Thursday, 2016-06-09

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johnthetubaguykencjohnston: I am not against that date, I mean its not perfect, the better date would be before n-109:40
johnthetubaguykencjohnston: personally nova doesn't have a bit issue getting patches for bugs, its merging the patches we have up that we should focus on, most probably09:41
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jrollwhat about a global review smash? :D11:50
jrolljlvillal: just saw your question, I don't believe that's a thing11:50
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toangood morning!13:08
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jlvillaljroll: Thanks15:09
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kencjohnstonjroll jlvillal - do the grenade job additions mean that Ironic will be applying for the "rolling-upgrades" tag?15:33
jrollkencjohnston: yes15:34
jrollsorry, not yet15:34
kencjohnstonbut aiming to sometime this cycle?15:34
jroll1) grenade testing, asserts:upgradeable or whatever15:34
jroll2) make sure rolling upgrades work15:34
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jroll3) add grenade-partial jobs for that, asserts:rolling-upgrades15:34
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jrollall shooting for this cycle15:34
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kencjohnstonahh cool15:34
jlvillalkencjohnston: What jroll said :)15:34
kencjohnstonjroll: anyplace where I can read about grenade-partial?15:35
jrollkencjohnston: ummmm, dunno15:35
jrolltl;dr it upgrades part of the service as a test for the "this works in the middle of an upgrade" thing15:36
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jrollin nova, it upgrades everything but n-compute, I think? for us it will upgrade ironic-conductor but not ironic-api15:36
kencjohnstonjroll: ok so grenade-partial is what tests rolling upgrades15:36
kencjohnstoncool, I didn't know that.15:37
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kencjohnstonanyone know a place I can reference that explains that changes submitted to openstack should be small and separate controversial from non-controversial changes? I feel like I've read that somewhere but can't find it.15:56
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michaelxinThere is a Tech Talk about Automated security hardening with OpenStack-Ansible in the castle of vidyo from 2:00pm to 3:00pm. Join us if you are interested.16:11
michaelxinSAT6-2367-Snow Crash /VC; Vidyo room: 643116:11
michaelxinDeploying clouds involves plenty of moving pieces. There’s the actual OpenStack code, the dependencies, the operating system, and hardware. It’s no surprise that functionality often takes priority over security, but OpenStack-Ansible’s security role is trying to make that process easier. The openstack-ansible-security role delivers strong security enhancements (based on the Security Technical Implementation Guide from the Unit16:11
michaelxined States government) that are highly customized to avoid disrupting the functionality of an OpenStack cloud.16:11
michaelxinIn this talk, Major Hayden, principal architect at Rackspace, will share the security challenges in OpenStack clouds and how the openstack-ansible-security role can solve some of them. The audience will learn what to do when auditors arrive and they will see a demo of the role in action.16:11
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izaakkhey dasm: did you figure out the problem when assigning floating ip but it shows a huge list of ports and none of your vm?17:07
dasmizaakk: nope. didn't look into it17:07
izaakkdasm: cool, thanks. Will look into it17:08
dasmizaakk: good. share info when you'll know sth17:08
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jrollkencjohnston: I swear it's written down somewhere, but now I can't find it :(17:19
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kencjohnstonjroll: I gave up and just didn't mention it...17:36
jrollyeah :/17:37
jrollit's worth mentioning even if there's no doc imo17:37
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kencjohnstonjroll: found it -
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