Thursday, 2016-04-14

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Generate Self-Signed Cert with SubjectAltNames
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Implement Cinder API WSGI support
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova: Return database connection string validation
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova: Start libvirt after installing it
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: run_tests: install selinux tools
EmilienMmwhahaha: logs now <301:04
EmilienMI have so much pleasure to open them ahah01:04
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: fernet: run exec with keystone_user
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario003: deploy keystone with fernet tokens
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Puppetfile: add puppet-ovn module
mwhahahaI know right? Not having to wait forever while the browser churns is awesone01:18
EmilienMmy firefox is so happy now01:18
EmilienMit asks me to open logs all the time01:18
EmilienMI'm going to read logs all night01:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-ovn: Revise OVN package names
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openstackgerritXiaohua Yuan proposed openstack/puppet-trove: Add swift_service_type option to trove-guestagent.conf
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EmilienMayoung: you around? I have issues with fernet02:10
ayoungEmilienM, so do I02:10
EmilienMok so let me explain02:10 too much...let me sum up02:11
EmilienMpuppet-keystone is running keystone-manage fernet_setup02:11
ayounggo on02:11
EmilienMwe run the exec with 'keystone' user, it works fine on ubuntu, but on centos with RDO packaging I'm stuck with create_key_directory in keystone/token/providers/fernet/utils.py02:11
EmilienMmaybe a bad permission in /etc/keystone in package?02:11
EmilienMah maybe, let me check if we have an aleter02:12
ayoungI don't know what context  puppet runs in02:12
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario003: deploy keystone with fernet tokens
EmilienMayoung: we'll see in a few ^ I rebased on top of a patch that will help in our CI to detect SElinux alerts, see
ayoungEmilienM, cool02:13
ayoungEmilienM, if I want to run a puppet module from git, what do I do?02:13
EmilienMayoung: where do you suggest to store fernet keys? in /etc?02:13
ayoungI have the repo cloned02:13
ayoungit seems to me fernet keys belong under var somewhere...02:14
EmilienMayoung: what do you want to do? run puppet?02:14
ayoungEmilienM, I want to run this:02:14
EmilienMI think mfisch did it in puppert-keystone in /etc/keystone02:14
ayoungsudo puppet  resource keystone_federation_protocol --modulepath /home/heat-admin02:14
ayoungyeah, he would02:14
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mfischwhat did I do?02:14
ayoungthat would have been my first take on it too02:14
EmilienMmfisch: I have issue when running fernets on centos02:14
ayoungmfisch, where to put fernet keys02:14
ayoungIn the past, things like that belonged in etc, but since they are updated on a regular might be more appropriate to treat them as data and put them in /var/02:15
mfischlet me look at something02:15
ayoungEmilienM, raise it on the mailing list.  I think I'd like some of the other crypto-savvy people to chime in02:15
EmilienMwhy me?02:16
ayoungOr I can it you want02:16
ayoungEmilienM, because I am still beating Fernet into submission code wise!02:16
mfischI do this in our own module02:16
ayoungmfisch, what platform are you running on02:16
EmilienMmfisch: FYI I try to test fernet in scenario003 of our CI02:16
mfischEmilienM: stuff like that pastebin is what we're missing which is why I filed that bug02:17
EmilienMmfisch: that snippet sucks02:17
EmilienMwhy do you manage this dir?02:17
EmilienMkeystone/token/providers/fernet/ does it for you02:17
mfisch    create_resources(::cirrus::profile::fernet::key, $fernet_keys)02:17
mfischthats how I drop my keys02:17
EmilienMlook create_key_directory L7302:17
mfischI dont use keystone to drop keys02:17
EmilienMmhh ok02:17
mfischI'm on Ubuntu02:17
EmilienMall works fine on Ubuntu02:17
mfischwe store the keys in eyaml in hiera02:18
mfischrotated with a tool that posts them to gerrit02:18
EmilienMmfisch: see
mfischa weird workflow but it works02:18
EmilienMmfisch: see CI results at patchset 302:18
mfischEmilienM: good start02:18
EmilienMwe need to figure out if it's SElinux02:18
EmilienMor if it's because we use /etc/keystone02:18
mfischI dont see CI02:19
EmilienMor if because keystone/token/providers/fernet/ does it wrong02:19
EmilienMmfisch: yes, I had to rebase but look Jenkins results on PS 302:19
EmilienMmfisch: Patch Set 3: Verified-102:19
EmilienMthe goal is to make it work out of the box02:19
EmilienMwithout hacks02:19
EmilienMmfisch: FYI is useless02:20
EmilienMmfisch: keystone/token/providers/fernet/ does it for you02:20
mfischdirty secret here02:22
mfischwe dont run keystone-manage fernet <anything>02:22
EmilienMayoung: I'll let you know if it's SElinux or packaging issue or /etc/keystone permissions02:22
mfischwe could probably switch to doing so02:22
EmilienMmfisch: oh ok02:22
EmilienMlike I said, I try to run it out of the box02:22
EmilienMand right now it does not work on centos02:22
EmilienMmfisch: can you +A please? it will really help02:23
mfischEmilienM: yes, I think thats why I filed that bug "fernet doesnt work out of the box" or similar02:23
mfischand yep02:23
EmilienMmfisch: I'm fixing it02:24
EmilienMit's WIP but you can already review02:24
mfischk will look in a bit02:26
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Revert "run_tests: stop mistral testing"
openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Remove deprecated qpid config/classes
openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Remove deprecated qpid config/classes
ayoungmfisch, how do i run a local puppet module, not out of /etc/puppet but a users git repo?02:31
EmilienMayoung: with modulepath02:33
ayoungEmilienM, what should it be?02:33
EmilienMa sec02:33
ayoungmy git repo is02:33
EmilienMfor example:02:34
EmilienMpuppet apply --modulepath=/root/dev/modules -e "include ntpd::server"02:34
EmilienMyou need to give the root of your modules02:34
EmilienMbut your module has to be without "puppet-"02:34
EmilienMlike ~/puppet/modules/keystone for example02:34
EmilienMmore doc here:
ayoungOK so I can symlink that,02:35
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Generate Self-Signed Cert with SubjectAltNames
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: run puppet with trace & tests options
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: rabbitmq: use $::package_provider fact
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: run_tests: uninstall epel-release
EmilienMayoung: it's not SElinux02:42
EmilienM"found 0 alerts in /var/log/audit/audit.log"02:42
EmilienMlet's try with /var/lib/keystone02:42
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario003: deploy keystone with fernet tokens
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ayoungIOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/log/keystone/keystone.log'02:48
ayoung[heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$02:48
ayoungEmilienM, ^^02:48
ayoungI just ran02:48
ayoungkeystone-manage fernet_setup --keystone-user keystone --keystone-group keystone02:48
ayoungEmilienM, what user does Puppet run as?02:49
EmilienMayoung: root by default02:53
EmilienMI'm fixing that ^02:53
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ayoungEmilienM, so running that as root succeeded. But its still my best guess02:56
EmilienMayoung: have you looked my patch?02:57
EmilienMwe don't want to run root02:57
EmilienMif yes, that's a problem02:58
ayoungEmilienM, I was looking at the error log02:58
EmilienMbecause keystone-manage write logs in /var/log/keystone in root02:58
EmilienMand because of that, db_sync will fail since we run it as keystone user and it won't be able to write in logs02:58
EmilienMso if we run keystone-managerfernet in root, it breaks dbsync02:58
EmilienMayoung: ^02:58
EmilienMIMHO running things in root is a big mistake.02:59
EmilienMwe have a keystone user, we have to use it02:59
EmilienMotherwise it's a bug.02:59
openstackgerritXiaohua Yuan proposed openstack/puppet-trove: Add datastore_registry_ext option to trove-guestagent.conf
ayoungOK, so if you run  keystone-manager fernet  as keystone it should work?02:59
ayoungthen it really should not go in /etc02:59
EmilienMthat's the problem I have03:00
EmilienMwhen I use keystone-manager fernet as keystone user with /etc it does not work03:00
EmilienMnow I'm trying with /var/lib03:00
EmilienMI think it's permissions issue with /etc in packaging03:00
EmilienMif /var/lib works, i'll propose to change the default03:00
ayounglet's see...03:00
ayoungthat value is set in the config, right?03:00
EmilienMit's running03:00
EmilienMin keystone/init.pp03:01
EmilienMyou can find it.03:01
ayoungkey_repository = /var/lib/keystone/fernet-keys03:01
EmilienMayoung: that's not the default in puppet-keystone...03:02
ayoung$ sudo su03:02
ayoung[root@overcloud-controller-0 puppet-keystone]# su - keystone ls03:02
ayoungThis account is currently not available.03:02
EmilienMI'm hacking it in our integration manifests for now.03:02
ayoungyeah, jsut checking to see if it even works03:02
ayoungpuppet has no problem running as keystone?03:03
EmilienMayoung: have you looked ?03:04
EmilienMI'm asking puppet to run the exec with keystone user03:04
ayoungbut I'm just trying from the CLI first03:04
EmilienMbut it does not work when using /etc03:04
EmilienMso now, I'm testing with /var/lib03:04
ayoungsu - keystone -c "keystone-manage fernet_setup --keystone-user keystone --keystone-group keystone"03:05
ayounglets see if I got something03:05
ayoung# ls -la /var/lib/keystone/03:05
ayoungtotal 1203:05
ayoungdrwxr-xr-x.  3 keystone keystone 4096 Apr 14 03:04 .03:05
ayoungdrwxr-xr-x. 70 root     root     4096 Apr 13 03:37 ..03:05
ayoungdrwx------.  2 keystone keystone 4096 Apr 14 03:04 fernet-keys03:05
ayoungso, yeah, I think we want tha03:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: catch SElinux alerts in permissive mode
ayoungsudo puppet resource keystone_config fernet_tokens/key_repository ensure=present value=/var/lib/keystone/fernet-keys03:07
ayoungkeystone_config { 'fernet_tokens/key_repository':03:07
ayoung  ensure => 'present',03:07
ayoung  value  => '/var/lib/keystone/fernet-keys',03:07
* ayoung is getting dangerous03:07
EmilienMexcellent if it works03:08
EmilienMit works in our CI too03:08
EmilienMlet's see if it works for Ubuntu and I'll propose to change the default03:09
ayoungEmilienM, you mean the default in upstream keystone?03:11
ayoungprobably can't  That will break people03:11
EmilienMin puppet-keystone03:11
ayoungAH, just for Puppet..Ok.  Put me on the review if you do03:11
EmilienMayoung: I gave you link already.03:12
ayoungEmilienM, we might need SELinux to say that directory is readable, too.03:12
ayoungBut I suspect we have it disabled right now03:12
EmilienMour CI does not disable SElinux03:12
ayoungYeah, I have it permissive03:12
EmilienMwe are setting it in permissive and fail our jobs if there are alerts03:12
EmilienMwe don't ignore Selinux, we take it very seriously man03:13
EmilienMI read the color book 10 times03:13
openstackgerritBabu Shanmugam proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Add support for OVN plugin
EmilienMjenkins is still rolling, let's see if there is an AVC about fernet03:13
ayoungI think it is ok03:14
ayoungjust ran it with setenforce 103:14
EmilienMtempest is running03:20
EmilienMwe know in a few sec if selinux has issues03:20
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ayoungEmilienM, will we?03:24
EmilienMtempest is running03:25
ayoungOnly if the Keystone server is set with Fernet as the token provider03:25
ayoungotherwise, it won't try to read the repo03:25
EmilienMalmost done03:25
ayounggoing to bed03:26
EmilienMsealert is runnning03:26
EmilienMyou'll miss that03:26
EmilienMit's hanging03:26
EmilienMboom AVC03:26
EmilienMtype=AVC msg=audit(1460604324.871:3235): avc:  denied  { read } for  pid=12902 comm="httpd" name="keystone" dev="xvda1" ino=3670322 scontext=system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:keystone_var_lib_t:s0 tclass=dir03:27
ayoungSo, we can probably put this in etc and relabel?03:27
ayoungits not right, but to get this running...03:28
EmilienMlet's figure tomorrow03:28
ayoungmake the /etc/keystone/fernet director, change it so the keystone user can write to it03:28
EmilienMit's late03:28
ayoungyes it is03:28
ayoungand Fernet is still broken anyway03:28
EmilienMok, see you tomorrow03:28
EmilienMand thanks for your support03:28
EmilienMyou rocks!03:29
ayounguntil that runs, we can't trust the we've shaken out all of the Fernet issues03:29
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: fernet: make it working out of the box
ayoungright now, it runs OK for Python 27, but there are fixes in that patch that probably should be pulled out into their own reviews03:29
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario003: deploy keystone with fernet tokens
ayoungand I think it is killing all the caching of tokens, which will make people sad03:30
ayoungso...yeah, another day03:30
EmilienMayoung: good night03:30
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: stable/mitaka: bump mitaka
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Generate Self-Signed Cert with SubjectAltNames
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: run puppet with trace & tests options
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: rabbitmq: use $::package_provider fact
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: run_tests: uninstall epel-release
openstackgerritBabu Shanmugam proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Add support for OVN plugin
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openstackgerritMarcus Furlong proposed openstack/puppet-heat: add missing num_engine_workers parameter
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Refactor HAproxy and VIP creation.
openstackgerritMarcus Furlong proposed openstack/puppet-magnum: fix incorrect rabbit_userid parameter
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openstackgerritMarcus Furlong proposed openstack/puppet-magnum: fix broken db sync
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openstackgerritMarcus Furlong proposed openstack/puppet-magnum: fix broken db sync
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openstackgerritMarcus Furlong proposed openstack/puppet-magnum: fix broken db sync
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add generic manifest for loadbalancer endpoints
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add support for internal/admin endpoint TLS in HAProxy
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Remove user/role prefetch to support multi-domain.
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-sahara: Enable Sahara testing on Ubuntu
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iberezovskiyiurygregory, as I saw, you've found a solution for cookiecutter. I had the same suspicions09:45
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degorenkoEmilienM, mwhahaha what am i did wrong?09:45
degorenkomwhahaha, we fixed noop tests here:
degorenkomwhahaha, and btw, why you +2 me with broken noop tests?09:46
* degorenko slaps mwhahaha 09:46
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iberezovskiyEmilienM, - Fuel CI is green :)09:53
openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-glance: Configure oslo related parameters using puppet-oslo module
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openstackgerritMarcos Fermín Lobo proposed openstack/puppet-ec2api: puppet-ec2api: Initial commit
openstackgerritXiaohua Yuan proposed openstack/puppet-trove: Add Users/DBs related parameters to guestagent class
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-ceph: repo: add support for CentOS SIG
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: repos/centos: deploy Ceph with SIG and get rid of EPEL
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-sahara: Enable Sahara testing on Ubuntu
openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-glance: Configure oslo related parameters using puppet-oslo module
openstackgerritMarcus Furlong proposed openstack/puppet-magnum: fix broken db sync
openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Enable Sahara integration job on Ubuntu
openstackgerritMarcus Furlong proposed openstack/puppet-magnum: fix broken db sync
openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Enable Sahara integration job on Ubuntu
openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-glance: Configure oslo related parameters using puppet-oslo module
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openstackgerritMarcus Furlong proposed openstack/puppet-magnum: fix broken db sync
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add ceph profiles
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openstackgerritMatthew J Black proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Added deprecation warning for lbaas agent.
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mattymoIs anyone aware of horizon CSS/staticfiles issues with ubuntu packages?12:05
mattymoif I don't collect/compress, it doesn't work.. if I do, it errors :(12:05
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mjblackmattymo: which release? mitaka?12:21
iurygregory_ody EmilienM if you guys have time
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mwhahahadegorenko: we rebroke noop with you policy change that you put into the aodh release notes change12:32
degorenkomwhahaha, already got it and +2'ed your patches and +1 for library12:32
mwhahahaAnd yea it was my bad on that one cause I thought the noop was still broken from the previous thing12:32
mwhahahaSo  we reverted and I fixed up the stuff :)12:33
degorenkomwhahaha, nope :D noop tests were failed exactly with a new stuff12:33
mwhahahaYea I saw that later when maksim messaged me about it. So the fastest fix was to back out the aodh change since EmilienM was around.  It's all good now12:34
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario003: enable application catalog service
degorenkohi :)12:43
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mfloboI raised this question Any immediate thought?12:54
mflobothe topic is puppet-horizon and UI plugins12:55
EmilienMthat's a good question12:56
EmilienMinitially, we put everything in puppet-horizon (tuskar, murano ui)12:57
EmilienMcreating a module is really overkill I think12:57
EmilienMmaybe we can have horizon::plugin::murano12:57
EmilienMmaybe we can have horizon::plugin::tuskar12:58
EmilienMmaybe we can have horizon::plugin::foobar12:58
mfloboEmilienM, you are right12:58
EmilienMit would help to move our from init.pp a little12:58
EmilienMmove out*12:58
degorenkoEmilienM, +1 for this12:58
mfloboEmilienM, but for other hand, if a lot of UI plugins need local_settings config parameter, we could overload puppet-horizon... no?12:59
mflobothat's why this question came to me12:59
EmilienMwe can find a mechanism that allow to override the file easily13:00
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mfloboEmilienM, I like that option13:01
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EmilienMiurygregory: I think iberezovskiy reviewed it perfectly13:03
openstackLaunchpad bug 1424042 in horizon (Ubuntu) "openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme fails to install" [High,Fix released]13:04
mjblackEmilienM: on the topic of horizon13:05
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: stable/mitaka: bump mitaka
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Generate Self-Signed Cert with SubjectAltNames
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: run_tests: uninstall epel-release
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: rabbitmq: use $::package_provider fact
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: run puppet with trace & tests options
mjblackhorizon allows additional dashboards to be installed13:07
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: repos/centos: deploy Ceph with SIG and get rid of EPEL
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: rdo: bump RDO to stable repository
EmilienMdegorenko: this is the crazy chain to have RDO GA repo working on stable/mitaka :-P13:21
EmilienMsee and all other patches13:21
EmilienMI think it should work after that13:21
EmilienMonce we have GA repos in place, we can bump our master to Newton, RDO is ready and I contacted canonical and they have a Newton repo after the Summit13:22
EmilienMdmsimard: ^ fyi13:22
degorenkoEmilienM, i've tried to enable sahara and
degorenkoit is still unstable :(13:23
degorenkoalready told to canonical guys13:23
degorenkohere is a new error13:23
EmilienMyeah, we need to bump to stable repos13:23
degorenkomissed api paste file13:23
EmilienMa new error??13:23
degorenko:D yep13:23
EmilienMwill they fix it in Mitaka packaging?13:23
degorenkoEmilienM, yes, they will :D13:25
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EmilienMdegorenko: good news!!13:27
degorenkopossibly zigo should fix this too13:28
mfloboiurygregory, I'll address iberezovskiy comments about puppet-ec2api today13:29
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EmilienMdegorenko: iirc sahara is taken from debian, ubuntu does not touch it13:30
EmilienMit's un multiverse iirc13:30
degorenkoEmilienM, canonical guys told me that they will fix it exactly in ubuntu13:30
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dmsimardEmilienM: yeah ok, newton is still very very broken13:36
EmilienMyeah but we'll help13:37
EmilienMonce we get this RDO GA thing in stable/mitaka, I'll work on master/newton13:37
dmsimardEmilienM: the review to track is
dmsimardonce that merges, we can move on to the next breaking point13:37
EmilienMah yeah, this one... sigh13:38
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openstackgerritValery Tschopp proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: add ipv6 options to neutron_subnet type
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openstackgerritValery Tschopp proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: add ipv6 options to neutron_subnet type
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openstackgerritMarcos Fermín Lobo proposed openstack/puppet-ec2api: puppet-ec2api: Initial commit
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iberezovskiyEmilienM, small question: since we are dropping do we need to have them in cookiecutter?13:56
EmilienMI don't think so13:57
EmilienMit's in puppet-oslo now, right?13:57
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iberezovskiyso, should we leave params class empty (without params) or remove it totally? I'd prefer first variant13:58
EmilienMwhy keeping them?13:58
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario003: enable application catalog service
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iberezovskiyjust to have a template14:04
mattymoEmilienM, !! thanks :) I just need openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme14:05
mattymofor some reason the basic openstack-dashboard isn't enough and won't get css to work at all14:05
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GoozeyXi have a weird issue where horizon and keystones apache configs are overwriting eachother14:06
iberezovskiymattymo, I wish openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme was recommended package for openstack-dashboard14:06
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Set defaultbranch for git-review to stable/mitaka
mattymoiberezovskiy, fuel doesn't enable recommended packages14:06
mattymoonly deps14:06
iberezovskiymattymo, and according to apt config fuel installs recommended packages, do we change something?14:06
mattymoAPT::Install-Recommends "false";14:07
mattymoI'll just add a trick to add this package early on14:07
iberezovskiycan you point me to the manifests where it's configured?14:07
mattymosetup_repositories.pp iirc14:07
mwhahahawe turned it off because it installs a whole bunch of extra stuff for everything, if we need that package then we should explicitly add it14:08
EmilienMGoozeyX: it should not. What does look like your manifest?14:08
GoozeyXmay i PM you ? ill paste manifest in there14:08
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GoozeyXill pastebin it14:09
iberezovskiyheh, it explains one issue with our own horizon14:09
EmilienMGoozeyX: no pm, all public14:09
mwhahahait shouldn't be a recommend if it's a required thing14:09
GoozeyXthats my horizon part14:10
GoozeyXwill paste keystone in a second14:10
mattymoGoozeyX, we had an issue in Fuel where setting up apache would wipe all configs14:11
mattymothen we would configure apache and horizon later14:11
GoozeyXhere are both pastest14:12
mattymoGoozeyX, it was fixed here:
openstackgerritBabu Shanmugam proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Add support for OVN plugin
mattymoGoozeyX, you should call ::apache with purge_configs => false14:15
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GoozeyXmattymo, i could try that thank you14:17
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Implement Cinder API WSGI support
EmilienMdegorenko: comment addressed ^14:17
EmilienMmwhahaha: I have a serie of patches, if you have time14:22
mwhahahayea i've got a few14:22
EmilienMso we can get both RDO & Ubuntu pin to stable repos14:22
mwhahahai just merged that one14:23
EmilienMdegorenko: ^14:24
EmilienMthank you guys14:24
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: repos: pin RDO to Newton & UCA to stable/mitaka
EmilienMdmsimard: also trying ^14:33
GoozeyXEmilienM, it appears that mattymo was right, its running like this now: and working14:34
openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-trove: Remove nova_* options from guestagent
EmilienMGoozeyX: you running puppet4?14:34
GoozeyXnot yet14:35
GoozeyXcurrently finishing compiling up puppet agent 4 dependencies (cfacter) on aix14:35
GoozeyXand then solaris package via opencsw14:35
GoozeyXrolling out in june14:35
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EmilienMthat's weird that you need those ->14:38
EmilienMour CI does not have it14:38
dfisher11.2 has puppet in it already.  you don't need opencsw.14:39
dfisherah.  puppet 4.14:39
dfisherignore me.14:39
GoozeyXit does?14:44
GoozeyXlet me check14:44
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dfisherpkg search -r puppet14:46
dfisheriirc, it's 3.6.214:46
dfisherit also has a bunch of solaris-specific providers and types in it14:46
dfisherthat we've tried to push back upstream14:46
GoozeyXwait are you sure that 11.2 has puppet4 inside of it14:49
dfisherno puppet 4 in solaris at all right now.14:49
dfisherit's 3.6.214:49
GoozeyXthat what i thought14:49
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tempest: venv: create venv & run pip in exec
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tempest: venv: create venv & run pip in exec
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tempest: venv: create venv & run pip in exec
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Revert "run_tests: stop mistral testing"
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degorenkoEmilienM, ok, thanks15:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Puppetfile: add puppet-ovn module
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: stable/mitaka: bump mitaka
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: run puppet with trace & tests options
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Generate Self-Signed Cert with SubjectAltNames
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-cookiecutter: Switch tests to use rspec-puppet-facts
openstackgerritMarcos Fermín Lobo proposed openstack/puppet-ec2api: puppet-ec2api: Initial commit
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openstackgerritLukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Fix comparison to control_virtual_ip
openstackgerritLukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add missing services ports to service_ports map
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mfischEmilienM: any ideas why puppet-trove has no code to create a rabbit user? some other modules do, but not all15:35
mfischwondering what our policy was for that15:35
ntaylor1781Looks like fuel CI is having an issue: W: Failed to fetch  Hash Sum mismatch15:37
mfischmaybe that mirror is out of date?15:37
EmilienMmfisch: we stopped managing rabbit resources15:38
ntaylor1781I'm pretty new to this, so I am reviewing the documentation for the CI tests.15:38
openstackgerritLukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Remove individual service certificates
mfischEmilienM: I still see it in some modules15:38
EmilienMmwhahaha: ^^^^about fuel CI15:38
mfischso I'm on my own for rabbit users?15:38
EmilienMmfisch: which ones?15:38
bookwarntaylor1781: going to check15:38
EmilienMmfisch: yes, rabbit users/permissions/vhosts: you're on your own.15:38
mfischthats easier15:39
ntaylor1781Thanks bookwar.15:39
mfischEmilienM: cinder does for one15:39
mfischmfischer@Matts-MBP:~/code/puppet/puppet-cinder (master)$ rgrep rabbitmq_ *15:39
mfischmanifests/rabbitmq.pp:    rabbitmq_user { $userid:15:39
mfischmanifests/rabbitmq.pp:    rabbitmq_user_permissions { "${userid}@${virtual_host}":15:39
mfischmanifests/rabbitmq.pp:  rabbitmq_vhost { $virtual_host:15:39
EmilienMwe should drop it15:39
EmilienMwe dropped it for puppet-nova iirc15:39
mfischwell if someone wants a low-hanging-fruit commit there is one ^15:40
mfischEmilienM: are we keeping the openstacklib resources for rabbit users?15:41
mfischor will those be dropped too15:41
EmilienMwe could drop it or at least send deprecations warnings15:42
mfischas long as thats the plan I wont use it15:45
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mwhahahantaylor1781 Needs a recheck, mirror issue. I'll do it in a bit15:54
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ntaylor1781Thank you very much mwhahaha15:55
mwhahahantaylor1781: what change was that15:56
mwhahahai guess they are restarting jenkins so i'll do it after that15:57
ntaylor1781ahh ok. Thanks again.15:58
openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Stop managing rabbit resources
iberezovskiymfisch ^15:58
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iberezovskiynova modules still has the same
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openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Stop managing rabbit resources
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ayoungmfisch, Rabbit Users?16:22
mfischyeah I read your blog about separating them and permissions16:22
mfischgood stuff16:22
ayoungmfisch, we have a session on it in Austin16:22
ayoungwould love to hear the results of your pain there16:23
ayoungmfisch, I think I might have a semi-elegant solution to X509 woes, too16:23
mfischyeah would love to talk rabbit permissions stuff16:23
mfischright now its too open16:23
mfischand too shared16:23
ayoungmfisch, you doing TLS for rabbit?16:24
mfischnot currently16:24
mfischalso the default permissions for users are basically *.*16:24
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twm2016mfisch: I would like to take that low-hanging-fruit commit, just do the same as here but for cinder right?
mfischyes that seems right16:29
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EmilienMlot of CI errors today on ubuntu16:32
openstackgerritTrevor McCasland proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Stop managing rabbit resources
EmilienMdegorenko: like
EmilienMfailing because of glare16:33
iberezovskiytwm2016, I guess you've missed :(16:33
iberezovskiytwm2016, you can take manila module :)16:33
degorenkoEmilienM, w00t? :)16:33
twm2016ahh sorry.16:33
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twm2016okay manila coming soon :)16:35
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EmilienMiberezovskiy, twm2016: that's sounds bad deprecated isn't?16:37
EmilienMeven if we were motivated to stop managing rabbitmq resources, we might want to deprecate it first16:38
EmilienMwhat's what we did in puppet-nova iirc16:38
iberezovskiyI saw 'drop' and did it :D16:38
EmilienMwell no16:38
iberezovskiynp, I'll deprecate16:38
EmilienMwe did not do it in nova16:38
EmilienMI thought we did :)16:38
iberezovskiylet's do it!16:39
EmilienMiberezovskiy: I suggest, we send a warning now, in every module that has a rabbitmq.pp16:39
EmilienMwarning('foobar::rabbitmq class is deprecated, it will be dropped in the next release.')16:39
EmilienMand add a reno about it16:39
EmilienMafter Newton, in O, we'll rm the files and add a reno about it16:40
iberezovskiyother logic should stay here?16:40
EmilienMsounds like a plan?16:40
EmilienMin Newton, yes, keep it, but send warning16:40
iberezovskiygot it, ok16:40
EmilienMwe might have operators using it.16:40
EmilienMiberezovskiy: thx a lot16:40
openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Deprecate managing rabbit resources
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-trove: Remove nova_* options from guestagent
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openstackgerritJin Li proposed openstack/puppet-manila: Add Unit Tests for manila_config type
openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Deprecate managing rabbit resources
openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Deprecate managing of rabbitmq resources
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openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Deprecate managing of rabbitmq resources
EmilienMiberezovskiy: small comment ^16:55
iberezovskiyEmilienM, everything else is ok?16:56
EmilienMiberezovskiy: perfect16:56
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openstackgerritTrevor McCasland proposed openstack/puppet-manila: Deprecate managing of rabbitmq resources
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openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Deprecating the management of rabbitmq resources
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-oslo: Implement oslo::service define
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openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Deprecating the management of rabbitmq resources
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-magnum: fix broken db sync
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/puppet-aodh: Use properly syntax for OpenStack name
openstackgerritTrevor McCasland proposed openstack/puppet-nova: WIP: Add nova flavor provider
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-heat: Add Unit Tests for heat_config type
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-heat: Set oslo::policy in heat
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-horizon: Added ensure_resource for python-memcache package.
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openstackgerritIvan Chavero proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Add ml2 package requirement to neutron::plugins::ml2::mech_driver
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-neutron: Add Unit Tests for Neutron_config type
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-swift: Add Unit Tests for Swift_config type
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: run_tests: uninstall epel-release
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openstackgerritIvan Chavero proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Add ml2 package requirement to neutron::plugins::ml2::mech_driver
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tempest: venv: create venv & run pip in exec
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: repos: pin RDO to Newton & UCA to stable/mitaka
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ntaylor1781If I have questions about fuel CI should I post them in #fuel-dev?19:08
bookwarntaylor1781: #fuel-dev or #fuel-infra19:15
ntaylor1781awesome thanks bookwar19:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: repos/centos: deploy Ceph with SIG and get rid of EPEL
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: pki/fernet: write keystone-manage logs in new files
EmilienMayoung: ^19:23
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario003: deploy keystone with fernet tokens
EmilienMayoung: that's temporary while you do it in keystone19:23
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s0meoneHey, i'm looking for a Puppet module which manages vm, networks, security groups, ... so basically a wrapper around heat. Is this a available? I took a look at but could find any suitable module :(19:27
EmilienMs0meone: puppet-neutron is able to manage networks, subnets, routers19:27
EmilienMs0meone: puppet-nova is (soon) able to manage security groups19:27
EmilienMbut we have nothing for VMs. You should consider using another tool for that19:28
s0meoneGreat, thanks! :) As i like to develop Puppet modules myself. Is there a reason why there isn't a module which manages VMs?19:31
ayoungEmilienM, thanks19:32
EmilienMs0meone: nobody did it yet ;-) so please go ahead if you want it19:32
s0meoneok ;) Perhaps i going to take a look at the way you already implemented networks, subnets, ... on the weekend. Lets see how much effort it would be to implement it19:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: rdo: bump RDO to stable repository
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-glance: Use oslo module for messaging (rabbit) configuration
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tempest: venv: create venv & run pip in exec
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add a function for generating action headers
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add a function for generating action headers
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-keystone: Remove user/role prefetch to support multi-domain.
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Do not pre-install dependencies from OpenStack Infra
EmilienMdmsimard: I'm sure it will fail... ^ or maybe  not?20:30
dmsimardEmilienM: I did it for packstack and it worked fine20:30
dmsimardhowever, you might need to do that for all of your projects ? beaker jobs and all ?20:30
EmilienMwe need to backport it until as far as we can lol20:30
EmilienMthat's why I did not want to do it until now20:31
EmilienMdmsimard: that's a lot of patches20:31
dmsimardit worked in devstack20:31
EmilienMand backports20:31
dmsimardit's okay, them stackalytics stats.20:31
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-gnocchi: ceph: add ceph_secret option
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tempest: venv: create venv & run pip in exec
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add redis profile
EmilienMcan I have a review on please? (Cinder/WSGI) thanks20:38
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add a function for generating action headers
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openstackgerritMatthew J Black proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Remove user/role prefetch to support multi-domain.
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add a function for generating action headers
openstackgerritTrevor McCasland proposed openstack/puppet-nova: WIP: Add nova flavor provider
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nibalizeroh hello21:01
nibalizeris beaker working well for yall?21:01
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nibalizerover in infra i'm seeing Installing google-api-client 0.9.5 -> Gem::InstallError: google-api-client requires Ruby version ~> 2.0.21:02
nibalizerthen ofc bunlder gives up and dies21:02
mwhahahahere's our dependencies that we use for all the modules:
mwhahahai would assume you might need to lock to a specific (older) version of something based on that error21:04
EmilienMnibalizer: yeah, we don' thave Gemfiles anymore ^21:04
nibalizerEmilienM: nice21:05
nibalizerokay well i guess ill look at it over in my corner21:05
mwhahahaEmilienM: if you ctrl+f for '----' the headers highlight nicely21:06
EmilienMmwhahaha: nice :-D21:06
EmilienMpimp my CI21:06
mwhahahanibalizer: was 0.9.5 released today?21:08
mwhahahai pulled up a beaker run from yesterday and we had 0.9.421:08
mwhahahaso we might need to pin that to < 0.9.421:08
twm2016I just want to add I also got that error when I ran bundle install locally.21:08
nibalizer 0.9.5 - April 14, 2016 (1.83 MB)21:08
nibalizermwhahaha: yep21:08
mwhahahathat should have been a 1.0 :/21:09
mwhahahaway to keep backwards compatibilities21:09
* mwhahaha sighs21:09
mwhahahaso our beaker is probably broken now21:09
mwhahahayea if google-api-client 0.9.5 requires >=ruby 2, our stuff will be broken21:09
EmilienMnot on centos21:09
mwhahahaon trusty then21:10
EmilienM2016-04-14 20:38:22.267 | Gem::InstallError: google-api-client requires Ruby version ~> 2.0.21:10
EmilienMyes it is ! ha !21:10
mwhahahathey released it an hour ago21:10
EmilienMthe good news, is, we have one repo to patch21:10
EmilienMmwhahaha: you want to do it?21:10
mwhahahai'm going and complaining to the google-api-ruby-client github21:11
nibalizer0.9.4 was last year and specified no ruby version21:11
nibalizer0.9.5 was today and specifies greater than 221:11
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EmilienMthey don't know anything about release management I guess21:12
EmilienMmwhahaha: please complain21:12
EmilienMI'm doing the pin21:12
nibalizerEmilienM: here you go
crinkleyay \o/21:14
mwhahahai swear if they yank it i'm going to punch someone21:14
mwhahahathey better come out with a 0.9.621:14
crinkleprobably should tell puppetlabs about this?21:14
nibalizerim guessing we get that library through fog anyways21:15
crinklethere are a couple other dependencies that went to ruby >=2.0, we just make the beaker team pin them21:15
nibalizerawesome yea21:15
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper: pin google-api-client to 0.9.4
EmilienMnibalizer, mwhahaha: nice!21:16
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EmilienMwe have a new CI21:20
EmilienMnibalizer as a service21:20
EmilienMso we have mfisch third party CI and nibalizer beaker CI21:21
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nibalizermy ci is just the infra modules stuff21:24
nibalizeri think im gonna turn off pcci any day now haha21:24
bkeroWhat's going to replace it?21:24
nibalizerprobably nothing?21:25
nibalizeridunno I'm not maintaining it so it should probably be allowed to die21:25
nibalizersounds like dev_el_ops has beaker integration testing in docker on travis almost21:26
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dfisher_ody: somewhat daily ping for 8.0.0 tarballs :(21:27
EmilienM2016-04-14 21:26:00.779 | Installing google-api-client 0.9.421:28
EmilienMthe pin works21:28
EmilienMdfisher: why are you using puppetlabs forge?21:28
EmilienMI'm just curous21:29
dfisheri have to use tarballs21:29
dfisheri can't use git21:29
EmilienMdfisher: fyi, I'm working on tarballs in openstack infra21:29
dfisherbecause lawyers.21:29
dfisherforge/infra/launchpad, whatever21:29
EmilienMso, soonish (tonight maybe), you'll have tarballs on tarballs.openstack.org21:29
dfisherhas to be tarballs and not git21:29
dfisherperfect.  that works too21:29
EmilienMbuilt from master but also from tags21:29
EmilienMI'm working on it21:29
EmilienMand it will be automagic.21:29
dfisheryay!  magic!21:29
EmilienMdfisher: fyi, i'm only working on puppet-aodh tarball atm, once it works, i'll add all other ones21:30
dfisheryou're awesome.21:30
EmilienMdfisher: consider it as WIP now, but working prob next week or so21:30
EmilienMmfisch, crinkle: since you around, I'll let you +A once it's green thanks21:31
EmilienMdmsimard: stop bindep things worked21:32
EmilienManother CI patch to review please
dmsimardEmilienM: yeah I guess the rdo-mitaka is still installed but bindep doesn't install all the stuff21:32
EmilienMdmsimard: I think we drop it, isn't?21:33
EmilienMdmsimard: in jjb macro21:33
dmsimardEmilienM: I know that21:35
EmilienMcleaning rdo-release is enough?21:35
dmsimardEmilienM: I mean it doesn't prevent rdo-release from being installed because that's done earlier21:35
dmsimardrdo-release isn't part of bindep21:35
dmsimardit's part of the slave bootstrap21:35
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add mongodb profiles
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Do not pre-install dependencies from OpenStack Infra
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Do not pre-install dependencies from OpenStack Infra
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* EmilienM off 2 hours21:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper: pin google-api-client to 0.9.4
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ntaylor1781woot finally passed all tests!
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add ceilometer profiles
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mwhahahahmm so our syntax jobs don't use ruby 1.9 they use ruby 2.022:35
mwhahahahow strange22:35
* mwhahaha shrugs22:36
mwhahahabut fuel lib lint jobs use ruby 1.9 so that broke with the google-api-client stuff22:36
crinklethe syntax jobs are run on centos 722:38
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-heat: add missing num_engine_workers parameter
mwhahahaah that would be it22:43
mwhahahaversions are hard :(22:44
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper: pin google-api-client to 0.9.4
EmilienMso this is the backport for mitaka ^23:09
EmilienMbut liberty CI us broken.. sigh23:09
EmilienMI'll figure later . /me brb23:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-aodh: Use properly syntax for OpenStack name
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper: pin google-api-client to 0.9.4
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