Wednesday, 2021-09-22

*** ykarel|away is now known as ykarel04:09
rdogerritMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder-distgit xena-rdo: openstack-ironic-python-agent-builder-2.7.0-1
rdogerritMerged openstack/octavia-distgit xena-rdo: openstack-octavia-9.0.0-0.1.0rc1
rdogerritMerged openstack/glance-distgit xena-rdo: openstack-glance-23.0.0-0.1.0rc1
rdogerritMerged openstack/nova-distgit xena-rdo: openstack-nova-24.0.0-0.1.0rc1
rdogerritYatin Karel proposed gating_scripts master: Add c9s xena to cbs tags list
rdogerritYatin Karel created config master: Handle c9 stream tags for fedora rebuilds
rdogerritYatin Karel proposed rdoinfo master: [WIP] Test rebuilds for xena c9s
rdogerritYatin Karel proposed rdoinfo master: [WIP] Test rebuilds for xena c9s
rdogerritYatin Karel proposed config master: Handle c9 stream tags for fedora rebuilds
rdogerritYatin Karel proposed rdoinfo master: [WIP] Test rebuilds for xena c9s
*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep05:02
*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|afk05:03
rdogerritUser pojadhav proposed rdo-jobs master: Cleanup of EOL release code
*** jpena|off is now known as jpena06:52
*** rpittau|afk is now known as rpittau07:28
*** amoralej|off is now known as amoralej08:02
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|lunch08:14
rdogerritYatin Karel proposed gating_scripts master: Add c9s xena to cbs tags list
rdogerritJoel Capitao created rdo-infra/rdo-release wallaby-rdo: Pre-release RDO Xena repo setup for bootstraping Xena CI
ykareljcapitao, wrong branch ^08:58
rdogerritJoel Capitao created config master: Create xena-rdo branch for rdo-release rpm
jcapitaoykarel: ^09:04
rdogerritJavier Peña created openstack/validations-libs-distgit rpm-master: Require either ansible or ansible-core
ykareljcapitao, ack09:12
rdogerritJavier Peña created openstack/tripleo-ansible-distgit rpm-master: Require either ansible or ansible-core
rdogerritMerged config master: Create xena-rdo branch for rdo-release rpm
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo created gating_scripts master: Exclude rdo-network-scripts-openvswitch from validating in deps validation
rdogerritJoel Capitao created rdo-infra/rdo-release xena-rdo: Pre-release RDO Xena repo setup for bootstraping Xena CI
rdogerritMerged openstack/validations-libs-distgit rpm-master: Require either ansible or ansible-core
*** ysandeep|lunch is now known as ysandeep09:49
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed rdoinfo master: Add some missing deps for CS9
rdogerritJavier Peña proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible-distgit rpm-master: Require either ansible or ansible-core
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed rdoinfo master: Add some missing deps for CS9
rdogerritJoel Capitao created rdoinfo master: Pin non-openstack puppet modules for Xena
rdogerritMerged gating_scripts master: Exclude rdo-network-scripts-openvswitch from validating in deps validation
rdogerritMerged gating_scripts master: Add c9s xena to cbs tags list
*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|away10:25
rdogerritrdo-trunk created openstack/ironic-distgit xena-rdo: openstack-ironic-18.2.0-1
rdogerritMerged config master: Handle c9 stream tags for fedora rebuilds
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo created gating_scripts master: Use testing repo for NFV SIG in CS9
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed rdoinfo master: Add some missing deps for CS9
rdogerritrdo-trunk created openstack/glance-distgit xena-rdo: openstack-glance-23.0.0-0.2.0rc2
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed gating_scripts master: Add support for distgit urls to start_build_on_koji
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*** jcapitao is now known as jcapitao_lunch10:54
apevec[m]amoralej: jcapitao I'm creating openstack-network-scripts in github/rdo-common, branch names would be now yoga-c9-rdo ?11:06
amoralejapevec[m], nop11:06
amoralejwe are moving out of rdo-common11:06
apevec[m]actually, we'll need that in git.c.o ?11:06
amoralejand going to git.c.o11:06
apevec[m]I was thinking as a temp storage just to get it out of my laptop :)11:07
amoralejok, as you prefer11:07
amoralejor you can use your personal github11:07
amoralejand we'll take it from there11:07
apevec[m]what are the branch names again for sigs ?11:09
apevec[m]nm, RTFMing
apevec[m]so c9s-cloud ?11:10
apevec[m]nope, c9s-sig-cloud11:11
amoralejwe are using11:11
apevec[m]nope again, c9s-sig-cloud-openstack-yoga ?11:12
amoralejwe are still using xena11:12
amoralejas we started before branching yoga11:12
amoralejyou are requesting the new repo?11:12
apevec[m]no, I'll push to github - please request it  and CC me so I can watch the process11:13
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apevec[m]ok spec pushed
apevec[m]BTW sources are directly pushed to git.c.o ?11:20
apevec[m]like here
apevec[m]and rdo-review+
apevec[m]re. upgrades 8->9 afaict LEAP removes rhel8 network-scripts, I'll double-check that w/ upgrades team11:23
amoralejapevec[m], nop we use aside cache11:23
amoraleji probably messed it up in puppet11:23
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apevec[m]so no self-service or automation11:31
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch11:31
apevec[m]and to create sig branch we need a separate ticket ?11:32
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*** jcapitao_lunch is now known as jcapitao12:08
*** jpena|lunch is now known as jpena12:24
*** amoralej|lunch is now known as amoralej12:43
amoralejapevec[m], nop, once the repo is created we can create the branches based on naming convention and sig ownership12:43
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed gating_scripts master: Use testing repo for NFV SIG in CS9 and fix deps for CentOS9
*** arxcruz is now known as arxcruz|ruck13:14
rdogerritMerged gating_scripts master: Use testing repo for NFV SIG in CS9 and fix deps for CentOS9
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Add some missing deps for CS9
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed gating_scripts master: Add support for distgit urls to start_build_on_koji
rdogerritMerged openstack/tripleo-ansible-distgit rpm-master: Require either ansible or ansible-core
*** holser is now known as holser_13:43
rdogerritJavier Peña created openstack/tripleo-common-distgit rpm-master: Require either ansible or ansible-core
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed gating_scripts master: Add support for distgit urls to start_build_on_koji
jcapitaothe RDO meeting will start in less than 5 minutes. Feel free to add items to the agenda at
rdogerritwes hayutin created rdo-infra/ci-config master: add testproject yaml for components
jcapitao#startmeeting RDO meeting - 2021-09-2214:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Sep 22 14:01:31 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jcapitao. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2021_09_22'14:01
jcapitao#topic roll call14:03
jcapitaoamoralej spotz around ?14:03
jcapitao#chair amoralej 14:04
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: amoralej jcapitao14:04
jcapitao#chair spotz 14:07
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: amoralej jcapitao spotz14:07
jcapitaolet's start with first topic14:07
jcapitao#topic Status of Xena GA Preparation14:07
jcapitao#info RC1 bits are almost built (puppet modules and some tempest projects still missing though)14:08
jcapitaoso we are waiting for puppet RC1s to be released14:08
jcapitaoshould be coming soon as per
jcapitaoI've already pined non-os projects but should have wait a little bit I guess14:09
spotzHow longed froom merged until we see it?14:09
amoralejjcapitao, let's see what tripleo and puppet team thinks14:09
amoralejit's probably fine to pin now14:10
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo created gating_scripts master: Fix dep-validate for the actual tag names for CS9
jcapitaospotz: currently there is no open patch for puppet RC1s14:11
jcapitaojust one clarification for Ceph release14:11
jcapitaoshould we go w/ Pacific or Octopus ?14:11
amoralejprobably pacific, i'd say14:13
amoralejthere is also pacific for cs814:14
spotzYeah reading the comments on that, if Pacific is available I'm not sure there's any value for going Octopus14:14
amoralejso i think we should try to go with it14:14
jcapitaook let's go and see w/ Pacific14:15
spotzIt'll also mean one less thing to worry aboout with CS914:16
jcapitaoso no blocker atm for Xena preparation14:18
jcapitaoany questions ?14:18
spotzSounds like we're in a good place now that we're not trying for CS914:18
amoralejso, it seems that tripleo switched to pacific time ago14:18
amoralejso, looks safe14:18
amoralejlet's see if puppet-ceph handles it fine14:19
jcapitaoah right, it's default there14:19
amoralejwrt my question about tripleo for xena14:19
amoralejin openstack-discuss, i mean14:19
amoraleji receive a private reply14:19
amoralejtripleo ptl will contact us directly with the info i requested14:20
amoralejthe list of commits/tags14:20
amoralejto be included in Xena14:20
spotzSounds good, In OSA we have a file with all the commit hashes for that release. We going to doo something similar14:20
amoralejlooks like so14:21
amoralejbut i didn't get any "implementation details"14:22
spotzKind of from last weeks discussion, that does in theory allow someone to update to a newer commit if needed for a bug fix without changing anything else. So that would be a good thing14:22
jcapitaoyou mean how they get the list ?14:23
amoralejwhat i know is14:23
amoralejthey will build the list of validated commits from some CI job14:23
spotzWell how the deployment knows what commits to pull in during the git clone14:23
amoralejfrom there, they will request new tags14:23
amoralejand we will build those tags14:23
amoralejthey will put that list in some repo or something, dunno that14:24
jcapitaobut can't we do like non-openstack puppet project ?14:24
amoralejspotz, wrt " that does in theory allow someone to update to a newer commit if needed for a bug fix without changing anything else. So that would be a good thing"14:24
amoraleji'd say not14:24
amoralejas they will stop testing new commits against xena releases14:25
jcapitaoamoralej: pinning project, as you proposed last week14:25
amoralejafter xena ga14:25
amoralejor shortly after xena ga14:25
amoralejjcapitao, yes, we will pin as we do for branchless projects14:25
jcapitaook, so we can propose ooo team this implementation process (as they know our pinning mechanism)14:28
jcapitaoand take advantage of Gerrit UI/UX14:29
spotzAre there potentially any other projects we work with that miight go this route? Is it worth documenting things?14:29
amoralejlet's see what they provide us and if we can provide some easy integration between it and our rdoinfo workflow14:30
amoralejspotz, well, actually it's something similar to other branchless projects14:30
amoraleji.e. tempest14:30
jcapitaook works for me14:30
amoralejbut this is a bit more complex in the sense that are multiple repos14:31
amoralejand tempest has commitment to support multiple releases from the master branch14:31
spotzI'm just wondering if we doc as we work through this we'll save ourselves some time later14:31
amoralejtbh, i think this will be a ad-hoc thing for tripleo14:32
amoralejonce we have more details about it, we can (should) document it14:32
spotzOk sounds good, and yeah I'm not envisioning others but still best to be safe then sorry:)14:34
jcapitaook so let's wait for ooo team proposition14:35
jcapitaolet's move on to next topic14:35
jcapitao#topic Status of CentOS Stream 914:35
amoralej#info bootstrap process for RDO-Trunk centos9-master is running14:36
amoralejbootstrap is progressing well14:36
amoralejmain known blocker right now is rabbitmq-server14:37
amoralejour friends maintaining rabbitmq are working to get it built14:37
jcapitaowith the openssl3 issue ?14:37
amoralejthat's current issue14:38
spotzPoor Rabbit14:38
amoralejwe still have the rabbitmq-server packages we built with openssl 1.1.1 which runs with openssl3 compat package14:38
amoralejbut they need to build it with openssl314:39
amoralejyep :)14:39
amoralejpoor rabbit14:39
amoralejwe got all openvswitch and ovn packages built14:39
amoralejin nfv sig14:39
amoralejso we are fine in that side14:39
amoralejand opstools and storage are also working on it too14:39
amoraleji'd say ceph is done14:40
amoralejand opstools in its way14:40
jcapitaowell done14:41
jcapitaobig effort in last couple of weeks14:41
jcapitaofrom SIGs14:41
amoraleja lot of activity around14:41
amoralejin sigs14:41
spotzWe need to remember to meet in October:)14:42
amoralejyes... :(14:42
amoralejsorry for missing last one14:42
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|away14:43
amoraleji think that's it wr this topic14:44
jcapitaowhen is it in October ?14:44
spotz2 weeks? 10/714:45
amoralejfirst thursday14:45
jcapitaook noted14:47
jcapitao#topic Chair for next week14:47
jcapitaowho's in ?14:47
spotzI'll be in Seattle for Open Source Summit so I knoow not me:)14:49
jcapitaocool, enjoy !14:49
amoralejok, i can take it14:50
jcapitao#topic amoralej Chair for next week14:51
jcapitaothank you14:51
jcapitao#topic Open floor14:51
spotzXena SWAG vote closes this Friday, sent a correctioon out:)14:51
spotzStill working on Social ideas:(14:53
jcapitao#info remember to vote Xena Contributor Swag Poll  14:53
spotzI also just tweeted it extra o and all and put it on our facebook page where I could edit out the extra o:)14:54
spotzTravel wallet now in the lead!:)14:55
spotzThat's all I got, online pictionary so far the best possible for the social FYI. I thought aboyt Name that Tune but there doesn't seem to be a site that does it for you14:56
amoralejwhat's name that tune?14:58
jcapitaoguess the music title/artist ?14:58
amoralejguess so14:58
amoraleji guess there will be no spanish songs... :)14:59
spotzYeah, so you play notes and you buzz in. Quicker the better but you have to guess right or you continue playing notes and new folks buzzing in14:59
spotzBut as I can't find a site I think that one's out:)15:00
amoralejonline pictionary looks funny15:01
spotzY'all said no group Yoga so...:)15:01
jcapitaoI'm going to close the meeting15:02
spotzYou have to admit it was the perfect Social idea for this PTG:)15:02
spotzYep good call!15:02
amoralejyes :)15:02
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Sep 22 15:03:27 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:03
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
apevec[m]amoralej: we haz - what's the next step, just push there?15:04
apevec[m]I see it needs to  be classic centos distgit format15:05
amoralejapevec[m], i'll use it to test my scripts15:05
apevec[m]with SPEC SOURCES folder15:05
apevec[m]ah cool, haz scripts will commit!15:05
apevec[m]spotz: group Yoga could be an injury risk, considering average fitness level :)15:06
apevec[m]at least speaking for myself15:06
spotzapevec[m]: There is basic Yoga, I am far from being the stretchiest person15:09
rdogerritMerged openstack/ironic-distgit xena-rdo: openstack-ironic-18.2.0-1
rdogerritJoel Capitao created rdo-website master: RDO Meeting minutes for 2021-09-22
amoralejapevec[m], i tested
amoralejand fails to install15:18
amoralej  - nothing provides initscripts(x86-64) >= 10.11.1-1.el9s needed by openstack-network-scripts-10.11.1-1.el9s.x86_6415:18
amoralejnote .el9 vs .el9s15:19
amoralej.el9s > .el915:19
amoralejin centos we have 10.11.1-1.el9+15:20
*** holser_ is now known as holser15:37
rdogerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common-distgit rpm-master: Require either ansible or ansible-core
*** rpittau is now known as rpittau|afk15:45
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo created config master: Create new repo deps/openstack-network-scripts
amoralejapevec[m], ^ fyi15:56
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off15:59
rdogerritwes hayutin proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: add testproject yaml for components
*** amodi_ is now known as amodi16:27
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed config master: Create new repo deps/openstack-network-scripts
*** holser is now known as holser_16:28
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed config master: Create new repo deps/openstack-network-scripts
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed config master: Create new repo deps/openstack-network-scripts
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo created rdoinfo master: Add python-murano-pkg-check to CS9 deps
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off16:42
rdogerritwes hayutin proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: add testproject yaml for components
*** holser_ is now known as holser16:59
*** mgoddard- is now known as mgoddard17:13
apevec[m]argh re. .el9 vs .el9s that will suck going fwd17:43
apevec[m]I'll change to >= %{version}17:45
rdogerritMerged rdo-infra/ci-config master: add testproject yaml for components
apevec[m]so no PRs in
apevec[m]we'll sync from rdo gerrit17:48
rdogerritMerged config master: Create new repo deps/openstack-network-scripts
apevec[m]fix should be
apevec[m]I'll put it in gerrit once deps/ repo is ready18:01
apevec[m]ah it's there already
apevec[m]hmm it already has history, how will sync work?18:03
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Zuul has been restarted in order to address a performance regression related to event processing; any changes pushed or approved between roughly 17:00 and 18:30 UTC should be rechecked if they're not already enqueued according to the Zuul status page18:37
rdogerritrdo-trunk created openstack/ironic-inspector-distgit xena-rdo: openstack-ironic-inspector-10.8.0-1
rdogerritrdo-trunk created openstack/ironic-python-agent-distgit xena-rdo: openstack-ironic-python-agent-8.2.0-1
*** holser is now known as holser_19:14
*** slaweq_ is now known as slaweq19:26
*** holser_ is now known as holser21:40
rdogerritSteve Baker created rdo-jobs master: Switch to UEFI boot on featureset001 master

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