Friday, 2016-08-12

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EmilienMiurygregory: I will help you00:57
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iurygregory_EmilienM, tks o/01:06
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-swift: Add support for Swift Ring Builder 2.9.1+
EmilienMdmburmistrov: ^01:36
EmilienMdamn !01:36
EmilienMdmsimard: ^01:37
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Promote RDO to latest trunk
EmilienMI'm adding unit tests01:41
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-swift: Add support for Swift Ring Builder 2.9.1+
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Promote RDO to latest trunk
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Add missing namevar method to openstack_config provider
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EmilienMdmsimard: ok REGEX worked, it passed unit tests02:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-neutron: Change MidoNet Plugin package name
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-monasca: Allow tuning of database connection thread pool settings
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openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/puppet-gnocchi: Keystone authoken resource change
dmsimardEmilienM: nope, failed on nova03:18
openstackgerritXiaohua Yuan proposed openstack/puppet-nova: add missing options for monkey_patch
dmsimardSeeing a couple of those mysql errors in neutron-server
iurygregory_neutron is like a black box03:24
iurygregory_it's a little hard to debug03:24
dmsimardiurygregory_: you're telling me03:27
iurygregory_is just my thoughts XD03:30
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openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Update Jewel Ceph RGW to support Keystone V3
dmsimardWe need to merge ASAP03:55
dmsimardgoing to sleep03:55
openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Update ceph::rgw::keystone to support array argument
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Promote RDO repository to latest consistent URL
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openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Configure the max_vfs for SRIOV interfaces
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Change pick array order to set the Keystone password in Cinder API profile
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openstackgerritMichael Liu proposed openstack/puppet-magnum: Add itesm for keystone_authtoken using class keystone::resource::authtoken
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openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/puppet-ironic: Add CORS settings
openstackgerritErno Kuvaja proposed openstack/puppet-manila: [WIP] Add CephFSNative driver logic
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openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/puppet-heat: Add CORS settings
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/puppet-heat: Add log directory to .gitignore
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/puppet-ironic: Add log directory to .gitignore
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Add log directory to .gitignore
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amoralejany progress with the issue with scenario003?, i'm investigating the issue from the logs in rdo-ci09:03
openstackgerritErno Kuvaja proposed openstack/puppet-manila: [WIP] Add CephFSNative driver logic
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Move ::roles and ::endpoint after ::keystone and ::wsgi
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-swift: Add support for Swift Ring Builder 2.9.1+
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openstackgerritMichael Liu proposed openstack/puppet-magnum: Add itesm for keystone_authtoken using class keystone::resource::authtoken
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-neutron: Cleanup for sriov-agent sriov-agent-required
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openstackgerritErno Kuvaja proposed openstack/puppet-manila: [WIP] Add CephFSNative driver logic
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openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: UI profile for tripleo
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sanjay_I am trying to setup keystone using manifest file, I am getting below error "Error: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Could not find declared class keystone::db::mysql at /etc/puppet/manifests/keystone.pp:14 on node controller". I have used below code inside my manifest file:10:50
sanjay_class { 'keystone::db::mysql':   user          => 'keystone',   password      => 'root123',   dbname        => 'keystone',   allowed_hosts => '%' , }10:50
sanjay_Any Idea what am in missing?10:50
sanjay_Now this error: Error: Could not autoload puppet/type/keystone_config: Could not autoload puppet/provider/keystone_config/ini_setting: undefined method `provider' for nil:NilClass10:54
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openstackgerritMichael Liu proposed openstack/puppet-magnum: Add itesm for keystone_authtoken using class keystone::resource::authtoken
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EmilienMdmsimard: damn11:37
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EmilienMdegorenko, iberezovskiy: thx guys, you rock11:37
EmilienMdmsimard: swift fixed11:38
degorenkono problem :)11:38
EmilienMiberezovskiy: saw your comment, fixing it now11:38
iberezovskiyhey, thx)11:38
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-swift: unit: improve output description for swift ring builder
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iurygregorymorning people o/11:52
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Promote RDO to latest trunk
iurygregoryEmilienM, since when triple-O is voting?11:53
EmilienMiurygregory: 2 days, I was about to announce it11:53
iurygregory =(11:53
EmilienMbecause now TripleO has a job  in the gate, using OpenStack Infra nodes11:54
EmilienMyeah do recheck11:54
EmilienMwe had a repo error last night11:54
EmilienMit's fixed now11:54
iurygregoryoh awesome :D11:54
iurygregorygnocchi is ready i think =)11:54
iurygregorywe need to see if we will let barbican no voting in scenario00211:55
sanjay_Hello experts, I am facing this issue while running a manifest file: "Error: Could not autoload puppet/type/keystone_config: Could not autoload puppet/provider/keystone_config/ini_setting: undefined method `provider' for nil:NilClass"11:55
sanjay_can you please give some pointers?11:55
iurygregorywow o.o11:56
iurygregorydo you have your manifest?11:56
EmilienMiurygregory: awesome thanks dude11:56
iurygregoryEmilienM, np ^^11:56
sanjay_yeah, I am new to puppet and trying to install keystone using puppet, I have added this to manifest file :class { 'keystone::db::mysql':   user          => 'keystone',   password      => 'root123',   dbname        => 'keystone',   allowed_hosts => '%' , }   # Install Keystone class { 'keystone':   verbose  => true,   package_ensure =>latest,   client_package_ensure => latest,   #log_debug    => true,   catalog_type => 'sql11:57
iurygregorysanjay_, can you do a paste in paste.openstack? will make more readable =)11:58
sanjay_@iurygregory: its here12:00
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iurygregorysanjay_, wich version you are trying to install?12:06
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sanjay_i havent given any version info anywhere. From where I can check? if I remove the initial exec class from manifest, then also the error is same.12:07
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iurygregorydid you run puppet module install openstack/keystone ?12:09
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iurygregoryor you can try
sanjay_yes, i did. If i try reinstalling, it says, Module 'openstack-keystone' (v9.1.0) is already installed.12:10
sanjay_So its 9.1.012:10
iurygregorywoa is the master hehehe12:10
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sanjay_:) so, any pointers buddy..12:11
iurygregorylooking XD12:11
iurygregorysanjay_, wich OS?12:14
iurygregoryubuntu 16?12:14
sanjay_14.04 LTS ubuntu12:15
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iurygregorymaybe you should try mitaka (8.2.0, 8.1.0) and not 9.1.012:15
iurygregoryi remeber people having some issues that we could not help much with trusty and the master version i think humm12:16
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sanjay_how can i install specific versions?12:16
iurygregoryalso a good example of how we deploy keystone
openstackgerritxianming.mao proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Update homepage with developer documentation page
iurygregorypuppet module install openstack/keystone  --version  8.2.012:18
iurygregorythis will do the job12:18
sanjay_@iurygregory: Thanks for your help. I will try this out. Actually I am very new to Puppet and trying to write a manifest that will automate the installation of openstack controller node. I was following this ""12:19
sanjay_Do you have something similar that states how can I achieve this for mitaka release?12:19
iurygregorysanjay_, you're well come =) the openstack-integration maybe usefull to you =) you just need to switch to stable mitaka branch12:20
sanjay_yeah, iurygregory, i checked this out, but its more specific to all in one setup. But my requirement is a bit different. So do you suggest going by this all in one and modify it accordingly?12:22
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Tune number of apache processes/threads for Keystone in apache.
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Tune number of apache processes/threads for Keystone in apache.
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iurygregorysanjay_, yep you just need keystone information XD12:35
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openstackgerritxianming.mao proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Alter the homepage in setup.cfg into the developer web  page
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openstackgerritxianming.mao proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Alter the homepage in setup.cfg into the developer documentation page
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iurygregorymwhahaha, you back from PTO?12:54
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: WIP - Allow to give JSON to Puppet parameters
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openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: UI profile for tripleo
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openstackgerritLukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/puppet-ironic: WIP: Introduce ironic::ipxe class
mwhahahaiurygregory: yea13:11
iurygregorymwhahaha, awesome :D, did you saw my comments about auth_strategy?13:13
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openstackgerritSven Anderson proposed openstack/puppet-ec2api: beaker: test more classes
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: CI test - never merge
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mwhahahaiurygregory: not yet I'll look on a bit13:32
iurygregorymwhahaha, ack ;)13:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Promote RDO to latest trunk
openstackgerritSven Anderson proposed openstack/puppet-ec2api: Remove S3 service
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Promote RDO repository to latest consistent URL
iurygregorymwhahaha, +1 for your idea ;)14:00
mwhahahaconsistency :)14:00
dmsimardEmilienM: ^ I updated with the same hash as agreed earlier14:01
iurygregoryyeah :D14:01
EmilienMdmsimard: approved14:01
dmsimardwhat, you approved without jenkins? :P14:01
iurygregoryi thought that jenkins was changed to zuul but i still see jenkins haha14:02
EmilienMdmsimard: not for promotion jobs14:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-swift: unit: improve output description for swift ring builder
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gfidentemwhahaha, hey thanks on the selinux change14:19
gfidenteI think selinux::dircontext was indeed nicer14:20
gfidentebut it was going to run the same exec14:20
gfidentein the selinux module14:20
gfidenteplus we'd needed another one in -ceph to see if $data was directory or not14:21
gfidenteso overall, not sure how beneficial it'd have been14:21
gfidenteif at all14:21
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openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Update Jewel Ceph RGW to support Keystone V3
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-ceilometer: puppet4: fix ordering for compute agent
openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: [WIP] updates to fluentd support
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: puppet4: ensure rabbitmq is ready before starting nova
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EmilienMiurygregory: gnocchi commented15:24
colonwqEmilienM: I am confused by your comment on 353646. Your code and mine look the same to me. What am I missing?15:25
EmilienMcolonwq: mistake on my15:27
EmilienMcolonwq: +215:27
colonwqwhew! Thanks. I will +1 my drink count tonight.15:27
EmilienMbeagles: I confirm, keystone beaker job on xenial is broken15:28
EmilienMI'm on it15:28
beaglesEmilienM, merci bien15:29
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/puppet-mistral: Add CORS settings
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openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/puppet-mistral: Add log directory to .gitignore
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EmilienMchem: if I git blame the code, you wrote this part15:34
EmilienMdoes this failure ring a bell?15:34
chemEmilienM: which part15:35
EmilienMand why is it suddenly break our ci15:35
EmilienMchem: ^15:35
chemEmilienM: looking at the log ...15:35
EmilienMsounds like the getparam doesn't work or15:36
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EmilienMchem: it suddenly fail 1 day ago15:41
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chemEmilienM: only on xenial, right ?15:42
EmilienMmight be the puppet version15:42
chemEmilienM: I think so, I may have an idea15:42
EmilienMthough getparam is taken from stdlib iirc15:43
mwhahahai have never seen bool2num15:43
mwhahahaperhaps you need a str2bool in there :D15:44
mwhahahaah interesting, also terrible15:47
EmilienMit's actually a function_str2bool15:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-ceph: Ensure SELinux file context is applied on data directories
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chemmwhahaha: EmilienM what is wrong with the bool2num call, that's actually the best way to ensure a safe typecast "true"/"false" test, no ?16:00
mwhahahait's not necessarily wrong16:02
EmilienMchem: it's good, it used to work16:02
EmilienMjust wondering why it fails now16:02
mwhahahait's just that if you have to use something like that you're not in a good place about understanding all the possible inputs16:02
chemmwhahaha: here the input should be the => true symbol from the getparam call, so making sure the test is valide using bool2num seemed like a good idea16:04
chemmwhahaha: EmilienM here the getparam return an empty string instead of true as show in the error message16:05
chemgot "" for identity/domain_specific_drivers_enabled16:05
chemand empty convert to false16:05
mwhahahai just hate evaluating bools at numbers i can never remember which is true/false because it's language specific :)16:06
chemfair enough, but typecasting in puppet in kinda blurry ... anyway no idea why it should return a empty string the opensntack/integration module didn't change neither... what is wrong with xenial.16:10
openstackgerritSven Anderson proposed openstack/puppet-ec2api: Remove S3 service
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mwhahahawonder if it's an ordering thing16:15
mwhahahalike it's trying to query the config prior to the definition now due to some parse order16:16
chemEmilienM: mwhahaha here the xenial test is ok
mwhahahait was on a keystone change, maybe it needs a rebase or something16:17
EmilienMchem: you'll notice it's beaker jobs only in puppet-keystone16:18
EmilienMit's when testing ldap16:18
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chemEmilienM: yep, I cannot miss that, what is your point ?16:19
chemmwhahaha: for the ordering stuff, I don't think that could be it as getparam is reading the catalog and the catalog is compiled once before the run16:21
EmilienMchem: the puppet-nova patch is passing because it doesn't test ldap16:22
EmilienMchem: while puppet-keystone beaker tests run ldap config16:22
EmilienMthat was my point16:22
chemEmilienM: that's a good point :)16:23
chemEmilienM: sorry, it's starting to be a long day here ...16:23
EmilienMno worries :-)16:23
EmilienMchem: you're almost in week end, keep it up !16:24
mwhahahachem: but if getparams is a parser function it is order dependent as it's executated when parsed right?16:26
EmilienMmwhahaha, chem:
EmilienMpuppet 1.5.3-1xenial     -> 1.6.0-1xenial16:31
EmilienMnow go figure diff between 1.5.3 and 1.6.0 :)16:31
chemEmilienM: is that from that ?16:33
chemEmilienM: mwhahaha ^ this repository doesn't support changelog ...16:35
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mwhahaha4.5.2 vs 4.6.016:37
mwhahahaanyway my brain is not yet working still so maybe after lunch i can figure something out :D16:38
iurygregoryEmilienM, ack16:38
EmilienMonly 541 commits !16:39
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: functions: clone poi mitaka when cloning ceph/hammer
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: functions: clone poi mitaka when cloning ceph/hammer
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-heat: Add CORS settings
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Update .gitreview to point at stable/hammer
chemEmilienM: mwhahaha oki, testing the keystone manifest with puppet agent 1.6 (but on centos, don't have xenial at my disposal right now) keeping you updated as I go along16:45
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Refresh keys if caps are changed
EmilienMchem: cool !16:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-mistral: Add api_workers to puppet-mistral
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-neutron: Add ml2_conf_sriov.ini  to neutron server daemon
chemEmilienM: mwhahaha oki I reproduced it with puppet 1.6 on centos17:06
chempuppet-agent 1.6 and puppet 4.617:08
mwhahahabet it's the processing of the ensure_resource vs getparam17:08
chemmwhahaha: yeap something like that :)17:09
chemmwhahaha:going into debug mode17:09
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chemmwhahaha: EmilienM hum ... the getparam and ensure_resource works ok:
mwhahahawhat if  you put the ensure_resource in an included class17:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-keystone: domain backend drivers set in domain config
openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Update Jewel Ceph RGW to support Keystone V3
chemmwhahaha: EmilienM so for sure keystone::init.pp is not evaluated. I added the ensure_resource in the ldap_backend and it worked, then I looked for the ensure_resource debug message with the original setup and it's not there.  So the ldap_backend is doing its stuff and the ensure_resource is not run I try adding a dependency17:46
EmilienMsounds like a bug in puppet17:47
chemEmilienM: or a new feature17:47
EmilienM_ody: any thoughts?17:47
EmilienMHunner: ^17:47
chemEmilienM: mwhahaha oki, I have something that seems to be working, not sure I understand why. It will help other to understand the why maybe17:52
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Fix ldap_backend and puppet 4.6
chemEmilienM: mwhahaha so on my test this works ^17:57
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mwhahahamy assumption is it's a parse order thing18:30
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openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Introduce scenario004
iurygregoryEmilienM, we should go with mwhahaha idea about auth_strategy? ^^18:50
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: functions: clone poi mitaka when cloning ceph/hammer
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: functions: clone poi mitaka when cloning ceph/hammer
EmilienMiurygregory: lookinng18:53
EmilienMiurygregory: I agree with Alex18:54
iurygregoryEmilienM, me too i'll update =)18:54
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Update .gitreview to point at stable/hammer
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Refresh keys if caps are changed
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-aodh: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-ceilometer: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-designate: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-glance: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-gnocchi: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-heat: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-horizon: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-ironic: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-magnum: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-manila: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-mistral: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-modulesync-configs: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-murano: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-cookiecutter: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-openstack_extras: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-oslo: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-ovn: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-rally: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-sahara: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-swift: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-tempest: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-trove: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-vitrage: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-vswitch: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/puppet-zaqar: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
EmilienMplease review this puppet4 thing :)
EmilienMthat gives you an idea of the list of our repos19:25
openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/puppet-gnocchi: Keystone authoken resource change
beagles(but imagine that with a going-around-the-bend kind of lol)19:28
EmilienMI've +2'ed them all19:30
EmilienMI'll let another core approving it19:30
iurygregoryEmilienM, you have a bot '-'19:30
EmilienMnote: we won't backport it19:30
iurygregoryEmilienM, did you have time to see the nova patch? .-.19:32
beaglesah fuel CI, why do you hate me so19:33
EmilienMiurygregory: I'm looking19:35
iurygregoryEmilienM, thanks \o/19:36
mwhahahafuel ci hates everyone, and everyone hates it back19:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-ec2api: beaker: test more classes
beaglesmwhahaha, :)19:52
iurygregorymwhahaha, fuel ci hates developers only XD19:53
EmilienMI forget to tell everyone tripleo jobs are voting now19:53
EmilienMbut they should be pretty stable19:53
mwhahahano, pretty sure it hates everyone equally :D19:53
EmilienMand if not we'll revert and set them non voting19:53
EmilienMiurygregory: so19:55
EmilienMlet me show you :)19:55
EmilienMfirst you go in console.log
EmilienMand you grep "Error:"19:55
EmilienMyou can see the nova_flavor provider is not working, 500 error19:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-modulesync-configs: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
EmilienMso 500 error on a provider, it's usually the API service19:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-cookiecutter: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
EmilienMyou go now in nova-api logs:
EmilienMoh ! we have an error !19:56
EmilienMEndpointNotFound: admin endpoint for identity service not found19:56
iurygregorythis i've found XD19:56
EmilienMnow, let see how config looks like19:56
EmilienMlooks pretty good, let's compare config before/after19:57
iurygregorynova.conf right?19:57
EmilienMok config diff sucks19:59
EmilienMlet's clean the files before compare19:59
EmilienMI use sed -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/d' nova.conf20:00
EmilienMsave this command!20:00
EmilienMlet me 2 min20:00
EmilienMok better20:02
EmilienMso it seems like memcached_servers is not here anymore in the new config20:03
iurygregoryadmin_password ? O.o20:03
EmilienMiurygregory: left is new config20:03
EmilienMiurygregory: right is old config (the one we know it worked)20:03
iurygregoryEmilienM, ok20:04
iurygregoryEmilienM, both conf are from puppet jobs?20:04
EmilienMyes sir20:05
iurygregoryEmilienM, i'll give a shot with old parameters to see how will work20:05
EmilienMno wait :)20:06
EmilienMlet's continue the investigation20:06
iurygregoryEmilienM, ok =D20:06
EmilienMmemcached_servers might not be the root cause of the auth issue20:06
EmilienMbut it's missing in the conf20:06
EmilienMso we found a problem in your patch20:06
EmilienMthe pick doesn't work20:06
EmilienMother than that, the config looks good to me20:08
iurygregorymaybe thats the reason we have the warnings with cinder and zaqar..20:08
EmilienMsometimes I go in nova's gate and I look how they config in devstack20:08
iurygregory maybe related i think20:09
mwhahahais this the same thing from like 2 weeks ago20:09
iurygregorylooking at ironic ivan changed OS_AUTH_URL to have q['auth_uri']20:09
EmilienMso user_domain_name and project_domain_name are missing, but I don't think it's a big deal20:09
EmilienMi think it's in the provider20:10
EmilienMthough the memcached_servers is also a problem we need to solve20:10
EmilienMmwhahaha: have you seen all the warnings in our authtoken things?20:10
EmilienMI think it's because we don't include ::cinder::api in ::cinder::keystone::authtoken20:10
EmilienMthe warning is not critical, its just ugly20:11
mwhahahaload order thing again20:11
EmilienMah yeah20:11
mwhahahawe had the same problem with the vnc stuff20:11
EmilienMand never fixed it afik20:11
mwhahahacause i don't think there is a fix :D20:11
iurygregorywe still have20:11
iurygregoryso we will have the warnings forever? O.o20:14
mwhahahauntil we drop the pick20:14
mwhahahaso next cycle20:14
EmilienMI'm looking
EmilienMwhat is if @credentials.version == '3' ?20:17
EmilienMwhere does it come from?20:17
mwhahahaPuppet::Provider::Openstack::Auth i think20:17
EmilienMI'm looking how we did lib/puppet/provider/cinder.rb20:19
EmilienMlet's see in keystone logs what the request looks like20:23
iurygregorywe have this info?20:24
iurygregoryrichm try to help me but we got nothing20:25
EmilienMjust wanted to see what keystone says20:25
EmilienMok, next step is to reproduce the bug :-)20:25
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EmilienMmwhahaha: I wonder if in lib/puppet/provider/nova_flavor/openstack.rb we really need @credentials = Puppet::Provider::Openstack::CredentialsV2_0.new20:28
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Move ceilometer api to run under apache wsgi
iurygregoryi don't think20:29
mwhahahai don't think so, not sure tho20:30
EmilienMwe actually might need instead20:30
EmilienMiirc is backward compat with v220:30
EmilienMlet me check again20:30
EmilienMiurygregory: can I take over?20:32
iurygregory line 112 should be OS_PROJECT_NAME i think..20:32
iurygregoryEmilienM, of course!20:32
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EmilienMah right !20:32
iurygregorysorry to be not able to handle D:20:32
EmilienMyou are right20:33
EmilienMyes, let's update that20:33
EmilienMiurygregory: please do it !20:33
iurygregoryi'll look in others projects to update to use auth_strategy and update providers too =)20:33
EmilienMjust OS_PROJECT_NAME for now20:33
EmilienMdon't change the @credentials = thing20:33
EmilienMv2 should still wor20:34
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iurygregoryEmilienM, ok =)20:34
EmilienMthough it would be good to call v3 by default20:34
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EmilienMok so now the memcache thing20:34
iurygregoryat some point in next release we will need20:34
iurygregoryafter have all components working with v320:34
EmilienMbaby steps :)20:35
iurygregoryEmilienM, so you will update the puppet-nova and i'll go with the other patches right?20:36
EmilienMiurygregory: what do you want me to update?20:36
colonwqRandom Question: In Anchor a proper thing to do or is it a puppet equivalent to 'goto'?20:37
iurygregoryEmilienM, you asked if you can take over the patch no?20:37
EmilienMyeah but finally uou can do it :)20:37
EmilienMit's your patch ! :P20:37
iurygregoryEmilienM, oh ok :D20:37
EmilienMjust change OS_PROJECT_NAME now20:37
EmilienMwe'll see how it works20:37
EmilienMnow I'm looking the memcachce thing20:37
EmilienMit looks like the value is not lookup20:38
EmilienMdo we need to include ::nova?20:38
EmilienMor inherit20:39
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EmilienMiurygregory: can you try to include ::nova? I think nova::memcached_servers is not in the scope or something20:40
iurygregoryEmilienM, ack20:40
EmilienMiurygregory: in the new class20:40
iurygregoryEmilienM, i need to update lib/puppet/provider/nova_flavor/openstack.rb right?20:44
EmilienMno :)20:46
EmilienMagain, just change OS_PROJECT_NAME now20:46
iurygregoryEmilienM, ok20:46
EmilienMand include ::nova in authtoken20:46
iurygregoryand the include20:46
iurygregoryrunning tests =D20:46
openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Introduce scenario004
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is restarting for a scheduled upgrade, but should return to service momentarily:
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-vswitch: Modify the OVS DPDK package name to openvswitch
openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Move nova to authtoken
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iurygregoryenrr i forgot the gerrit maintence D:20:58
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iurygregoryEmilienM, i'll updates all other patches tonight or tomorrow (i'll be travelling) thanks for your help o/21:01
iurygregorywe still need to define if we will let barbican no voting in scenario 002 o/21:01
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EmilienMiurygregory: take care21:09
iurygregoryEmilienM, you too o/ tks21:09
EmilienMiurygregory: for barbican, like I said, you need to disable in poi first, first puppet and reenable it21:09
EmilienMthen puppet and then eenable it21:09
iurygregoryEmilienM, ack i'll do :D21:09
EmilienMand let me know if you need help21:09
iurygregoryEmilienM, ack o/21:10
EmilienMmfisch: can you look please ?21:16
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EmilienMhave a great weekend everyone !21:53
* EmilienM off21:53
beaglesEmilienM, cheers!21:54
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-ironic: Add CORS settings
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mwhahahawelp all those other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt seem to fail cause the job is looking for other-requirements.txt.  will have to look into it next week23:07
* mwhahaha gives up23:07
mwhahahafor the p-o-i jobs23:07
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beaglesmwhahaha, the fuel ci jobs *are* voting, right23:19
* beagles checks before he "rechecks"23:19
beaglesthen I am glad I checked before rechecking23:20
mwhahahaWhich patch are you having politicked with23:20
mwhahahaErr spell check23:20
mwhahahaProblems not politicked. How is that even in my phone23:21
beaglesprobably just a jargonesque permutation23:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-manila: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
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beagleswhoa.. google says it is the past tense of the derogatory connotation of "politic"23:22
beaglesso... in this case, probably the proper spelling !?!23:22
mwhahahaYea not related to your patch. If you want you can try 'fuel: recheck'23:23
beaglescool thanks!23:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-magnum: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-rally: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-murano: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
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