Thursday, 2016-07-28

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openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Cinder hooks support
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openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Update Jewel Ceph RGW to support Keystone V3
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Promote RDO repository to latest consistent URL
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-tempest: Add unit test for tempest_roles
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openstackgerritXiaohua Yuan proposed openstack/puppet-nova: add missing options for monkey_patch
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openstackgerritSimon Murray proposed openstack/puppet-horizon: Allow Optional Password Auto-Completion
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openstackgerritKarthik S proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: WIP:Configure the max_vfs for SRIOV interfaces
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chemis there someone from mirantis that could confirm that error from here and there are transiants09:44
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EmilienMiberezovskiy: hey10:23
EmilienMcould we fix fuel asap?10:23
iberezovskiyI'm on it10:23
iberezovskiythx you for patience10:23
openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add puppet-kmod modules to the integration
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add pacemaker mistral profile
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Refresh keys if caps are changed
openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add puppet-kmod modules to the integration
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Refresh keys if caps are changed
aleedegorenko, reading your comments ..11:07
aleedegorenko, if I understand your idea correctly - we could pass the tempest_roles as a parameter to openstack_integration::tempest in scenario00211:07
aleedegorenko, that would allow us to move the role creation to and accordingly ..11:08
degorenkoalee, right11:08
aleerather than creating the roles each time.  yeah - I like that - will try it11:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-neutron: Put neutron provider commands in neutron.rb
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Promote RDO repository to latest consistent URL
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tempest: Add unit test for tempest_roles
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Implement nova::cache in stable/mitaka
EmilienMdegorenko, iberezovskiy: could you review ^ please?11:15
degorenkoEmilienM, why not cherry-pick with adaptation?11:17
EmilienMdegorenko: we can't11:17
degorenkoEmilienM, why?11:17
EmilienMdegorenko: it's outstanding11:17
EmilienMbecause code is really not the same11:17
EmilienMwe don't use puppet-oslo :)11:17
EmilienMin mitaka11:17
degorenkoi know11:17
degorenkoit should be adaptation :)11:18
degorenkolet it go as it now11:18
EmilienMdegorenko: we found a bug in tripleo11:18
EmilienMwhere nova console is really unstable if you don't use the options11:18
EmilienMmaybe in fuel you have the bug too11:19
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Implement nova::cache in stable/mitaka
openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed openstack/puppet-trove: Configure keystone authtoken options
openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed openstack/puppet-trove: Configure keystone authtoken options
degorenkoEmilienM, waiting for ci and will +211:27
EmilienMdegorenko: you rocks11:27
aleedegorenko, EmilienM - whats the difference between the regular and non-voting gate jobs?11:41
EmilienMnon voting jobs don't vote11:41
EmilienMand regular jobs vote11:41
EmilienMwas it the question?11:42
aleeEmilienM, thanks -- what I meant was integration-4 vs integration-311:42
EmilienMthe version of puppet11:42
EmilienMintegration-4 is puppet411:42
EmilienMand other is puppet411:42
EmilienMand other is puppet3 err11:42
EmilienMalee: did you make progress on barbican?11:43
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aleeEmilienM, ok - so it seems that the failure on puppet 4 for the barbican test is due to a puppet-4/3 problem ..11:43
aleeEmilienM, yeah - I just waited a bit, did a few rechecks and things started working11:44
aleeEmilienM, goign to make changes as suggested by degorenko11:44
EmilienMyeah I think it was a cache issue in the nodepool images11:45
EmilienMand degorenko reviewed the patch11:45
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EmilienMhis remark is good11:45
EmilienMit's a puppet4 thing I think I'm investigating11:45
aleeEmilienM, the puppet4 failure looks like a permissions issue11:45
EmilienMno, it's ordering I think11:46
EmilienMlet me a sec11:46
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: db: remove useless pick
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EmilienMalee: let's try again12:01
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario002: enable Barbican and Volume Encryption testing
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-oslo: cache: don't hardcode keystone-package tag to memcached package
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-keystone: don't hardcode keystone-package tag to memcached package
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aleeEmilienM, ok -- I have be out for a few hours .. I'll make the degorenko changes when I return.12:03
EmilienMalee: what need?12:04
EmilienMdegorenko: let me know if you want us to move things in the barbican patch :)12:04
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aleeEmilienM, if you're good as-is, then I'm not going to complain.12:05
aleeEmilienM, otherwise I'm hoping we can finally merge this :)12:05
EmilienMit would be awesome12:05
EmilienMwe just don't want to break puppet4 CI12:05
aleeEmilienM, I'll check in when I get back ..12:05
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openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Update Jewel Ceph RGW to support Keystone V3
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-horizon: don't hardcode keystone-package tag to memcached package
iurygregorymorning people12:13
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EmilienMiurygregory: o/12:16
colonwqEmilienM, For RGW/KeystonV3, the initial answer is 'yes' to need pki support for revocation lists only. It is not for the token itself.12:21
colonwqI'm still waiting for a final confirmation.12:21
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EmilienMcolonwq: oki12:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: profile/base/nova: declare nova class and configure cache correctly.
openstackgerritXiaohua Yuan proposed openstack/puppet-nova: add missing options for monkey_patch
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degorenkoEmilienM, ok, will look12:35
degorenkoEmilienM, typo in patch12:36
EmilienMdegorenko: arg12:37
degorenkoEmilienM, in barbican class12:37
iurygregorydegorenko, tks for the review i'll update after lunch =)12:39
degorenkoiurygregory, sure12:40
EmilienMdegorenko: looking12:41
EmilienMdegorenko: lol wtf12:41
degorenkoEmilienM, also commented here
EmilienMdegorenko: awesome12:43
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EmilienMdegorenko: /me running tests this time12:44
degorenkoEmilienM, /me running tests every time :D12:45
EmilienMdegorenko: yeah, not me... shame!12:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-barbican: db: remove useless pick
openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Configure Ceph RGW to use Keyston V3
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ericksonsantos:set nu13:12
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Implement aodh profiles
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Create role for the fake openstack-core resource
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Remove global openstack-core resource
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Implement nova::cache in stable/mitaka
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EmilienMiurygregory: you making good progress with authtoken? you need help?13:42
EmilienMiurygregory: I would like us to finish this task before end of Newton13:42
degorenkoEmilienM, how many time we have?13:42
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EmilienM1 months and some days13:43
degorenkoah, ok13:43
EmilienMbut we have a lot of modules :)13:43
degorenkoyeah, sure13:43
degorenkojust wondering about time13:44
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EmilienMFeature freeze Aug 29-0213:44
EmilienMI want to keep September for stabilization13:45
EmilienMand bug fix13:45
degorenkoyep, sure, we will13:45
EmilienMdegorenko: about
EmilienMdon't we want to wait until we have one module done ? (ie barbican)?13:46
EmilienMto make sure it's consistent13:46
degorenkoEmilienM, it uses same approach as barbican, isnt it?13:46
EmilienMI haven't reviewed it13:46
EmilienMI'm doing now13:46
degorenkoEmilienM, if you feel, that it should be postponed on some time - just one your word sir :)13:47
EmilienMdegorenko: no, it's fine13:48
degorenkoiurygregory, don't forget about zaqar :)
iurygregoryEmilienM, can you review barbican to see if need any changes besides the ones pointed by degorenko and alee_afk ?
iurygregorydegorenko, sure13:52
dfisherchem|lunch: regarding and - it has something to do with openstack_setting's exists? method.  The l3_agent file I'm working with comments out router_id so exists? is returning false which appears to short-circuit the transform methods13:53
EmilienMI'm not available during the next 60 minutes13:53
degorenkoEmilienM, iurygregory i have question, regarding our authtoken things - related to glance13:53
degorenkoglance has 3 services, which needs auth parameters (glare, api, registry)13:54
degorenkowhere i should put authtoken params?13:54
degorenkonot sure, that creating 3 classes under keystone directory is good idea13:54
degorenkoi guess all of them should be created in appropriate dirs?13:55
EmilienMmhh, make them common13:59
EmilienMok /me away now :P13:59
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degorenkoall of them have different configs14:00
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Refresh keys if caps are changed
iurygregorydegorenko, i'm in a meeting right now i'll look in a few minutes =)14:05
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openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed openstack/puppet-trove: Configure keystone authtoken options
openstackgerritDrew Fisher proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: WIP: add a way for provider to transform value in config.
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openstackgerritMichael  Henkel proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: added contrail analytics puppet module for tripleO
openstackgerritMichael  Henkel proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Added Contrail puppet interfaces for tripleo
openstackgerritMichael  Henkel proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Added Contrail puppet interfaces for tripleo
openstackgerritMichael  Henkel proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Corrected syntax mistakes
openstackgerritMichael  Henkel proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: added contrail config puppet module for tripleO
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dfisherchem: latest bits solve the issue i was seeing where the first run didn't work.  Not sure it's the completely correct thing to do, however14:46
chemdfisher: I'm going to have a look14:47
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chemdfisher: nice catch.  That makes a lot of sense. the "value=" is only for modification, and "create" is the right one for creation.14:49
dfisheri hardcoded the direction to be :to though14:50
dfishernot sure if I need to get into some kind of begin/rescue thing14:50
openstackgerritMichael  Henkel proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: added contrail database puppet module for tripleO
chemdfisher: for create that's the :to that we need, so that's good.  it's only for retrieving the info that we need the :from14:51
* dfisher nods14:51
chemdfisher: for begin/rescue, well if that's failing it's for a good reason, so let it fail.14:51
dfisherchem: ok.14:51
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chemdfisher: so now first run create and second run does nothing ?14:53
dfisherchecking ...14:53
dfisherchem:  it looks like the second run does something but it doesn't change the value.14:55
EmilienMiurygregory, degorenko: ok back. I'll review it shortly14:55
chemdfisher: run it with --detailed-exitcode and check $?, should be 0, but it looks like it's 2.14:56
mwhahaha0 or 214:56
chemdfisher: something is still missing14:57
mwhahaha2 means success and things changed14:57
mwhahaha0 is nothing changed14:57
chemmust be 0, but it's going to be 214:57
dfisher$ echo $?14:57
chemdfisher: so there is something still missing to make it work completly right14:57
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chemdfisher: we should have 0 here14:58
dfisherchem: nod.  will keep poking at it...14:58
mwhahahalooks like you might need to trim the line break14:58
dfishernot entirely sure where :)14:59
mwhahahawhere it's getting read from initially would be my guess14:59
mwhahahacause you're setting 'provider' but it thought it was 'provider\n'14:59
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chemdfisher: ah, yes that could be.  I added a comment on the review  as well, but try first mwhahaha's idea15:01
mwhahahaprobably could just do it in teh value= call15:01
dfisherso in python, you can use %r to print out a raw string:15:01
dfisher>>> a = "\n  \tfoo"15:01
dfisher>>> print a15:01
dfisher        foo15:01
dfisher>>> print "%r" % a15:01
dfisher'\n  \tfoo'15:01
dfisherwhat's the ruby equivalent of that?15:01
chemdfisher: add .chop15:02
chemdfisher: "foo\n".chop -> "foo"15:03
* dfisher nods15:03
dfisherit ended up being in the from_uuid() method in neutron_l3_agent_config/ini_settings.rb15:09
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dfisher$ sudo puppet apply --detailed-exitcode test.pp15:09
dfisherNotice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.10 seconds15:09
dfisherNotice: Finished catalog run in 1.28 seconds15:09
dfisher$ echo $?15:09
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chemdfisher: so we're good :)15:10
openstackgerritSanjay Upadhyay proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: sriov check for physical_device_mappings and exclude_devices
dfisheri think so...15:10
dfisherredoing from scratch15:10
chemdfisher: push it so that the ci can play with it as well :)15:10
dfisherwill in a sec.15:10
dfisherfirst run exits with 2 (successful but with changes).    second exits with 015:11
dfisherexactly how we want it15:11
chemdfisher: yep, super nice work!15:11
openstackgerritDrew Fisher proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: WIP: add a way for provider to transform value in config.
openstackgerritDrew Fisher proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: WIP: transform name to uuid.
dfisherok, there's both15:13
iurygregorydegorenko, we have release for barbican (newton 9.0.0, 9.1.0)15:13
degorenkoiurygregory, oh, right15:13
iurygregoryshould I break or not? =(15:14
degorenkoiurygregory, but next question about - auth_type and auth_strategy15:14
iurygregorylet me see15:14
chemdfisher: I was wondering if we put that up in the transform method directly but I think that letting the client decide what it has to do with the data is better15:14
degorenkowe are using auth_type in authtoken15:14
chemdfisher: wdyt ?15:14
dfisherchem: the chop?15:15
dfisheri think it's a bug with neutron client, tbh15:15
dfisherbut i think the client should probably decided how to handle it15:15
iurygregorydegorenko, auth_type in api should be auth_strategy or 'barbican_auth_type'15:15
chemdfisher: ack, so let it as it is.15:16
iurygregorykeystone::authtoken have auth_type because we need to select what authentication we will use...15:16
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degorenkoiurygregory, why? we don't setting it in config15:18
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iurygregorydegorenko, we don't set auth_type?15:19
degorenkoiurygregory, where? i don't see, only if15:19
EmilienMiurygregory, degorenko: sorry wa sa bit away15:20
EmilienMyes you can break puppet-barbican15:20
EmilienMthere AFIK no user now15:21
iurygregoryEmilienM, ack15:21
EmilienMfuel, tripleo, are not using it15:21
dfisherchem: both to/from need that chop.  for some reason, setting it initially seems to strip the value.15:21
EmilienMand AFIK no bug report15:21
EmilienMiurygregory: so break it and make it beautifule15:21
iurygregoryso there is no 'auth_type' anymore for api.pp =P15:21
degorenkoiurygregory, anyway, why you want change auth_type (in barbican meaning) to auth_strategy? i don't see any reasons15:21
iurygregoryis not the correct name =)15:22
EmilienMwhat is important is: keep puppet module able to deploy barbican WITHOUT keystone15:22
iurygregoryauth_strategy make more sense than auth_type for barbican15:22
iurygregorybecause we choose keystone or any other thing15:22
degorenkowe have auth_type everywhere15:22
degorenkoi don't see any pros for this renaming15:23
iurygregorythe auth_type in barbican is the same idea for auth_strategy in neutron15:24
iurygregoryand auth_type is a configuration for keystone_authtoken15:24
degorenkobut we don't have stable branches15:25
degorenkoso i guess we can just rename then15:25
iurygregorydegorenko, yeah i'll do this ;)15:26
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iurygregoryEmilienM, since barbican was not released i need to add a release note?15:40
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EmilienMiurygregory: no15:41
EmilienMconsider it like a new module15:41
iurygregoryEmilienM, sure ;)15:41
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dfisherEmilienM: nice work adding the solaris logo to your slide deck! :)15:43
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EmilienMdfisher: heh!15:43
EmilienMdfisher: free add15:44
dfisher+1 from me!15:44
EmilienMfree ad, I mean15:44
bkeroSolaris, wow15:46
dfisherused by like … 14 people!15:46
bkeroI guess corporations are people now.15:47
bkero(and nibalizer)15:47
* nibalizer runs svcs -xv on bkero15:49
dfishersvc:/system/bkero:default (FOSS developer)15:50
dfisher State: online since Thu Jul 21 18:29:49 201615:50
openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Update Jewel Ceph RGW to support Keystone V3
EmilienMiberezovskiy, degorenko: is green15:50
EmilienMmwhahaha: if you have time also ^15:52
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EmilienMthanks guys :)15:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-horizon: Allow Optional Password Auto-Completion
xarsescolonwq: can you add a reno file to that?16:00
colonwqxarses, "reno"?16:00
xarsesthe release notes yaml16:01
xarsesyou can use tox config in the repo to spawn the page16:01
xarsesreally its just a unique slug that gets collected when we build the release notes16:02
colonwqAh thanks. I'll get it worked up.16:02
xarsesalso, more importantly, shouldn't we deprecate the admin_token since ceph says we should consider it to be16:02
colonwqIt only exists for the keystone v2. v3 does not use it.16:03
colonwqDoes setting admin_token to undef delete it if it exists from the ceph.conf?16:03
xarsescorrect, but rgw is planning to drop support for it16:04
xarsesno, undef doesn't do anything, it just ignores it16:04
openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Move barbican to authtoken
colonwqHow would I delete it if it exists in the conf file?16:04
iurygregoryEmilienM, degorenko done :D16:04
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xarsesuh, I'm not sure, worst case, we can switch from the conf file provider to ini_setting and ensure absent, but there should be a better way16:07
openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Move barbican to authtoken
xarsesEmilienM: mwhahaha degorenko iurygregory ^^ is there an established way for the conf file provider to ensure absent a setting?16:09
iurygregoryxarses, if is $::os_service_default you don't need to ensure absent16:11
degorenkoxarses, like we did os_service_default?16:11
EmilienMxarses, colonwq:
iurygregoryif is spec test you can use nil or not contain =)16:12
xarsesEmilienM: oh, I didn't realize thats the magic it does. fantastic thanks16:13
iurygregorymagic =)16:14
EmilienMalmost the same!16:14
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Refresh keys if caps are changed
EmilienMok now reviewing barbican16:14
dfisherwhat ended up being the logo, btw?16:16
xarsesthats in puppet-openstacklib right?16:16
xarsescolonwq: we can just use $::os_service_default after we add it as a dep to puppet-ceph16:17
colonwqThat should become the logo for the "it works" page.16:17
EmilienMiurygregory: commented16:17
iurygregoryEmilienM, oh i thougt that i should just break auth_type sorry =)16:18
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EmilienMiurygregory: break it all!16:19
iurygregoryalee_afk, ^16:19
EmilienMsorry if I was not clear16:19
iurygregoryEmilienM, no problem =)16:20
EmilienMiurygregory: alee_afk and I will work together on p-o-i16:20
colonwqxarses, things I should parameter checks? keystone_version = v3 and admin_token not servcie_default should fail.16:23
colonwqor should I trust users to do the right thing.16:23
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aleeEmilienM, so - how is it going?16:24
EmilienMalee: let me see16:25
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EmilienMtest_encrypted_cinder_volumes fail :(16:25
EmilienMlooking at diff16:26
EmilienMI don't get why it fails16:27
EmilienMonly diff is ordering
aleeEmilienM, tempest role is Member only again16:27
aleeEmilienM, we must be running into cache problems again16:28
EmilienMlet me report it on infra channel16:28
aleeEmilienM, ok16:28
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EmilienMpabelanger: hi16:29
EmilienMpabelanger: we have a patch in p-o-i that depends on a patch that is merged16:29
EmilienMbut I think the version of puppet-tempest in the image is old and not updated16:30
EmilienMlet me show16:30
EmilienMlogs are coming, a sec16:30
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EmilienM2016-07-28 12:49:16.315962 | INFO:zuul.Cloner:Prepared openstack/puppet-tempest repo with branch master at commit 16aa1cf48fcf8a03846b6cfea0568ee8a14f6afe16:30
EmilienM16aa1cf48fcf8a03846b6cfea0568ee8a14f6afe is not master16:31
EmilienMso something is broken somewhere16:31
EmilienMand we have CI issues because of it16:31
EmilienMsame thing with
EmilienMit looks like it's only on some nodes16:31
EmilienMlet me tell you16:32
pabelangerEmilienM: well, 16aa1cf48fcf8a03846b6cfea0568ee8a14f6afe is in the master branch, just not the latest commit.  I think there is something going on with your usage of zuul-cloner, let me look at your code16:32
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pabelanger16aa1cf48fcf8a03846b6cfea0568ee8a14f6afe is from your master branch16:32
EmilienMpabelanger: yeah but it's not latest commit16:32
EmilienMuntil now, we never had this issue16:32
pabelangeryou are just expecting it to be 03d1e9762074c463cb7d148dbf27e4daf9e12f7416:33
EmilienMsomething must have changed16:33
pabelangerzuul-cloner did get an update recently16:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova: Implement nova::cache in stable/mitaka
pabelangerso, I wonder if this is a regression16:33
pabelangerEmilienM: lets go back to openstack-infra and ask fungi and clarkb16:33
EmilienMoki doc16:33
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openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Move barbican to authtoken
dfisherr10k question .. if I want to change where the git cache is, is that based on $HOME?17:12
dfisherit looks like that's the case:17:12
dfisherr10k/git/cache.rb:  def_setting_attr :cache_root, File.expand_path(ENV['HOME'] ? '~/.r10k/git': '/root/.r10k/git')17:12
iurygregoryi've never run into this problem O.o17:13
iurygregorywhy change git cache? just wondering =)17:14
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EmilienMalee: it's an infra thing17:21
EmilienMwe're stuck now17:21
aleeEmilienM, ok - any eta on resolution?17:22
EmilienMno  idea17:24
dfisheriurygregory: oracle networking stuff.  My homedirectory is on a system in Austin TX but I'm doing my dev work on a system in Santa Clara CA17:27
dfisherso, NFS things are … slow17:27
iurygregoryyeah  we use NFS here at the university in the lab =(17:28
dfisherso, bundle exec rake spec can take *hours* to run17:28
dfisherwell, hours to run r10k install17:28
iurygregorythat's why i use my notebook XD17:29
dfisheryeah, i should have.17:29
aleeEmilienM, ok :/  well, I guess we wait then.17:29
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iurygregoryalee, can you review ?17:38
aleeiurygregory, will do17:39
iurygregoryalee, tks o/17:39
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iurygregorymwhahaha, can you review 347105? authtoken =) i've update the bug as well18:49
EmilienMiurygregory: reviewing it too18:56
iurygregorytks o/18:56
iurygregoryCI is slow =(18:56
iurygregorywaiting for lint and beaker-xenial only18:57
EmilienMiurygregory: Alex has a good question inline18:57
EmilienMiurygregory, mwhahaha: I also find it weird to fail by default if you just declare ::barbiban::api without any parameter18:58
EmilienMbecause it will include the authtoken class but since we don't have a default keystone password18:58
EmilienMwhat do you think?18:58
iurygregoryyeah i saw that with the tests .-.18:59
iurygregoryabout auth_uri we can set but we dont need both18:59
EmilienMbut it's fine18:59
EmilienMfor password18:59
EmilienMit's already failing in other modules if unset18:59
EmilienMit's just now we have a new class18:59
mwhahahaiurygregory: which one do you need? is auth_url ok as a standalone?18:59
iurygregoryauth_url work well for barbican =) since beaker is ok19:00
EmilienMbeaker doesn't test much19:01
EmilienMkeep in mind that ;)19:01
EmilienMwhat will really test barbican is what alee and I are doing in p-o-i19:01
iurygregoryEmilienM, sure o/ maybe i should provide a poc for a component that run integration?19:02
iurygregoryEmilienM, ack will do tonight =)19:03
EmilienMiurygregory: I can do it now19:04
EmilienMI'll update my puppet cinder patch now19:04
iurygregoryEmilienM, ok o/19:04
iurygregoryEmilienM, do you have any talk for Barcelona?19:12
dfisherseriously, i'll vote.19:12
dfisherHE SAID SOLARIS.  +1 FOREVERS!19:12
EmilienMyeah, I have 2 proposals19:12
EmilienMabout authtoken, i would like to notify that some patches might be different for backward compatibility19:12
EmilienMmwhahaha, iurygregory  ^19:13
iurygregoryEmilienM, nice i'll look =D and ask my teammattes to vote :D19:13
EmilienMthe structure will be the same19:13
EmilienMiurygregory: thx19:13
EmilienMbut some params will be different to maintain bp19:13
dfisherSearch results for "Solaris"19:14
dfisher•There are no presentations that match your criteria.19:14
* dfisher sobs19:14
mwhahahawhere's your presentation then?19:14
mwhahahamr. solaris19:14
dfisheri'm so farkin' slammed right now :(19:14
dfisherhell, i didn't even write an abstract for Oracle Open World.19:14
mwhahahaoracle "open" world19:15
* dfisher sighs19:15
dfisherthis again?19:15
mwhahahait's ok, haven't you read the openstack-dev mailing list this week? mirantis is out to get everyone19:15
dfisherat this point, i pretty much just right-click -> mark as read on that19:16
mwhahahastill not sure what it's about other than someone is taking a marketing PR a bit too seriously19:16
dfisheri don't have time to wade through 99.9% cruft to find gems  :(19:16
dfisherhey, speaking of that ...19:17
* mwhahaha goes back to actually attempting to work19:17
dfisherso, Docker's now in Solaris.19:18
mwhahahabut can it kuberentes19:18
dfisherthat's next.19:19
dfisherk8 & docker 1.13 for swarm19:19
dfisherthere's already a PR for Solaris support in Docker 1.1319:20
dfisherthat team is working on it.19:20
openstackgerritcraig delatte proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Cinder hooks support
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openstackgerritcraig delatte proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Cinder hooks support
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openstackgerritGuilherme Balzana proposed openstack/puppet-monasca: Using puppet-openstack standard gitignore
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guimalufEmilienM, it's so odd to setup everything a monasca package should do in puppet, e.g user, groups, upstart files, etc. Should we go that way while there is no package at all or wait/build monasca packages?19:44
mwhahahapackage all the things!19:47
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openstackgerritTim Rozet proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Adds OpenDaylight
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dfisherhow do I look at manifest / file content from a failed test in CI?21:25
dfisher - I'd like to find21:26
dfisher | localhost $ scp /tmp/beaker20160728-15434-115mn1y centos-70-x64:/tmp/apply_manifest.pp.j68p8p {:ignore => }21:26
dfisherthe contents of that file21:26
mwhahahait's the acceptance blob21:28
dfisherin the keystone repo?21:28
dfisherfound it21:29
dfishermwhahaha: than ks21:30
* dfisher nods21:30
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dfishermwhahaha: got time for yet more dumb questions from me?21:49
mwhahahafor you? no ;)21:49
mwhahahawhat's up21:49
dfisherok, so i see why CI is yelling at me.21:50
dfisherin neutron_l3_agent_config/ini_settings.rb we set transform_to / transform_to=21:50
dfisherwell, I do, currently :)21:50
dfisherthe issue is that in, i get a puke from line 5421:51
dfisherError: Could not set 'present' on ensure: undefined local variable or method `transform_to' for #<Puppet::Type::Keystone_config::ProviderIni_setting:0x00000002dd2258> at 3:/var/tmp/keystone.pp21:51
mwhahahaso you probably need to stub i t out in the openstack_config type21:51
dfisher$ cat ../../type/openstack_config.rb21:52
dfisherPuppet::Type.newtype(:openstack_config) do21:52
dfisher  newparam(:transform_to)21:52
dfisheri am :(21:52
dfisherwell, chem did this piece :)21:52
mwhahahathe magical land of providers21:52
mwhahahaso either it should be @transform_to or perhaps you need a getter/setter not completely sure21:54
dfisherwill poke21:55
mwhahahalike on line 4021:55
mwhahahawhere there's a def ensure_absent_val21:55
mwhahahawonder if you need an equivalent for the tranform_to21:55
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mwhahahaso a def transform_to\n  resource[:transform_to]\n end ;)21:58
mwhahahayou get the idea21:58
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Configure keystone authtoken options
EmilienMI GOT IT21:58
EmilienMguimaluf: /me no opinion on topic21:59
* guimaluf package all the things!21:59
EmilienMiurygregory, mwhahaha: ok I did cinder authtoken - when you have time to look22:00
EmilienMhave a good night22:00
dfisher  def transform_to22:03
dfisher    resource[:transform_to]22:03
dfisher  end22:03
dfisherthat did it22:03
* dfisher tips hat22:03
openstackgerritDrew Fisher proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: WIP: add a way for provider to transform value in config.
openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Update Jewel Ceph RGW to support Keystone V3
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xarsescolonwq: should we fail/warn if both auth_token and user are set?22:08
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colonwqxarses, I think so. I would do a test of 'v2.0' needs auth_token and not the other 4 and 'v3' is the opposite.22:19
xarsessomething like that, we also need tenant and password defined in v3 case22:20
xarsesif v2.0 and auth_token {} elseif v3 and user and password or something22:21
colonwqproject instead of tenant. I'll round out the tests.22:22
openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Configure Ceph RGW to use Keyston V3
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openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Update Jewel Ceph RGW to support Keystone V3
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