compute and ooo
*** redrobot is now known as Guest365612:59
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode validation component jobs for tripleo
*** amoralej|lunch is now known as amoralej13:12
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: Multinode validation component jobs for tripleo
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed rdo-website master: Add notes about TripleO in Xena
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed deps/python-eventlet c9s-xena-rdo: Update to 0.32.0
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed deps/python-google-api-core c9s-xena-rdo: Update to 2.0.1
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed rdo-website master: Add notes about TripleO in Xena
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: DNM Multinode validation component jobs for compute and ooo
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: DNM Multinode validation component jobs for compute and ooo
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk15:04
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: DNM Multinode validation component jobs for compute and ooo
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Pin tripleo packages in Xena to tested tags
rdogerritrdo-trunk created openstack/ansible-role-chrony-distgit xena-rdo: ansible-role-chrony-1.0.3-1
rdogerritrdo-trunk created openstack/tripleo-ipa-distgit xena-rdo: ansible-tripleo-ipa-0.2.2-1
rdogerritrdo-trunk created openstack/ansible-role-qdr-config-distgit xena-rdo: ansible-role-qdr-config-0.0.1-1
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rdogerritMerged rdo-jobs master: Add TripleO jobs to validate xena-release updates
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off15:56
rdogerritMerged config master: Add xena-release template to rdoinfo
*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|away15:58
*** marios is now known as marios|out16:22
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|out16:23
*** bhagyashris_ is now known as bhagyashris16:27
*** jlibosva is now known as Guest368218:30
rdogerritRonelle Landy created rdo-infra/ci-config master: Add uefi-full-wallaby to criteria -- readd fs035
*** sshnaidm is now known as sshnaidm|afk18:53
rdogerritMerged rdo-infra/ci-config master: Add uefi-full-wallaby to criteria -- readd fs035
*** mdbooth1 is now known as mdbooth21:50
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