Wednesday, 2016-08-17

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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario003: re-enable trove
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Revert "run_tests: stop mistral testing"
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: gnocchi: export db-sync output in logs
openstackgerritMichael Liu proposed openstack/puppet-magnum: Add itesm for keystone_authtoken using class keystone::resource::authtoken
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openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Update Jewel Ceph RGW to support Keystone V3
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Add missing namevar method to openstack_config provider
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openstackgerritKarthik S proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Set firewall driver for SR-IOV ports
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Defaults empty hash to kernel_modules and sysctl_settings
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Align hiera keys with service names
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Promote RDO repository to latest consistent URL
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openstackgerritCharlie Llewellyn proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Add variable to set availabilty zone fallback
openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Enable aodh systemd services on non-bootstrap nodes
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add cinder-backup profiles
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Fix deployment steps for AODH profiles
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Removing WARNING: line has more than 140 characters in puppet-nova profiles
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openstackgerritLukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/puppet-ironic: Introduce ironic::ipxe class
openstackgerritErno Kuvaja proposed openstack/puppet-manila: Add CephFSNative driver logic
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tacker: Add authtoken class
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openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-oslo: Add support for oslo privsep management
openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-nova: [WIP] Manage privsep helper for nova
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openstackgerritErno Kuvaja proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Expose osd crush update on start option
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Removing WARNING: line has more than 140 characters in puppet-nova profiles
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openstackgerritErno Kuvaja proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Expose osd crush update on start option
openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: SR-IOV numvfs config is made persistent across reboots
openstackgerritErno Kuvaja proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Expose osd crush update on start option
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openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Configure galera-monitor on all controller nodes
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openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed openstack/puppet-trove: Configure keystone authtoken options
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openstackgerritLukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/puppet-ironic: Introduce ironic::ipxe class
EmilienMiberezovskiy, degorenko: hey! any progress on ? :)12:12
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EmilienMiberezovskiy, degorenko: tripleo is waiting for this patch, it's kind of urgent12:17
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Move ceilometer api to run under apache wsgi
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Jokke_iurygregory: thanks for all your help on the reviews. is passing the tests again!12:23
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Removing WARNING: line has more than 140 characters in puppet-nova profiles
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Fix deployment steps for AODH profiles
iurygregoryJokke_, you're welcome o/12:30
iurygregorymorning people12:30
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add manifests to inject and trust CA certificates
openstackgerritCharlie Llewellyn proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Fixed alginment and added test
iberezovskiyEmilienM, unfortunately, Fuel Ci is broken. so we can't merge our adapt patch. I think we need to unblock you first. but let's please wait for mwhahaha. I want to notify him about this problem12:46
EmilienMwe don't want to break you more :)12:46
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degorenkoEmilienM, fuel ci is already broken by our internal problems, so, it doesnt matter if we will merge your patch12:47
degorenkobut agree, lets wait for Alex12:47
openstackgerritSven Anderson proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario003: Enable ec2api tempest tests
iberezovskiyEmilienM, jfyi
beaglesand the winning recheck goes to iurygregory !12:53
beaglesthanks man12:54
beaglesdid they disable osic or something?12:54
EmilienMiberezovskiy: oh nice12:55
EmilienMbeagles: your patch got merged?12:55
beaglesEmilienM, yup12:55
EmilienMbeagles: congrats \o/12:57
beaglesEmilienM, it was a team effort :)12:57
EmilienMand stars12:57
beaglesyup it looks like they disabled osic12:59
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iurygregorybeagles, haha tks \o/13:03
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EmilienMchem: what should we do with ?13:08
EmilienMmerge it until next version of puppet?13:09
EmilienMit's blocking multiple patches13:09
chemEmilienM: they have release it master and backported it, but yes, in the meantime we could merge it.  I'm just afraid that we just forget to remove it.13:10
EmilienMchem: do they have released it?13:10
chemEmilienM: merged to stable: 05a7ced, and merged to master 2 days ago13:11
EmilienMah, so it's not released13:11
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chemEmilienM: I've just added a comment asking for a quick release.13:14
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chemin the meantime, we can merge it and let an note on the next weekling meeting to revert it if released13:17
chemEmilienM: ^ ?13:17
EmilienMchem: yes13:17
EmilienMI did a recheck13:18
EmilienM+2 now13:18
chemack, I'm updating
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openstackgerritErno Kuvaja proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Expose osd crush update on start option
EmilienMchem: thx13:20
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iurygregoryEmilienM, can you +A ? ^^13:22
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EmilienMiurygregory: done!13:23
EmilienMalmost 100 meetings!13:23
iurygregorydid you have sucess in know the TripleO problem in nova authtoken?13:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-guide: Update meeting #90
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EmilienMiurygregory: not yet13:27
iurygregoryEmilienM, ok, i was about to try the recheck lol13:28
EmilienMiurygregory: I did it, because the tripleo error was not related13:28
iurygregoryEmilienM, awesome :D13:28
beagles"recheck this is insane" lol13:43
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mwhahahaiberezovskiy: is it still broken?14:05
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tempest: trove: add db_flavor_ref parameter
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario003: re-enable trove
EmilienMtripleo CI is currently blocked to promote to latest trunk and we might need asap14:13
EmilienMmwhahaha, iberezovskiy: would it be ok to land the puppet patch?14:14
mwhahahayea gimme a sec to try and catch up this morning, we can probably land it14:15
iberezovskiymwhahaha, as I can see it was fixed some minutes ago, but I didn't check14:15
mwhahahayea it looks like it's fixed now14:16
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EmilienMmwhahaha: should we recheck fuel CI?14:38
iberezovskiynot yet14:41
EmilienMiberezovskiy: it would be great if we could merge it today, just fyi14:42
iberezovskiyyep, I understand14:42
iberezovskiyI'm on it14:42
karthiksEmilienM, regarding, if we need to set a fixed value in puppet, wouldn't it be appropriate to set it as default.14:45
EmilienMkarthiks: the default value in neutron doesn't work?14:46
karthiksEmilienM, As far as I understand from, (section Enable neutron sriov-agent) this configuration needs to be given explicitly14:50
EmilienMkarthiks: ok then14:50
EmilienMkarthiks: +214:51
EmilienMand we're waiting for tripleo/fuel CI to be green14:51
karthiksThanks EmilienM :)14:51
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Clean up unused params from aodh profiles
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openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Update Jewel Ceph RGW to support Keystone V3
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colonwqxarses_, If I hit the patch enough, it will work and I will have a flat spot on my head.15:27
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beaglesEmilienM (and anyone else who wants to chime in) while I don't have much puppet experience - nor ruby for that matter - I do like to apply what I learn as I go. The reason I ask is I'm wondering how rigorous I should go on reviewing puppet patches. My feeling is be as rigorous as I know how and if I'm wrong somebody who knows better will correct me.15:51
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EmilienMbeagles: I started the review process by looking how others used to review and what were common use15:52
EmilienMjust pick some patches under review, and try to see if the patch has the doc, is tested, is following conventions:
beaglesEmilienM, ack15:53
EmilienMif it's passing CI, if the commit message is good15:53
EmilienMfor the code itself, it comes by reading existing code and be aware about how to write good puppet manifests15:53
beaglesthe usual :)15:54
beaglesit's a bit interesting as each community has - even within the mundane things like commit messages - different standards15:57
beaglesso the reviewing the reviewers is the big thing I need to work at15:57
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beaglesEmilienM, thanks15:58
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EmilienMyeah ! really helps to run trove tests16:14
EmilienMif anyone can review it ^16:14
EmilienMthere is one more failure but I think it's a bug in trove/tempest tests, I'm on it16:14
EmilienMbut the 2 other failures we had are gone with my puppet-tempest patch16:14
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EmilienMnot sure I'm doing right:
beaglesdegorenko, iberezovskiy, the reason I asked that question of EmilienM above is I was in the middle of reviewing and I got to wondering "what's too far?". Maybe you can advise me a bit here?16:36
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Removing WARNING: line has more than 140 characters in puppet-nova profiles
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iberezovskiybeagles, good comments I think17:29
iberezovskiybeagles, the main idea on review for me is to do not say 'this is wrong', the idea is to describe what's exactly wrong and suggest how to fix, attach links for additional information if possible17:31
beaglesiberezovskiy, ack17:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Promote RDO repository to latest consistent URL
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tempest: trove: add db_flavor_ref parameter
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beaglesiberezovskiy, what are your thoughts on two resources conflicting with each other, ie 'eth0:4', 'eth0:1'17:37
iberezovskiyit won't conflict because of different title17:38
iberezovskiybut they will manage the same configuration file17:38
beaglesiberezovskiy, in puppet they will but they end up hitting the same file yeah17:38
iberezovskiyI think it's the user issue, because he provided incorrect input17:38
beaglesiberezovskiy, it just ends up being a user issue17:38
beaglesyeah what you said :)17:38
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Move ceilometer api to run under apache wsgi
EmilienMiberezovskiy: thx a lot18:07
iberezovskiyEmilienM, thx for the patience. mwhahaha can land both patches then18:10
iberezovskiyI'm off for today18:10
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dmsimardEmilienM: hi18:16
dmsimardThis is sort of weird:
dmsimardSince the module includes itself (rather than copy itself?), it installs the master branch of puppet-openstack-integration in /etc/puppet/modules instead of whatever version I'm executing from18:17
dmsimardso for instance I'm trying to reproduce the designate issues outside the gate to troubleshoot and it's unable to find openstack_integration::designate because the master branch doesn't have it18:18
dmsimardShouldn't p-o-i do a puppet module install of itself or something like that instead ?18:18
mwhahahazuul cloner overwrites it i think18:22
mwhahahain the gate18:23
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dmsimardI'm testing outside the gate, though :p18:27
EmilienMdmsimard: hi18:28
EmilienMI see your problem18:28
EmilienMyou'll need to hack something in functions18:29
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dmsimardEmilienM: here?
EmilienMmaybe yeah18:33
dmsimardand the hack would be to delete the openstack_integration module from /etc/puppet/modules and copy itself to /etc/puppet/modules ?18:33
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openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: [WIP] updates to fluentd support
EmilienMmwhahaha: we good for ?18:51
mwhahahanot yet, trying to land the fuel fix (waiting on ci)18:51
mwhahahaif it doesn't come through i'll just land that one anyway in a bit18:51
mwhahaha if you're following along at home :D18:52
EmilienMsorry to push18:52
EmilienMthe reason is tripleo CI blocked for 3 days18:52
mwhahahano it's ok, i'm hoping in the next hour18:53
iurygregoryEmilienM, can you ping when TripleO be unblocked? =)18:54
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EmilienMiurygregory: when the puppet-ironic is merged :)18:57
iurygregoryEmilienM, ok ;D18:58
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mwhahahalife in openstack, watching paint dry aka waiting for CI19:20
iurygregorymwhahaha, go watch the olympic games XD19:21
danpawlikmwhahaha: xD19:21
iurygregorywhile you wait for CI19:21
EmilienMI don't have a TV :(19:22
iurygregoryEmilienM, internet LOL19:22
EmilienMwhat is that?19:22
mwhahahanbc has a lock on the coverage in the US (and it's awful)19:22
EmilienMI'm really old school19:22
EmilienMmy laptop crash when I run youtube video19:23
iurygregoryEmilienM, LOL19:23
EmilienMI have a tablet19:23
iurygregoryyou have a mac no?19:23
iurygregorysad =(19:23
EmilienMold dell xps :P19:23
mwhahahahe runs linux i think so that's probably the problem ;)19:23
iurygregorylinux is not the problem hahah we watch olympic games in the second monitor here at the lab :D19:24
EmilienMI'm watching zuul19:25
EmilienMwhich is more than olympic game19:25
EmilienM"trying to make CI working" is like olympic sometimes19:26
EmilienMbut we'll survive19:26
EmilienMif mwhahaha merges my patch19:27
EmilienM /rent19:27
EmilienM /rant* even19:27
iurygregoryEmilienM, the sab pat is that you don't recive a gold medal for have the  CI working haha19:27
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EmilienMwe all receive a medal19:28
EmilienMthe medal will be Newton release19:28
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* mwhahaha grumbles about memory utilization19:30
iurygregoryEmilienM, good one :D19:30
mwhahahaalmost there on fuel ci, deploy passed just waiting for health checks so i can merge that patch (hopefully in the next 5-10 mins)19:30
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mwhahahayay it passed come on jenkins19:44
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The volume for filled up rather suddenly, causing a number of jobs to fail with a POST_FAILURE result and no logs; we're manually expiring some logs now to buy breathing room, but any changes which hit that in the past few minutes will need to be rechecked and/or approved again19:46
mwhahahabooo logs.openstack.org19:46
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mwhahahai guess i was looking at the wrong tab, it failed let me double check it's  not related and i might just force it19:51
mwhahahaEmilienM: just merge your change to unblock tripleo and i'll work on getting the fuel patch landed soon19:52
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mwhahahapesky CI shenanigans today19:52
EmilienMmwhahaha: i don't want to break your CI too19:52
mwhahahait's already hosed for probably completely unrelated reasons19:53
mwhahahai've retriggered the fuel-ci for it so it'll be another 2 hours before it comes back19:54
EmilienMwe really need to land this patch in puppet-ironic19:58
mwhahahaEmilienM: did you see
EmilienMmwhahaha: no19:58
EmilienMmwhahaha: -219:59
EmilienMI wish I could -6 sometimes20:00
EmilienMmwhahaha: do we wait 2 more hours? lol20:01
mwhahahajust land it20:02
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mwhahahait doesn't break noop or anything and we don't test ironic in CI20:02
mwhahahai'll get our fix landed later today20:02
mwhahahaor i will20:03
EmilienMok thx20:03
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EmilienMmwhahaha: wdyt about until puppetlabs release > 4.6.0 ?20:21
mwhahahai guess as a temporary thing20:21
mwhahahabut the number of places we need to do that for various modules is quite annoying20:22
EmilienMpuppet-keystone is kind of prio20:22
EmilienMas it breaks beaker jobs20:22
EmilienMother projects *only* have unit-latest broken20:23
EmilienMwhich is non voting20:23
mwhahahabetter to pin to puppet agent 1.5.2?20:23
mwhahahacause that's ultimately what's doing it20:23
mwhahahai think we'll end up with weird parse order issues if we have to go include everything20:23
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mfischchem: ping20:27
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-guide: CI: updates about current jobs
EmilienMmfisch: what's up20:28
mfischworking on this weird domain Id bug with franza20:28
mfischwe can see the default domain Id changing after a resource is made20:28
mfischkinda strange20:28
mfischafter we create the heat domain the default domain ID changes20:29
EmilienMyou running master?20:29
mfischwhich is wrong20:29
mfischyou think this is fixed?20:29
mfischwe're a bit behind but thise code looks the same from what I saw20:29
EmilienMno, just making sure we test the same code20:29
EmilienMwhat is your manifest?20:30
EmilienMcan we reproduce in CI? our scripts test idempotency20:30
mfischWe're from March 1620:30
mfischdo we create a domain in any of our tests?20:30
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: nova: switch libvirt_virt_type from qemu to kvm
EmilienMdmsimard: ^20:31
EmilienMmfisch: lol20:31
EmilienMis it a real question ahah20:31
dmsimardvirt_type = qemu20:32
EmilienMdmsimard: ah so I can cancelt it20:32
mfischhah I dont even remember20:32
EmilienMmfisch: look in :)20:32
dmsimardEmilienM: well, no20:32
dmsimardEmilienM: feel free to let it go20:32
EmilienMmfisch: we also test here:
EmilienMdmsimard: let's see how it works :)20:33
mfischEmilienM: I bet I could get this to fail by changing the intergration tests20:34
EmilienMsure, please try20:35
EmilienMmfisch: again, what is your manifest?20:35
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mfischEmilienM: adding to the bug20:35
mfischLP 161414120:36
openstackLaunchpad bug 1614141 in puppet-keystone "Need to create heat domain without changing the default_domain_id" [Undecided,New]
mfischpretty basic just some ensure resources20:36
mfischon keystone_domain20:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-ironic: conductor: add api_url parameter
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EmilienMmfisch: why don't use use ?20:39
mfischlol because of the other bug I filed earlier that you commented on20:39
mfischheat and Keystone on different nodes20:39
mfischthats where the code came from20:39
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EmilienMwhat I would do is :20:41
EmilienM1) patch heat::keystone::domain to add a new conditional if $manage_heat_config20:41
EmilienM2) use heat::keystone::domain on keystone server and set manage_domain, manage_user and manage_role to True20:41
EmilienM3) use heat::keystone::domain and set $manage_heat_config to True and the other to False20:42
EmilienMand honestly, I don't understand 100% the bug description20:43
EmilienM"Even if I set the identity/default_domain_id to default, the mistake persists."20:43
EmilienMfrom keystone.conf?20:43
EmilienMdid you configure something into heat.conf?20:44
EmilienMand why did you mention the idempotency problem, which isn't mentionned in the bug report20:44
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mfischEmilienM: I think I found it20:47
mfischweird corner case20:47
mfischwill update the bug20:47
EmilienMbug set to incomplete20:47
EmilienMyeah and please make it a bit more clear20:48
EmilienMmfisch: and also please submit a patch into puppet-heat20:48
EmilienMdo not duplicate code like this in your manifests, this is really durty20:48
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mfischagreed on dirty20:48
EmilienMyour use case is really valid (containers)20:48
mfischEmilienM: this bug happens when the default domain is NOT in your catalog and a non-default domain IS20:48
EmilienMmhh i'm not sure to get it :)20:49
mfischconfirming now20:49
mfischyou can make a catalog that does not define the default domain20:49
mfischbut that does define a domain called "matt"20:49
mfischthen this code fails20:49
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Parameterize the libvirt_virt_type parameter so it can be overridden
EmilienMmfisch: so in our CI we do not define a default domain20:52
mfischopenning all your CI link spam again mon ami20:52
EmilienMyou say, if I add keystone_domain { 'mfish' } it will fail?20:52
mfischI can make it not fail if you set is_default to false on the mfish20:53
mfischthe failure is just a warning20:53
EmilienMmfisch: can you look and try to submit a patch that test this corner case?20:53
EmilienMI'm really unsure about how to reproduce it20:54
EmilienMand you seem the best person to do it20:54
mfischEmilienM: can I just fork this test and push a review up?20:54
mfischwill that show it?20:54
iurygregorywhat error you get mfisch ?20:54
mfischiurygregory: a warning20:54
mfischlet me update the bug since nothing is clear right now20:55
mfischbut I could break this test easily20:55
EmilienMmfisch: fork what?20:55
EmilienMthis is not a test20:55
EmilienMthis is a manifest20:55
mfischan integraton manifest20:55
mfischI can make one that breaks by changing about 8 lines20:55
EmilienMwe have 3 scenarios, right?20:55
EmilienMthey run keystone20:56
EmilienMso modify this keystone.pp to make it fail and we'll see what is the problem20:56
mfischyep ok20:57
mfischiurygregory: updated20:59
openstackLaunchpad bug 1614141 in puppet-keystone "creating a keystone_domain can make it the default even though is_default is false" [Undecided,Incomplete]20:59
mfischsee if that makes sense to you ^20:59
mfischI'm going to work on the integration for slave driver EmilienM ;)20:59
openstackgerritCharlie Llewellyn proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Fixed alginment and added test
iurygregorymfisch, tks I'll look at home =)21:03
EmilienMmfisch: lol21:03
mfischiurygregory: can I have my guy re-file the bug in portuguese?21:04
iurygregorymfisch, oh is the laurosn problem?21:05
mfischiurygregory: this guy went to your school21:05
mfischhe lives here now21:05
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iurygregorymfisch, oh awesome XD , there is no need to be in portugiese =)21:06
mfischI was j/k21:07
mfischjust cool that 2 guys fro the same school working on this21:07
iurygregoryI'll try to help be sure o/ just need to finish internal things for tomorrow deadline21:08
openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Break tests for 1614141
mfischEmilienM: I think thats all you need for a corner case ^21:10
mfischlet me make a better commit msg21:10
openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Break tests for 1614141
mfischiurygregory: so this was originally filed by a guy you met, Franza21:14
iurygregorymfisch, yeah i saw the comments in bug :D21:14
EmilienMoh wow21:17
EmilienMdmsimard: ^ it pass CI21:17
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Parameterize the libvirt_virt_type parameter so it can be overridden
dmsimardEmilienM: lol wtf21:17
dmsimardEmilienM: well21:17
dmsimardEmilienM: I /think/ nested KVM works, even without kvm_nested=121:18
dmsimardIt'll just be slow because hardware extensions aren't exposed21:18
bkeroIt will fall back to qemu21:18
dmsimardbkero: you think ?21:18
bkeroThat's how I've seen it behave21:18
EmilienMcan you see in our logs?
EmilienMif we actually run kvm?21:18
bkerodmsimard: Yeah, I've seen whole clouds accidentally not kvm_nested=1, and everything worked. VMs were just slow.21:19
EmilienMI see in
dmsimardEmilienM: we'd probably see it here if tempest wouldn't kill the VMs
EmilienMyou can see it in dstat21:19
dmsimardEmilienM: oh, and otherwise you'd just have qemu ?21:19
EmilienMah no21:19
EmilienMqemu-kvm is also started on other jobs without this patch21:20
EmilienMhow can we check?21:20
bkeroThat's just the binary name I think.21:20
dmsimardyeah, you kinda need the whole process line and args to check what hypervisor it runs21:20
EmilienMin libvirt logs?
EmilienMI have one:21:20
bkeroThe option is -enable-kvm21:20
bkeroor I guess passing -machine=blah,accel=kvm21:20
dmsimard looks right to me21:21
EmilienMI have accel=kvm21:21
bkeroIf it didn't throw a "no kvm support" message, it is probably enabled21:21
EmilienMoh ben is right21:21
bkeroqemu throws that to stdout/stderr21:21
EmilienMlooks this is a job without kvm:21:21
EmilienMand there is no accel=kvm21:22
bkeroaccel=tcg. Wonder what tcg is21:22
EmilienMlet's see in syslog21:22
dmsimardthat ran on centos-7-osic-cloud1-357389621:22
EmilienMHypervisor detected: KVM21:22
EmilienMah nevermind21:22
bkeroTCG = tiny code generator, probably some HLE21:22
EmilienMit's the VM itself21:22
dmsimardI'd be curious to check something off of Rackspace, which runs Xen21:22
bkeroDo you have the output of /proc/cpuinfo?21:23
bkeroCan check for 'vmx' flag21:23
dmsimardlol, all 6 jobs ran from osic21:23
bkero looks so21:23
dmsimardMaybe osic exposes nested and stuff21:23
dmsimardI would expect the job to fail on other providers21:23
EmilienMwe can do recheck to see if it works again21:24
dmsimardEmilienM: can we do a recheck until we hit something else than osic21:24
EmilienMmaybe we can use facter to determine if nested virt is enabled21:25
EmilienMand whether or not set qemu as value21:25
EmilienMbut yeah, it's weird kvm is not tested21:25
EmilienMdmsimard: osic is not like other rackspace clouds FYI21:26
EmilienMit's not rackspace cloud servers, etc21:26
EmilienMit's another project afik21:26
* dmsimard shrugs21:27
bkeroDifferent clouds pass different settings to their hypervisors. I wouldn't necessarily expect nested=1 everywhere21:27
dmsimardyeah, exactly21:27
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dmsimardespecially since it's not a nodepool provider requirement21:27
dmsimard(although I would've somehow expected otherwise)21:28
bkeroYou could add a new label to zuul and tell it which providers have nested kvm, then have the jobs run on that.21:28
dmsimardseriously, we're testing openstack on openstack clouds without nested virt as a requirement21:28
dmsimardthat sounds pretty awkward21:28
dmsimardbkero: not a bad idea21:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-guide: CI: updates about current jobs
bkerodmsimard: That might not be accepted as an undue burden on a single provider21:31
bkeroWhat about doing multinode testing with ironic?21:32
dmsimardyeah they're not interested in any way that would facilitate targetting nested virt deployment scenarios21:34
bkeroclarkb says it's unreliable21:34
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: (mitaka only) loadbalancer: manage ipv6 sysctl
EmilienMcouldn't we use an existing fact?21:45
EmilienMto find out if kvm is available?21:45
dmsimardEmilienM: but then you'd be sort of randomly testing nested or non-nested21:46
EmilienMI'll abandon my patch21:46
EmilienMit's risky21:47
EmilienMI'm sad21:47
EmilienMwe were the first one doing that :P21:47
dmsimardEmilienM: I submitted
dmsimardI'll leverage it with weirdo.21:47
EmilienMI saw21:47
EmilienMit's my new score21:48
EmilienMok I go running now, please don't break CI21:48
dmsimardI love the name of that operator.21:51
dmsimardResource collectors (AKA the spaceship operator)21:52
iurygregorydmsimard, ohhhh21:52
dmsimard<| |> looks like a spaceship :)21:52
EmilienM<| |>      --  --  --  -- <| |>21:53
EmilienMit's a battle of spaceships21:53
EmilienMok I go now21:53
iurygregoryhahahah awesome name21:54
dmsimardIs it possible to check the value of another fact within a fact ?21:56
dmsimardi.e, a custom fact that'd check the value of another fact in order to return an appropriate value21:57
dmsimardor would I need to run a literal "facter" command within the custom fact to retrieve the value21:57
dmsimardAh, you can check with Facter.value(:fact)21:59
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dmsimardEmilienM: fyi, hacky but it works :p
dmsimardEmilienM: I can submit it to openstacklib in a more generic format if you like the approach22:27
dmsimardpuppet-nova defaults to kvm22:27
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openstackgerritDaniel Pawlik proposed openstack/puppet-watcher: Change authtoken to class
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EmilienMdmsimard: yes it would work22:42
EmilienMwell I wouldn't have written a fact for that22:42
EmilienMbut it works22:42
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dmsimardEmilienM: it's a required hack in the context of packstack22:42
EmilienMi met a spaceship when I ran22:42
EmilienMnot sure if it's /me tired22:43
EmilienMdmsimard: if $::is_virtual { $hypervisor = 'qemu' } else { $hypervisor = 'kvm' } would also work22:43
dmsimardThat's exactly what Packstack has and it doesn't allow for someone to run qemu on baremetal or kvm on virtual.22:44
dmsimardSo I made the hypervisor configurable while keeping the same default/backwards compat22:44
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EmilienMmfisch: your patch is working well
EmilienMI don't see where could be the bug23:11
EmilienMat least the puppet runs are idempotent23:11
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