Wednesday, 2015-11-04

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EmilienMpatrickeast: have you tried ?00:11
EmilienMoh yeah, just saw your link00:11
EmilienMnibalizer: ok np00:11
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patrickeastEmilienM: yep, thats basically what i'm using with a few tweaks for ips/passwords to get started00:12
patrickeastEmilienM: if i remove that check thats trying to do this token issue call here then i can apply the manifest more than once and it is happy00:13
patrickeastnot sure if its a bug or just something i did wrong in my setup00:13
_odypatrickeast: are you setting down and openrc file on your first run?00:18
patrickeast_ody: i'm creating a openrc file, do i need to configure one for use somewhere?00:21
patrickeast_ody: and i'm not sure what you mean by 'down' so probably not00:22
_odyThe one from openstack_extras causing the exact problem you are having, delete it and I bet your run works without error.00:22
patrickeast_ody: where would it be? i'm only seeing the file i am explicity creating in my manifest like so
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_odypatrickeast: /root/openrc usually.  Another file location might make you safe; unless you've sourced the file and the variables are set in the same shell you are running puppet from.00:28
patrickeast_ody: ahhh ok i see00:32
patrickeastyea i had sourced my 'keystonerc_admin' file and it was picking that up with doing the puppet apply00:32
patrickeastclearing the exports makes it go away00:33
patrickeast_ody: thanks!00:33
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openstackgerritAdam Vinsh proposed openstack/puppet-swift: Manage swift with swiftinit service provider
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openstackgerritDoug Knight proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: require nova account in nova_admin_tenant_id_setter
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openstackgerritGilles Dubreuil proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA
openstackgerritGilles Dubreuil proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: beaker: bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA repository
openstackgerritDoug Knight proposed openstack/puppet-glance: Stop collecting glance services by name
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openstackgerritDoug Knight proposed openstack/puppet-glance: Stop collecting glance services by name
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openstackgerritMykyta Karpin proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: add policy driver option for keystone
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bkeroEmilienM: Did you run into Unable to resolve dependencies: beaker requires fog-google (~> 0.0.9); fog requires fog-google (>= 0.1.1)?08:51
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openstackgerritMykyta Karpin proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: add policy driver option for keystone
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zigoCan someone help me with adding a patch to puppet-openstacklib ?09:33
zigoThis is still related to the Debian style packages on top of Ubuntu...09:34
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zigoEmilienM: Could you ping me when you're up please?09:49
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openstackgerritSerg Melikyan proposed openstack/puppet-murano: Application resource implementation
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Support for services different only by type.
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karimbso EmilienM  getting back at you, i m instantiating neutron::agents::ml2::ovs but i dont see the values reflected in the /etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini11:39
karimbam i hitin some bug or something ?11:39
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EmilienMbkero: yes, beaker was updated to pin the right version13:17
EmilienMzigo: in 10m13:18
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iurygregorymorning people o/13:34
zigoEmilienM: ping?13:37
EmilienMzigo: hey, sorry I was eating my pancakes with mapple sirup :)13:38
zigoEmilienM: :)13:39
zigoYou definitively need to take your time for that...13:39
zigoEmilienM: I'd like to know what's best place in puppet-openstacklib to do some "lsb_release -is" checks and define os_package_type depending on this.13:40
EmilienMmwhahaha: good morning, please look my reply on
EmilienMzigo: there is a fact already in Puppet13:41
EmilienMa sec13:41
zigo(if that variable isn't defined yet through os_package_type.txt as discussed in the summit)13:41
EmilienMzigo: in PM I sent you the result of facts on my machine13:41
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zigoSo, it'd be: if ! $::os_package_type { if `lsb_release -is` = 'Debian' { ... } else{ ... } }13:42
EmilienMyou can use it in Puppet manifests with $::operatingsystemmajrelease for example13:42
EmilienMif $::operatingsystemmajrelease == '7' then distro = 'wheezy'13:42
EmilienMwell, then is not Puppetish :)13:43
zigoYup, sorry...13:43
zigoSo, it'd be: if ! $::os_package_type { if $::operatingsystem = 'Debian' { ... } else{ ... } }13:43
EmilienMI suggest you to read
EmilienMyeah, something like this13:43
zigoI did...13:43
zigoSo, where to place that code in puppet-openstacklib, so that it's available for all project-specific puppet manifests? (like puppet-horizon and puppet-nova)13:44
EmilienMzigo: for $::os_package_type ?13:44
zigoEmilienM: ^13:44
EmilienMso IIUC at the Summit we said :13:45
zigo$::os_package_type would be either debian (because $::operatingsystem == 'Debian' or if forced through a /etc fact...) or ubuntu.13:45
zigoThen we can reuse that in puppet-horizon and puppet-nova.13:45
EmilienM"as a Puppet deployer, I'll install a Debian package that will create /etc/facts.d/<custom-fact>.txt and consume the fact directly in manifests13:45
zigoWell, it can be a Debian package, or it can just be manually prepared on the base os image.13:46
zigoProbably MOS people will just drop a .txt file manually when preparing the base image.13:46
EmilienMI think there is nothing to do in Puppet13:46
zigo(easiest path...)13:46
zigoWell, there is.13:47
zigoThis fact file shouldn't be mandatory.13:47
bkeroEmilienM: I know, I updated it. :)13:47
zigoAnd if it's not there, I'd like to have $::os_package_type defined properly, without having to do a complex check.13:47
bkeroEmilienM: I'm wondering if it was worked around in the tests since that hasnt made it to a release yet13:48
zigoSee this:;a=commitdiff;h=8cf1db18198e4b66b2489e9775544ba5417e833813:48
zigoIt could be simplified if we had $::os_package_type properly defined.13:48
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EmilienMzigo: a sec13:49
zigoEmilienM: Is lib/facter/os_service_default.rb (in puppet-openstacklib) always executed before all individual project specific manifest/init.pp ?13:50
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EmilienMzigo: yes13:51
zigoEmilienM: Ok, then that's a good place to put the checks, no?13:52
EmilienMzigo: I thought we already found the solution in Tokyo, why are we retalking about it?13:52
EmilienMwe need one fact, which is created by a package. That's all about it13:52
zigoEmilienM: We did, I'm just discussing the implementation ! :)13:52
zigoEmilienM: Quite not all. Once that package is in use (or not), we still need to check for it. I just want to factor that check (existance of the fact) and the system in use, so that $::os_package_type is always defined correctly, no mater what.13:53
zigo(ie: always contains a value, even if the fact file isn't present)13:54
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karimbEmilienM shouldnt this declaration properly set my ovs agent?
EmilienMzigo: I have an idea13:59
EmilienMzigo: a sec13:59
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EmilienMI think we can manage this package in there14:00
EmilienMwith a new param14:00
EmilienMso in your manifests we would use the fact provided by your package14:01
EmilienMif the package is not installed, that's because you don't want to use your packaging, so the fact will be empty14:01
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EmilienMbut if the package is installed, you'll hit your condition and you can manage your own service /package name14:02
zigoEmilienM: Well, we don't want to *require* the pacakage. Running in plain vanilia Debian we don't need it ...14:02
EmilienMzigo: we won't require14:02
EmilienMbut we need to provide a way to our users to install it with Puppet14:02
EmilienMand is the right place14:02
zigoJust let me finish my patch to puppet-openstacklib, I believe it will be doing what we need.14:02
zigoWell, not really.14:02
EmilienMzigo: have you sent something already?14:02
zigoEmilienM: For the case of MOS, we wouldn't be using the Debian repositories.14:02
zigoGive me a few seconds, I'm writting the comments and then I do "git review"14:03
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openstackgerritMykyta Karpin proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Update parameters for nova
EmilienMzigo: take time by the way14:12
EmilienMzigo: this won't be for liberty anyway14:13
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openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Prepare $::os_package_type
zigoEmilienM: We do need this for Liberty.14:13
zigoThere you go, please check my patch.14:13
EmilienMzigo: you'll have to backport it14:13
zigoThere's a bunch of things which need to be fixed for Liberty, which aren't in puppet-horizon yet.14:14
zigoSure, no problem! :)14:14
EmilienMwe're cutting stable/liberty soon14:14
zigoIt's good that you're nearly in sync with the upstream release.14:14
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Support for services different only by type.
zigoYou *can't* be in sync just yet, as packages are always lagging behind though, but that's soon enough.14:14
EmilienMzigo: your patch is not good, you should use ruby code14:14
zigoEmilienM: I'm a complete newbie... What's that mean? :)14:15
zigoif end ?14:15
zigoif <foo> do <bar> end ?14:15
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Keystone_endpoint match service by name/type.
EmilienMfirst I'm trying to understand what you're trying to do14:15
zigoEmilienM: Let me push something else.14:16
EmilienMagain zigo... it looks super complicated14:17
EmilienMduring the summit I proposed you a simple solution14:17
EmilienMI'm not sure you got it14:17
zigoI don't think it's super complicated at all.14:17
zigoAnd I believe my patch attempt is just implementing what we've talked about.14:18
EmilienMmy proposal does not need any patch in puppet-openstacklib14:18
openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Prepare $::os_package_type
EmilienMzigo: let me show you something14:18
EmilienMzigo: I'm doing a patch for puppet-nova so you'll see what I'm thinking14:18
zigoSee my patch there ...14:18
zigoIt's too complicated, when it shouldn't.14:19
zigoI'm trying to factor the checks into puppet-openstacklib, so we don't need to write if $::operatingsystem != Debian or ! $::os_package_type or $::os_package_type != 'debian' {14:19
zigo(which is horrible to read...)14:19
zigoEmilienM: Is this syntaxically correct now?;a=commitdiff;h=7919501657e9388c42841b46dc6a1439867961e114:20
vinshjpena|lunch: Good to see you in tokyo.  I have factored in your expirer code to:
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Do not merge - PoC for zigo
EmilienMzigo: ^14:21
zigoEmilienM: Well, what happens if $::i_use_zigo_packaging isn't defined at all, and we're running in vanilia Debian?14:23
EmilienMzigo: if the fact is not defined, it will return False14:23
zigoWhich will then lead to the wrong decision...14:23
EmilienMwe need this package installed14:23
zigoSo your test really should be: if $::i_use_zigo_packaging or $::operatingsystem == 'Debian' {14:24
EmilienMthat was my proposal in Tokyo14:24
zigoI don't want to *require* this package to be installed if running Debian. I don't want to upload this package to Debian either.14:24
EmilienMzigo: if you see my code, we're already are in $::operatingsystem == 'Debian' conditionnal14:24
zigoThat's a hack to run on Ubuntu.14:24
zigoWell, then your code is wrong, because we want to handle the ubuntu case ! :)14:25
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EmilienMzigo: not a problem, we can move the conditionnal14:26
EmilienMzigo: anyway, I don't think we need to patch openstacklib14:26
zigoEmilienM: What I would like to be able to do is replace the case $::operatingsystem by a case $::os_package_type14:27
EmilienMgo ahead then14:27
zigoI see no other way to do that but to have the variable set in openstacklib.14:27
EmilienMI think all what you need to patch is params.pp of our modules.14:28
EmilienMNothing else14:28
zigoWell, then: (patch set 2)14:28
zigoIs this correct?14:28
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zigoI'm not sure about the leading ::14:29
EmilienMI told you, we don't need to do that i think14:29
EmilienMmoreover, why are you patching os_service_default14:29
EmilienMos_service_default is a very different thing14:29
EmilienMyour code is currently noop14:30
zigoAny other file which is executed before param.pp of the puppet-FOO stuff would be a good fit...14:30
zigoWhat do you mean?14:31
zigoEmilienM: What do you mean?14:33
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA
openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Prepare $::os_package_type
mwhahahazigo: you should create a new file called lib/facter/os_package_type.rb and put that code in there14:41
zigomwhahaha: Thanks, will do that immediately. Will it be executed before all manifests/{init,param}.pp automatically ?14:42
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA
mwhahahafacts get executed before puppet runs14:42
mwhahahaso yes14:42
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: beaker: bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA repository
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openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Prepare $::os_package_type
mwhahahazigo: also that doesn't actually set the fact14:43
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-ceilometer: Bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA
mwhahahalet me help you out with this one :D14:44
zigomwhahaha: Sorry, I'm just discovering puppet here ... :(14:44
mwhahahait's all good14:44
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-ceilometer: Bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA
zigomwhahaha: As its been a reoccuring (and blocking) issue in MOS for using what I've been doing in Debian, and blocking lots of other stuff, it'd be really a good progress if we could have this one issue tackled.14:45
mwhahahasure, gimme a sec to fix it up14:45
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA
EmilienMmwhahaha: that's not what we decided during the summit14:45
EmilienMwe said we would not manage the fact in puppet but by a package in debian14:46
zigoEmilienM: That's exactly what we are doing, really...14:46
EmilienMmwhahaha: can you look please ? Yanis replied and I did so, are you agree?14:46
mwhahahaEmilienM: so we can drop the static fact via package14:46
EmilienMzigo: no you're trying to do some fact in openstacklib14:46
mwhahahaso this would just pick on on it14:46
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zigoEmilienM: Yes, because that package should *only* be installed in the case of using Debian style packages over on top of Ubuntu, and we need to handle all other cases.14:47
zigoSo that patch on puppet-openstacklib does the work for it.14:47
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EmilienMI think I need to see it in action to understand14:48
zigoEmilienM: Once I have that patch added, I'll start fixing stuff in Horizon and Nova...14:48
mwhahahaEmilienM: I agree with the trello comments, not sure i can comment but i will look in a minute14:48
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-designate: Bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA
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EmilienMmwhahaha: let's go ahead except for logging, so we keep backward compat14:52
mwhahahaEmilienM: i can't comment on that board do i have to get added?14:52
mwhahahasure i'll fix the cinder logging as well14:52
EmilienMmwhahaha: do you have a trello account?14:52
mwhahahauser is mwhahaha14:52
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EmilienMmwhahaha: done, you should be part of the board now14:53
mwhahahayup thanks14:53
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jpenavinsh: cool, I'll give it another look14:57
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack_extras: DNM - CI test
mwhahahazigo: where are you assuming os_package_type is being set for your fact?14:59
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack_extras: CI test in Kilo
mwhahaharight now i don't see a way to actually set os_package_type prior to calculating that fact14:59
zigomwhahaha: I'm assuming that if someone is installing Debian style packages (ie: MOS for example, or a rebuild of Debian packages for Ubuntu), then one will as well have the os_package_type already defined in /etc/facter/facts.d/os_pacage_type.txt15:00
zigoSorry, I do it again...15:00
zigomwhahaha: I'm assuming that if someone is installing Debian style packages over on top of Ubuntu (ie: MOS for example, or a rebuild of Debian packages for Ubuntu), then one will as well have the os_package_type already defined in /etc/facter/facts.d/os_pacage_type.txt15:01
zigoThe code is there to handle all other cases.15:01
EmilienM:b clayton15:02
mwhahahak i'm not sure the ordering of static facts (facts in /etc/facter/facts.d/) vs dynamic facts (this .rb file)15:02
mwhahahai'll have to test that out15:02
EmilienMclayton: I agree with your comment15:02
EmilienM(on the Trello card)15:02
EmilienMclayton: do you think we should go ahead with other modules?15:03
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-glance: Bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA
zigomwhahaha: Ah ok, then please let me know.15:05
openstackgerritMartin Mágr proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: OpenStackConfig provider
zigomwhahaha: If it's executed *after*, then my logic is correct. If it's *before*, then probably the static fact file from /etc/facter/facts.d will override what's done dynamically, in which case it's going to be even more simple to write.15:07
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-aodh: Bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA
mwhahahayea basically i think this .rb might just be the default logic and the file in facts.d would override this one15:08
mwhahahawhich would be simpler but i'll need to test15:08
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-heat: Bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Support for services different only by type.
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Prepare $::os_package_type
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-horizon: Bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Keystone_endpoint match service by name/type.
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-ironic: Bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA
openstackgerritMykyta Karpin proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Update parameters for nova
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/puppet-openstack_extras: [WIP] DNM
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-manila: Bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-sahara: Bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-swift: Bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-trove: Bump UCA and RDO to Liberty GA
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-vswitch: Bump RDO to Liberty GA
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-monasca: Change default monasca api port to 8070 to avoid murano conflict
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova: do not manage python-greenlet anymore
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Prepare $::os_package_type
mwhahahazigo: ok so i checked, a static fact in facts.d overrides that .rb file15:36
mwhahahaso it should be good now15:36
EmilienMmwhahaha: so we're creating the fact with oslib?15:37
EmilienMwhat about the fact provided by packaging?15:37
mwhahahaso that's the default15:37
mwhahahaso the packaging would provide a facts.d file15:37
mwhahahawhich would override what is set in oopenstacklib15:38
mwhahahathe openstacklib is the definition of the default (debian/ubuntu/rpm) based on osfamily15:38
mwhahahayea slowaris15:38
mwhahahawhat's the osfamily package for that?15:38
mwhahahai was going to add that in15:38
dfisher$ facter osfamily15:39
dfisherand, thanks for adding that :)15:39
dfisheryou get auto +1s from me forever.15:39
EmilienMcrinkle: mgagne also suggested to add our Rakefile in a Gem on
EmilienMcrinkle: beside what you wanted to Gemify with beaker15:42
EmilienMIt makes sense to me, do you have some progress on this repo? Can we help?15:43
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Prepare $::os_package_type
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openstackgerritGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/puppet-trove: Introduce trove::db class
karimbhello folks, the neutron::agents::ovs class seems to modify /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini and not /etc/neutron/plugins/openswitch/openvswitch_agent.ini16:01
karimbis that a change starting from kilo or something ?16:01
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Try to use zuul-cloner to prepare fixtures
EmilienMmgagne: ^16:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-cinder: Try to use zuul-cloner to prepare fixtures
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-manila: Try to use zuul-cloner to prepare fixtures
chemEmilienM: when you have time could you have another look at
EmilienMchem: that's big, I'll look this afternoon probably16:06
chemEmilienM: thanks a lot16:06
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mfischanyone here used the policy.pp stuff before?16:32
mfischin any module16:32
EmilienMmfisch: we did yes16:33
mfischwill the code overwrite existing stuff?16:33
mfischfor exmaple I want to change16:33
mfisch"deny_stack_user": "not role:heat_stack_user",16:33
EmilienMno I don't think so16:33
EmilienMlemme check16:33
EmilienMit's using augeas, and looks for an existing value16:34
EmilienMso it's safe, and should not override anything16:34
EmilienMit adds the entry if not present, and then add the key/value in the entry16:35
mfischI want it to overwrite16:39
mfischI'll see what happens16:39
mfischglad to see its augeas though so it should work16:39
EmilienMmfisch: it will work, we had the same use case16:39
mfischI wonder if we should fix this issue upstream16:39
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mfischyou can change "heat_stack_user" but it does not affect policy.json16:39
mfischI dont know if any modules really mess with policy.json16:40
EmilienMmfisch: first thing you can do is file a bug in heat16:40
EmilienMthey'll tell you if it's intentional16:40
EmilienMmgagne: what do you suggest with ?16:40
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mgagneEmilienM: can't the section be moved outside like in master?16:41
mgagneit's currently within group :development, :test do16:41
mgagnewhich creates a nested group16:41
EmilienMmgagne: I can take the Gemfile from master16:41
EmilienMif that's what you want16:42
mgagneEmilienM: I didn't ask for that16:42
mfischEmilienM: not sure why I'd file a bug in heat?16:42
EmilienMmfisch: for default value in policy.json16:42
mgagneEmilienM: see how system_tests is not nested within :development, :test groups16:42
EmilienMoh ok16:42
mgagneEmilienM: you only need to move it 13 lines below16:43
EmilienMmgagne: so I should take the manila gemfile and copy it in the patch you -2'ed?16:43
EmilienMok I got it16:43
mgagneEmilienM: you don,tneed to copy anything16:43
EmilienMsending a patch16:43
mfischEmilienM: the policy.json default is fine, the issue is when someone changing the setting with puppet, it changes heat.conf but not policy.json. But I dont know of any modules that change policy.json off hand16:45
EmilienMmgagne: actually, I'm not sure I get what you want. Can you push over my patch please?16:47
EmilienMoh no I get it I think16:47
EmilienMI need to move out the group system_tests16:47
EmilienMto be outside the dev/test16:48
EmilienMI'm dumb.16:48
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-trove: Try to use zuul-cloner to prepare fixtures
EmilienMshould be good now, mgagne ^16:49
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EmilienMmfisch: next week I'm in holidays, somewhere where Internet might not exist.16:51
EmilienMmfisch: are you willing to lead the weekly meeting?16:51
EmilienMmfisch: thanks16:52
EmilienMmfisch: I'll be here: - not sure I can have Wifi though16:53
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: run_tests: install puppet from repo
mfischEmilienM: are you using hiera to set any policies?17:00
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EmilienMmfisch: yes17:00
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Fix cinder default log_dir
EmilienMI can point you an example, a sec17:00
mfischthanks, its not working for me17:01
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EmilienMmfisch: i don't have it17:04
EmilienMbut I can find an example in puppet- modules17:04
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mfischthe code has examples but not hiera, I thnk I need to learn how to hiera ;)17:04
mfischyep I have that open right now17:05
_odyIs there a chance that no all resources provided to nodepool are are configured 100% the same?17:05
_odyEmilienM: Some beaker tests seem to be failing on python-greenlet and others aren't.17:05
EmilienM_ody: I fixed the bug, it's should be fixed everywhere now17:06
EmilienMdo recheck17:06
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EmilienMthe patch landed this morning17:06
_odyEmilienM: What time?17:06
_odyAh.  Ok.17:06
_odyI did rechecks last night.17:06
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Support for services different only by type.
_odyThought you had already gotten it in.17:06
EmilienM_ody: unfortunatly not, I had to ping people to merge it this morning17:06
EmilienMmfisch: let me write it for you17:07
mfischits a hash of hashes which is probably my issue17:07
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Keystone_endpoint match service by name/type.
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mfischwe know hash here so I'll get it17:08
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EmilienMit should work ^17:09
mfischthats similar to what I have17:10
mfischthere may be a bug in this, give me a minute to confirm17:10
EmilienMI would be surprised, we are using this code for quite a while17:11
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Try to use zuul-cloner to prepare fixtures
EmilienMmfisch: can you +A ?17:14
mfischError: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Invalid parameter context_is_admin on Openstacklib::Policy::Base[heat-context_is_admin] on node
mfischsame issue all morning17:14
mfisch  heat-context_is_admin:17:14
mfisch    context_is_admin: 'true'17:14
EmilienMthere is something else17:15
EmilienMoh I remember17:15
EmilienMyou need to use key / value17:15
mfischwhat do you mean?17:16
mfischliterally "key" "value"17:17
EmilienMI think17:17
EmilienMoptionaly, you can specify the policy_path in the hash17:18
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EmilienMbut default should be /etc/heat/policy.json in your case17:18
mfischthat was it17:19
mfischis the example puppet code right then?17:20
EmilienMmfisch: yes17:20
EmilienMmfisch: works for you?17:20
mfischthose map to "key" & "value"17:20
mfischwell catalog is compiling now, wiating on run17:20
EmilienMyou should see the file and the service notify17:20
EmilienMapi service should be restarted iirc17:21
mfischI saw some notifies but no file change17:21
mfischsaw the restarts, let me look at logd17:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-trove: Try to use zuul-cloner to prepare fixtures
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mfischEmilienM: its notifying but not updating the file, let me try a new k/v pair17:27
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mfischEmilienM: its our own docker stuff that's breaking us17:36
mfischwe overwrite the file :(17:36
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Keystone_endpoint match service by name/type.
EmilienMmfisch: :(17:49
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mfischEmilienM: do we rely on the aodh packages to make the aodh user?17:57
EmilienMmfisch: no, we try to stop managing POSIX users in our modules18:01
EmilienMmfisch: if you look at my patch the ordering makes sure we have the aodh-common package before creating the DB18:01
EmilienMif someone wants to change the user or manage it somewhere else, it's possible18:01
crinkleEmilienM: I haven't had time to work on it the gem, if you want to then go ahead, but i'm not sure that we really need it that critically18:08
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EmilienMcrinkle: no problem, I'll look at it, though I never did :)18:28
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openstackgerritAdam Vinsh proposed openstack/puppet-swift: WIP multi port swift config
EmilienMmgagne, mfisch: the last one in the serie: - thanks :)18:43
EmilienMcrinkle: you're right, that's not critical, but I think it would help to keep our repos consistent18:45
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orionxwhen i deploy a compute node, it gets the neutron-server service.  that doesn't seem right to me.  can someone confirm or deny if this is correct?  i don't see where the compute module is pulling this in...19:07
orionxoh... maybe my compute node thinks it's a controller and `$::openstack::profile::base::is_controller` is evaling to true...19:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova: Try to use zuul-cloner to prepare fixtures
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zigomwhahaha: Thanks a lot! lgtm then.19:20
mwhahahano problem19:20
zigoEmilienM: Can you review the patch?19:21
EmilienMzigo: I will19:23
EmilienMI think I got it19:25
EmilienMzigo: I'm reviewing but it lgtm19:25
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EmilienMzigo, mwhahaha: could you patch puppet-nova with an example (and Depend-On) so we can see a use case?19:37
mwhahahahorizon is probably a better canidate19:37
mwhahahabut i'll take a stab at it here shortly19:38
EmilienMyeah horizon ok19:39
mwhahahaor maybe nova, i'll find something19:41
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mwhahahawe should also look at for our operating system facts19:47
EmilienMindeed, that's nice19:52
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstacklib: Prepare $::os_package_type
mwhahahaoh we can use this fact for the fedora and RH6/7 split too19:57
mwhahahaor not, maybe too feature creepy19:58
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Switch nova to leverage os_package_type fact
mwhahahaEmilienM: -^20:00
EmilienMmwhahaha: looking20:01
openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Support for Keystone as Service Provider
EmilienMmwhahaha: well I'm not sure you'll be able to run Debian packaging on Ubuntu with the patches ^20:02
mwhahahawhich patches?20:03
mwhahahaor rather why not?20:03
mwhahahaso we do it today for fuel since our packages are debian based so we're doing this type of thing via other methods20:04
mwhahahaat least as I understand it20:04
EmilienMmwhahaha: when running debian packages on ubuntu, what is os_package_type ? 'ubuntu' ?20:04
mwhahahawe would use a package to define a fact to override it as 'debian'20:05
EmilienMah ok20:05
EmilienMthen, ok20:05
mwhahahaby default if no such fact is applied, you would get the ubuntu packages on ubuntu because os_package_type would be ubuntu20:05
mwhahahabut this allows us to define that we want *debian* stuff even if operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu'20:06
EmilienMI see ok20:06
mwhahahaand it's targeted to just openstack stuff, rather than trying to override operatingsystem as that'll probably jack with a whole bunch of other stuff20:06
EmilienMI would be interested to know if people would like to switch from UCA to debian packaging on ubuntu jobs20:07
EmilienMI personnaly +120:07
EmilienMI know fuel folks would +1 too, but I'm curious about others20:07
zigoEmilienM: mwhahaha: I can do the patch. What's the way to do the depends on?20:07
mwhahahazigo: i got it20:07
zigomwhahaha: There's a few things that also needs update there.20:08
mwhahahasure, you can take a look at that and adjust if you know of other items20:08
zigoLike log group is now adm.20:08
mwhahahafor debian? so that matches ubuntu now?20:09
zigomwhahaha: Yup.20:13
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zigomwhahaha: This was fixed within openstack-pkg-tools, and now absolutely all packages are using adm for /var/log/PROJECT20:13
mwhahahaah ok, that might just need to be a separate change but we can just move that out of that case block20:14
zigomwhahaha: I don't understand why you're doing:20:14
zigo   context 'on Ubuntu system' do20:14
zigo   [...]20:14
zigo   :os_package_type => 'ubuntu'20:14
zigoIsn't this overriding what we've done?20:14
mwhahahaso that's for the tests which we have to mock out20:15
mwhahahatests don't automagically get facts applied so we have to specify them20:15
zigoThat's beyond my knowledge then.20:15
mwhahahayup which is why i'm helping :)20:15
zigoOh, I see it in the rest of the patch. It makes sense now...20:16
zigoI'll ignore the $nova_log_group for now, and I'll fix it in another patch (after that one is approved, to avoid merge conflicts).20:16
EmilienMcan I troll?20:21
EmilienMzigo doing puppet is like
iurygregoryhasuahsuahsuashaush omg20:22
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openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack/puppet-horizon: Do not run collectstatic or compress in Debian
iurygregoryhey EmilienM , can you give me a hand on ?20:24
EmilienMiurygregory: sure, what's up?20:25
iurygregorytrying to make the concat work =/20:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-aodh: Implement Evaluator service
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-aodh: Implement Client class
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-aodh: Implement Notifier service
iurygregoryi've got 1;31mError: Duplicate declaration: File[/etc/apache2/sites-available] is already declared in file /etc/puppet/modules/apache/manifests/init.pp:214; cannot redeclare at /etc/puppet/modules/concat/manifests/init.pp:195 on node devstack-trusty-rax-iad-5634336[0m20:26
iurygregoryand now Duplicate declaration: Class[Keystone::Wsgi::Apache] is already declared in file =/20:26
EmilienMyou should not declare  class {'::keystone::wsgi::apache': } in the manifest20:27
EmilienMit's done by our users already20:27
EmilienMthough you should make sure somehow the custom_fragment is used20:27
iurygregoryyeah, i'm lost in how to make sure the file is changed =/20:28
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-aodh: Implement Listener service
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-aodh: Tag all Aodh packages
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EmilienMiurygregory: so if you need the users pass a specific parameter, I think the best thing to do is documentation20:40
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EmilienMyou can also testing the resource in the manifest20:40
iurygregoryoh ok ;) i'll try to use the custom fragment in the manifest20:41
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-gnocchi: Implement API service & dependencies
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openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack/puppet-horizon: Do not run collectstatic or compress in Debian
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-aodh: Implement Listener service
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-gnocchi: Implement Gnocchi Statsd support
karmixEmilienM: If you have a minute to respond to , I need to know how to proceed.  Thanks.21:18
EmilienMkarmix: looking21:18
EmilienMkarmix: you should abandon your patch and submit it against master21:19
EmilienMbut I don't think your patch is really good21:19
EmilienMI mean, the require21:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-keystone: keystone_endpoint provider for Keystone v3 api
karmixWhat whould be better?21:20
EmilienMbecause in some cases, neutron-server does not run on the same node as keystone21:20
EmilienMso the Keystone_user_role resource won't be in the catalog21:20
karmixI could use a collector for that.21:20
karmixIs the keystone user role applied on the keystone server, and not the neutron server, then?21:21
EmilienMkarmix: why don't we have the issue in our CI?21:21
EmilienMkarmix: we're using the class in our CI and we don't have the bug21:21
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper: Initial commit - lay down basic structure
karmixIt's the same as the other ones, just lucky.  I don't think CI is using 4.2, either, and it looks like the ordering algorithm may have changed recently to match the manifest ordering.21:22
EmilienMwe're using 3.8 for beaker & integration jobs21:22
EmilienMHunner and _ody might know about that kind of change21:22
EmilienMI don't think we're lucky, it never failed because of this until now.21:23
karmixI know that in 3.8, the order is very different.  Give me a sec, and I'll show you the links I found.21:23
karmixI say lucky because in 3.8, the docs state that puppet chooses whatever order it thinks is best given the environment.  It worked in our CI environment, because puppet didn't happen to choose a bad order in that configuration.21:24
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karmixIt's in the first paragraph of the docs.  Here's the change.21:25
karmixFor 3.8:
karmixFor 4.2 (which I'm using):
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karmixack.  4.2 was:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-keystone: Add composite namevar for tenant, user, user_role.
EmilienMkarmix: good point, then your patch is valid. So I suggest you submit it against master and then use a collector21:28
EmilienMrichm: the namevar patch is merged, I'm testing the CI to see if we did not break anything21:28
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: DNM - CI test
karmixEmilienM: Since the code was removed from master, are you asking me to patch pre-919a3a93 then merge the changes back out?21:29
EmilienMkarmix: removed from master ? where21:29
EmilienMoh I get it now21:30
EmilienMcan we backport the patch?21:30
EmilienMie: does kilo has nova_admin_tenant_name ?21:31
karmixLike I said in the review, it would change the module interface, which we probably don't want to do on a stable branch.21:31
EmilienMno it does not change the interface21:31
karmixYes, the kilo docs say it's there (though it wasn't in the config file I initially looked at).21:31
EmilienMthere is no param change21:31
richmEmilienM: re: namevar - ack21:32
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karmixEmilienM: But if anybody was using the type in their manifests, it would make their manifests invalid.21:32
karmixLooking up a tennant id seems kinda useful, so I wouldn't put it past people to use it directly.  And I don't see anything declaring it as for internal use only.21:33
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openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Support for Keystone as Service Provider
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-aodh: Tag all Aodh packages
karmixEmilienM: You are right, this is probably safe.  In this case, it would be very difficult to use the custom type for anything useful outside the class.21:40
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karmixI was thinking it was more generic, where you gave it the config setting and credentials and it would lookup the tenant id then set that value.21:42
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EmilienMkarmix: I guess we can backport the patch then21:44
karmixEmilienM: I think so.  I'm looking into that, now.21:46
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karmixEmilienM: BTW, the resource ordering in 4.2 means that people will have dependency issues that CI didn't encounter simply because the resources appear in their manifest in a different order than CI used.  This is going to make it more important to test dependencies during acceptance testing.22:09
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Hunnercrinkle: beaker is out23:37
crinkleHunner: woot23:38
karmixI'm pretty sure that has been out for a while.  :)23:38
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Hunnerkarmix: I mean latest release is out; she was waiting for it23:59

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