Tuesday, 2023-10-24

zigotkajinam: tobias-urdin: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/puppet-nova/2023.2.html <--- 40411:46
tkajinamzigo, we need a patch in the releases repo to fix it. Usually the release mgmt team creates the patch to fix missing links so I tend to wait until it is proposed by them13:40
zigotkajinam: You may want to discuss this with Clark, because he wrote me on #opendev:13:57
zigo<clarkb> zigo: you'll need to go track down the jobs that ran for puppet-nova when it was tagged13:57
zigo<clarkb> work backward from that. Chances are the job failed13:57
zigoI'm not even sure what this means ... :/13:57

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