Tuesday, 2025-03-18

opendevreviewThomas Goirand proposed openstack/puppet-magnum master: Add a rabbit_transient_queues_ttl and amqp_auto_delete params  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/puppet-magnum/+/94482808:23
zigotkajinam: Is there more puppet modules I should patch to add the feature? I believe I have them all, no?08:24
tkajinamthere are still a few more modules such as cloudkitty, trove, mistral and so on08:27
tkajinamif you grep oslo::messaging then you may find the full list08:28
zigoOk will do it.09:17
opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-nova master: Add a rabbit_transient_queues_ttl and amqp_auto_delete params  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/puppet-nova/+/94478509:34
opendevreviewThomas Goirand proposed openstack/puppet-cloudkitty master: Add a rabbit_transient_queues_ttl and amqp_auto_delete params  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/puppet-cloudkitty/+/94484609:40
opendevreviewThomas Goirand proposed openstack/puppet-mistral master: Add a rabbit_transient_queues_ttl and amqp_auto_delete params  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/puppet-mistral/+/94484709:47
opendevreviewThomas Goirand proposed openstack/puppet-trove master: Add a rabbit_transient_queues_ttl and amqp_auto_delete params  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/puppet-trove/+/94485009:53
zigotkajinam: There you go, cloudkitty, mistral and trove.09:53
tkajinamzigo, I wasn't quite specific but there are still number of modules left09:55
tkajinamlike watcher, vitrage etc09:55
tkajinamas I said please grep the code to find any module using oslo::messaging::.*09:55
zigoYeah, but didn't have time to do it ... yet ! :)09:55
tkajinamif you don't want to cover all then just leave these09:55
tkajinamI can take care of these when I get time09:55
zigoI do carefully read what you write, since you're always right ... :)09:56
zigoIt wont take long, I'll do.09:56
tkajinamyou had to read the next sentence, not that one, carefully :-P09:56
tkajinamnumber of modules is still painful some time as you know, but that's how the life in this project has been, as you also know09:57
zigoIronic missing too.09:57
zigoThen I think that should be it.09:57
tkajinamyes !!09:57
zigoAka: watcher,  vitrage,  trove and Ironic.09:58
tkajinamyou might also have to check puppet-swift09:58
zigoI doesn't use Rabbit, does it?09:58
tkajinamit does09:58
tkajinamI mean it does not use rabbitmq internally but it does use it for notification to ceilometer09:59
zigoThat's in ceilometermiddleware, and I don't think it has these options.10:00
zigoThe notification bus is always the same...10:00
zigoBTW, not sure if you used it, but it doesn't scale.10:00
zigoWe used to have it in production, and it just destroyed our billing system, with so many messages in the queue.10:01
zigoWe ended up just disabling it, and made bandwidth "free" on our swiftproxies.10:01
tkajinamzigo, it didn't expose full oslo.messaging options which I fixed by adding a separate config file10:03
zigoIMO, it would need a bit of caching, somehow, so that it could gather traffic over the last 10 seconds, and send a way fewer messages.10:03
tkajinamit was needed to configure ssl options for rabbitmq10:04
tkajinamI guess it has an option to send metrics asynchonously and I wonder if it can help10:04
zigoWhat would be that config file ?10:04
zigoOh, does it?10:04
tkajinamzigo, https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ceilometermiddleware/+/90432810:04
tkajinamzigo, https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/puppet-swift/+/91662210:05
tkajinamI've decided to create /etc/swift/ceilometer.conf in puppet-swift but I guess it's not shipped by any of the packages currently10:05
tkajinameven the one of rdo does not ship it10:05
tkajinamthe file path is configurable and actually needs to be configured to use the file10:06
zigoWhat namespaces would be there? Only oslo.messaging ?10:06
zigoIssue also is that swift is still not using oslo.config ...10:06
tkajinamjust oslo.messaging10:07
tkajinamthat's what I had to add a separate file10:07
tkajinamwhich is loaded by oslo.config within ceilometermiddleware10:07
tkajinaminstead of exposing every single option in swift.conf10:07
zigoI wish Swift people accepted switching to many oslo.X stuff.10:07
tkajinamzigo, the nonblocking_notify option is what I was referring to > async 10:07
zigoOh ok.10:07
tkajinamwell that would be nice but as long as anyone is interested in paying effort for10:07
tkajinamyou know10:07
zigoYeah, but I did send some patches to swift, and got rejected because they didn't have oslo libs  as dependency and said it should be discussed first.10:08
zigoOne annoying bit I had: we tried switching to json logs, so it is easier to push to Elasticsearch.10:08
zigoSwift doesn't support it because it doesn't use oslo.log.10:08
tkajinammaybe you need to update their log formatter10:09
zigoWell, the easier way would be to teach Swift how to use oslo.log ! :)10:10
tkajinamI personally dislike json logs after being asked to read it to debug complicated nova neutron logs ...10:10
zigoYou're not supposed to read it in the files, but through ES.10:10
tkajinamI know that's friendly to elastic search or other search tool but that's a hell for human reading it to debug something10:10
zigoI agree it's barely readable.10:10
tkajinamI don't know if I "can" read logs through es for debugging to be very honest.10:11
zigoIt'd be nice to have both, in fact.10:11
tkajinamI ended up writing a tool to convert json to bare string logs 10:11
tkajinamfor my mental safety 10:11
tkajinamjson logs are sometimes useful but I remember some problematic cases where it tries to load full object from db10:14
tkajinamas I requires to load full attribute to be dumped10:14
tkajinamthere were some deadlock case caused by logging trying to load db while db access requires logging in connection.10:15
tkajinamI mean I'm sure you may find "interesting" things.10:15
zigoBTW, if you use debug=True and use_json=True with neutron-bgp-agent, it just freezes ... :)10:19
zigo(I of course opened a bug for that...)10:19
tkajinamI suspect that is the dead lock problem I was talking about10:21
tkajinamIIRC I saw deadlock in cinder with debug=True and use_json=True10:21
tkajinamand disable one of these resolves the problem10:21
zigoSo that would be a generic issue in oslo.log? Or is this project specific?10:22
tkajinamyou may have to dump GMR (if neutron-bgp-agent supports it) to see where the threads get stuck10:22
zigoGMR ?10:23
zigoWhat's that?10:23
zigoOh... :)10:24
opendevreviewThomas Goirand proposed openstack/puppet-vitrage master: Add a rabbit_transient_queues_ttl and amqp_auto_delete params  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/puppet-vitrage/+/94485610:44
opendevreviewThomas Goirand proposed openstack/puppet-ironic master: Add a rabbit_transient_queues_ttl and amqp_auto_delete params  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/puppet-ironic/+/94485710:49
opendevreviewThomas Goirand proposed openstack/puppet-swift master: Add a rabbit_transient_queues_ttl and amqp_auto_delete params  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/puppet-swift/+/94485911:09
opendevreviewThomas Goirand proposed openstack/puppet-magnum master: Add a rabbit_transient_queues_ttl and amqp_auto_delete params  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/puppet-magnum/+/94482811:50
zigotkajinam: Just checked, we already have the [filter:ceilometer]/nonblocking_notify=True option in our proxy-server.conf, and that's not enough: with the huge traffic from customers, this still kills our billing system with aprox 5k messages per second.14:18
zigoThere's no "let's take this 10 swift queries and make a single notification message" kind of feature.14:18
opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-cloudkitty master: Add a rabbit_transient_queues_ttl and amqp_auto_delete params  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/puppet-cloudkitty/+/94484614:32
opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-nova master: Rename nova::compute::pci::paththrough  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/puppet-nova/+/94461514:58
opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-mistral master: Add a rabbit_transient_queues_ttl and amqp_auto_delete params  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/puppet-mistral/+/94484715:01
steveamesHello... with the Epoxy release coming up, I was wondering if the puppet modules would be updated to support Ubuntu 24.04? I just glanced at the nova metadata.json file and it's still saying 22.0415:13
opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-nova master: Stop accepting encoded JSON string  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/puppet-nova/+/94461415:27
opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-magnum master: Add a rabbit_transient_queues_ttl and amqp_auto_delete params  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/puppet-magnum/+/94482815:34
tkajinamsteveames, I hoped I could complete migration but the whole work is blocked by too old python-openstackclient package in UCA Dalmatian15:36
tkajinamzigo, if the problem is caused by the whole amount of notification then I agree the nonblocking feature is not really useful15:39
tkajinama problem is that it's not really easy to 'batch' the notification and we eventually have to send individual messages per request ...15:40
tkajinamsteveames, the current module may work in Ubuntu 22.04 but we can't run full tests due to that buggy openstackclient in Dalmatian. Once it is released in UCA Dalmatian we can switch the master job to 24.04 + Dalmatian to prepare for 2024.2 Epoxy coming15:41
tkajinamthough honestly I'm unsure if they are really willing to help us... seeing sort of late response to their "non-prioritized" things15:41
tkajinamI mean 24.04 + Epoxy, not 2024.2 Epoxy15:42
zigotkajinam: Are you talking about the fact that Dalmatian openstackclient says something like "no server like <UUID>" but it still spawns it?15:42
zigoI'm currently experiencing that ...15:43
tkajinamzigo, no I'm talking about a few problems with keystone-related command caused by internal switch to sdk15:43
zigoAh ok.15:43
tkajinamanother annoying point of ubuntu deployment is that they do not provide beta packages following master (like ones we heavily use from RDO) and they usually provide packages even some time after GA15:45
tkajinamso there is no real way for us to test ubuntu deployment with the upcoming release 15:45
steveamestkajinam: sadness. Thanks for the explanation. I was hoping to update everything to Ubuntu24.04 but it looks like I'll hold off.15:56
zigosteveames: Feel free to switch to Debian ! :)16:04
zigoOh, btw, I'm late with the RC1 ... :/16:04
opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-neutron master: Add support for [DEFAULT] pagination_max_limit  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/puppet-neutron/+/94470916:40
opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-neutron master: Deprecate useless rootwrap class  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/puppet-neutron/+/94469218:23

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