Wednesday, 2016-06-15

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kencjohnstonrosmaita: Did that work?13:03
kencjohnstonrosmaita: Or sorry, reading back through, did you get access to your recording?13:03
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rosmaitakencjohnston: never did figure it out, we went to plan B (webex)13:33
rosmaitakencjohnston: i tried the link jroll posted, but that was already public videos; tried to log in using the osic-3 room creds, but couldn't get it (we were testing out recording in an osic room)13:34
jrollright, so it takes some time to be uploaded13:35
jrollanywhere from 5 minutes to 7 days in my experience13:35
rosmaitahmmm, maybe i was just too impatient13:36
kencjohnstonrosmaita: I've done it successfully, and there are some tips and tricks.13:36
kencjohnstonIf you want we can hop on a vidyo call and walk through it?13:36
kencjohnstonmaybe we could even record the vidyo call... :)13:36
rosmaitaok, meet you in osic-3-recordable13:37
kencjohnstonlet's not use the room you recorded it in13:37
kencjohnstonor wait13:37
kencjohnstonactually let's be there i a second13:37
kencjohnstonrosmaita: I just tried it on another machine, and it actually forces a pop-up, so you have to unblock them in Safari13:44
kencjohnstonafter that the Library Link works.13:45
kencjohnstonrosmaita: And my Safari recommendation also extends to Firefox, basically NOT Chrome13:45
rosmaitakencjohnston: yes, there seems to be a lack of chrome support for a lot of these tools13:46
rosmaitai will try again with popup un-blocked13:46
rosmaitakencjohnston: got the library to open, but don't see the video for osic-313:53
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rosmaitakencjohnston: just between you and me and Freenode, webex does seem to be a sub-optimal experience14:14
kencjohnstonrosmaita: I'm sure the entire world is aware of that...14:14
kencjohnstonespecially since this room is recorded :)14:14
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jrollrosmaita: I won't make the standup today, continuing work on getting ironic ready to release and preparing for midcycle14:24
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rosmaitajroll: ty ... i am at glance virtual mid-cycle, anush_ is running the meet today14:26
jrollwell then s/rosmaita/anush_/ :)14:26
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