Friday, 2018-11-02

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openstackgerrityatin proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: [DNM] Testing with latest cinder
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openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-nova master: Use puppet4 functions-api
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openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-neutron master: Use puppet4 functions-api
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tobias-urdinEvilienM: can you review and ack that unblocks CI for nova10:26
EvilienMtobias-urdin: of course10:26
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openstackgerrityatin proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: [DNM] Testing with latest cinder
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openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-nova master: Use puppet4 functions-api
openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-neutron master: Use puppet4 functions-api
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper stable/ocata: Remove duplicate puppet declaration
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chandankumarEvilienM: tobias-urdin please have a look at this failure
chandankumarit is a known issue?12:28
openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/puppet-glance master: Add puppet-glance-tripleo-standalone job
tobias-urdinchandankumar: yes, probably a race condition, you can recheck that for now12:31
tobias-urdinsee here
tobias-urdinwe can probably increase that sleep unless nova-compute doesn't startup and register itself in those 10 seconds on first startup12:33
chandankumartobias-urdin: I will push a new patch12:33
chandankumarthanks for the insight12:34
tobias-urdinyou can push a patch that increases that to 30 seconds, that should hopefully resolve it12:34
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openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: Increase the sleep to 30 sec for discover_hosts in Nova
chandankumartobias-urdin: EvilienM mwhahaha iurygregory ^^12:39
iurygregorychandankumar, ack12:39
tobias-urdinwill approve right away12:39
openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/puppet-glance master: Add puppet-glance-tripleo-standalone job
iurygregorytobias-urdin, my +2 was slow lol12:40
chandankumarthanks guys :-)12:40
tobias-urdiniurygregory: could you review let me know if you'd like us to deprecate os_any2array or remove it, was only intended to compatibility in horizon module and not functionality exposed to end users, but somebody might use it12:42
tobias-urdinEvilienM: mwhahaha ^ perhaps it might be used in tripleo somewhere12:42
chandankumartobias-urdin: standalone job has coverage of horizon,12:43
iurygregorytobias-urdin, ack will look12:43
iurygregoryif ooo use we prob will deprecate12:43
iurygregorybut lets wait for EvilienM and mwhahaha =)12:43
tobias-urdinchandankumar: cool, so standalone job passed so it's probably clear then12:43
chandankumarbut we can confirm with mwhahaha and EvilienM Once12:44
iurygregoryat least only show puppet-horizon \o/12:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova master: Convert some spec testing to rspec-puppet-facts
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openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib master: Use puppet4 functions-api
openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-neutron master: Use puppet4 functions-api
openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-nova master: Deprecate nova-network code
openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-nova master: Deprecate neutron options and add alternatives
openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-nova master: nova::quota fix correct conf group and rename params
openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-nova stable/rocky: Split off metadata vendordata plugin in own class
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openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: Update pupppet 4 unit to use 4.10
openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-nova master: Add cells v1 deprecation notice and remove broken code
openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-openstack_extras master: Convert spec testing to use rspec-puppet-facts
tobias-urdiniurygregory: last part to unblock CI, see my comment on the last PS, please approve if ok14:03
tobias-urdinlast piece to unblock unit testing that got broken in CI14:04
iurygregorytobias-urdin, sure14:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper master: Bump version to 14.0.0
chandankumarmwhahaha: iurygregory can we disable this horizon test?14:33
mwhahahayes plz14:35
* mwhahaha tries to find the spot14:36
chandankumarmwhahaha: sending the patch14:36
mwhahahaoh yea the excludes in in p-o-i14:38
ykareltobias-urdin, good to recheck and ur votes, looks like u arleady have fixes in place
ykarelmwhahaha, ^^14:44
openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: Blacklist tempest_horizon.tests test in Scenario003 CentOS CI
chandankumarmwhahaha: EvilienM tobias-urdin iurygregory ^^14:48
ykarelmwhahaha, tobias-urdin please also review this is required to get puppet ci promotion14:48
iurygregorychandankumar, will look in a few i have many mtgs today XD14:50
chandankumariurygregory: np, see ya14:51
iurygregory2 mtgs in a row starting in 10 mtg XD (1hr each)14:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack_extras master: Convert spec testing to use rspec-puppet-facts
openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: Enable debug logging for horizon tests
chkumar|offmwhahaha: iurygregory|mtg ^^ we also need this patch to find more info related to horizon test failure15:25
chkumar|offrdopiera is looking into that15:26
ykarelchkumar|off, good to check with rdopiera first, iirc he said something is still missing ^^15:26
ykarelwith the review15:26
chkumar|offykarel: based on discussion I have padded this patch15:27
ykarelchkumar|off, okk u discussed with rdopiera?15:28
ykareli was asking re. debug patch15:28
chkumar|offykarel: yes check #rhos-dev internally15:28
ykarelokk so he is not sure, that's was the same i rememeber from last discussion15:29
ykarelso good to check if Debug logs are available before merging15:29
ykareland try to reproduce as well15:29
ykarelchkumar|off, looks something wrong with EXCLUDES, --black-regex=^(?!neutron_dynamic_routing.tests.tempest.scenario.*)(?!tempest_horizon.tests.scenario.test_dashboard_basic_ops.*$15:37
ykarelit looks like part for regex,15:38
ykarelblack-regex should include !? with it's name it looks like just need to pass the tests to skip15:38
ykarelwill check results from job once available, but just by looking seems wrong15:39
ykareli commented on patch just to confirm15:43
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openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib master: Use puppet4 functions-api
openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: Blacklist tempest_horizon.tests test in Scenario003 CI
chkumar|offykarel: tobias-urdin ^^ done16:13
openstackgerritNagasai Vinaykumar Kapalavai proposed openstack/puppet-qdr master: Add a broker connector configuration
tobias-urdinchkumar|off: awesome ty16:21
tobias-urdinmwhahaha: any idea why the File stubs are not doing anything? been at it for a while now
ykarelchkumar|off, ack16:27
mwhahahatobias-urdin: not really i've found that the new version seems to not like the ruby stubs anymore. i ran into similar issues when we were mocking it out via ruby and had to write a puppet function instead16:28
* mwhahaha goes to find the patch for context16:28
mwhahahathat thing where i had to like replace the override with a regular function16:29
mwhahahatobias-urdin: are you sure it isn't before (:each) ?16:31
mwhahahaor is that before each context16:31
* mwhahaha can never remember16:31
tobias-urdindont know, i haven't tried it atleast, can't get the stupid rspec testing to run locally either would be easier to test more :|16:32
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-designate master: Install python3-keystoneclient in Fedora or RedHat > 7
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openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-neutron master: Use puppet4 functions-api
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openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-nova master: Deprecate neutron options and add alternatives
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openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-nova master: nova::quota fix correct conf group and rename params
openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-placement master: Initial cookiecutter and import from nova::placement
tobias-urdinEvilienM: the two final patches for the rabbit_* removal
tobias-urdinykarel_: sorry I might have checked this with you earlier, but in this patch I suggest removal of puppet5 nightly build testing17:47
tobias-urdinand fedora uses that
tobias-urdinis that something we want to do or is it something we can/should change?17:47
openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-ceph master: WIP: Ceph providers
EvilienMtobias-urdin: nice work17:59
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: Enable debug logging for horizon tests
ykarel_tobias-urdin, checkig18:08
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: OpenStack infra's mirror nodes stopped accepting connections on ports 8080, 8081, and 8082. We will notify when this is fixed and jobs can be rechecked if they failed to communicate with a mirror on these ports.18:10
ykarel_tobias-urdin, at first instance removal of PUPPET_PKG export not looking good, we are using it to override package name18:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-guide master: Update CI jobs information in guide
ykarel_and that is_fedora is true for both centos and fedora18:11
openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/puppet-octavia master: Set common configuration options across services
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openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/puppet-octavia master: Set common configuration options across services
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tobias-urdinykarel: hm where is puppet_pkg overriden?18:45
tobias-urdinEvilienM: thanks18:45
ykareltobias-urdin, we override in RDO testing of puppet modules from rpm18:45
tobias-urdinack, i'll change that back, everything else looked ok?18:47
ykarelyes rest looks fine18:52
ykarelthe is_fedora is true for both centos/fedora so seeing other jobs passing it looks fine18:52
tobias-urdinack, i'll push fix when infra reports mirrors are ok again18:53
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ykarelbut we soon to update puppet on our side as we have puppet 518:53
ykarelso the failure i just seen in one of the job is infra18:53
ykareldamn i recheced it18:54
mwhahahathey are good again18:54
ykarelokk then fine18:54
ykareli rechecked after checking the mirror url was working18:54
ykarelso thought it was a network glich18:54
tobias-urdinEmilienM: haha just got an enlightenment, your friday name is so suiting during halloween times18:55
ykarelbut good to know it was a real issue and now fixed18:55
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ykarel|awayhappy weekend everyone18:55
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The firewall situation with ports 8080, 8081, and 8082 on mirror nodes has been resolved. You can recheck jobs that have failed to communicate to the mirrors on those ports now.18:55
openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: Add puppet6 testing
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-octavia master: Do not set inexistent haproxy_amphora/key_path
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-horizon master: Remove os_any2array function
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-cinder master: Deprecate several iscsi_XXX parameters
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-swift master: Remove deprecated rabbit opts in swift::proxy::ceilometer
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-neutron master: Allow the networking_ansible plugin to set manage_vlans
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openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/puppet-octavia master: Set common configuration options across services
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openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib master: Use puppet4 functions-api

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