Monday, 2016-07-25

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-keystone: Prepare 8.2.0 (mitaka)
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova: Prepare 8.2.0 (mitaka)
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Promote RDO repository to latest consistent URL
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-zaqar: Prepare 8.2.0 (mitaka)
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openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed openstack/puppet-trove: Configure keystone authtoken options
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add swift ringbuilder profile
openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-mistral: [Test] fix package name for mistral client
openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-mistral: CI Test
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openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: [Test] try to enable ironic back
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iurygregoryEmilienM, in puppet-barbican we have auth_type and keystone_auth_type, in other modules auth_type is related to the keystone_authtoken but in barbica itsn't can i let keystone_auth_type?12:31
EmilienMgood question12:33
EmilienMmake it consistent with other modules12:34
iurygregoryok so i will break barbican hahah XD12:34
openstackgerritcraig delatte proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Cinder hooks support
EmilienMand change conditional here:
iurygregorysure ;)12:35
iurygregoryin the release note i'll add that it's not backwar compatible12:35
iurygregorynice :D tks12:35
EmilienMor your second option is to make it backward compatible12:35
EmilienMI don't have strong opinion12:36
EmilienMbut I don't think anyone is currently using the module12:36
EmilienMwe made it working a very few weeks ago or so12:36
aleeEmilienM, hey - how is it going with the volume encryption test?12:39
aleeiurygregory, whats this about breaking barbican?12:40
EmilienMalee: 0 progress12:41
aleeEmilienM, I'm still catching up iwth email -- but I see there was something about giving the correct perms/roles to the user12:41
openstackgerritcraig delatte proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Removing deprecated cluster_id db var
EmilienMalee: juan did something with tempest12:43
EmilienMbut still no luck12:43
EmilienMfeel free to take over12:43
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aleeEmilienM, ok - I'll talk with juan later today and see what he did12:44
aleeEmilienM, it seems like the latest runs are not even getting to the point of starting the tests12:44
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iurygregoryalee, hey o/12:50
iurygregory in puppet-barbican we have auth_type and keystone_auth_type, in other modules auth_type is related to the keystone_authtoken but in barbica itsn't can i let keystone_auth_type?12:50
aleeiurygregory, looking12:51
aleeiurygregory, looking to see what its like in other modules ..12:53
iurygregoryalee, also do you now if barbican only work with user_domain_id/project_domain_id? (or i can use without problem user_domain_name and project_domain_name?)12:55
aleeiurygregory, barbican should be configured the same way as the other projects to work with keystone12:56
iurygregoryalee, tonight i'll send the patch and i'll add you in the review ok? ^^12:57
aleeiurygregory, so I'm ok with you making the changes.  we'll know if it doesn't work because the tests will fail12:58
aleeiurygregory, absolutely12:58
iurygregoryalee, nice tks man o/12:58
aleeiurygregory, np12:58
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EmilienMalee, iurygregory: I think we need to keep the use case where there is no keystone server13:07
EmilienMso you might need to continue to support that13:07
EmilienMalee can confirm maybe13:07
aleeEmilienM, yeah - that will be a use case we'll likely want to keep13:08
iurygregoryI agree =)13:08
iurygregorymaybe create barbican_auth_type  and let auth_type be for keystone13:09
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Convert ceph_pools into a hash type
EmilienMiurygregory: yes!13:11
iurygregoryEmilienM, ack ;) fyi zaqar is ready when you have time
openstackgerritBabu Shanmugam proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Changing ovn plugin to ml2 mechanism driver
EmilienMI'll look that13:13
iurygregorytks o/13:13
openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-ironic: [WIP] switch ironic to keystone authtoken
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-mistral: Add missing tag on python-mistralclient package.
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-mistral: Add missing tag on python-mistralclient package.
EmilienMchem: can you add the unit test please?13:31
EmilienMchem: and use cherry-pick -x for the backport?13:31
EmilienMand I'll +213:31
chemEmilienM: for the cherry-pick we have to wait for master to be merged (cherry pick from a commit)13:32
chemEmilienM: I'm adding the spec13:32
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openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Enable ironic tests back for Ubuntu
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atom_zuul is down right? well, at least not working as it should13:43
iurygregoryatom_, why? O.o13:43
iurygregory is fine '-'13:44
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atom_the queue is inmense, and if you check the "job stats" down below it can be seen that the # of jobs waiting is growing and growing13:44
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-mistral: Add missing tag on python-mistralclient package.
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chemEmilienM: rspec added on master ^ will cherry pick when merged13:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add base constraint so gnocchi metricd is tied to core-clone
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add firewall::service_rules define
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-mistral: Prepare 8.2.0 (mitaka)
EmilienMrebased ^13:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-aodh: Prepare 8.2.0 (mitaka)
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-neutron: Prepare 8.2.0 (mitaka)
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tempest: Prepare 8.2.0 (mitaka)
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-trove: Prepare 8.2.0 (mitaka)
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-neutron: Add ability to manage binding for neutron port
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openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-ironic: [WIP] switch ironic to keystone authtoken
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openstackgerritEdward Balduf proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: SolidFire backend deployment should use $::os_service_default
EmilienMcolonwq: any progress on patching puppet-ceph for rgw & keystone thing?14:16
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colonwqEmilienM, I'm testing/documenting the manual configuration with Keystone V3.14:17
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Configure keystone authtoken options
colonwqEmilienM, If all goes well I'll have patches for puppet-ceph as a baseline.14:18
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario001: enable Barbican and Volume Encryption testing
EmilienMcolonwq: excellent news14:20
EmilienMalee: rebasing, it had a depends-on issue ^ let's see how tests work now14:20
aleeEmilienM, ok14:20
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EmilienMiurygregory: for barbican, you could also use auth_strategy, no?14:25
EmilienMwell I don't mind14:25
iurygregoryEmilienM, yeah i saw in other module auth_strategy =)14:25
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dfisherdegorenko: I don't understand your first comment on
degorenkodfisher, do you know what is arity in terms of puppet functions?14:37
dfisherno :(14:37
degorenkoah, ok14:37
dfisherto google!14:37
dfisherthat's a *weird* argument14:38
degorenkoi'd like to call it validation argument :)14:39
dfisherit's still weird :)14:39
degorenkodfisher, after fixing my comment, i guess you can upload fix for test this function - like getting neutron router id as you wanted14:40
* dfisher nods14:40
dfisherwill work on a test as you asked14:40
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dfisheralso, i thought OS_AUTH_URL was identity v2 specific14:41
openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-ironic: [WIP] Switch ironic to keystone authtoken
iurygregoryAUTH_URL work for V314:42
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iurygregorybut maybe you need to pass domain information too =)14:42
openstackgerritEdward Balduf proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Deprecate drivers in Cinder.conf DEFAULT section.
dfisherby default, if OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION is not passed, it defaults to '2.0', right?14:43
openstackgerritcraig delatte proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Removing deprecated cluster_id db var
iurygregoryopenstack client right?14:43
iurygregoryyou need to set when want v314:43
dfisherso what's the right way to check if a hash has a key and, if present, check that value .. in ruby?14:45
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iurygregory.key? or .has_key? should work i think14:47
mwhahahadfisher: variable.has_key('whatever')14:47
dfishernono.  i know about has_key?14:47
dfisherbut both operations14:47
dfisher      if envhash.has_key?('OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION') and envhash['OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION'] == '3'14:47
dfisher        @credentials = Puppet::Provider::Openstack::CredentialsV3.new14:47
dfisher      else14:47
dfisher        @credentials = Puppet::Provider::Openstack::CredentialsV2_0.new14:47
dfisher      end14:47
dfisheris that right?14:47
mwhahahalooks like key? is prefered over has_key? but yea14:47
openstackgerritEdward Balduf proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Deprecate drivers in Cinder.conf DEFAULT section.
iurygregoryto me it's fine14:48
dfisherok, thanks14:48
dfisherah.  hash.fetch is what I want14:51
dfisher      if envhash.fetch('OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION', '2.0') == '2.0'14:51
dfisher        @credentials = Puppet::Provider::Openstack::CredentialsV2_0.new14:51
dfisher      else14:51
dfisher        @credentials = Puppet::Provider::Openstack::CredentialsV3.new14:51
dfisher      end14:51
iurygregorywoa nice :D14:51
dfisherthe second arg is the default value14:52
dfishersince it defaults to 2.014:52
dfisherthat's how we want it.14:52
iurygregorydfisher, awesome :D14:52
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dfisheryet another question - is there an easy way of running a single test file?15:06
degorenkodfisher, via rspec?)15:06
dfisherok ...15:07
degorenkodfisher, but be aware - if you have some includes in your tests - they probably can contain some include too and you will see 404 on some functions/vars and etc :)15:07
dfisherjust rspec <filename> ?15:07
degorenkorspec -f doc --color <path> - would be better15:07
dfisheryeah, getting:15:09
dfisher$ rspec -f doc --color spec/functions/openstack_resource_id_getter_spec.rb15:09
dfisher/usr/ruby/1.9/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:55:in `require': cannot load such file -- puppet-openstack_spec_helper/defaults (LoadError)15:09
dfisherhow do people usually do this when writing a new spec file?15:09
degorenkodfisher, run bundle :D15:09
degorenkoor try to comment include inside your test15:09
dfisherand do the full build / teardown every time?15:09
dfisherthere has to be a faster way to do it … :(15:09
degorenkodfisher, there are several hacks do not run every time all downloading :)15:10
dfisherplease share! :)15:10
degorenkofor first time you can do: bundle install, bundle exec rake spec15:10
degorenkofor second - bundle exec rake spec_standalone :D15:10
degorenkoalso there is some pattern on what tests should be called - through spec opts15:11
dfishercan check the rspec doc15:11
degorenkoits not rpsec15:11
dfisherwell, aren't the spec opts?15:12
degorenkodfisher, it is bundle exec rake <task> "SPEC_OPTS= ..." :)15:12
dfisherrake spec SPEC=path/to/spec.rb \15:14
dfisher          SPEC_OPTS="-e \"should be successful and return 3 items\""15:14
degorenkodfisher, is it works?15:14
dfisherso, something like:  SPEC=/path/to/file bundle exec rake spec15:14
dfisherbundle exec rake spec running now … downloading everything15:15
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dfisherdegorenko: yes it works15:22
dfisher$ SPEC=spec/functions/openstack_resource_id_getter_spec.rb bundle exec rake spec_standalone15:22
dfisher/usr/ruby/1.9/bin/ruby -I/usr/ruby/1.9/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rspec-core-3.5.1/lib:/usr/ruby/1.9/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rspec-support-3.5.0/lib /usr/ruby/1.9/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rspec-core-3.5.1/exe/rspec spec/functions/openstack_resource_id_getter_spec.rb --color15:22
dfisher(i have failures to fix) :)15:23
degorenkodfisher, SPEC_OPTS=" -e 'test name'" - will execute only one certain test scope from spec?15:24
dfisheri think so15:24
degorenkodfisher, yeah, looks like
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iurygregoryrichm, you around?15:43
richmiurygregory: yes15:46
iurygregoryif you have time you can help me in D:15:46
iurygregoryi haven't figure out the reason .-.15:47
richmiurygregory: so this message is coming from nova attempting to use keystone v3 auth?15:48
iurygregoryrichm, i think so15:49
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iurygregorybut give endpoint not found .-.15:49
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richmiurygregory: is there some way we can see what are the contents of resp and body?15:57
iurygregoryrichm, i don't think, EmilienM do you know? ^15:58
openstackgerritEdward Balduf proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Deprecate drivers in Cinder.conf DEFAULT section.
openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Increase command_timeout for openstackclient commands
openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Increase command_timeout for openstackclient commands
richmiurygregory: can you find this request in the keystone logs?16:20
iurygregoryrichm, maybe
iurygregoryi didn't saw .-.16:21
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richmok - so this is the server side16:25
richmweird that the traceback is truncated - if this is coming from keystone I would expect to see more16:25
iurygregoryyeah .-. nothing that could help =(16:25
richmso the problem is the token sent from the nova client is bogus16:26
richmiurygregory: maybe there is something in the nova logs from around this time16:26
iurygregoryrichm, the first error in nova is at 03:27 in keystone i have
richmiurygregory: was looking for something around 2016-07-22 03:24:54.90816:35
iurygregoryfor nova?16:35
richmiurygregory: the nova api log doesn't even begin until 2016-07-22 03:26:36.29016:35
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richmiurygregory: so either the error is coming from some other nova process, or from puppet?16:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Implement tripleo::network::os_net_config class
iurygregoryi've found this in compute manager
iurygregoryi think is something with puppet16:39
richmiurygregory: do we have puppet logs from around 2016-07-22 03:24:54.908 ?16:42
richmiurygregory: the nova-compute log doesn't have anything relevant from around that time16:43
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iurygregoryrichm, in consle the last 03:24:50.374116  after is 03:25:02.021293 .-.16:44
openstackgerritMichael  Henkel proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: added contrail config puppet module for tripleO
richmiurygregory: is keystone running in wsgi?  Can you find the access log request - not sure if it will be in the admin or the main log.  You can also take a look in the error log to see if there is anything at around that time.16:46
iurygregoryrichm, tks16:47
richmiurygregory: i'm assuming the access log will show a POST to /v3/token or /v3/auth/token with a return code of 403 or 50016:47
iurygregory[22/Jul/2016:03:24:57 +0000] "GET /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1" 404 95 "-" "python-keystoneclient" the first error in keystone_wsgi_admin_access_ssl16:48
richmiurygregory: ok - that is suspicious and could be related to the error16:49
iurygregory"GET /v3/users/neutron HTTP/1.1" 404 89 "-" "python-keystoneclient"16:49
iurygregorythe nova error is at 03:25 [22/Jul/2016:03:25:31 +0000] "GET /v3/users/nova HTTP/1.1" 404 86 "-" "python-keystoneclient"16:50
iurygregorylooks like didn't find the domain since i have v3/domains/Default HTTP/1.1" 40416:50
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richmiurygregory: it looks like it tries /v3/object/name, and when that fails, it tries /v3/object?name=name, and that works16:51
iurygregorylol O.o16:51
richmiurygregory: so I don't think that's the error16:51
richmiurygregory: hmm - the log only goes back to 22/Jul/2016:03:24:5216:52
richmand main_access only goes back to 22/Jul/2016:03:27:3916:53
richmso how is keystone getting a request???  does it come up in eventlet mode then switch to wsgi???16:54
mwhahahano this is newton, there is no eventlet16:55
iurygregoryintegration run with wsgi16:55
richmif this is a keystone request, it is being processed by keystone, with no record of the request showing up in the apache logs?????16:56
iurygregoryservice_name =
richmsomething doesn't add up16:56
richmIf we could identify which request is causing we could have a good clue as to what is going on16:57
iurygregorydamm it this one is hard XD17:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-designate: Include openstacklib defaults manifest.
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richmiurygregory: perhaps the token is coming from keystone.conf?  Maybe it is trying to process the admin_token from keystone.conf as a token sent over HTTP?17:14
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richmayoung: does this make any sense?  ^^^17:15
richmiurygregory: that would explain why there is no corresponding request17:15
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openstackgerritBrent Eagles proposed openstack/puppet-octavia: Adding health_worker.pp
ayoungrichm, I'll read up and comment after lunch.  Lunchmeeting  without food...17:24
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Unit tests for HAproxy dual stack
iberezovskiyEmilienM, hey. I've faced the issue with ironic tests -
iberezovskiylooks like right now it's required to install python-ironic-tests package17:29
iberezovskiywhat's better place to do it? in tempest.pp?17:29
EmilienMwe already deploy it afaik, let me check17:30
iurygregoryrichm, oh it can be, but it's strange to not see problem in beaker17:31
iberezovskiyhm, so it's strange that package wasn't installed17:31
iberezovskiywill investigate17:31
iberezovskiyah, damn, my mistake17:33
iberezovskiyso ironic now works on ubuntu as well, let's enable it tests17:33
openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Enable ironic tests back for Ubuntu
richmiurygregory: if we don't see the problem with beaker, where do we see the problem?17:34
iurygregoryrichm, the problem is only in integration .-.17:35
iberezovskiyiurygregory, hey man. could you please take a look on ? may be I missed smth17:36
iurygregoryiberezovskiy, ack17:36
iurygregorynp =)17:36
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EmilienMalee: still failing
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EmilienMI am wondering if someone knows Barbican well to configure it17:43
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EmilienMalee: any idea?17:45
iurygregoryiberezovskiy|off, done =)17:46
aleeEmilienM, looking17:46
EmilienMalee: I give up barbican, I already spent huge time on it17:48
EmilienMI'll let you take over the patches17:48
aleeEmilienM, its not trying to connect to port 931117:48
EmilienMyou can look apache logs
EmilienMapache config is here:
EmilienMbrb lunch17:51
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aleeEmilienM, ah wait -- progress I think17:52
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aleeEmilienM, I think -- checking -- that the secret was in fact created.17:54
aleeEmilienM, and what was sent back from barbican is an incorrect reference17:54
aleeEmilienM, because of the following setting in barbican.conf17:54
openstackgerritKarthik S proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Configure the max_vfs for SRIOV interfaces
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aleeEmilienM, checking for exact change to be made ..18:05
aleeEmilienM,  line 4818:08
aleeEmilienM, this should have url:931118:08
aleeEmilienM, that will return the right reference to cinder18:10
aleeEmilienM, I need to go offline for a bit to get dinner - but I can try making that change later tonight if you dont get to it first18:10
openstackgerritMichael  Henkel proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: added contrail config puppet module for tripleO
openstackgerritMichael  Henkel proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Added Contrail puppet interfaces for tripleo
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openstackgerritBrent Eagles proposed openstack/puppet-octavia: Adding health_worker.pp
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-vitrage: update example file with endpoint creation
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trownEmilienM: mind checking just needs 1x +218:23
ayoungrichm, iurygregory the admin_token explanation is the best one I can think of.18:26
EmilienMtrown: down18:30
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trownEmilienM++ thanks18:30
openstackgerritBrent Eagles proposed openstack/puppet-octavia: Adding health_worker.pp
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario001: enable Barbican and Volume Encryption testing
EmilienMalee^ done18:36
EmilienMtrown: need backport?18:36
trownEmilienM: wouldn't hurt for sure18:37
EmilienMtrown: i'll let submit it18:37
trownEmilienM: you will let me submit it?18:37
EmilienMtrown: my english sucks more than usual today18:38
EmilienMyes, I'll let you click on Cherry-pick when it's merged18:38
EmilienMand I'll +218:38
trown:), sure thing18:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Increase command_timeout for openstackclient commands
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openstackgerritTim Rozet proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Adds OpenDaylight
openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Increase command_timeout for openstackclient commands
trownEmilienM: backport
EmilienMtrown: +219:39
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openstackgerritTim Rozet proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Adds OpenDaylight
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-zaqar: Move zaqar to authtoken
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aleeEmilienM, looks like the cinder part went through ok now -- looking at the nova part now ..20:06
aleeEmilienM, actually looks like a permissions issue in the cleanup phase --
aleeEmilienM, checking to see which perms/roles are needed20:09
EmilienMalee: I'm really busy on something else now, I'll let you find out20:09
aleeEmilienM, no worries - thanks -- just letting you we're almost there20:09
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: haproxy/endpoints: ensure vips are arrays
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: haproxy/endpoints: ensure IPs are arrays
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: haproxy/endpoints: ensure IPs are arrays
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aleeEmilienM, question -- line 11520:51
aleeEmilienM, if I want to add more than one role, what should that line be?20:52
EmilienMalee: provide an array of roles I guess?20:52
aleeEmilienM, so something like ['foo', 'bar'] ?20:52
aleeok - trying20:53
iurygregory would be good to have the type XD20:53
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openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario001: enable Barbican and Volume Encryption testing
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openstackgerritDrew Fisher proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Introduce openstack_resource_id_getter function
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openstackgerritEdward Balduf proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: SolidFire backend deployment should use $::os_service_default
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-mistral: Add missing tag on python-mistralclient package.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Promote RDO repository to latest consistent URL
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-mistral: Add missing tag on python-mistralclient package.
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