Friday, 2025-02-28

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tafkamaxHi I am having a weird issue. I accidentaly restarted the docker daemon in my master controller (3 node ctrl cluster)09:46
tafkamaxNow people can't do anything, although the services seem up, but I am getting some interesting messages in my heat-engine.log09:47
tafkamax ERROR oslo_messaging._drivers.amqpdriver [None req-6e8b020d-ac74-4c3f-8bcb-92907ba8adc7 admin - - - - -] The reply 0dc1f89493b9423d96f546689a737261 failed to send after 60 seconds due to a missing queue (reply_436718ccf84c41b89e3ba5ecd055f44d). Abandoning...: oslo_messaging.exceptions.MessageUndeliverable09:47
tafkamaxalso my rabbitmq log on the master controller seems odd09:48
* tafkamax sent a code block:
tafkamaxFeels like the heat is out of sync?09:49
tafkamaxkolla-ansible rabbitmq-reset-state might have helped10:03
jizaymesHello. I'm having issues with ovn metadata not working. curl  returns 404 Not Found. I have done a full reconfigure and restarted all of the metadata containers however logs on the metadata agent show ERROR neutron.agent.ovn.metadata.server [-] No port found in network None with IP address x.x.x.x. ovn-nbctl sees the port, and neutron shows it as Active. Any guidance to share? 16:56

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