Monday, 2018-11-26

openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: Move out debug to keystone::logging
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openstackgerritzhongshengping proposed openstack/puppet-senlin master: Remove pki related options
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openstackgerrit98k proposed openstack/puppet-mistral master: Add bugs link in README
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iurygregorygood morning07:41
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lyarwoodtobias-urdin: - morning, if I understand the zuul job correctly we can't move forward with this until the initial puppet-placement change ( lands correct?10:12
lyarwoodAFAICT the Depends-On isn't used and we are just pulling puppet-placement master that's currently empty10:12
openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: WIP Extract the Placement service from Nova
lyarwood^ trying to force it to use the WIP change10:20
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tobias-urdinlyarwood: hm, yeah it doesn't seems like it's loading those commits11:49
tobias-urdinzuul hasn't or openstack infra hasn't dropped the Depends-On: <change id> syntax yet?11:50
tobias-urdinor is the change ids correct?11:50
openstackgerritVieri proposed openstack/puppet-neutron master: Add bugs link in README
openstackgerritVieri proposed openstack/puppet-zaqar master: Always build universal wheels
openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: WIP Extract the Placement service from Nova
lyarwoodtobias-urdin: I didn't think so, ^ is using the new URL syntax11:54
tobias-urdinlyarwood: seems like puppet-placement is broken12:25
tobias-urdinnot a dependency issue12:25
tobias-urdinatleast for debian based12:27
tobias-urdinlets see what centos says12:27
lyarwoodtobias-urdin: yeah I need to work on the params for debian12:31
lyarwoodtobias-urdin: testing this has been pretty awkward tbh12:31
tobias-urdini pinged corey from canonical on that, will relay back to you if i recieve a reponse12:31
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tobias-urdinlyarwood: Keystone::Cron::Fernet_rotate/Cron[keystone-manage fernet_rotate] (notice): Dependency File[/etc/placement/ssl] has failures: true12:44
tobias-urdinlooks wrong12:44
tobias-urdin2018-11-26 12:22:18 +0000 Puppet (err): Cannot create /etc/placement/ssl; parent directory /etc/placement does not exist12:46
lyarwoodtobias-urdin: yeah looking at that now12:47
tobias-urdinthe openstack_integration::ssl_key placement resource needs to be chained after placement packages is installed12:48
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openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: WIP Extract the Placement service from Nova
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openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/puppet-placement master: Initial cookiecutter and import from nova::placement
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tobias-urdinlyarwood: corey will hopefully work on placement packages this week, maybe next week we can test with ubuntu packages as well13:44
tobias-urdinthere is also stein packages for ubuntu but they are not really tested, and is py3 only so will break a lot of stuff13:44
lyarwoodtobias-urdin: ack thanks13:45
openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-openstack_extras master: Change repos to stein
openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: Change ubuntu repos to stein
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tobias-urdinEmilienM: when you have time, could you review my latest ~15 patches that is passing, ty14:24
EmilienMtobias-urdin: sure14:25
tobias-urdinEmilienM: know tripleo is busy with a lot of other stuff, but do you think these kind of efforts could be completed this cycle from tripleo perspective?14:28
tobias-urdinsome heavy deprecations/removals and changing keystone to port 5000 only (one port only atleast)14:28
tobias-urdinif it's even used that is... i have no insight there :)14:29
EmilienMjaosorior: ^14:30
EmilienMthis work needs to be more visible14:30
jaosoriornice! been wanting to get rid of 35357 for a long time :D14:31
jaosoriorI don't think we use it much anymore.14:31
jaosoriorin tripleo14:31
jaosoriorBUT.... I think some third party integrations use it14:31
jaosoriorso... that might be problematic14:31
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tobias-urdinjust guessing here, but might be possible to pass an array to $port that is passed to openstacklib -> puppetlabs-apache14:33
tobias-urdinand that way still listen to port 35357 but from same vhost14:33
tobias-urdinassuming you have dropped keystone v2.0 support, v3 is the same app anyways14:34
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jaosoriortrue that14:43
jaosoriortobias-urdin: that would be ideal14:43
jaosoriorif we could still keep 35357, ven if it points towards the same host14:43
tobias-urdinjaosorior: if that works keystone::wsgi::apache::port would default to 5000 and users could pass port=[35357, 5000] to be backward compatible14:50
jaosoriortobias-urdin: sounds good to me.14:51
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openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-keystone master: Remove port 35357 deployment
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openstackgerritAlan Bishop proposed openstack/puppet-cinder stable/queens: Add cinder::nova class to configure nova section
openstackgerritAlan Bishop proposed openstack/puppet-cinder stable/queens: Improve cinder::nova support for auth_type password
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-qdr master: Support broker connector configuration.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-qdr master: Revert "Add a broker connector configuration"
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openstackgerritNagasai Vinaykumar Kapalavai proposed openstack/puppet-qdr master: Changes to include broker connector configuration.
cgoncalvestobias-urdin, hi. have you seen my last comment on ?17:06
tobias-urdinsorry been afk for some hour17:07
cgoncalvestobias-urdin, touche! :)17:07
openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/puppet-placement master: Initial cookiecutter and import from nova::placement
cgoncalveswe had a short discussion last week here on the channel where mwhahaha also participated. my understanding from it was that my original commit was good17:08
cgoncalvesif that is correct, we should revert
tobias-urdini abandoned all that, changed my use case to have octavia::controller defined before octavia::worker17:09
tobias-urdinusing it in production right now17:09
tobias-urdiniiuc if we revert that it will be broken again17:11
tobias-urdinthose includes does not honor that octavia::controller is defined in manifest before them and will cause redeclaration if you use all of them in the same manifest17:11
mwhahahai guess that's a hiera driven composition layer vs static class definitions17:12
tobias-urdinneed to leave now, will be online in ~40 mins when i get home17:13
* tobias-urdin afk -- back sson17:13
cgoncalvesmwhahaha, right. so which one should win? :)17:14
mwhahahayea it gets tricky. I think we've tried to not force too many of those if possible17:15
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mwhahahawe've had to do it for teh db stuff because that's required, but i'm not sure about the controller bits17:15
mwhahahawe could have probably gotten away w/o including it everywhere maybe?17:15
cgoncalvestobias-urdin, in here you half-reverted it: you removed the include of controller but did not re-include the db (
cgoncalvesmwhahaha, I think we could live without including everywhere but then we'd need to include it puppet-tripleo17:16
openstackgerritNagasai Vinaykumar Kapalavai proposed openstack/puppet-qdr master: Changes to include broker connector configuration.
cgoncalvesmwhahaha, could you have a look at these patches and confirm this is the proper way forward? I have NOT tested them yet. &
mwhahahacgoncalves: yes i believe so17:47
cgoncalveslol, okay thanks! I've got a record for breaking stuff even when I test them so... ;)17:48
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openstackgerritRajini Karthik proposed openstack/puppet-cinder stable/rocky: Dell EMC SC: Add use_multipath_for_image_xfer
openstackgerritRajini Karthik proposed openstack/puppet-cinder stable/rocky: Dell EMC SC: Add use_multipath_for_image_xfer
openstackgerritRajini Karthik proposed openstack/puppet-cinder stable/rocky: Dell EMC SC: Add use_multipath_for_image_xfer
openstackgerritRajini Karthik proposed openstack/puppet-cinder stable/queens: Dell EMC SC: Add use_multipath_for_image_xfer
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openstackgerritRajini Karthik proposed openstack/puppet-cinder stable/queens: Dell EMC SC: Add use_multipath_for_image_xfer
openstackgerritRajini Karthik proposed openstack/puppet-cinder stable/queens: Dell EMC SC: Add use_multipath_for_image_xfer
openstackgerritRajini Karthik proposed openstack/puppet-cinder stable/queens: Dell EMC SC: Add use_multipath_for_image_xfer
openstackgerritRajini Karthik proposed openstack/puppet-cinder stable/rocky: Dell EMC SC: Add use_multipath_for_image_xfer
cgoncalvestobias-urdin, in here you half-reverted it: you removed the include of controller but did not re-include the db (
tobias-urdinthanks for noticing that, we should probably add that back right?19:52
cgoncalvestobias-urdin, yes. the api service talks to the db19:54
openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/puppet-octavia master: Re-include octavia::db in octavia::api
cgoncalvestobias-urdin, ^20:05
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-nova master: Update python packaging version for RHEL8
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-glance master: Update python packaging version for RHEL8
cgoncalveshmm, the housekeeping and health manager services also need to include db btw20:29
cgoncalvesif one installs them together with the api and/or worker the db params will be set but if standalone they will not20:30
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cgoncalvesnothing super urgent at least for me and for the time being, though20:30
openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-monasca master: Convert to rspec-puppet-facts and fix monasca::alarmdefs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova master: Deprecate neutron options and add alternatives
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