Tuesday, 2016-03-29

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openstackgerritAlex Krzos proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Tune number of apache processes/threads for Keystone in apache.  https://review.openstack.org/29734200:06
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add explicit dependencies to pass puppet4  https://review.openstack.org/29655700:15
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rmallahhi is there any howto on getting keystone working with puppet-openstack on ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS ?02:35
rmallahi am trying to get above working.02:38
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rmallahopenstack is being called with unsupported args --default  ,  openstack project show: error: unrecognized arguments: --domain Default02:42
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mwhahaharmallah: what version of the puppet scripts are you using and what version of openstack packages?02:44
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rmallahfirstly thanks for the response.02:44
rmallah├── openstack-keystone (v7.0.0)02:45
rmallah├── openstack-keystone (v7.0.0)02:45
rmallahroot@controller01:~# openstack --version02:45
rmallahopenstack 0.3.002:45
rmallahroot@controller01:~# lsb_release -a02:45
rmallahNo LSB modules are available.02:45
rmallahDistributor ID: Ubuntu02:45
rmallahDescription:    Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS02:45
rmallahRelease:        14.0402:45
rmallahCodename:       trusty02:45
rmallahhow does one get to know if openstack version is Juno , Kilo , Liberty , Mitaka etc ?02:46
rmallahok now i have added ubuntu cloud ring and upgraded openstack packages , lets see how it goes,02:59
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rmallah************  OK , now it worked !! *************************03:04
rmallahshall i attempt to patch the module to include ubuntu-cloud archive if version is 7.0.003:04
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add explicit dependencies to pass puppet4  https://review.openstack.org/29655703:05
_odyrmallah: That is handled in https://github.com/openstack/puppet-openstack_extras/blob/master/manifests/repo/debian/ubuntu.pp.03:27
rmallahi am new to openstack can anyone pls help with setting up admin-openrc.sh , i have already run puppet successfully.03:29
rmallahmy admin role is being setup as :         class { 'keystone::roles::admin': email        => 'admin', password     => 'super_secret', }03:30
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add explicit dependencies to pass puppet4  https://review.openstack.org/29655703:30
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Export path when puppet 4.  https://review.openstack.org/29850903:30
mwhahahaah sorry got side tracked03:33
mwhahaharmallah: that seems like an old version of the openstack client03:33
rmallahnow i included UCA manually  then got03:34
rmallahroot@controller01:~# openstack --version03:34
rmallahopenstack 1.7.003:34
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mwhahahayea so that should probably address your problem03:35
rmallahyes i just now  discovered https://github.com/openstack/puppet-openstack_extras    from @_ody 's comment.03:35
rmallahthe page also answeres one of my previously asked question.03:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-neutron: Set default branch to stable/liberty  https://review.openstack.org/29826003:38
rmallahcan anyone pls help with OS_USERNAME , OS_PASSWORD , OS_AUTH_URL etc if openstack admin role is being setup as: class { 'keystone::roles::admin': email => 'admin', password => 'super_secret' }03:38
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openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Add barbican client class and params  https://review.openstack.org/29615603:47
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Moved logging to barbican-api module  https://review.openstack.org/29615703:47
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Add helper files to configure paste file and barbican.conf  https://review.openstack.org/29615803:47
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Add barbican-api manifest  https://review.openstack.org/29615903:47
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Added KMIP plugin settings to barbican-api manifest  https://review.openstack.org/29616303:47
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Added keystone config to barbican api manifest  https://review.openstack.org/26346103:47
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Added settings for cert and secret store plugins  https://review.openstack.org/29616203:47
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Added apache component Add test and mods for deployment as an apache module  https://review.openstack.org/26346203:47
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Add keystone notification options to barbican-api manifest  https://review.openstack.org/29616103:47
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Added Dogtag settings for barbican-api  https://review.openstack.org/25885103:47
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Add quota and secret limit parameters to barbican-api manifest  https://review.openstack.org/29616003:47
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openstackgerritMichael Chapman proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add neutron profiles  https://review.openstack.org/29343604:07
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openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add explicit dependencies to pass puppet4  https://review.openstack.org/29655704:13
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openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add explicit dependencies to pass puppet4  https://review.openstack.org/29655704:23
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openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add explicit dependencies to pass puppet4  https://review.openstack.org/29655704:30
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openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add explicit dependencies to pass puppet4  https://review.openstack.org/29655704:46
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-gnocchi: Switch gnocchi to rspec-puppet-facts  https://review.openstack.org/29852804:48
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openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add explicit dependencies to pass puppet4  https://review.openstack.org/29655704:56
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Disable secure_path  https://review.openstack.org/29853004:56
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openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Disable secure_path  https://review.openstack.org/29853005:03
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add explicit dependencies to pass puppet4  https://review.openstack.org/29655705:03
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_odyNothin like spelunking...05:04
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Disable secure_path  https://review.openstack.org/29853005:08
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add explicit dependencies to pass puppet4  https://review.openstack.org/29655705:08
openstackgerritMichael Chapman proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add neutron profiles  https://review.openstack.org/29343605:12
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openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Disable secure_path  https://review.openstack.org/29853005:28
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add explicit dependencies to pass puppet4  https://review.openstack.org/29655705:28
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Disable secure_path  https://review.openstack.org/29853005:39
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add explicit dependencies to pass puppet4  https://review.openstack.org/29655705:39
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openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Dynamic secure_path  https://review.openstack.org/29853005:58
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add explicit dependencies to pass puppet4  https://review.openstack.org/29655705:58
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openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Update secure_path  https://review.openstack.org/29853006:11
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add explicit dependencies to pass puppet4  https://review.openstack.org/29655706:11
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openstackgerritSaverio Proto proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Add osapi_max_limit parameter  https://review.openstack.org/29855606:46
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openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-glance: Autorequire keystone_endpoint  https://review.openstack.org/29857607:29
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-glance: Add posibility to configure Glance backend settings for Glare service  https://review.openstack.org/29858607:49
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add explicit dependencies to pass puppet4  https://review.openstack.org/29655707:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-ironic: Allow chainloading of Inspector ramdisk over UEFI  https://review.openstack.org/27618709:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Export path when puppet 4.  https://review.openstack.org/29850909:47
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openstackgerritNick Jones proposed openstack/puppet-horizon: Make syslog logging handler optional  https://review.openstack.org/29865310:47
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openstackgerritMatthew J Black proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: domain backend drivers set in domain config  https://review.openstack.org/29867211:16
openstackgerritNick Jones proposed openstack/puppet-horizon: Make syslog logging handler optional  https://review.openstack.org/29865311:18
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openstackgerritMatthew J Black proposed openstack/puppet-horizon: Added ensure_resource for python-memcache package.  https://review.openstack.org/29867911:30
mjblackEmilienM: morning11:32
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colonwqEmilienM, good morning11:36
openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-murano: Update notification driver option  https://review.openstack.org/29868711:52
openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-murano: Update notification driver option  https://review.openstack.org/29868711:56
degorenkomorning :)12:00
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-murano: Update notification driver option  https://review.openstack.org/29868712:24
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-aodh: Update notifications options  https://review.openstack.org/29870212:27
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mjblackanyone using ceilometer with the same rabbitmq as all the other components?12:32
openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-ceilometer: Update notifications options  https://review.openstack.org/29870512:32
EmilienMmjblack: our ci does12:37
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Update notifications options  https://review.openstack.org/29870812:38
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-murano: Update notification driver option  https://review.openstack.org/29868712:39
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario003: deploy Neutron with ML2 linuxbridge  https://review.openstack.org/29610212:45
openstackgerritMichael Polenchuk proposed openstack/puppet-glance: [WIP] Add image properties support to glance_image  https://review.openstack.org/29871812:46
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openstackgerritMatthew J Black proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: domain backend drivers set in domain config  https://review.openstack.org/29867212:55
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openstackgerritDimitri Savineau proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Enable HAProxy forwardfor option for Horizon.  https://review.openstack.org/29649713:03
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: WIP: multi-domain testing with ldap backend.  https://review.openstack.org/29637013:03
openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Use oslo module for messaging (rabbit) configuraion  https://review.openstack.org/29230913:07
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-ceilometer: Add 'ceilometer-service' to collector and agent/notification  https://review.openstack.org/29873313:08
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-ceilometer: Add 'ceilometer-service' tag to collector and agent/notification  https://review.openstack.org/29873313:11
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openstackgerritMatthew J Black proposed openstack/puppet-horizon: Added ensure_resource for python-memcache package.  https://review.openstack.org/29867913:19
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: WIP: multi-domain testing with ldap backend.  https://review.openstack.org/29637013:34
aleeEmilienM, hey - so I'm trying to figure out how to do multiopt parameters13:36
aleeEmilienM, specifically, I have some parameters that I need to set using barbican_config()13:37
EmilienMwe have a provider for it.13:37
EmilienMlet me check if it landed13:38
EmilienMalee: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/234727/13:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-barbican: Add barbican client class and params  https://review.openstack.org/29615613:39
EmilienMalee: it's used here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/234728/13:39
aleeEmilienM, ah cool - that helps - thanks13:40
EmilienMalee: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/234728/10/spec/acceptance/neutron_config_spec.rb look the multiple values for thisshouldexist313:40
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chemmjblack: hi, is that ok for you if I take over https://launchpad.net/bugs/1554555, now that I have i basic ldap test env https://review.openstack.org/29637013:49
openstackLaunchpad bug 1554555 in puppet-keystone "openstack cli provider needs to pass domain in v3 calls" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Matthew J Black (mjblack)13:49
mjblackchem: sure13:50
chemmjblack: It would mean for you to abandon https://review.openstack.org/#/c/28999513:50
chemmjblack: ack thanks :)13:50
openstackgerritMatthew J Black proposed openstack/puppet-horizon: Added ensure_resource for python-memcache package.  https://review.openstack.org/29867913:50
mjblackchem: change has been abandoned13:51
chemmjblack: ack, going to make a placeholder for it right now13:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-barbican: Moved logging to barbican-api module  https://review.openstack.org/29615713:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-barbican: Add helper files to configure paste file and barbican.conf  https://review.openstack.org/29615813:54
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iberezovskiyEmilienM, hi. I'm working to switch some modules to puppet-oslo usage. now master is opened for N, so can I drop deprecated parameters (which has warning ?14:11
EmilienMiberezovskiy: yes14:11
iberezovskiycool, thx :)14:11
EmilienMno need of deprecation, since the module never got a release.14:12
EmilienMiberezovskiy: puppet-oslo is not used anywhere, right?14:12
iberezovskiyI mean I'll drop deprecated parameters from other modules which I am switching to oslo usage14:12
iberezovskiye.g. glance and https://github.com/openstack/puppet-glance/blob/master/manifests/notify/rabbitmq.pp#L11014:13
EmilienMoh right14:13
EmilienMdrop it14:13
iberezovskiygreat, thx14:14
EmilienMiberezovskiy: please start with *one* module, before doing all14:14
EmilienMso we can first review and adjust if needed puppet-oslo14:14
iberezovskiyEmilienM, nova is ready https://review.openstack.org/#/c/292309/14:14
EmilienMok will look today14:14
iberezovskiyI didn't add release notes, but I will14:15
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iberezovskiyEmilienM, ping me please, when you add puppet-oslo to tripleo, so I'll publish new patchset14:18
EmilienMhopefully today14:18
openstackgerritGonéri Le Bouder proposed openstack/puppet-ironic: expose the ipxe_enabled parameter  https://review.openstack.org/29677414:19
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openstackgerritLokesh Jain proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Support for Nuage Neutron plugin in puppet-neutron  https://review.openstack.org/29879214:43
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_degorenko|afk.тшсл вупщкутлщ14:54
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dmsimarddegorenko: well, that's not very useful lol https://translate.google.ca/?safe=off&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.&bvm=bv.117868183,d.dmo&biw=2560&bih=1325&dpr=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&client=tw-ob#uk/en/%D1%82%D1%88%D1%81%D0%BB%20%D0%B2%D1%83%D0%BF%D1%89%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%82%D0%BB%D1%8914:57
iurygregoryukrainian to english O.o14:57
degorenkodmsimard, don't worry :) that's just letters on keyboard under english, here is no any logic :)14:58
EmilienMmeeting in 2 min!14:59
EmilienMor in 15s14:59
iurygregoryor now14:59
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dtantsurEmilienM, per new backport policy, should I abandon https://review.openstack.org/293366 ?15:33
EmilienMdtantsur: not sure15:34
EmilienMI think we can backport it, let me some time to look at it today15:34
dtantsurlast time it failed CI due to outdated centos ironic-inspector package15:34
dtantsurdunno if it got fixed15:34
dtantsurstill old: http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/cloud/x86_64/openstack-liberty/openstack-ironic-inspector-2.2.2-1.el7.noarch.rpm :(15:35
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EmilienMdtantsur: we'll land your patch if CI is passing15:36
dtantsurgot it, thanks15:37
_odyEmilienM: Wasn't paying atention there are the end of the meeting. Yeah things are gong fine.  You can see I simplified the change set yesterday by a lot.15:43
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_odyI was inject more opinion than functionality so I backed off.15:44
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mwhahahaopenstack image list --long doens't include properties :(15:46
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EmilienMmwhahaha: good for you, you'll contribute to osclient :P15:51
mwhahahai already have and it was painful :D15:51
mwhahahaand since it wont land until N it wouldn't be helpful in the case15:51
mwhahahatime for terrible workaroudns!15:51
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EmilienMmwhahaha: it's fair15:53
EmilienMmwhahaha: you want it in mitaka?15:54
mwhahahawould be ideal but i'm trying to see how much work it is15:54
mwhahahabasically trying to kill this thing: https://github.com/openstack/fuel-library/blob/master/deployment/puppet/osnailyfacter/modular/astute/upload_cirros.rb15:55
mwhahahabut need to be able to support --property <key>=<value> which i could add easily to the provider15:56
mwhahahabut i'd like to do it correctly15:56
mwhahaha:) so we'll see15:56
mwhahahaor at least somethings that's not completely awful15:57
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-barbican: Add barbican-api manifest  https://review.openstack.org/29615916:00
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degorenkocrinkle, hey :) i've answered on your questions here: https://review.openstack.org/226862 Can you please take a look?16:05
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jtsigmaHi, this is more a puppet question than openstack but I'm trying to understand the keystone resource, as an example in the puppet-heat module I see that the only code that has keystone_user_role is in the form of Resource Reference.   I don't see the initial resource established.  How does that work?16:08
jtsigmawhoops ignore that review16:08
jtsigmaubuntu@W110ER:~/Downloads/puppet-heat$ grep -Ri keystone_user_role|grep -v spec16:08
jtsigmamanifests/keystone/auth_cfn.pp:    Keystone_user_role["${auth_name}@${tenant}"] ~>16:09
jtsigmamanifests/keystone/auth.pp:    Keystone_user_role["${auth_name}@${tenant}"] ~>16:09
jtsigmaI thought that in order to use a Resource reference, you have to specify the resource somewhere first.  Using   keystone_user_role { "title": }16:09
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Establish cinder_type after keystone_endpoint  https://review.openstack.org/29839716:09
crinkledegorenko: done16:09
degorenkocrinkle, thank you :)16:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-glance: Add posibility to configure Glance backend settings for Glare service  https://review.openstack.org/29858616:12
mwhahahajtsigma: i think we change out the title to match user@project16:12
jtsigmayes , sorry i just put something random in there16:12
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mwhahahajtsigma: i think we define that resource in https://github.com/openstack/puppet-heat/blob/master/manifests/keystone/auth_cfn.pp#L208-L22316:14
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Establish cinder_type after keystone_endpoint  https://review.openstack.org/29839716:15
mwhahahaso we're cheating because we know that keystone::resource::service_identity will create a keystone_user_role["user@project"]16:15
jtsigmamwhahaha,   very interesting!   Wow, i would've never figured that out.  Thanks saved me a ton of time16:15
aleeEmilienM, yeehah! finally ..16:16
jtsigmait's interesting to me tho that altho the auth_cfn manifest is in keystone folder that when you call 'keystone::resource::service_identity' it knows it's not a relative class.   I didn't think it was calling keystone module because i thought you would then have to specify it absolute like ::keystone::resource::service_identity16:17
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openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Added KMIP plugin settings to barbican-api manifest  https://review.openstack.org/29616316:17
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Added keystone config to barbican api manifest  https://review.openstack.org/26346116:17
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Added settings for cert and secret store plugins  https://review.openstack.org/29616216:17
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Added apache component Add test and mods for deployment as an apache module  https://review.openstack.org/26346216:17
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Add keystone notification options to barbican-api manifest  https://review.openstack.org/29616116:17
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Added Dogtag settings for barbican-api  https://review.openstack.org/25885116:17
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/puppet-barbican: Add quota and secret limit parameters to barbican-api manifest  https://review.openstack.org/29616016:17
mwhahahathat's a scope determination thing in puppet, it's not a hard requirement unless you have overlapping names16:18
mwhahahait's a best practice to use the global leading :: but we've got some places where that hasn't been adopted16:18
jtsigmaah i see.  thanks again16:18
aleeEmilienM, degorenko -- those last ones should  have all required changes at least for the bottom two patches.16:18
_odykeystone::resource::service_identity is a defined resources.  It probably won't accept a leading ::.16:19
aleestill working on the one that requires multi-opt16:19
mwhahahai think resources can have a leading ::16:20
* mwhahaha shrugs16:20
* _ody shurgs too16:20
_odyNever done with with resources.16:20
_odyWe only ever had the scoping problem with classes...but maybe we just didn't notice for some reason.16:21
mwhahahayea i could see the class scope thing being more common16:21
jtsigmathat newest keystone module is giving me probs because on trusty i have openstack client 1.0.3 and so the new keystone module uses "openstack domain list" which apparently isn't an option for my openstack client.16:22
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mwhahahayea you have to match the module to the client version and vice versa16:23
jtsigmaooh ok16:23
_odyjtsigma: Could aslo be that you are using the wrong keystone api version.16:23
jtsigmayes i'm using api v216:23
_odyYeah.  That won't work for domains.16:23
jtsigmabut even if i set the API_VERSION=3 in my openrc, openstack client v1.0.3 doesn't appear to accept that16:24
jtsigmai tested with a newer version on a diff pc an that appears to be ok.  but on this particular system 1.0.3 it doesn't like16:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova: Use OpenstackClient for nova providers auth  https://review.openstack.org/22686216:54
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-oslo: Add ability to configure oslo_messaging_notifications  https://review.openstack.org/29887416:59
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aleeEmilienM, degorenko https://review.openstack.org/#/c/296160  and the next one up ..17:07
aleeshould be ready to go.17:07
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degorenko_ody, hey, why you abandoned your patch to glance? i don't see any alternative solutions, can you point me?17:11
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Establish cinder_type after keystone_endpoint  https://review.openstack.org/29839717:12
_odydegorenko: It is here, https://github.com/openstack/puppet-glance/blob/master/manifests/keystone/auth.pp#L184-L187.17:12
degorenko_ody, ok. And btw, autorequire equals to collectors?17:13
_odyThey basically work the same.17:14
_odyIf they find a resource then they create the relationship, if they don't then nothing happens.17:14
degorenko_ody, hm, i though that they have strong dependency17:14
_odydegorenko: Can you take a loot at this, https://github.com/openstack/puppet-glance/blob/master/manifests/keystone/auth.pp#L184-L203.17:15
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_odyI think that is the reason I went down the path of fixing glance, our endpoint name endes up being different then the relationship.17:15
degorenko_ody, correct, you're right https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_relationships.html#auto-relationships17:15
degorenkothank you for info :)17:16
* degorenko looking17:16
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degorenko_ody, so, for your link17:17
degorenkoit may be not happen, yes17:17
degorenkowhen we have undefined service_type parameter17:17
degorenko_ody, take a look here: https://github.com/openstack/puppet-keystone/blob/master/manifests/resource/service_identity.pp#L18317:18
_odyyeah.  While confusing at first it looks like service_name is being passed through17:19
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degorenko_ody, as for glance we always have default https://github.com/openstack/puppet-glance/blob/master/manifests/keystone/auth.pp#L11017:19
degorenkosame for service_name17:20
degorenkoso, it should work on defaults17:21
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openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add explicit dependencies to pass puppet4  https://review.openstack.org/29655717:22
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EmilienMalee: looking17:32
aleeEmilienM, thanks17:32
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openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-glance: Use oslo module for messaging (rabbit) configuration  https://review.openstack.org/29889317:35
EmilienMalee: for quotas, is it worth having quota.pp like in puppet-neutron?17:37
EmilienMwe usually try to not overload classes17:37
aleeEmilienM, looking17:38
EmilienMdegorenko, alee: I have the feeling we put everything in api.pp17:39
EmilienMit's not a blocker for me17:39
EmilienMit's just an highlight of an error of design17:39
degorenkoEmilienM, alee i will look in a few minutes :)17:39
aleeEmilienM, it makes for a smaller module, but I think also means you have to specify more resources to get a server17:40
aleeEmilienM, I could see going either way with this.17:41
openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Add release note for OpenStack client in nova providers  https://review.openstack.org/29889817:41
degorenkoEmilienM, sorry, missed that for my openstack client in nova patch :D ^^17:41
aleeEmilienM, can I suggest we consider this as a refinement patch after these go in?17:42
EmilienMwell, the other way is to make it clean by design17:44
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EmilienMalee: I commented https://review.openstack.org/#/c/296161/ for alignments17:47
aleeEmilienM, I can go either way on this - it makes it more composable, but also means you need to define more things when creating a server.17:48
EmilienMright, but that's not a problem17:48
EmilienMa lot of puppet modules outside our forge are using a single class for everything, we don't like it much17:49
EmilienMdegorenko: thoughts?17:49
EmilienMin fact, I'll -1 all the patches17:51
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EmilienMevery patch you do is in api.pp17:51
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-ceilometer: Add 'ceilometer-service' tag to collector and agent/notification  https://review.openstack.org/29890317:51
EmilienMalee: look at other modules, please, they are all splitted17:51
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EmilienMin neutron, we have quota.pp, and also notifications.pp17:51
degorenkoEmilienM, you're suggesting to have separate classes for some options?17:52
EmilienMfor quotas, notifications, plugins, etc17:52
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-ceilometer: Set defaultbranch for git-review to stable/liberty  https://review.openstack.org/29890617:52
degorenkowell, in fact, we can have separate classes for configuring this, yes17:52
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-ceilometer: Add 'ceilometer-service' tag to collector and agent/notification  https://review.openstack.org/29890817:53
degorenkoif we have some complex configurations, yes, i'm +1 for this17:53
aleeEmilienM, thats because all the parameters that are added there are parameters that are used by the api server.  What do you think should be in the api.pp ?17:53
degorenkoalee, you can use include from api then17:53
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EmilienMalee: this is not the right way to think17:53
EmilienMalee: a manifest is not a service17:53
degorenkowell, it is same situation as for logging and db classes17:53
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EmilienMit can also be a set of parameters17:53
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EmilienMI don't want to end-up with a api.pp of 4000 lines17:53
EmilienMand this is happenning17:54
degorenkowe can have some basic options for api class, but yeah, i'm also against to keep all possible options in one class17:55
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario002/centos7: switch RabbitMQ and OpenStack to IPv6  https://review.openstack.org/28752117:55
EmilienMcrinkle: commit message updated ^17:55
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openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Establish cinder_type after keystone_endpoint  https://review.openstack.org/29839717:55
EmilienMdegorenko: specially the plugins17:56
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aleeEmilienM, so what do you think should be in api.pp ?17:57
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add explicit dependencies to pass puppet4  https://review.openstack.org/29655717:57
EmilienMalee: what is currently in there, is fine17:57
EmilienMbut no more, imho17:57
_odycrinkle or EmilienM: do either of you have the openstack forge account password?17:58
aleeEmilienM, degorenko I dont mind splitting it out -- I'm just trying to understand the rationale for a separate manifest as opposed to the api manifest17:58
EmilienM_ody: I have it17:59
EmilienM_ody: let me fix that17:59
degorenkoalee, well, you should have for such classes only important options17:59
degorenkoalee, if you need improve configuration with many options (with one logic) - create a new class18:00
degorenkoalee, as i said above - it is exactly same situation as for logging and db classes18:00
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aleedegorenko, EmilienM ok -- so for instance , you would say a plugins.pp with the parameters that determine which plugins are enabled, and then a dogtag.pp for the dogtag plugin, kmip.pp for the kmip plugin etc. ?18:03
EmilienMor you can have manifests/plugins/foo.pp18:04
EmilienMand manifests/plugins/bar.pp18:04
degorenko+1 for ^18:04
EmilienMalee: please look how we do in other modules18:05
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EmilienM_ody: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/298530/7/run_tests.sh sounds like a huge hack, can't we live without that?18:07
aleeEmilienM, ok18:08
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iberezovskiyEmilienM, looks I need your advice again :) I didn't find rabbit_notification_exchange parameter in glance sample config, but we set it https://github.com/openstack/puppet-glance/blob/master/manifests/notify/rabbitmq.pp#L144. it looks like it should be 'controler_exchange'. Am I right?18:09
EmilienMiberezovskiy: should be in oslo messaging, isn't?18:10
iberezovskiycontrol_exchange is in default section18:10
iberezovskiybut I wanna set it from oslo::messaging_rabbit class18:11
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_odyEmilienM: We could make symlinks into a directory that is in secure path, as the alternative.18:12
EmilienMwhy do we have oslo::messaging_rabbit and not oslo::messaging::rabbit?18:12
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_odyI could also maybe re-arrange the order we define variables in run_tests.sh and use the full path to puppet, which might work.18:13
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EmilienMiberezovskiy: I just realized.18:13
EmilienMwhile we're building this module, it might be good to rename the class18:14
iberezovskiynp, I'll rename18:14
EmilienMit would be very clear to have oslo::messaing::<driver>18:14
iberezovskiyyep, like it's done for oslo::messaging::amqp18:14
EmilienMxingchao: ^ fyi18:14
EmilienMiberezovskiy: ok, please rename it and update the puppet-nova patch -using depends-on18:15
EmilienMwe're very close! thanks for your efforts18:15
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EmilienMmwhahaha: dilyin and I are working together on merging puppet-pacemaker efforts, see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/296440/18:16
EmilienMmwhahaha: it would be great to run Fuel CI jobs on openstack/puppet-pacemaker, somehow maybe an external job18:17
xingchaoEmilienM: get it18:17
mwhahahayea we can probably get that up when we've got the two merged together18:17
EmilienMmwhahaha: so we can iterate on the merging without breaking both tripleo & fuel18:17
EmilienMxingchao: thx18:17
dilyini can run unit tests already18:17
EmilienMdilyin: mhh I would prefer also have functional tests18:17
dilyinthere is a job for them18:17
EmilienMand having fuel CI running would help us18:17
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mwhahahahmm ok would probably need a special job for that18:18
dilyinyes, i'll adapt beaker tests too18:18
EmilienMmwhahaha: yes18:18
iberezovskiyigorbelikov, ^18:18
EmilienMmwhahaha: an HA job that use openstack/puppet-pacemaker instead of fuel-infra/puppet-pacemaker18:18
EmilienMif I'm not wrong18:18
EmilienMcool. So we can iterate, and keep testing it.18:19
dilyindo we have beaker support in openstack CI?18:19
EmilienMdilyin: of course18:19
dilyinthen we're cool it i'll be supporting acceptance tests18:19
EmilienMon both trusty & centos7. chem already did the work on centos7 for openstack/puppet-pacemaker -> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/281376/18:19
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Avoid secure_path  https://review.openstack.org/29853018:20
openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add explicit dependencies to pass puppet4  https://review.openstack.org/29655718:20
EmilienMdilyin: chem is currently the guy who actively works on the module, you might sync with him tomorrow18:20
dilyinok, i will18:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-ceilometer: Add 'ceilometer-service' tag to collector and agent/notification  https://review.openstack.org/29873318:21
EmilienM_ody: I like it better :)18:21
_odyEmilienM: Lets give the full path thing a go.18:22
openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-oslo: Fix define name to oslo::messaging::rabbit  https://review.openstack.org/29892318:22
chemEmilienM: dilyin (back for a few moments) we have already sync a bit ... for the beaker jobs on ubuntu it's only expecting a failure (as pcs is not there) but we only have to remove the case and see if it works on both ubuntu and centos: https://github.com/openstack/puppet-pacemaker/blob/master/spec/acceptance/basic_one_node_spec.rb#L64-L6718:25
chemEmilienM: dilyin but I'm using pcs command ... so :)18:25
EmilienMwe'll have to hack on XML, probably18:25
EmilienMjayg: fyi ^18:26
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chemEmilienM: dilyin it's only from https://github.com/openstack/puppet-pacemaker/blob/master/spec/acceptance/basic_one_node_spec.rb#L34 on that I use pcs to check the resource further.  The first tests are comptatible18:26
EmilienMjayg: tl; dr: we're about to merge both puppet-pacemaker from fuel & tripleo - blocker is pcs does not exist on ubuntu - see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/296440/18:27
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EmilienMdilyin, mwhahaha, chem: in term of actions: fuel can create a separated CI job for testing openstack/puppet-pacemaker with Fuel. What can we do in our side?18:37
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dilyinyes, but it will be possible only when i finish merging, it will require some changes in fuel too18:37
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igorbelikovEmilienM, mwhahaha, dilyin: we can enable fuel-ci for puppet-pacemaker by just adding it to the list of projects fuel-ci watches.  It doesn’t matter if puppetfile points to fuel-infra instead of openstack, CI jobs will pick up the change18:46
EmilienMigorbelikov: how?18:46
igorbelikovEmilienM: it will fetch the change from gerrit before firing up librarian-puppet-simple, so librarian will skip it18:49
EmilienMmhh ok18:49
EmilienMI'll trust you on this one :-)18:49
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EmilienMcrinkle: https://github.com/openstack/puppet-neutron/commit/bb9ec5d7d30053cac232ec6626f431b4ed44c80d I think it also applis to OVS agent and all oslo messaging params18:55
crinkleEmilienM: huh you're probably right18:57
EmilienMI'm sending a path18:58
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EmilienMmflobo: I created launchpad Newton serie18:59
EmilienMerr mfish18:59
EmilienMhe's not around18:59
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-release-tools: fix puppet-openstack-spec-helper name  https://review.openstack.org/29893919:00
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EmilienMGuest82454: ^19:02
EmilienMcrinkle: I'm wondering if subscribing to the whole Neutron_config is safe or not19:02
EmilienMbecause it's not only rabbit options, but also logging, etc19:02
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mfischwhats up19:03
EmilienMmfisch: I updated launchpads19:03
EmilienMmfisch: we have 9.0.0 serie open19:03
EmilienMlook https://launchpad.net/puppet-keystone19:03
crinkleEmilienM: yeah idunno, i'd rather not have the agent restarting all the time but i also don't know what it needs to update on19:03
EmilienMcrinkle: at least: amqp & logging options, but maybe more.19:04
EmilienMit's a lot of crappy code to create this list19:04
EmilienMcrinkle: I could take your linuxbridge_agent_subscribe and create an array of all the params that we want, but it's crappy to me19:05
EmilienMwe'll have to maintain that list19:05
crinkleyeah that sounds gross19:06
crinklebut i worry about ovs agent restarting all the time19:06
crinklethat will make an unhappy cloud19:06
EmilienMcrinkle: since we're moving things to puppet-oslo, we can (later) subscribe on puppet-oslo changes19:06
EmilienMthat is true, restarting agent sucks19:06
EmilienMcrinkle: I'll think about it again when we have puppet-oslo in place19:07
crinklei don't have a good suggestion19:07
claytonI got stuck on this issue recently19:08
claytonI was working on adding hooks support for puppet-neutron, and really it should be subscribing to neutron_config19:09
claytonbut it's clearly risky given the current tstate19:09
EmilienMcrinkle: see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/292309/7/manifests/init.pp19:09
EmilienMmaybe can we subscribe to the define? I'm not sure19:09
claytonI've got two patches in progress and hynekm has another to fix the issue19:09
EmilienMclayton: what are the links, please?19:10
claytonI'm expecting it'll land for newton and get backported at least to mitaka19:10
claytonthis is the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/151405619:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1514056 in neutron "Restarting OVS agent drops VMs traffic when using VLAN provider bridges" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Hynek Mlnarik (hmlnarik-s)19:10
claytonwith my two patches + hynek's patch, ovs agent restarts don't cause traffic drops19:10
claytonthis is the last core openstack service I know of that can't be gracefully restarted19:11
EmilienMclayton: what about l3 agent?19:12
claytonl3 agent has been safe for a while afik19:12
claytonalthough there are parallelization issues with restarting them on multiple boxes until mitaka19:12
claytonso if you're running a lot of l3 agents and restart all of them in a short period of time, you're going to have problems19:13
claytonbut that's not really a problem puppet can solve, and we're dealing with mitaka anyway19:13
claytonwell, we = people working on puppet module master branch only have to worry about mitaka+ :)(19:14
claytonI'm still trying to get us on liberty19:14
EmilienMclayton: you're running liberty now?19:14
claytoncinder, nova, neutron and glance are still on liberty19:14
claytonerr, no19:14
claytoncinder, nova, neutron and glance are still on kilo19:14
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claytonother services are on liberty19:15
claytonmfisch is rolling keystone up to liberty this week19:15
claytonwe probably won't seriously look at anything on mitaka until after the summit.  probably heat or keystone first19:15
mfischnot keystone19:16
claytongiven some of the bugs that got fixed late in the liberty stable cycle for neutron and nova, I'm not excited about rushing into mitaka19:16
mfischnot until perf is fixed19:16
mfischheat after a real RC is out19:17
mfischrc2 rolled this morning19:17
claytonwe'll finish our liberty upgrades and finish moving neutron, glance and cinder into docker, and probably just cherry-pick fixes for a while as we need them19:17
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openstackgerritLokesh Jain proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Support for Nuage Neutron plugin in puppet-neutron  https://review.openstack.org/29879219:26
EmilienMmwhahaha: can you please look https://review.openstack.org/#/c/287521/ when you can? i'll follow up with other scenarios asap19:29
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igorbelikovEmilienM, mwhahaha: fuel-ci now runs for puppet-pacemaker19:45
mwhahahacool thanks19:46
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EmilienMigorbelikov: thx a lot :-)19:48
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aleeEmilienM, I notice that in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/234728 , there are no unit tests in spec/unit/type/ and spec/unit/provider ..19:59
aleeEmilienM, is there a template for one somewhere that I can copy in/modify ?19:59
EmilienMnot afik20:00
EmilienMbut acceptance + rspec is enough, for now20:00
aleeEmilienM, ok20:00
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario002/centos7: switch RabbitMQ and OpenStack to IPv6  https://review.openstack.org/28752120:19
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_odyannoying sporadic CI failures today.20:20
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EmilienM_ody: which ones?20:21
_odyp-o-i.  Package related the ones I've seen.20:21
EmilienM_ody: can you give me details please? logs? link?20:22
_odyYeah.  Getting.20:22
EmilienMI'm trying to define a list of issues20:22
EmilienMand kill them20:22
EmilienMone of them is: stop using EPEL20:22
EmilienMEPEL is quite often down20:22
EmilienMdmsimard: do you have some workaround to not use EPEL in our scenario001 ?20:23
_odyEmilienM: One example, http://logs.openstack.org/30/298530/8/check/gate-puppet-openstack-integration-3-scenario001-tempest-devstack-centos7/7876eaf/console.html#_2016-03-29_18_26_34_12720:23
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dmsimardEmilienM: For Ceph ?20:24
EmilienMdmsimard: yeah20:24
dmsimardEmilienM: It's not a pretty workaround.20:25
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dmsimardEmilienM: I explained the issue here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/puppet-ceph/+bug/156299820:25
openstackLaunchpad bug 1562998 in puppet-ceph "EPEL requirement on CentOS is only because of leveldb" [Undecided,New]20:25
dmsimardI guess you could not use ceph::repo and instead set up the CentOS Storage SIG repo instead20:26
dmsimardThe dependencies are self-contained20:26
_odyEmilienM: Other seems to be related to the job getting killed because it has ran for over 60 minutes.20:26
EmilienMdmsimard: _ody's issue is likely a RDO server downtime, isn't?20:26
EmilienM_ody: ouch... where does it timeout? It takes time to investigate and finds the root issue.20:26
dmsimardWe haven't had downtime recently that I know about20:26
EmilienM"No more mirrors to try."20:26
_odyEmilienM: http://logs.openstack.org/57/296557/24/check/gate-puppet-openstack-integration-3-scenario001-tempest-ubuntu-trusty/c74c92b/console.html#_2016-03-29_19_43_19_23220:26
_odyThat is the other type of failure I am seeing20:27
EmilienMpython-pandas-0.17.0-2.el7.x86_64: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.20:27
EmilienMit's in EPEL? no..?20:27
dmsimardpandas is in the RDO repos20:27
dmsimarddelorean-deps for trunk20:27
EmilienMso yeah, you don't know it but RDO has also some downtimes recently20:27
EmilienM_ody: that's a git server issue20:27
EmilienM_ody: look the time it takes to checkout repos20:27
EmilienM_ody: when it happens, please jump on #openstack-infra and say it20:28
EmilienMit's likely an issue with infra servers20:28
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EmilienM_ody: w00t, scenario003 is passing puppet4 ? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/296557/20:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-cinder: Establish cinder_type after keystone_endpoint  https://review.openstack.org/29839720:53
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EmilienMdmsimard: ok so I guess we can stop using EPEL and use http://cbs.centos.org/repos/storage7-ceph-hammer-candidate/x86_64/os/Packages/20:53
EmilienMthe main motivation is to stop using EPEL20:54
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_odyEmilienM: I think other might be passing.  I've seen the whole 60 minutes thing on those jobs.21:02
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dmsimardEmilienM: it kinda sucks but yeah21:05
dmsimardEmilienM: I believe there's a package you can install that sets up the repo21:05
dmsimardlike yum install centos-release-ceph21:06
dmsimardor something21:06
EmilienMyeah? that would be cool21:06
dmsimardthe ceph repo was added fairly recently yet so I don't know if it's there yet21:06
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dmsimardEmilienM: well isn't that convenient: http://paste.openstack.org/show/492362/21:08
EmilienMdmsimard: :D21:09
EmilienMi'll test it after cross project meeting21:09
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-glance: Add ability to set properties with glance_image  https://review.openstack.org/29871821:23
openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Don't claim you are retrying when you are not  https://review.openstack.org/29899221:27
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mfischEmilienM: check out that awesome bug fix ^21:29
mfischretryin' was lyin'21:29
mwhahahaWHY YOU LIE TO ME!21:30
EmilienMI like mfisch commits21:30
EmilienMit usually reminds me how life is beautiful21:31
EmilienMand how much we have fun21:31
mfischthat threw me off for a bit21:31
mfischdebugging something else21:31
mfischalso FYI I'm seeing some cases on VMs where liberty keystone + OSC takes > 20 seconds to make an endpoint21:32
mfischI'd like to bump that timeout21:32
mfischunder no other load this box takes 12s21:32
mwhahahaosc isn't the fastest thing in the world21:33
mwhahahamost of it is just loading all the client libs21:33
mfischI think maybe somethineg like if it's a no retry we wait 60s21:33
mfischdilyin: I think we should change this code so that if it's a no retry code we just wait 60s total21:42
mfischright now we abort at 20s21:42
mfischretry code would do retries up to 60s, no retry would just wait 60s21:42
mwhahahais it not configurable?21:43
mfisch no21:43
dilyincan you point me to this code?21:43
mwhahahai think we actually increased it21:43
mwhahahait used to be less than what it was now21:43
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mfischif we just indent line 103 below line 101 will it work the way we want?21:43
mfischbasically dont abort the no-retry unless we waited the full 6021:44
mwhahahait used to be 10 sec :D21:44
mfischso its not really right21:44
mfischI mean 20s is the hard cap on non-retry21:44
mfischwe should wait 60s for every command21:44
mfischbut only retry osme21:44
mfischI'll post a swag on this21:45
openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Wait longer on non-retry calls  https://review.openstack.org/29899221:46
dilyinlook like it waits for 20 second for a command to finish21:46
mfischsomethingl ike that ^21:46
dilyinthen if it have failed waits for 3 sec21:46
mfischit does not21:47
dilyinand tries again21:47
mfischnot for no-retry commands21:47
mfischthats the issue21:47
dilyinbut will fail after 60 sec if no success21:47
mfischfor example endpoint create takes > 20 seconds it just fails21:47
dilyinso yo want to set command timeout to 60 for non-retry comamnds&21:47
mfischsee if that diff makes any sense21:47
mfischI have cases where endpoint create > 20 seconds :*21:48
dilyinmeybe just raise command timeout21:48
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mfischwill this code handle a case where something hasnt returned yet?21:49
mfischthats what I dont know21:49
mfischraising the timeout is also a solution21:49
mfischso the command will have already failed, my idea would need more work21:49
mfischI think we have to raise the timeout21:50
dilyin  # timeout the openstack command21:51
dilyin  # after this number of seconds21:51
dilyin  # retry the command until the request_timeout21:51
dilyin  def self.command_timeout(action=nil)21:51
dilyin    return 60 if no_retry_actions.include action21:51
dilyin    2021:51
dilyin  end21:51
dilyin  # run the openstack command21:51
dilyin  # with command_timeout21:51
dilyin  def self.openstack(*args)21:52
dilyin    begin21:52
dilyin      action = args[1]21:52
dilyin      Timeout.timeout(command_timeout action) do21:52
dilyin        openstack_command *args21:52
dilyin      end21:52
mwhahahaoh noes21:52
dilyin    rescue Timeout::Error21:52
dilyin      raise Puppet::ExecutionFailure, "Command: 'openstack #{args.inspect}' has been running for more then #{command_timeout} seconds!"21:52
dilyin    end21:52
dilyin  end21:52
dilyinsomething like this?21:52
openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Adjust timeout for non-retry calls  https://review.openstack.org/29899221:53
mfischlook right? ^21:53
dilyinset include? there21:53
dilyinand you forgot action21:54
dilyinand command_timeout action21:54
mfischgot that21:54
openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Adjust timeout for non-retry calls  https://review.openstack.org/29899221:54
mfischoh I see what you mean21:55
dilyinbut still maybe set comamnd timeot to 60 and request_timeout to 30021:55
mfischI think this is probably a good start21:55
openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Adjust timeout for non-retry calls  https://review.openstack.org/29899221:55
mfischadded the include?21:55
mfischI need to run but thanks for the assist can you +1/-1 it?21:55
dilyinaction = args[1]21:56
mfisch(action=nil) thats not enough?21:56
mfischI'm not super good at ruby21:56
mfisch    begin21:56
mfisch      action = args[1]21:56
mfisch      Timeout.timeout(command_timeout action) do21:57
openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Adjust timeout for non-retry calls  https://review.openstack.org/29899221:57
mfischI will test this later21:57
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: repos: bump rdo to mitaka/current-passed-ci  https://review.openstack.org/29900522:17
EmilienMdmsimard: fyi ^22:17
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-glance: Add ability to set properties with glance_image  https://review.openstack.org/29871822:31
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mwhahahaglance_image needs reworking because v1 and v2 of the glance api have some important differences22:32
EmilienMjust to be transparent, I realized I did a mistake during the release process, on puppet-aodh only. I created 8.0.0 tag on stable/liberty, because of an error in my script. Sorry for that. I'm creating 8.0.1 right now22:33
EmilienMmwhahaha: yeah, we were expecting that...22:33
mwhahahait's not too bad i'll poke at it later22:33
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EmilienMok new fun error: http://logs.openstack.org/03/298903/1/gate/gate-puppet-ceilometer-puppet-beaker-rspec-ubuntu-trusty/b37eea0/console.html#_2016-03-29_22_05_42_19122:57
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: CI test - never merge  https://review.openstack.org/29902023:00
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openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Adjust timeout for non-retry calls  https://review.openstack.org/29899223:13
EmilienMour CI is now suffering of a puppetlabs packaging issue23:16
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EmilienMhiera is no longer a dependency, it seems, so the package is not in nodepool images (trusty) and our CI tried to purge the package, but since it does not exist anymore, job fail.23:17
EmilienMdiscussion on #openstack-infra23:17
EmilienMwrong statement, it's a nodepool issue, not puppetlabs.23:19
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_odyok.  That would have been odd.23:29
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EmilienM_ody: yeah nothing on puppetlabs side.23:31
EmilienM_ody: we think it was a typo in a script that build ubuntu images..23:31
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openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Adjust timeout for non-retry calls  https://review.openstack.org/29899223:38
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openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Adjust timeout for non-retry calls  https://review.openstack.org/29899223:46
EmilienMzuul is being restarted23:49
EmilienMexpect some NOT_REGISTERED23:49
EmilienMtopic is already there23:51

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