Friday, 2024-12-13

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:59
sylvrGood morning ! I tried to create a flavor for baremetal provisioning using Ironic as per the doc indicate :, but I when I try to create a new Ironic node (through the Skyline webUI) no flavor are listed available for the instance.. 07:12
snackonthisHello everyone, I have a ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml file that says "If you have more than one cloud account, add the cloud entry to the clouds section of your existing file and you can refer to them by name..."11:52
snackonthisI believe I only have 1 cloud account, but with several projects. I've been able to run 'export OS_CLOUD=projectN' and use openstackclient successfully (i.e. openstack server show --all)11:53
snackonthisSo does 'cloud entry' actually mean 'project' ?11:54
fricklersnackonthis: "cloud entry" means a certain combination of auth parameter, like url, user, project etc., if you vary the project, then those are different entries, yes12:03
snackonthisThank frickler, that makes sense :)12:24
snackonthisI've set my password for ProjectXYZ in clouds.yaml which I think is bad because other privileged users can simply read my file. Is there a way to hash the password entry in clouds.yaml? Or what is the best alternative?12:27
fricklersnackonthis: if you do not trust the administrator of your local machine, I don't think there is a good solution. maybe you could look into using application credentials instead of user/password that would at least add another layer of indirection12:50
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