Friday, 2016-02-26

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EmilienMmwhahaha: omg00:11
EmilienMfrom 45 min to 28 min00:12
EmilienMI increased it early this week to have RBD jobs successful but 60 was too much00:13
* EmilienM feels like
EmilienMor maybe
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: run_tests: generate testrepository.subunit all the time
EmilienMmwhahaha: fwiw, scenario003 is still useful, it will help to scale our tests and also have more coverage00:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-gnocchi: Fix incorrect class params
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-neutron: Set v3 auth related options by default
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add ability to manually install puppet modules
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-trove: Add kombu_reconnect_delay option
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openstackgerritCody Herriges proposed openstack/puppet-horizon: Making root_url configurable
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EmilienMok Ubuntu looks better02:04
EmilienMmwhahaha: we'll need to land
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Run keystone-manage bootstrap
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mwhahahaI'll need to look into that further because that change appears to fail the fuel CI
mwhahahaSo we might need to land something first so we don't have a repeat of the ml2 conf problem02:43
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mwhahahaactually it might have failed because i think it started prior to our merge for the ml2 conf issue, rerunning to make sure it's ok03:35
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: run_tests: generate testrepository.subunit all the time
openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Add support for civetweb
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mwhahahayea we can land that patch, should be ok05:29
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openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed openstack/puppet-murano: Switch murano to use keystone API v3 by default
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-neutron: change default value for lock_path
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: tempest: reduce compute/build_interval from 60 to 10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: ubuntu/nova: configure notifications using keystone v3
openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Use swift backend for glance in scenario002 jobs
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Add support of Block Device backend for Cinder
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-neutron: Link linuxbridge agent to rabbitmq changes
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Use swift backend for glance in scenario002 jobs
openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Add support for civetweb
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EmilienMgood morning12:17
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EmilienMdegorenko: thx a lot for the reviews12:26
EmilienMso we have Ubuntu almost green now, except for scenario003, with Heat12:26
EmilienMbut I'm working on it so we can re-enable voting maybe today12:26
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-ceilometer: Support of PyMySQL driver for MySQL backend
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degorenkoEmilienM,  no problem :)12:50
degorenkoEmilienM, btw, green :)12:50
degorenkoi forgot update store parameter in glance_store section12:50
EmilienMoh nice !!12:51
EmilienMI think we can try to add Cinder on scenario002, using iscsi backend12:51
degorenkoEmilienM, but wait with merging, i've found related issue in glance swift backend class12:52
EmilienMdegorenko: which one?12:52
degorenkoEmilienM, as you see here: - i passed auth_address for swift12:52
degorenkobecause default value without http protocol, without any protocol12:53
degorenkoand it uses https12:53
degorenkodo we want leave it as it now12:53
EmilienMwe need to fix that12:53
degorenkook, i will update it to http protocol then12:53
EmilienMwhat is the default in upstream?12:53
degorenkoor update it :)12:53
* degorenko looking12:53
degorenkoEmilienM, in liberty is none12:54
degorenkoso, i guess we can use http here by default12:54
EmilienMgo ahead12:54
EmilienMand use Depends-On to test it in the integ patch12:54
degorenkoEmilienM, ok :)12:54
EmilienMdegorenko: I'm happy to see jobs back to ~30 min12:55
EmilienMinstead of 1h or 50 min12:55
degorenko:D yes12:55
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colonwqEmilienM, The checks are going much faster today. I guess I'll see less of the outside today.12:58
EmilienMdprince: I'm investigating the Ubuntu thing on - you don't have to worry about it13:01
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dprinceEmilienM: okay, thanks13:03
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Fix rspec testing outside of the Openstack CI.
EmilienMnice shot ^13:05
EmilienMmfisch: I think chem is fixing a bug you reported in a last meeting13:06
chemmfisch: EmilienM, kind of though that It would be easy to provide a how-to, but it wasn't :)13:07
openstackLaunchpad bug 1548872 in puppet-keystone "bundle exec rake spec fails to find r10k - tests wont run" [High,Confirmed]13:07
EmilienMhe already created a bug I think, is it the same?13:08
chemmfisch: EmilienM had to patch the stuff, preparing a mail now13:08
chemEmilienM: yep, oups sorry13:08
EmilienMchem: no worries13:08
EmilienMI close his bug13:08
chemEmilienM: mfisch I knew that my working env was /luckily/ working, but it kind of bother me for a while ... I think the patch should do13:09
openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-glance: Use http protocol by default in auth_address for Swift backend
openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Use swift backend for glance in scenario002 jobs
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EmilienMdegorenko: can you -A and +A again please?13:15
EmilienMto trigger zuul13:15
degorenkodone :)13:15
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EmilienMit's not triggered13:16
EmilienMI need to rebase it I think13:16
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: heat: manage heat user role before openrc
EmilienMdegorenko: a last time? :)13:16
degorenkoboom :)13:17
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Switch creating cinder types to providers from define classes
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario003: enable application catalog service
degorenkoEmilienM, do you want to add iscsi to cinder scenario002 or i can do it? :)13:27
chemEmilienM: degorenko, whoua, that was fast.  Thanks,  hope I didn't break all CI :)13:28
degorenkochem, can you +1 again me here: please ? :D13:29
EmilienMdegorenko: go ahead13:29
degorenkoack :)13:29
chemdegorenko: basically you re-introduced the original type for a deprecation period, got it right ?13:32
openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add testing Cinder+ISCSI backend for scenario002 jobs
degorenkochem, that's right. I totally forgot to go through deprecation cycle for this defines :D13:32
chemdegorenko: not only you :)13:33
degorenkothanks mwhahaha for reminder :D13:33
chemdegorenko: in the meantime, we don't care about the current error on centos ?13:33
degorenkochem, well, yes, it should go away after some count of rechecks :D13:34
degorenkobecause patch works before this update :) and now it still works for trusty, so it is ci issues13:35
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chemdegorenko: looks like Disable_admin_token_auth/ is not not working ok ...  anyway, completly unrelated to your patch13:35
chemdegorenko: +113:36
degorenkothanks :)13:36
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario003: enable application catalog service
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EmilienMdegorenko: you'll need first14:07
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: neutron: enable fwaas
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degorenkoEmilienM, i will rebase on your, just to make sure that tests are working14:09
EmilienMbut running tempest plugins require some work, in upstream projects14:09
EmilienMit won't be easy14:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Fix rspec testing outside of the Openstack CI.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: heat: manage heat user role before openrc
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/puppet-ironic: [inspector] create a separate class for configuring logging
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario003: enable application catalog service
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openstackgerritzhongshengping proposed openstack/puppet-ceilometer: Add api_paste type/provider for Ceilometer
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: use stevedore names for driver / backends
EmilienMrichm, chem: I need your eyes on ^15:07
EmilienMmfisch: also15:07
chemEmilienM: ack, I add it to my favorite patch :)15:08
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Run keystone-manage bootstrap
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openstackgerritzhongshengping proposed openstack/puppet-ceilometer: Add api_paste type/provider for Ceilometer
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openstackgerritzhongshengping proposed openstack/puppet-ceilometer: Add api_paste type/provider for Ceilometer
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openstackgerritzhongshengping proposed openstack/puppet-ceilometer: Add api_paste type/provider for Ceilometer
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: tempest: run tox with -eall-plugin
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EmilienMdegorenko: you'll need to rebase on top of ^15:34
EmilienMbut I doubt 250436 will pass easily15:34
EmilienMI found many bugs upstream that prevent us to run tempest plugins15:34
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degorenkoEmilienM, for 250436 we also don't have rdo murano packages anyway :D15:38
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/puppet-ironic: [inspector] create a separate class for configuring logging
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EmilienMdegorenko: not yet? what is blocking?15:40
degorenkoEmilienM, i don't know :(15:40
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EmilienMchem: mhh now when I run integ jobs in my servers, it fails to run r10k16:13
chemEmilienM: your server on CI openstack ?16:13
EmilienM*my* servers16:13
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EmilienMI'm digging16:14
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chemEmilienM: hum you must have hardcoded the GEM_PATH_BIN somewhere16:14
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: run gem install with --verbose
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EmilienMdegorenko: can you +A please?16:34
EmilienMayoung: chem wrote testing for ldap, maybe you can talk each other16:35
EmilienMchem: ayoung is confused because about puppet-keystone/ldap support16:36
degorenkoEmilienM, so many lines, i believe that everything fine here :) +A16:36
degorenkooh, cherry pick16:36
chemayoung: what is the problem ?16:36
ayoungchem, EmilienM showed me a log with a referencetop an LDAP Credential backend16:37
ayoungand there is no LDAP credential backend, nor has there ever been.16:37
chemayoung: I think I got it16:38
chemayoung: I didn't have a look at the patch yet, but I know that I could not have keystone to run, in my test.  I just test that files are created and clean it up, because if I try any command it would fails as there is no actual backend16:40
chemayoung: it would require installing an actual ldap server and all16:40
chemayoung: which at the time was considered good to have but non urgent16:40
ayoungchem, it looks like a typo, maybe copied over from the Identity backend. That is the only place LDAP should ever be used.  It is  deprecated or removed from all of Keystone but Identityt16:41
chemayoung: oki, I just looked at the code and ... it's big change :)16:44
chemayoung: the Keystone_config<||> ~> Exec<| title == 'keystone-manage bootstrap'|>16:44
chemayoung: line is hard16:45
ayoungYeah.  It should actually be a net reduction in calls from Puppet16:45
ayoungI'm still getting my head around the bootstrap call. Jamie Lennox caught an interesting paradox there:16:45
ayoungwe need to set up the first endpoint, which is the keystone Identity Service/endpoint itself.  Or we can't do anything16:46
chemayoung: so as I said the ldap test must not restart keystone, or try to run it as they will *fail*, with this catch all I think that trigger a keystone run that fail16:46
ayoungchem, So this came from the first time someone tried to run the LDAP tests?16:46
chemayoung: I did a quick review of the associated change
chemayoung: I think the problem would disapear if the unconditional trigger is removed16:48
ayoungchem, so let me show you another approach16:48
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chemayoung: it's friday evening :) what is the link ?16:50
ayoungchem, it is a call to crete the default domain on demand16:50
ayoungtaking it off your hands16:50
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ayoung"V2 operations create default domain on demand To support deployment utilities that are still using v2, create a default domain for them when they first use the v2 API. "16:51
chemayoung: how it is related to ldap ?16:51
ayoungchem, that was the issue with the DB sync; it used to create the default domain.  We stopped doing that.16:52
ayoungI am not quite sure the rationale, I didn;'t review the change, but it happened as part of the the every-release-compact-the-migrations process16:52
ayoungchem, the link you sent had this comment in the review: "Per upstream Keystone Mitaka commit 7b7fea7a3fe7677981fbf9bac5121bc15601163 keystone no longer creates the default domain during the db_sync. This patch updates the keystone class so that it adds a new option to enable_bootstrap (true by default) to re-add this functionality."16:53
chemayoung: I send you this as I though it was linked to the error log you sent me :)16:54
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chemayoung: do you want to bj, I think we misunderstand each other :)16:56
EmilienMayoung: chem did not do this patch, dprince did17:00
ayoungchem, nah...I have something I am heads down in at the moment.  Is this going to hold you up release wise?17:00
EmilienMayoung: what chem helped, is ldap bits in puppet-keystone17:00
ayoungI need to finish a pretty significant patch, that other people are depending on17:00
ayoungchem, so, LDAP in Puppet keystone needs to be Identity only.  Ignore all other backends17:01
ayoungyou can remove those capability from puppet-keystone17:01
ayoungas Keysteon will no longer support anything but Identity, and that is headed toward read-only17:01
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Make sure to use GEM_BIN_DIR everwhere r10k is run
chemayoung: oki.  Not sure what change that imply, but for the test included in the acceptance test, as I said, there are only there to test that the files get created, not to actualy works, as it would require a ldap backend
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ayoungchem, there is code in Devstack to set up an LDAP server that you can use if you need17:06
chemayoung: EmilienM for the error at hand, I'm quite sure that adding the conditional I suggest in the review should make this error go away17:07
ayoungchem, but I would check the puppet module to see why it is trying to set up a Credential LDAP backend, cuz that is wrong17:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-trove: Remove trove ubuntu package hack
chemayoung: it's just the "more realist" example I was given when I did the acceptance test, and they just test that "file are created with the right content", not that the data are actually correct:
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ayoungchem, yeah that seems like a good tradeoff, but if you fire up the server afterwards, it is going to fail17:12
chemayoung: yes, I know, that's why there is this
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chemayoung: which try to clean everything for other tests17:12
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chemayoung: the problem with the error in the patch is the everytime the config is changed keystone bootstrap is rerun (when exactly depend on puppet)17:13
chemayoung: this re-run fails at that time as the conf is updated, with "dummy" ldap parameters17:14
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chemayoung: the solution here, is, as I put it in my comment of the review, to conditionaly add this trigger, only when enable_bootstrap is set to true17:15
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ayoungchem, would the "skip the restart"  ever be used in real world deployments, or just there for testing?17:16
chemayoung: the server is actually restarted (I'm pretty sure), just not *used* (as it will fail as there is no backend that support the given configuration).17:17
chemayoung: you cannot query the keystone server during this configuration change17:18
chemayoung: but it's restarted, yes.17:18
ayoungchem, it sounds like you have it under  control.17:18
chemayoung: I remember the time I spend to have this working ...17:19
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chemayoung: but I may have missed something, and you seems pretty in control of keystone yourself.  As for the ldap stuff, if you have any idea to have it more robust don't hesitate to add comment in this card:
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ayoungchem, let me see if I can get rodrigo to own that17:21
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chemayoung: ack. Cool if he can :)17:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add testing Cinder+ISCSI backend for scenario002 jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-ceilometer: Support of PyMySQL driver for MySQL backend
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: neutron: enable fwaas
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colonwqxarses, Can you give my patch (254548) a hopefully last look over?18:37
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: use stevedore names when possible and cleanup ldap testing
EmilienMcrinkle, _ody: would you mind to confirm my statement on ?18:48
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/puppet-ironic: [inspector] create a separate class for configuring logging
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EmilienMxarses: I tested
EmilienMand even without the patch, restarting a node does not restart ceph18:58
* xarses slaps forhead18:58
EmilienMyou have to run puppet again.18:58
EmilienMI have a public VM if you want to try18:58
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EmilienMbut I just tried with & without18:58
xarsesthats fine, it's already broken.18:59
EmilienMpuppet-ceph has a bug, we need to fix it18:59
xarseswe can merge this one then18:59
xarsesdo you want to fix it here, or somewhere else?19:00
EmilienMxarses: somewhere else19:00
EmilienMI like atomic commits19:00
xarsesI'm good with that19:00
xarsesI'll give this another once over19:00
EmilienMI'm reporting the bug and working on it now.19:01
EmilienMxarses: and mwhahaha already reported it:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1540744 in puppet-ceph "puppet-ceph does not ensure services start on boot" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:01
xarsessigh, I thought that only mucked up the MON's19:02
EmilienMand he abandonned his patch because rgw was fixed19:02
EmilienMbut not mon & osd19:02
EmilienMso we need to fix mon & osd19:02
colonwqEmilienM, which OS does that happen on?19:03
EmilienMcolonwq: centos719:03
colonwqEmilienM, could it be related to the 'systemctl daemon-relaod' nastiness of old init scripts? I have not looked at the logs yet.19:04
xarsesthanks EmilienM, I've +2+A'd it19:05
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EmilienMcolonwq: maybe. I need to dig19:06
EmilienMxarses: thx19:06
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EmilienMxarses: I find you a bit negative on the review. What is broken exactly?19:07
EmilienMit's an hack I agree, but it's not related to puppet-ceph directly, is it?19:07
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xarsessorry, that reboots are already broken19:12
EmilienMI'm testing it now19:12
EmilienMhonestly, a lot of things are broken after a reboot19:12
EmilienMspecially when running OpenStack in production, with clustering, etc19:13
xarsesya, we run an entire suite of tests to try and ensure it's fine19:13
xarsesand still miss things19:13
xarsesI just had it in my mind, that disabeling udev would break reboots for OSD's19:13
xarsesturns out, it was already broken19:14
EmilienMlet's fix it19:14
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dmsimardmtreinish: I know I've asked you this before (probably)19:16
dmsimardmtreinish: but where does the subunit file need to be for it to be picked up by the health thingie ?19:16
dmsimardmtreinish: at the root of /logs ?19:16
dmsimardEmilienM: you're putting it in /tmp ...19:17
dmsimardEmilienM: I guess copy puppet logs puts it somewhere useful19:17
dmsimardok so root of /logs19:17
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Run keystone-manage bootstrap
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: fix collectors: Ceph_Config -> Ceph_config
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: debug
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openstackgerritTrevor McCasland proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Requires allocation pools for creation of subnet
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Update the README about the third scenario
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-ceph: Disable udev rules in ::osd for releases <= Hammer
dmsimardEmilienM: all three scenarios are stable on centos now right ?20:00
EmilienMand 001/002 on ubuntu too20:00
dmsimardok adding the third scenario to our pipeline20:00
EmilienM003 is broken though20:00
EmilienMcool np20:00
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mtreinishdmsimard: is where it looks for things after a run20:08
dmsimardmtreinish: ty, just fixed the packstack jobs to drop it there20:09
EmilienMmtreinish: I'm still confused by running tempest plugins does not work for us
mtreinishEmilienM: so that looks like it's caused by a bad fwaas plugin tempest-lib is being used but never installed (it's not in requirements)
EmilienMmtreinish: so it's in neutron_fwaas upstream, isn't?20:16
mtreinishyeah, I think so20:17
EmilienMit's a bug in neutron_fwaas20:18
mtreinishyeah, they don't have tempest-lib in requirements.txt or test-requirements.txt20:19
mtreinishso nothing is installing tempest-lib and the plugin code imports it20:19
EmilienMdo people actually test things?20:20
mtreinishheh, doesn't look like it. Although to be fair this wouldn't have been caught before because tempest used to depend on tempest-lib so it would install it for them20:20
mtreinishbut that changed this week20:20
EmilienMmtreinish: should I patch ?20:22
mtreinishEmilienM: yeah, that or add a setuptools extras target for the plugin. Either will work20:22
mtreinishbut if it's in test requirements you'll have to make sure to install those too20:23
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EmilienMmtreinish: I did like nova does:
mtreinishEmilienM: ok that works. Just note when you install fwaas, you'll have to install test-requirements manually, just doing pip install neutron-fwaas won't do that20:33
EmilienMmtreinish: but in the puppet CI, we use packaging20:33
EmilienMso even with my patch, we'll still have the bug I think, isn't?20:34
EmilienMwe deploy tempest-lib in a venv20:34
mtreinishright, I think that'll be the case. Since nothing is installing tempest-lib20:34
EmilienMso should I have to run pip install tempest-lib before running tests?20:34
dmsimardEmilienM: that stems from the fact that we don't typically install test-requirements for runtime20:35
mtreinishEmilienM: that would fix it20:35
dmsimardEmilienM: i.e, we might install sphinx (from test-requirements) at buildtime only for docs but sphinx won't get installed when you install the package20:35
EmilienMmtreinish: why installing tempest does not install tempest lib?20:35
mtreinishbtw, this was part of my argument that tempest plugins should be self contained pythong projects20:35
mtreinishbecause packaging and installing gets much more complicated when they share a repo20:36
EmilienMyeah but they still rely on tempest-lib20:36
EmilienMso let's install tempest-lib system wide20:36
dmsimardmtreinish: so does tempest-lib become a runtime dependency then ?20:36
mtreinishEmilienM: because of:
EmilienMdmsimard: iiuc, yes20:36
mtreinishEmilienM: which is part of:
EmilienMmtreinish: NEED IT !20:37
dmsimardthen it needs to be in requirements.txt, not test-requirements.txt20:37
dmsimardand we can pick it up in packaging if necessary20:37
EmilienMmtreinish: so people should update their tests right?20:37
dmsimardbut I sort of agree with EmilienM that tempest-lib should come bundled with tempest20:37
mtreinishEmilienM: they should, but there is no requirement to do it. (the old tempest-lib isn't going away)20:37
mtreinishdmsimard: tempest-lib and tempest are seperate packages20:38
dmsimardfair enough20:38
mtreinishtempest isn't even on pypi yet20:38
dmsimardneither is nova20:39
mtreinish(although that'll change next week when I push a release)20:39
mtreinishright, but for requirements in openstack projects that's one of the minimum requirements. Nova isn't supposed to be imported so it doesn't really matter20:40
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dmsimardI see20:40
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: tempest: run tox with -eall-plugin
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EmilienMmwhahaha: have you some progress on lint/centos7?20:49
mwhahahano not at the moment20:50
mwhahahagot side tracked on a bunch of other stuff20:50
EmilienMmwhahaha: need help?20:50
mwhahahait seems fairly straight forward but did we want to just combine the syntax/lint checks? it seems a waste to have to spin up a vm just for lint20:50
mwhahahai think i had asked about that the last time linting took hours20:51
EmilienMmwhahaha: we have this discussion in the past, let me find the history20:58
EmilienMoh and look
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-neutron: Support midonet type driver for ML2
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EmilienMmwhahaha: well, looks like they won't let it happen21:03
EmilienMon #openstack-infra21:03
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mwhahahayea that was my other concern as i had a feeling they wouldn't be ok with the switch since there wasn't a really good technical reason21:06
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EmilienMmwhahaha: trying something with
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EmilienMmfisch: can you try out if r10k works for you now?21:56
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EmilienMchem's patch actually broke me when I deploy integration jobs on my personal servers21:57
EmilienM(I run all-in-one)21:57
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EmilienMcrinkle: where is cacert_content value in infra-cloud?22:13
EmilienMI guess in system-config22:15
crinkleEmilienM: here
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EmilienMcrinkle: do you store ssl_key_file_contents content in hiera too?22:38
crinkleEmilienM: yes but it's private22:39
EmilienMok I see22:39
EmilienMI wanted to re-use your files :-P22:39
EmilienMI'll generate it on my laptop for our CI22:40
crinkleEmilienM: just generate new ones :P22:40
EmilienMI'm lazy!22:40
EmilienMcrinkle: just by curiosity, how many times do you run puppet on a fresh infra cloud node to deploy it?22:52
crinkleEmilienM: it works the first time :D22:53
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crinkleEmilienM: we don't use swift22:54
EmilienMcrinkle: I'm wondering because you don't set any orchestration for SSL certificates22:54
EmilienMand what if they are installed *after* deploying nova22:55
crinkleEmilienM: there is orchestration i think22:55
EmilienMI see notify / require22:56
EmilienMmy bad22:56
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EmilienMcrinkle: I see you don't manage /etc/ssl/certs/openstack_infra_ca.pem with Puppet, right?23:14
nibalizerEmilienM: i think that is managed23:14
nibalizercertainly it exists in hiera23:15
EmilienMnibalizer: I don't find it in .pp files23:15
EmilienMmaybe in system-config?23:15
crinkleEmilienM: the infracloud::cacert class has an exec that links /usr/share/local/ca-certificates/thing.crt to /etc/ssl/certs23:16
crinklei think it's an ubuntuism23:16
EmilienMoh.. the execs does that23:16
EmilienMyeah there is something similar in centos23:16
EmilienMhence the refreshonly to make sure it's idempotent23:16
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Fix rabbitmq ssl logic
EmilienMjust a rebase ^23:55

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