Friday, 2016-07-15

EmilienMdmsimard: ok00:06
EmilienMdmsimard: please just update swift00:06
EmilienMand +200:06
dmsimardEmilienM: will do00:06
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: PoC with openvswitch - Composable service validation within profiles
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EmilienMalee:  https://[::1]:5000/auth/tokens00:17
EmilienMstill failing00:17
EmilienMbarbican is hardcoding the url or?00:17
EmilienManyway, will continue tomorrow. Peace00:20
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openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Make ::tripleo::profile::base classes work with multiple nodes
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Promote RDO repository to latest consistent URL
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openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Make ::tripleo::profile::base classes work with multiple nodes
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openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Make ::tripleo::profile::base classes work with multiple nodes
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openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: WIP Next generation HA architecture work
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openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: WIP: Added an parameter for neutron::agents::ml2::ovs to enable ovs-dpdk
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openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/puppet-vswitch: OVS DPDK package support with basic options
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openstackgerritDaniel Pawlik proposed openstack/puppet-watcher: Added planer sections
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-cinder: Add key manager parameters
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openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: openstack-core resource does not have interleave=true
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openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/puppet-vswitch: OVS DPDK package support with basic options
openstackgerritMatthew J Black proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Add ensure parameter to service identity resource
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openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: openstack-core resource does not have interleave=true
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EmilienMiurygregory: hey12:15
EmilienMiurygregory: do you have plans to add authtoken thing in puppet-cinder?12:16
mjblackEmilienM: not sure where you're seeing 'paramter'12:20
EmilienMmjblack: the file name12:20
mjblackah ok12:20
mjblackyeah sleep deprivation :D12:21
openstackgerritMatthew J Black proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Add ensure parameter to service identity resource
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: PoC Validation - Make it fail (test)
iurygregoryEmilienM, i have plans for all modules =P you said that we should merge one before start the work in all other modules .-.12:25
EmilienMiurygregory: do you need help to make quick progress or you got it covered?12:27
iurygregorynp ;) i'll pray to not break fuel i think XD12:27
EmilienMiurygregory: I will probably push the cinder thing today or so, except if you have it in progress already12:28
iurygregoryEmilienM, i have in neutron12:28
iurygregorygo ahead12:28
EmilienMthis is a blocker for us, we would like to test barbican and it needs cinder.conf with v3 parameters12:28
iurygregoryEmilienM, np, put me in the review o/12:29
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openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/puppet-vswitch: OVS DPDK package support with basic options
openstackgerritMatthew J Black proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-cookiecutter: Added ensure parameter to pass to service identity
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degorenkoEmilienM, for horizon the problem is that on ubuntu apache won't redirect base request to horizon page - it is on base default configuration. On centos we don't have such problem12:45
degorenkoas one possible solution for ubuntu - we have to specify bind_address12:45
degorenkothen we have proper redirect12:45
EmilienMok cool12:45
degorenkobut this we have one more problem12:45
degorenkoall wsgi manifests are including base apache configuration12:46
degorenkowhcih create base listen port to 8012:46
degorenkothen when we are trying to create listen port 80 on some address - we have conflict12:46
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degorenkowe can set add_listen to false, but then will not be created 443 port for ssl from horizon :D12:47
EmilienMcan you just create a "if $redhat { class horizon blabla } elsif $ubuntu { class horizon do what you want }12:47
degorenkoyeees, but the problem is that we can set bind_address for horizon at all12:47
degorenkowith 80 port12:47
degorenkobecause it is already created by apache itself12:47
degorenkomwhahaha, ^12:48
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degorenkoin fuel we just passing add_listen false every time, and we have different implementation for apache - it already includes all needed ports12:48
EmilienMdo you use puppet-horizon?12:49
degorenkoyes, we use12:49
degorenkoagain - we are passing to puppet-horizon::wsgi add_listen false12:49
degorenkothat means that puppet-horizon will not manage apache ports12:49
degorenkoand we have different call for apache for managing ports12:50
degorenkoso, it looks like bug in puppet-horizon module12:50
degorenkoi can upload possible solution here12:50
degorenkobut it should be discussed12:50
EmilienMI'm going to propose a patch that enable testing on centos only now12:51
EmilienMand I'll let you figure for ubuntu a solution12:51
degorenkofor me, question number 1) - why apache on ubuntu won't redirect by default to horizon12:51
degorenkoalso we have different apache version on centos and ubuntu12:51
degorenko2.4.18 on ubuntu and 2.4.6 on centos12:52
degorenkoprobably something changed in apache12:52
mjblackdegorenko: where are you setting add_listen to false?12:52
degorenkoin horizon12:52
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: install tempest-horizon from source
degorenkovia extra_params12:53
degorenkoso we don't manage in fuel apache ports from puppet-horizon12:53
degorenkowe do it in apache class12:53
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: install tempest-horizon from source
EmilienMdegorenko: ^ now, we'll only test centos12:54
EmilienMuntil you propose something for ubuntu12:54
degorenkomjblack, any ideas why apache 2.4.18 won't redirect to horizon by default? :)12:55
mjblackon ubuntu? removed the default vhost?12:55
degorenkomjblack, it's present12:55
mjblackthat could be why12:55
degorenkobut it's present also on centos12:55
degorenko15-default.conf  15-horizon_ssl_vhost.conf  15-horizon_vhost.conf  openstack-dashboard.conf12:56
degorenko15-default.conf  15-horizon_vhost.conf12:56
degorenko1) centos, 2) ubuntu12:56
degorenkoon both OS its present12:56
mjblackgot a link to a review where this is happening?12:56
degorenkomjblack, if i'll specify interface address for vhost horizon - it works on both12:56
degorenkomjblack, patch from Emilien above12:57
degorenko5 patch set for example12:57
degorenkomjblack, also we have broken binding address :) it uses same port 80 as apache and we have error
degorenkoi can upload change with collectors, for overriding base 80 port to interface specific port, if bind_address is enabled12:59
degorenkobut it will not help, when we have add_listen = false, from extra_params13:00
mjblackthe way apache works13:00
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degorenkoyes, apache works13:00
mjblackeven though you have the same priority for for the conf file13:00
degorenkohave i can check, that priority same?13:01
mjblackfor namebasedvirtualhosts, it will default I believe to the servername that comes alphabetically first13:01
mjblackso in the case of ubuntu13:02
degorenkothen they have same priority13:02
mjblackservername starts with xenial13:02
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mjblackbut on centos it starts with centos13:02
degorenkoyes, but configs are same13:02
degorenkohow can fqdn affect it?13:02
mjblackit doesnt know which one to use13:02
mjblackso it resorts back to servername I believe, which ever hits first alphabetically13:03
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degorenkobut both configs use same servername13:04
mjblackbut if you look at the servername for centos and ubuntu13:04
mjblackfor horizon13:05
mjblackcentos servername is starts with "centos"13:05
mjblackand ubuntu starts with "xenial"13:05
mjblackc > d13:05
mjblackd > x13:05
degorenkoand default servername is default13:06
mjblackbut the horizon vhost13:06
mjblackservername is based off distro13:06
mjblackcentos ->
degorenkomy server name for xenial and centos starts with sk_....13:06
degorenkoso i have sk_xenail13:06
degorenkoand sk_centos13:06
mjblackubuntu ->
degorenkoand in both cases default should be used first13:07
degorenkobut i have working centos and non-working ubuntu13:07
degorenkohow you can explain this? :)13:07
mjblackI'd need to see it, you told me to look at that review from EmilienM :)13:08
degorenkothat's not on review13:08
alee_EmilienM, looks like the encryption_auth_url must be a v3 one.
degorenkothat's on my testing vms13:08
degorenkoi can share config files13:08
degorenkomjblack, so here is ubuntu
degorenkomjblack, centos
mjblackcentos config isnt using wildcard13:10
mjblackline 3713:10
degorenkooh wait13:10
degorenkofor centos not current configuration13:11
degorenkolet me sec13:11
mjblackdegorenko: what else is being configured under conf.d?13:12
mjblackfor centos13:12
EmilienMalee_: I figured /me working on puppet-cinder13:13
alee_EmilienM, ok13:13
degorenkomjblack, they have a bit difference, centos is under ssl13:14
degorenkoand under ipv6 also13:15
degorenkobut for horizon there are no ipv6 settings13:15
mjblackyeah but if you're being redirected from http to https then its skipping default vhost13:15
mjblackdegorenko: what I'm thinking is maybe on centos an apache config place by the package might not be getting purged13:18
degorenkomjblack, looks like you're right about redirection13:20
degorenkowhen i disable ssl on centos13:20
degorenkoi got same problem as on ubuntu13:20
degorenkoso we need to fix puppet-horizon, to work with bind_address13:21
degorenkomjblack, did you read my comments above about conflicting base horizon 80 with default apache?13:22
mjblackwhere it tried to create two of the same port settings?13:23
degorenkomjblack, as one possible solution, we can have workaround for integration as: 1) ubuntu add add_listen = false + bind_address, 2) centos leave it as it now13:23
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degorenkomjblack, it includes apache here which creates base listen port here
degorenkothen when we are trying to do same for base horizon port - we have error from 426 line13:24
alee_EmilienM, the code we're using is basically whats in master, right?  or is it a branch?13:24
mjblackdegorenko: but thats only if you use default vhost13:25
degorenkomjblack, which is enabled by default from base apache class.....13:25
mjblackyeah but there is a great way to solve it :)13:25
degorenkohiera i know13:25
alee_EmilienM, looks like things have changed a little on the nova side in master --
degorenkoEmilienM, try to rebase your change on - with enabled ubuntu13:28
degorenkoit should work13:28
mjblackdegorenko: puppet-horizon is doing "include", cant you do also class { '::apache': default_vhost => false }?13:30
degorenkomjblack, as another option yes13:30
degorenkobut hiera solution looks better13:30
degorenkofor me, imho :)13:30
mjblackdegorenko: heh, wont get an argument there from me13:31
mjblacktrying to do as much as possible through hiera instead of custom manifests13:31
degorenkomjblack, so, in fuel we have exactly solution witohut hiera :D13:31
mwhahahalively discussions this morning13:32
* mjblack isnt alive 13:32
mwhahahayes i know you're dead inside like the rest of us13:32
iurygregoryyeah =(13:33
mwhahahaanyway so i can update my patch set to also include osfamily specific hiera so we could just default_vhost => false for ubuntu only13:33
mjblackmwhahaha: I'm sustained right now by enough energy drinks to kill an army13:33
degorenkomwhahaha, no, your patch is ok for both OS13:33
mwhahahaoh is it?13:33
degorenkocentos is working because of ssl :D13:33
mjblackdegorenko: maybe so but I'd like to see distro and distro-major_ver in the hiera.yaml too :D13:34
mwhahahaoh it was failing yesterday, i hadn't gotten to the recheck results yet13:34
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EmilienMalee_: master13:38
alee_EmilienM, ok - I'll work a bit on the nova side in the meantime then13:39
alee_EmilienM, once we resolve cinder, we'll hit nova side issues next13:39
EmilienMnot sure13:40
EmilienMit's deprecated13:40
EmilienMnot removed13:40
EmilienMI'm finish the patch on cinder now13:40
EmilienMerr, I'm finishing*13:40
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alee_EmilienM, well -- even for the old way, there needs to be a [barbican] section13:40
EmilienMdegorenko: it just sad to see you need hiera to make horizon working on ubuntu13:41
EmilienMalee_: ok13:41
EmilienMalee_: please update puppet nova for it13:41
degorenkoEmilienM, no :) mjblack solution also will work13:41
alee_I think .. checking with the guys who wrote this ..13:41
EmilienMalee_: can you also double check barbican options in cinder?13:41
alee_EmilienM, yes - doing that too.13:41
EmilienMdegorenko: I haven't followed all discussion.13:41
degorenkoEmilienM, we have at least 2 ways how we can enable horizon on ubuntu :D13:42
alee_EmilienM,   - the setting is deprecated, but it gets translated to the new keymgr13:45
dmsimardEmilienM: uh, hey, why aren't there any trove logs on scenario003 jobs ?13:48
dmsimardit's not even installed ?13:49
EmilienMjust read the code13:49
dmsimardah, damnit13:49
EmilienMyeah, #disableallthethings13:49
dmsimardYou should put "disabled" in the test matrix in the readme then :p13:49
dmsimardI was going to see if I could put memcached_tokens for the projects that are missing it in p-o-i13:50
dmsimardI guess we can merge that as is and then address the deprecations later on13:50
dmsimardI'll fix the swift thing13:50
degorenkomwhahaha, is this patch ready?
mwhahahaprobably now, let me pull the  WIP from the commit message13:52
degorenkomwhahaha, just suggestion13:52
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add hiera support
degorenkomay be better to set hiera config via parameter?13:52
degorenkonot just hardcoded puppet args?13:52
degorenkoin *13:53
mwhahahayea we can do that13:53
degorenkoso, you need to update patch again :D13:53
mwhahahai'll update it today and maybe throw in OS specific hiera items13:53
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degorenkomwhahaha, ok, ping me, when it will be ready :)13:53
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-swift: Fix comment typo
dmsimardvinsh: hey o/13:56
dmsimardvinsh: I haven't done swift with puppet-swift in a long time, where's memcached typically configured ? I see
dmsimardThe only place I see memcached servers being configured is in swift proxy cache but unless my memory is bad, it ought to be configured elsewhere too ..13:57
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openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/puppet-vswitch: OVS DPDK package support with basic options
EmilienMiurygregory: by looking at your patch on puppet-nova, I found some things I would not have done14:08
EmilienMI'll finish my cinder patch and let you a review14:08
iurygregoryEmilienM, ack ;)14:08
EmilienMso we can compare the 2 approach14:08
iurygregorysure ^^14:08
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EmilienMiurygregory: so we don't need identity_uri and auth_uri anymore? I'm confused14:10
EmilienMI don't see them in manifests/resource/authtoken.pp14:10
iurygregoryEmilienM, in authtoken.pp we have added all options according to configuration from keystonemiddleware, the identity_uri are in examples only14:12
iurygregorywe don't need to set both i think14:12
EmilienMeverything authtoken should go in this define14:12
EmilienMand we should not let cinder_config { authtoken } thing in our manifests14:13
EmilienMonly use the define14:13
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iurygregoryin nova we have the 'admin_password' 'admin_user'14:13
iurygregorybut keystone i haven't found reference for this14:13
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: In-process token caching is deprecated, use memcached instead
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit is restarting to correct memory/performance issues.14:19
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vinshdmsimard: Hi, memcache servers.. yeah.  in proxy.conf14:29
vinshBut, you need to add the memcached module to a node also.. to provide the actual service14:30
dmsimardvinsh: I guess it's only in swify proxy cache middleware manifest, I thought it was elsewhere.14:30
vinshMost all other services.. expirer.. reconcilator run on the proxy and can leverage that config too14:31
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: authtoken: allow memcached_servers to be empty or os_service_default
EmilienMiurygregory: ^14:36
EmilienMwe need to do the memcache_servers join thing here ^14:36
EmilienMand not in modules14:36
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iurygregoryEmilienM, oh cool :D14:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add resource for requesting certificates for HAProxy
EmilienMthis authtoken thing is a lot of work14:41
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iurygregoryit's a little crazy14:42
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iurygregoryEmilienM, if the option is not in the bible we will let be configurable by the resource from the module? like admin_password in nova, we let nova_conf configure?14:43
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openstackgerritBob Fournier proposed openstack/puppet-neutron:    Remove unused enable_tunneling in openvswitch_agent.ini
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: WIP - Configure keystone authtoken options
EmilienMiurygregory: early patch (wip) ^14:54
EmilienMit should be backward compatible14:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add MySQL profiles
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iurygregoryEmilienM, ack15:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: install tempest-horizon from source
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Configure keystone authtoken options
EmilienMiurygregory: can you review it? ^15:36
iurygregoryback from lunch o/15:37
iurygregoryi'll ;)15:37
dmsimardwth is that error
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Configure keystone authtoken options
EmilienMjust release note update ^15:39
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Hunnerbeaker bugfix released15:40
EmilienMdmsimard: I saw it already15:40
EmilienMHunner: yeah? wow15:40
EmilienMlet's try15:40
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper: Revert "Pin beaker to 2.46.0"
EmilienMmwhahaha: fyi ^15:41
EmilienMcolonwq: any progress on rgw?15:46
dmsimardEmilienM: eh, swift has it's own ipv6 parsing thing15:47
dmsimardthe inet6 format expected by python-memcache doesn't work for swift15:47
dmsimardI'll fix it15:48
EmilienMin swift?15:48
EmilienMswift doesn't work with ipv6? lol15:48
dmsimardit works15:48
dmsimardjust the parsing is different15:48
dmsimardit detects that it's an ipv615:48
iurygregoryEmilienM, looks good but i think you need to update puppet-keystone or CI will not pass :D and need add tests for new parameters15:48
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario001: enable Barbican and Volume Encryption testing
EmilienMiurygregory: ok15:52
openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add hiera support
openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Enable Horizon tests on Ubuntu
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstacklib: service validation: log output on failures
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: authtoken: allow memcached_servers to be empty or os_service_default
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Configure keystone authtoken options
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: In-process token caching is deprecated, use memcached instead
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Bump RDO repositories
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add designate coverage to scenario003
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add designate coverage to scenario003
degorenkoEmilienM, - ubuntu horizon tests passed16:48
degorenkodepends on
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tdb_do the 8.x mitaka openstack modules work on xenial?17:11
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iurygregorytdb, to me mitaka is in trusty (14.04)17:12
iurygregoryxenial is for newton and after i think =)17:12
tdbfrom an Ubuntu point of view, 16.04 was release with mitaka17:13
iurygregoryO.o you can try i think XD17:13
tdbmaybe from a puppet module point of view it's as you say17:13
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iurygregoryyeah =)17:13
tdbwhich is I guess what my question was :)17:13
EmilienM_degorenko|afk: ok so we need hiera17:14
EmilienMtdb: right, in theory you can deploy Mitaka on Xenial, and our modules should work (or almost) but we officialy started to support Xenial from newton17:15
tdbright, ok. a little annoying, but I understand17:16
tdbI wanted to use the latest released openstack with the latest ubuntu17:17
tdbI guess there's nothing much wrong with 14.04 until newton is out17:17
openstackgerritBrent Eagles proposed openstack/puppet-octavia: Implement worker.pp
EmilienMtdb: I think you can deploy mitaka on xenial with stable/mitaka17:31
EmilienMgive it a try and let us know17:31
tdbI did; it failed with upstart/systemd issue17:32
tdbwhich is why I started checking if it was supported before I went to far with it17:32
EmilienMso use master to deploy mitaka17:32
EmilienMit should work too I think17:32
tdboh, I wasn't sure if it did17:32
EmilienMI think it should17:34
EmilienMlet us know if not17:34
tdbI'll give it a whirl17:34
EmilienMyeah mitaka & xenial were released in the same time, it was really tricky for us to test it together17:37
EmilienMso we decided we would start xenial support during newton cycle17:37
EmilienMthing we did and finished!17:37
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Configure keystone authtoken options
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario001: enable Barbican and Volume Encryption testing
EmilienMmwhahaha: is ready ?17:53
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mwhahahayea should be18:03
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EmilienMdmsimard: why designate patch fails on tempest about trove?18:04
EmilienMmwhahaha: +218:05
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mwhahahaEmilienM: oh i was adding in configurability in hiera i guess i forgot to push it this morning18:06
EmilienMmwhahaha: cool I'll +2 again18:06
dmsimardEmilienM: what ?18:07
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add hiera support
EmilienMdmsimard: see logs18:11
dmsimardEmilienM: I don't know, I'm focused on making designate work18:11
dmsimardthere's some mistral stuff too18:12
EmilienMI'm digging18:12
dmsimardkeystone endpoint not found errors again18:12
EmilienM2016-07-15 17:23:13.478646 | {1} designate_tempest_plugin.tests.api.v2.test_zones.ZonesTest.test_delete_zone [0.209007s] ... FAILED18:12
dmsimardI've seen that before never found what it was18:12
EmilienManyway designate fails too18:12
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Enable Horizon tests on Ubuntu
dmsimardyeah I know but we're making progress, no more stack traces18:12
dmsimardbut designate keystone authentication is failing now18:13
dmsimardshouldn't that be ipv6 ?18:13
EmilienMit's doing http and ipv418:13
dmsimardI forgot to configure it18:13
dmsimardI took exceprts from beaker tests18:14
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dmsimardEmilienM: nooooooooooo18:18
dmsimardI never thought I'd see split keystone parameters like these ever
iurygregoryEmilienM, LOL18:19
mwhahahasome old code right there18:19
dmsimardI still remember mgagne trying to kill all of them18:19
mwhahahaneeds to be updated18:19
dmsimardfrom a past file18:19
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EmilienMdmsimard: you'll need something like
iurygregoryWe don't need for authtoken18:20
dmsimardEmilienM: I'll need something like nothing because that'll be the way it's going to work for the time being :p18:20
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dmsimardthere are several fixes to do to puppet-designate already18:20
dmsimardI should be filing bugs18:20
dmsimardlots of bad defaults amongst other things18:20
mwhahahathe land of unloved puppet modules18:20
dmsimardmwhahaha: it doesn't beat swift18:21
EmilienMwe have 30 modules a very few active contributors18:21
EmilienMit's quite challenging18:21
mwhahahano one likes swift, that ones been intentional :D18:21
iurygregoryi like swift .-.18:21
mgagnepuppet-swift =)18:21
iurygregoryfrom the user perspective =P18:21
dmsimard2014 damn
openstackLaunchpad bug 1274979 in puppet-swift "Introduce public_url, internal_url and admin_url parameters for endpoint configuration" [Undecided,Fix released] - Assigned to Mathieu Gagné (mgagne)18:22
mwhahahait said puppet-designate was fixed18:22
mwhahahasuch lies18:22
dmsimardprobably in keystone auth or some other place18:23
dmsimardand missed ::api18:23
iurygregorygit blame =P18:23
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add designate coverage to scenario003
dmsimardEmilienM: ^ has a better chance of working18:27
dmsimardEmilienM: do you mind if I configure puppet-swift to log to /var/log/swift in p-o-i ? It sucks to search through journalctl/syslog18:30
EmilienMgo ahead18:30
EmilienMI always wished someone would do it18:30
mwhahahano you may not do useful work18:30
mwhahahaonly meaningless, unhelpful reviews will be accepted going forward18:30
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dmsimardWould you put it in swift.pp ? Or, say, in swift_logs.pp or right in the scenario fixture ?18:33
EmilienMidentity_uri is still required18:33
EmilienMI'm so confused18:34
dmsimardThe way I did it back at $oldjob was through rsyslog18:34
EmilienMI'm going to ask steve18:34
iurygregoryEmilienM,  can i cry?18:34
danpawlikEmilienM: :(18:34
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Configure keystone authtoken options
EmilienMlet's try again with auth_type = password18:40
iurygregorygood to know that identity_uri is deprecated XD18:40
EmilienMit's *at least*  one good news :P18:46
EmilienMiurygregory: you see how I did ?18:46
EmilienMit should be backward compatible and transparent18:47
iurygregoryyeah ;) i i'll update nova to be like your patch :D18:47
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Setup logging to rsyslog for swift
iurygregorysorry for the trouble =)18:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Bump RDO repositories
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Setup logging to rsyslog for swift
openstackgerritBrent Eagles proposed openstack/puppet-octavia: Implement worker.pp
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper: Revert "Pin beaker to 2.46.0"
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Setup logging to rsyslog for swift
bkerodmsimard: is that File['/var/log/swift'] resource going to conflict with puppet-swift?18:55
dmsimardbkero: puppet-swift doesn't manage /var/log/swift18:55
dmsimardor it'd be caught in the logs (but remain empty)18:55
dmsimard no swift directory18:55
bkeroHuh, yeah.18:56
bkero[bkero@Whitefall puppet-swift]$ grep -R "/var/log/swift" *18:56
bkero[bkero@Whitefall puppet-swift]$18:56
dmsimardthe directories are mostly left up to packaging now18:57
dmsimardpossible it was managed before18:57
dmsimardswift is "special"18:57
bkeroThere is a bunch of logging stuff in manifests/proxy.pp18:58
bkerolog_headers, log udp port/host, address, etc18:58
bkeroincluding references to /dev/log O__o18:59
* bkero whistles quietly while looking at
dmsimardthe default log facility LOG_LOCAL1 will work19:00
dmsimard local119:00
* bkero was thinking of ways that involved writing less rsyslog config files :P19:00
dmsimardWell, RDO could embed defaults into packaging19:01
dmsimardbut that'd be cheating19:01
dmsimardI don't remember what UCA does19:01
dmsimardI guess it leaves the same defaults to syslog19:01
dmsimardyeah, also syslog19:02
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper: Revert "Pin beaker to 2.46.0"
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper: Revert "Pin beaker to 2.46.0"
dmsimardI kind of cheated and took part of
dmsimardI guess I could leave it vanilla19:03
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add hiera support
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Enable Horizon tests on Ubuntu
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Setup logging to rsyslog for swift
EmilienMdmsimard: why not doing it in puppet-swift ? ^19:08
EmilienMit's a nice feature19:08
dmsimardEmilienM: it's so weird that designate installation breaks mistral, aodh and trove19:08
EmilienMnext time when you go back from PTO, just read emails and continue your regular work19:09
dmsimardsorry for trying to fix things19:09
dmsimardEmilienM: re: logs19:09
dmsimardEmilienM: I guess I can put it in puppet-swift19:10
openstackgerritBrent Eagles proposed openstack/puppet-octavia: Adding health_worker.pp
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Configure keystone authtoken options
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add designate coverage to scenario003
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-nova: compute: update doc for keymgr api_class
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Configure keystone authtoken options
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iurygregorybye people have nice weekend o/20:04
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-nova: compute: update doc for keymgr api_class
EmilienMiurygregory: thanks, bye !20:06
mjblackiurygregory: you too20:09
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add designate coverage to scenario003
dmsimardEmilienM, mwhahaha: oh, look, swift logs in /var/log/swift:
dmsimardbut now EmilienM wants it in puppet-swift T_T20:26
EmilienMoh nice20:28
EmilienMyeah it would be so cool20:28
EmilienMthanks for doing it20:29
dmsimardthat'll cost you one more beer in barcelona20:29
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EmilienMok :)20:32
dmsimardhm, wait, it doesn't look like it works for Ubuntu20:33
dmsimardI think for Ubuntu the directory needs particular permissions20:33
dmsimardbut the job didn't fail ?20:33
EmilienMheh I managed to make cinder working with keystone v3 on
mwhahahait won't fail you just get no longs20:34
mwhahahayea /var/log/swift needs specific perms under ubuntu20:34
dmsimardmwhahaha: yeah but I mean the directory /var/log/swift apparently didn't ge5 created20:34
dmsimardIt's created here:
dmsimardBut it's not captured in the artifacts ?
mwhahahaunder ubuntu it needs swift:adm for the dir20:35
mwhahahai believe20:35
mwhahahaor syslog:adm20:35
dmsimardyeah syslog:adm20:35
dmsimardhm, what'd be the clean way to do that ? if distro ubuntu spaceship and add owner/group ?20:36
mwhahahathere is no clean way for this20:38
mwhahahathis is why we don't manage users/groups/files via puppet ;)20:38
dmsimard ?20:38
dmsimardmwhahaha: ^20:38
mwhahahayea that could work20:39
dmsimardI'll try20:39
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario001: enable Barbican and Volume Encryption testing
EmilienMok is ready for review20:42
EmilienMthe CI proves it's backward compatible20:42
EmilienMI'll let reviewers vote20:42
mwhahahait'll break fuel20:43
mwhahahaor not we'll see20:43
EmilienMyeah, I can -2 it if you want20:44
mwhahahanaw it's ok we'll wait20:44
EmilienMor feel free to do it if you see risk20:44
openstackgerritChris Jones proposed openstack/puppet-nova: WIP - DUMMY - Testing 338387
EmilienMmwhahaha: what ?
EmilienMwhere is code20:46
mwhahahaall i did was rebase :D20:46
mwhahahavia the UI20:46
mwhahahagerrit ate it, i'll republish20:47
EmilienMit's the 1st time I see it20:47
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add hiera support
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Enable Horizon tests on Ubuntu
mwhahahacause the parent was on an old version20:49
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-swift: Add openstack::swift::rsyslog to configure rsyslog for Swift
mwhahahai had rebased mine via the UI, but then republished a local version which had a pre-horizon scenario003 parent20:50
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mwhahahaso the code got eaten via gerrit20:50
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Setup logging to rsyslog for swift
dmsimardEmilienM: ^ integration in puppet-swift and p-o-i depends-on20:51
EmilienMdmsimard: cool!20:52
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Enable Horizon tests on Ubuntu
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-swift: Add openstack::swift::rsyslog to configure rsyslog for Swift
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Setup logging to rsyslog for swift
EmilienMdmsimard: dude you're going to hate me but we can't deploy rsyslog that way20:55
EmilienMif we do that, we break ton of deployments20:56
dmsimardEmilienM: it's an optional class20:56
EmilienMI can write the code20:56
vinshI just add rsyslog to my profiles for nodes on its own .. and swift pumps into that20:56
EmilienMyeah but I would rather do it in openstacklib20:56
EmilienMit's an helper thing20:56
dmsimardfeel free to take the patch :p20:56
dmsimardI was just tired of digging through syslog for p-o-i logs20:56
EmilienMyeah, if you don't do it, I'll probably take over but right now I'm already multi tasking20:57
dmsimardEmilienM: want me to leave it in p-o-i standalone for the time being then ?20:57
EmilienMno, keep your class now20:58
EmilienMI'll move it later20:58
EmilienMyour code is wrong anyway, class name is not good20:58
EmilienMdmsimard: let me finish another task and I'll doo it21:01
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario001: enable Barbican and Volume Encryption testing
EmilienMdmsimard: mhh.. ok let's do it in p-o-i now21:15
EmilienMI realize people probably handle rsyslog themselves21:16
EmilienMwe could think at a helper but later21:16
dmsimardEmilienM: ok21:17
dmsimardEmilienM: I guess I'll add it to beaker too ?21:18
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario001: enable Barbican and Volume Encryption testing
EmilienMdmsimard: good idea21:18
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Setup logging to rsyslog for swift
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Setup logging to rsyslog for swift
EmilienMdmsimard: +221:20
dmsimardhang on, gotta see if it works for Ubuntu first21:20
dmsimardit didn't the first time around but I added the pew pew spaceship operator21:21
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EmilienMi'm out a bit, bbl21:21
openstackgerritBob Fournier proposed openstack/puppet-neutron:    Remove unused enable_tunneling in openvswitch_agent.ini
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EmilienMdmsimard: mistral tests are now running by default oO22:09
EmilienMnevermind, wrong log22:11
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario001: enable Barbican and Volume Encryption testing
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-nova: compute: add missing options for Barbican
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario001: enable Barbican and Volume Encryption testing
EmilienMmwhahaha: I'm trying to find what is breaking in Fuel22:17
mwhahahawe specify auth_version22:17
mwhahahawe'll just have to coordinate next week22:17
EmilienMmwhahaha: can't we use depends-on?22:18
mwhahahafuel-ci doesn't do depends-on :/22:18
EmilienMdo you want me to submit a patch in fuel?22:18
mwhahahawe could do the inverse, just no one else is around to help me merge22:18
EmilienMlet's do it on Monday22:19
EmilienMthere is no hurry22:19
mwhahahawe already have a review to remove the duplicated signing_dir thing22:19
mwhahahawe just need to move auth_version as well,
mwhahahai created a bug last week to get the ball rolling to support this effort22:20
mwhahahaso nova, glance and cinder i know had issues22:20
EmilienMmy patch in puppet-cinder is painful and we'll need it everywhere22:20
EmilienMwe'll probably use some help22:20
EmilienMif you know people won't don't know what to do :P22:20
EmilienMwho don't*22:20
mwhahahakeystone_authtoken config options are painful :D22:21
EmilienMyeah, but this work is really going to make it consistent across our modules22:21
openstackLaunchpad bug 1600276 in Fuel for OpenStack "upstream puppet modules changing way to configure keystone_authtoken parameters" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to MOS Puppet Team (mos-puppet)22:21
EmilienMso yeah it's a pain in the ass, but it's worth it22:21
mwhahahaespecially since we don't expose many of the options22:22
EmilienMafter oslo things and keyste_authtoken, we start to be really good22:22
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mjblackEmilienM: got maybe an easy question22:25
mjblackwhere is the CI job for cookiecutter?22:25
mwhahahain the CI config22:27
mwhahahai'll show myself out now22:27
EmilienMme too actually22:27
* mjblack replaces mwhahaha with hiera 22:27
mwhahahaand nothing of value was lost :D22:27
mjblackyou have a low opinion of yourself :D22:28
mjblackmwhahaha: reason I ask is it looks like cookiecutter is failing because of localization22:29
mwhahahayes i am aware22:30
mwhahahai poked openstack-infra but the missing locale stuff hasn't been fixed yet22:30
mwhahahai was going to look into setting the LOCALE in the job as a temporary workaround but i find it odd that it works in all our other jobs but not in that one22:31
mwhahahabecause it does the same stuff as every other lint job22:31
mjblackits not lint though22:32
mwhahahabut it is22:32
mwhahahait's the thing that does the license check is loading a file with a non-ascii char22:32
mjblackumm but its not lint its the validate rake task22:33
mjblackwell I guess its still lint but a technicality22:33
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mwhahahayea but our lint task runs the validate stuff22:33
mwhahahaor rather our lint job does22:34
mwhahahaso on monday i went over to #openstack-infra which went into a very long conversation about where locale.conf comes from22:36
mwhahahaturns out it's magic and the image building process doesn't do it22:36
mwhahahacause of reasons22:37
mjblackwhere is the builders defined?22:37
mwhahahasystemd, chroot, pain22:37
mwhahahaall were discussed22:37
mjblacklint doesnt have tasks but builders22:37
mwhahahaso we could try exporting LANG=en_US.utf8 before the cookiecutter job22:40
mwhahahanot sure if it'll fix it22:40
mwhahahaand it requires a job change :/22:40
mjblackso the reason it works for actual modules22:41
mjblackis its not using ruby json library to parse the json22:41
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mjblackwhere cookiecutter is failing is at
mwhahahaactually do we not run spec validate against the regular modules?22:43
mwhahahaprobably why the do the same thing for the infra modules22:44
mjblackso cookiecutter and actual modules do lint and spec but in cookiecutter validate is executed too22:45
mwhahahait used to work, i think there was a new release of the since we last really did any work on the cookie cuter modules22:45
mjblackin actual module python is used to validate json22:45
mwhahahasomething for next week22:45
* mwhahaha wanders off22:45
mjblacklol ok22:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-keystone: authtoken: allow memcached_servers to be empty or os_service_default
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-keystone: Add ensure parameter to service identity resource
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-swift: Fix comment typo
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openstackgerritMatthew J Black proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Add ensure parameter to service identity resource
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Add missing parameters for Barbican key manager
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EmilienMalee: I already did it23:31
aleeEmilienM, yeah - I just noticed that ..23:31
aleeEmilienM, mine has a couple things different23:31
aleeEmilienM, but is essentially the same -- need to have python-castellan installed23:32
EmilienMpython-castellan should be a dependency in cinder afik23:32
EmilienMit's already let me check23:32
EmilienMtempest is currently running, let's see if it works now23:33
aleeEmilienM,  well castellan integration for volume encryption is only there for nova right now23:33
aleeEmilienM, cinder has not made it yet - so I'd be surprised if it were a cinder prereq23:34
aleeEmilienM, anyways - gotta go to bed now ...23:35
EmilienMalready installed23:36
EmilienMalee: good night !23:36
aleeEmilienM, we're still getting 404 -- but I think thats because the auth_url needs a v3 on it23:46
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aleefor cinder ..23:46
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aleeEmilienM, hmm .. looking ..23:47
aleeEmilienM, ah  perhaps I'm not looking at the current tempest run ..23:51
EmilienMalee: ^23:56
EmilienMyeah, let's see why it fails23:56
EmilienMalee: in barbican.pp ? auth_url?23:56
aleeEmilienM, no -- this is ok -- the 404 error was because it needed a v323:57
aleeEmilienM, this is an error coming from the barbican server23:58
aleeit doesn;t like the token presented23:58
EmilienMv3 where?23:58
EmilienMalee: ^23:59

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