Wednesday, 2020-10-21

-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service at is back up and running; for outage details see analysis here:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-octavia master: Deprecate database options from the octavia class
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openstackgerritBenedikt Trefzer proposed openstack/puppet-ceilometer master: add parameter to sepcifiy if service on keystone should be configured
LarsErikPhi. does anyone recall why all the admin_* parameters was removed from magnum_config here?
LarsErikPI.. think that config is still needed? In fact, the install guide says you should set them:
tkajinamLarsErikP, these parameters were remove because they were deprecated parameters in keystonemiddleware. but we found several issues caused by missing admin_* parameters and introdiced the magnum::keystone::keystone_auth class08:32
tkajinamwe might need double-check from magnum team but AFAIK we should use the parameters in keystone_auth section instead of adding some deprecated parameters in keystone_authtoken section08:33
LarsErikPBut this was not backported to ussuri?08:34
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LarsErikPactually; then install guide for victoria also tells us to set those deprecated parameters in keystone_authtoken..
tkajinamah, ok08:36
tkajinamsorry, I was looking at victoria08:37
tkajinammaybe we should revert the change in ussuri to follow what is described in the doc08:37
tkajinamLarsErikP, do you mind to file a bug for puppet-magnum ?08:37
LarsErikPsounds like a good idea; because now it does not work :P08:37
LarsErikPtkajinam: I can do that. launchpad or storyboard?08:38
tkajinamLarsErikP, launchpad08:38
tobias-urdinfwiw, we run train and even then we hardcode keystone_auth section manually using magnum_config08:38
tobias-urdinsome stuff is broken, last time i checked, if those are not set08:39
LarsErikPyep. i.e barbican communication fails08:39
LarsErikPwe installed magnum@stein. And everything was fine. Then we updated to train. still fine, because the config is not removed even though it's no longer managed by puppet (of course)08:40
tkajinamthen it might be better to backport keystone_auth section for train ?08:40
LarsErikPbut when we upgraded to ussuri, we had to reinstall our magnum-servers to CentOS 8, and then all the "old" config was lost08:40
tkajinamyeah I get your point08:40
LarsErikPtkajinam: maybe? and ussuri08:40
tkajinamsorry, I should have said ussuri08:41
LarsErikPlet me just check here if it works08:42
LarsErikPjust to be sure :-)08:42
tkajinamyeah it's helpful if you can check which parameters are actually required08:42
tkajinambecause I don't have deployments with magnum now...08:43
LarsErikPseems to work08:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova master: Add support for more instance timeout options
LarsErikPI basically just set all the parameters given in keystone_auth.pp manually08:46
LarsErikPand removed the admin_* from keystone_authtoken section08:46
LarsErikPtkajinam: something like that? :-)08:55
openstackLaunchpad bug 1900813 in puppet-magnum "keystone auth fails in train and ussuri" [Undecided,New]08:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova master: Add support for more image related options
tkajinamLarsErikP, thanks09:06
LarsErikPtkajinam: you're welcome ;-)09:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-heat master: Deprecate database options from the heat class
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-manila master: Deprecate database options from the manila class
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tkajinamtobias-urdin, do you have any preference about the fix ? I'm thinking to backport keystone_auth config09:30
tkajinamexcept for added inclusion of magnum::keystone::keystone_auth, maybe ?09:30
tobias-urdinwell im fine with backporting it09:30
tobias-urdinbut we might break existing deployments (read: me :D) that is setting it manually with magnum_config09:31
tobias-urdinbut im fine with it09:31
openstackgerritTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-magnum stable/ussuri: New class to support keystone_auth config
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-mistral master: Deprecate database options from the mistral class
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-cinder master: Deprecate database options from the cinder class
LarsErikPtkajinam: \o/10:23
tkajinamI'll backport that patch to train, too, once it is merged into ussuri10:39
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openstackgerritTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-oslo master: Add support for the oslo_policy/enforce_scope parameter
openstackgerritTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-keystone master: Add support for the oslo_policy/enforce_scope parameter
redrobotHi friends!  I'd love to get some reviews for
redrobotIt's a pretty small patch for a couple of new options added to barbican12:17
tkajinamredrobot, added one comment (and one personal note) on the patch. please check it12:25
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redrobotthank you tkajinam, I'll review and update the patch.12:32
tkajinamredrobot, np. I'll check once you update it. let me know if you have any questions about my comment12:32
tkajinamredrobot, oops. I missed to mention one more thing. Could you please add a short release note about the new parameters ?12:33
redrobottkajinam, sure, no problem.  I'll add a note.12:34
tkajinam(posted the same on the patch12:34
tkajinamredrobot, thx12:34
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obreCould we have this merge soon:
tkajinamobre, we've found some additional issues related to that fix but now confirmed that will solve the remaining issue13:35
tkajinamobre, once we backport that to V then backport the same sets to U. that is why we didn't merge that backport for U yet13:35
obretkajinam: Alright. Sorry for being impatient :P13:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-ironic master: Deprecate database options from the base class
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openstackgerritTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-keystone master: Add support for the oslo_policy/enforce_scope parameter
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-aodh master: Deprecate database options from the aodh class
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova master: Fix incorrect release note about db options deprecation
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova master: Fix misplaced releasenote file
openstackgerritOliver Walsh proposed openstack/puppet-nova master: Expose nova config option [workaround]/never_download_image_if_on_rbd
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openstackgerritOliver Walsh proposed openstack/puppet-nova master: Expose nova config option [workaround]/never_download_image_if_on_rbd
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-keystone master: Deprecate database options from the keystone class
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-keystone master: Add missing dependencies about keystone_puppet_config
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-glance master: Deprecate database options from the glance::api class
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openstackgerritTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-keystone master: Add support for the oslo_policy/enforce_scope parameter
openstackgerritTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-keystone stable/victoria: Add missing dependencies about keystone_puppet_config
openstackgerritTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-nova master: Move release note file to the correct place
openstackgerritTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-cinder master: Fix the misplaced release note file
openstackgerritTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-ironic master: Fix the misplaced release note file
openstackgerritTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-nova master: Fix the misplaced release note files
openstackgerritTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-sahara master: Fix the misplaced release note file

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